How will they rule ??!

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Then you have Larry Craig the airport bathroom stall sex addict. Reaching his hand under a bathroom stall at somebody else taking a shit.

Hard to top that, well unless you are all the other Republicans with all the little boys in the closet, and we haven't even started on their religious friends yet like Ted Haggard. The GOP is full of these repressed homosexuals hiding their filth while pointing their fingers. Newt delivering divorce papers to his wife on her hospital death bed while she was battling cancer... but he made sure his daughter saw him do it. John McCain was another one with strange ideas about how to treat your wife. It never ends with these GOP hypocrites.

We haven't even gotten to Trump and his weird shit, either.
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Pay entire family is full of conservatives, I was fed same shit you were. When I got older I realized it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Stretched morals, excuses, arrogance, no accountability, I could go on about conservative morals.
I doubt it, you cannot talk about that which you do not understand. Least not intelligently which by the way, you have already proven here in numerous post.
Pay entire family is full of conservatives, I was fed same shit you were. When I got older I realized it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Stretched morals, excuses, arrogance, no accountability, I could go on about conservative morals.
So basically you're from a decent family and haven't lived up to the standard you felt was set by them? Now your conjuring up falsehoods and looking to nit pick any inconsistency between their words and their actions to make yourself feel better?
  • Bob Livingston (R-LA) was about to replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House until he resigned in disgrace when it was revealed that he admitted to had been involved in several adulterous affairs, (while attempting to crucify Democratic President Clinton for having done much less)!
  • Bob Barr (R-GA) the principal sponsor of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, has been married three (or is it now four) times. And at a party in 1992, Barr actually licked whipped cream off the breasts of two women, neither of them his current wife. Now that's family values!
  • Bill Thomas (R-CA) This 11-term Republican is chairman of the Ways and Means subcommittee on Health. In June, (2003?) the Bakersfield Californian reported that Thomas, who is married, was having an affair with health care lobbyist Deborah Steelman, who steered huge campaign gifts to Thomas' war chest. In an "open letter to friends and neighbors" (voters), Thomas did not deny the relationship, but said during his legislative career, " . . . Any personal failures of commitment or responsibility to my wife, family, or friends are just that, personal. I have never traded a public responsibility for a personal one and I never will."
  • Dan Burton (R-Indiana) was the Chairman of the House Government Reform & Oversight Committee. He hated President Clinton so much that he publicly called him a "scumbag". Following an expose, Burton was forced to admit that he fathered an out-of-wedlock child, a fact he denied for years.
    He has yet to admit, however, that during 38 years of marriage he has committed adultery with dozens of women, sexually assaulted others (including a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood), and kept mistresses on his campaign and public payrolls – to the tune of at least a half-million dollars.
  • Charles Canady (R-Fl), Judiciary Committee member. A leading opponent of abortion, Canady lied to his constituents about his adulterous affair with Sharon Becker, which caused her divorce from Florida businessman Robert Becker.
  • Dick Armey (R-TX): as an economics professor before entering Congress, was accused of sexually harassing female students, according to the Dallas Observer.
  • John Peterson (R-PA): has been accused of sexual harassment and hostile-work-environment claims by six women.
  • Helen Chenoweth (R-ID): one of first to condemn Clinton, admitted to having a six year extramarital affair with a married associate. The Spokane Spokesman-Review, but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed. (She has since divorced and remarried – no doubt with the Lord's blessing!-)
  • J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma): has said "Character is simply doing right when no one is looking." Watts has tried to cover up his out-of-wedlock child.
  • John Schmitz (R-CA), former extreme right-wing Republican fathered two children by a mistress — a former student named Carla Stuckle whom Schmitz taught when he was a professor at Santa Ana College. One of these children was once admitted to an Orange County hospital with hair tied in a square knot around his penis so tightly that it was almost severed.
    Congressman Schmitz' daughter, Mary Kay LeTourneau, made national headlines when as a school teacher, she was arrested twice for having sex and producing two children with an underage student of hers (beginning when he was only 13 years old).
  • Don Sherwood (R-PA) Had a five year adulterous affair which only ended when his mistress sued him for physical abuse (and attempted murder?) in 2004.
  • Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl, which produced a child.
  • Donald "Buz" Lukens (R-OH) was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
  • Ken Calvert (R-CA) said in 1998, "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." This is the same Christian Coalition ally, who was caught by police in 1993 receiving oral sex from a prostitute. His ex-wife also sued him for failure to pay alimony.
  • Randy Cunningham (R-CA): In their corruption case, which resulted in a prison sentence of several years, Federal prosecutors also investigated allegations that Congressman 'Duke' Cunningham was periodically supplied with prositutes.
  • Sue Myrick, Congresswoman (R-NC), describes herself as a "devout Christian." Yet she's divorced and now married to the man with whom some say she has admitted committing adultery when she and he were married to their prior spouses.
  • Jim Bunn, (R-Oregon) With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then left his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll with a salary of $ 97,500.
  • Ed Schrock, two-term republican congressman, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.
  • Rep. Vito Fossela. (R-NY) another "family values" Republican lost his seat when it was revealed that he had fathered a child with a woman not his wife.
  • Chip Pickering (R-Miss.) 's estranged wife claims in a lawsuit he had an affair that ruined their marriage while Pickering was in Congress and living in a Christian building for lawmakers on C Street, near the U.S. Capitol. Pickering, 45, was elected to Congress in 1996, retired in January and is now a lobbyist in Washington for Cellular South, the company that is owned by his mistress's family.
  • Dan Crane (R-IL) On July 20, 1983, the House voted to simultaneously censure two members of Congress for sexual misconduct, the first time it had ever done so.
    Crane was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old female page.
    Gerry Studds(D-Mass.) was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old male page.
    Conservative Republicans try to get some kind of political advantage by treating these two cases as morally equivalent, or they speak only of the Democrat, Studds. But here's the rest of the story that they don't want people to know:
    Repub. Crane was a married man at the time and a father of six young children, while Dem. Studds had been single at the time. As homosexuals, Studds and the page were not allowed to marry, but their relationship was so consensual that they had been together for ten years from the time of the original liason until 1983, when the "scandal" broke.
    Neither of the two resigned from Congress; they both ran for re-election.
    The Repub. Crane was defeated. The Dem. Studds was re-elected for 5 more terms for a total of 20 years.
  • Robert Bauman (R-MD) was campaigning for his fourth term as a Maryland Congressman in 1980. A practicing Roman Catholic with a wife and child, he was one of the most vocal conservatives in a very conservative Congress. He regularly rallied for old-fashioned values and attacked all supporters of abortion and homosexual rights. His campaign looked rock-solid, before it changed overnight with a series of shocking revelations. The public learned that Bauman had been charged with soliciting sex from a 16-year old boy he picked up at a gay bar, and that he had been the victim of an extortion scheme by a man who claimed to have had a sexual relationship with him. This, combined with an alcohol problem (which did not seem to bother his fellow Congressmen before), doomed his political career.
So basically you're from a decent family and haven't lived up to the standard you felt was set by them? Now your conjuring up falsehoods and looking to nit pick any inconsistency between their words and their actions to make yourself feel better?
He seems to have joined in on and agrees with the corrupt left agenda as well. Probably to get back at his daddy.
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So basically you're from a decent family and haven't lived up to the standard you felt was set by them? Now your conjuring up falsehoods and looking to nit pick any inconsistency between their words and their actions to make yourself feel better?
Nah. Just a good education (something posters on here lack) and being informed about American history. I haven't even mentioned GOP denying science-related research. That's among the worst of it.
  • Senator John Ensign (R-NV.) confessed to serious cheating on his wife with a staffer and caught paying hush money to the husband, his chief of staff.
  • Gov. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), confessed to serious cheating on his wife after leaving his state unsupervised for a week.
  • Senator Larry Craig (R-ID.), caught in a gay sex sting operation in a Minn. bathroom.
  • Senator David Vitter (R-LA), found to have been a client of prostitutes in D.C. & Louisiana.
  • Rep. Mark Foley, (R-Fl.) forced to resign when he was found to be having inappropriate communications with male pages.
  • In Connecticut, the holier-than-thou Republican party chose the mayor of one of the state's largest cities as its candidate for the U.S. Senate. If Joe Lieberman had caved in to Republican demands in the year 2000 that he not run for relection to the senate at the same time that he was running for the vice presidency,
    then our nation would have had a Republican Senator from Conn., named Philip Giordano at least until he was sentenced to serve his 37 year sentence in Federal prison as a result of the FBI investigating him for financial shenanigans and discovering in the process that this crooked, disgusting Republican office holder had been repeatedly molesting two pre-teen little girls related to his prostitute-mistress (in the mayor's office among other places).
    There was more on this disgusting Republican office holder at :, but it has since been removed.

  • Bob Packwood, Senator (R-Ore.), resigned in 1995 under a threat of public senate hearings related to 10 female ex-staffers accusing him of sexual harassment.
  • William "Wild Bill" Janklow was promoted to many high offices in very conservative South Dakota, including the 27th and 30th Governor, 25th Attorney General, and the United States Congress. He was only removed from office when he was forced to after being convicted of killing someone with his car while speedy through a stop sign. ( The superintendent of the state highway patrol, reported at his trial that Janklow had 16 traffic stops by troopers during his last term as governor, but was not ticketed due to "respect for his authority" and out of a "fear of retribution.")
    But why did the Republican Party select this man to run for so many high offices in its name? In 1955, at the age of 16, he was convicted of the sexual assault of a 17-year old woman. As a juvenile offense, this conviction carried little weight under U.S. law.
    However, in 1966, while working as the tribal attorney for the Rosebud Sioux, Janklow–aged 27–was accused of raping his children's 15-year-old babysitter, Jancita Eagle Deer. Adult sexual offenses being more grave than this earlier recorded exploit, Janklow used his capacity as head of reservation legal services to stave off the (illegible) of formal, federal charges. He then resigned his position and left tribal jurisdiction." . . .

    (Janklow may be the only known sex offender and accused rapist in living memory to have occupied a U. S. governor's office).
Nah. Just a good education and being informed about American history. I haven't even mentioned GOP denying science-related research. That's among the worst of it.
Tell me about this good education and what you're doing with your life. You don't seem like the history buff type either.
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  • Bob Livingston (R-LA) was about to replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House until he resigned in disgrace when it was revealed that he admitted to had been involved in several adulterous affairs, (while attempting to crucify Democratic President Clinton for having done much less)!
  • Bob Barr (R-GA) the principal sponsor of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, has been married three (or is it now four) times. And at a party in 1992, Barr actually licked whipped cream off the breasts of two women, neither of them his current wife. Now that's family values!
  • Bill Thomas (R-CA) This 11-term Republican is chairman of the Ways and Means subcommittee on Health. In June, (2003?) the Bakersfield Californian reported that Thomas, who is married, was having an affair with health care lobbyist Deborah Steelman, who steered huge campaign gifts to Thomas' war chest. In an "open letter to friends and neighbors" (voters), Thomas did not deny the relationship, but said during his legislative career, " . . . Any personal failures of commitment or responsibility to my wife, family, or friends are just that, personal. I have never traded a public responsibility for a personal one and I never will."
  • Dan Burton (R-Indiana) was the Chairman of the House Government Reform & Oversight Committee. He hated President Clinton so much that he publicly called him a "scumbag". Following an expose, Burton was forced to admit that he fathered an out-of-wedlock child, a fact he denied for years.
    He has yet to admit, however, that during 38 years of marriage he has committed adultery with dozens of women, sexually assaulted others (including a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood), and kept mistresses on his campaign and public payrolls – to the tune of at least a half-million dollars.
  • Charles Canady (R-Fl), Judiciary Committee member. A leading opponent of abortion, Canady lied to his constituents about his adulterous affair with Sharon Becker, which caused her divorce from Florida businessman Robert Becker.
  • Dick Armey (R-TX): as an economics professor before entering Congress, was accused of sexually harassing female students, according to the Dallas Observer.
  • John Peterson (R-PA): has been accused of sexual harassment and hostile-work-environment claims by six women.
  • Helen Chenoweth (R-ID): one of first to condemn Clinton, admitted to having a six year extramarital affair with a married associate. The Spokane Spokesman-Review, but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed. (She has since divorced and remarried – no doubt with the Lord's blessing!-)
  • J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma): has said "Character is simply doing right when no one is looking." Watts has tried to cover up his out-of-wedlock child.
  • John Schmitz (R-CA), former extreme right-wing Republican fathered two children by a mistress — a former student named Carla Stuckle whom Schmitz taught when he was a professor at Santa Ana College. One of these children was once admitted to an Orange County hospital with hair tied in a square knot around his penis so tightly that it was almost severed.
    Congressman Schmitz' daughter, Mary Kay LeTourneau, made national headlines when as a school teacher, she was arrested twice for having sex and producing two children with an underage student of hers (beginning when he was only 13 years old).
  • Don Sherwood (R-PA) Had a five year adulterous affair which only ended when his mistress sued him for physical abuse (and attempted murder?) in 2004.
  • Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl, which produced a child.
  • Donald "Buz" Lukens (R-OH) was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
  • Ken Calvert (R-CA) said in 1998, "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." This is the same Christian Coalition ally, who was caught by police in 1993 receiving oral sex from a prostitute. His ex-wife also sued him for failure to pay alimony.
  • Randy Cunningham (R-CA): In their corruption case, which resulted in a prison sentence of several years, Federal prosecutors also investigated allegations that Congressman 'Duke' Cunningham was periodically supplied with prositutes.
  • Sue Myrick, Congresswoman (R-NC), describes herself as a "devout Christian." Yet she's divorced and now married to the man with whom some say she has admitted committing adultery when she and he were married to their prior spouses.
  • Jim Bunn, (R-Oregon) With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then left his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll with a salary of $ 97,500.
  • Ed Schrock, two-term republican congressman, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.
  • Rep. Vito Fossela. (R-NY) another "family values" Republican lost his seat when it was revealed that he had fathered a child with a woman not his wife.
  • Chip Pickering (R-Miss.) 's estranged wife claims in a lawsuit he had an affair that ruined their marriage while Pickering was in Congress and living in a Christian building for lawmakers on C Street, near the U.S. Capitol. Pickering, 45, was elected to Congress in 1996, retired in January and is now a lobbyist in Washington for Cellular South, the company that is owned by his mistress's family.
  • Dan Crane (R-IL) On July 20, 1983, the House voted to simultaneously censure two members of Congress for sexual misconduct, the first time it had ever done so.
    Crane was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old female page.
    Gerry Studds(D-Mass.) was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old male page.
    Conservative Republicans try to get some kind of political advantage by treating these two cases as morally equivalent, or they speak only of the Democrat, Studds. But here's the rest of the story that they don't want people to know:
    Repub. Crane was a married man at the time and a father of six young children, while Dem. Studds had been single at the time. As homosexuals, Studds and the page were not allowed to marry, but their relationship was so consensual that they had been together for ten years from the time of the original liason until 1983, when the "scandal" broke.
    Neither of the two resigned from Congress; they both ran for re-election.
    The Repub. Crane was defeated. The Dem. Studds was re-elected for 5 more terms for a total of 20 years.
  • Robert Bauman (R-MD) was campaigning for his fourth term as a Maryland Congressman in 1980. A practicing Roman Catholic with a wife and child, he was one of the most vocal conservatives in a very conservative Congress. He regularly rallied for old-fashioned values and attacked all supporters of abortion and homosexual rights. His campaign looked rock-solid, before it changed overnight with a series of shocking revelations. The public learned that Bauman had been charged with soliciting sex from a 16-year old boy he picked up at a gay bar, and that he had been the victim of an extortion scheme by a man who claimed to have had a sexual relationship with him. This, combined with an alcohol problem (which did not seem to bother his fellow Congressmen before), doomed his political career.
Good find Z. Seems like religious conservatives and sexual/gay-related acts have an undeniable correlation.
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I'm enrolled at UK starting in August.
Of course, you do realize your previously mentioned "good education", that which you cited as helping you to arrive at such an enlightened state of intelligence at such a young age, just contradicted itself, right?

I hope, for your sake, you get your money's worth... B/c, by gosh and by golly, you need it.
I'm enrolled at UK starting in August.

Look this quote up and check back in a few years.

"If you are not liberal by age 20 you have no heart but if you are still a liberal by age 40 you have no brain." or something like that.

Happy that you decided to go to UK. Think for yourself. Challenge everything you see in the news and everything your professors tell you. Be weary of the ones that teach what to think instead of how to think. Never allow yourself to be a victim and don't allow them to place you in their identity politics. Never surrender your individuality or liberties to group think and propaganda.

Here you go Z and rick. The site above has all politicians who have committed crimes by state. You pick and chose the ones you wanted people to see as usual to give a liberal slant to it.

P.S. You will find that this is a long list and heavily favors the Democrats. Also, there was another one that talked about people in general and how that more who voted democrat are in jail that who voted republican.
Look this quote up and check back in a few years.

"If you are not liberal by age 20 you have no heart but if you are still a liberal by age 40 you have no brain." or something like that.

Happy that you decided to go to UK. Think for yourself. Challenge everything you see in the news and everything your professors tell you. Be weary of the ones that teach what to think instead of how to think. Never allow yourself to be a victim and don't allow them to place you in their identity politics. Never surrender your individuality or liberties to group think and propaganda.


My advice would read: If you find yourself indulging in any professor's skewed take on any subject, you're in the wrong field of study and you're probably there for some bullshit, dipshit reason that 40-y/o you would kick 21-y/o's ass over instead of learning how to make some real GD money on that $80k you're about to invest in your skills to do EXACTLY that for the rest of your life.

Learn to make money... Find yourself while spending it.
who let bigbluesean(creepydronestalkerofyoungchildren) aka bigluerick known full of shit liar take over this thread lol. don't engage the idiots. they are worst than stray cats.
Who the **** are you man? You've repeatedly stalked me ever since I joined CatsIllustrated and keep accusing me of being Bigbluesean. Are you seriously accusing me of being someone else because of the "BigBlue" in both our usernames?? For the umpteenth time, I AM NOT BIGBLUESEAN.

My advice would read: If you find yourself indulging in any professor's skewed take on any subject, you're in the wrong field of study and you're probably there for some bullshit, dipshit reason that 40-y/o you would kick 21-y/o's ass over instead of learning how to make some real GD money on that $80k you're about to invest in your skills to do EXACTLY that for the rest of your life.

Learn to make money... Find yourself while spending it.
I'm going for a career in Industrial Maintenance, which includes a variety of jobs. And yes, I plan on remaining liberal. And will more than likely vote for the democratic president. But I will register independent based on the flaws of the two-party system.
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My advice would read: If you find yourself indulging in any professor's skewed take on any subject, you're in the wrong field of study and you're probably there for some bullshit, dipshit reason that 40-y/o you would kick 21-y/o's ass over instead of learning how to make some real GD money on that $80k you're about to invest in your skills to do EXACTLY that for the rest of your life.

Learn to make money... Find yourself while spending it.
He will learn then that the more they take away, the more he will despise them. On the other hand, he may make enough to pay someone to find loop holes and avoid paying into the system he supports so mindlessly.
I'm going for a career in Industrial Maintenance, which includes a variety of jobs. And yes, I plan on remaining liberal. And will more than likely vote for the democratic president. But I will register independent based on the flaws of the two-party system.
Good for you. Seriously. I'm in manufacturing in the engineering and maintenance field. I'm the unit manager now and have 28 to 30 mechanics, 2 engineers, 3 Supervisors and 2 planners under me. These are well paid men and I applaud your choice.

If you end up job searching message me and I could help you get a start. Several rungs on the ladder to move. Good luck.
From the most powerful bully pulpit in the world. When you have an American President that is a habitual liar and then all the government and press actions it sets in motion when he lies, then absolutely "yes" it is propaganda on a massive scale never seen before. The Office of the President of the United States being used over and over again to spread easily provable outright bald faced lies. That is a new era of propaganda on a scale never seen before whether you care to agree to it or not.

It truly is amazing how far up your own ass you can get your head.

Old Honest Obama, that's what we called him the past 8 years. Never told a lie.

The difference between Trump and Obama is you don't want to happily swallow the shit you're spoon fed by Trump, but happily ate every last bit of what Obama fed you.

Trump isn't the problem. You being a naïve jackass the past 8 years and finally waking up to the fact that everything a politician tells you should be taken with a grain of salt is the problem.
Comey asks Justice Department to reject Trump's claim: report

"FBI Director James Comey had reportedly asked the Justice Department to publicly reject President Trump's claims..

Senior American officials told The New York Times that Comey has said the president's comments about the wiretapping are not true and made the request of the Justice Department on Saturday."

Former DNI Clapper: No Wiretap of Trump Tower

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied any suggestion that Trump Tower communications were wiretapped before the election.

"There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate, or against his campaign," Clapper told Chuck Todd in an exclusive interview on Sunday's "Meet The Press."

When Todd asked him whether he could confirm or deny if a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act) order for this existed, Clapper declared, "I can deny it."
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It really is amazing the amount of rogue agents we had in the Obama administration.

The IRS systematically targeting people based on political affiliation as directed from the very top of the organization. Obama didn't know.

Surveillance operations being conducted on the opposition party POTUS candidate. Obama didn't know.

DOJ running guns to Mexican drug cartels. You guessed it. Obama heard about it on the news.

Surveillance operations on AP reporters. Nope. Obama found out about that in the newspaper.

Surely he knew the government he led was running surveillance on foreign leaders. No, he didn't know.

Hilary Clinton private email? Nope. He didn't know. He just assume the State Department no longer used .gov email addresses.

Apparently he was intimately involved in killing Bin Laden though.
Even if there was surveillance, it doesn't prove who would have called for it. That said, if you're calling the Russians, and we now have 5 known Trump surrogates who did so, you're more than likely going to end up being monitored.

You still don't get it, why would it matter if they were talking to Russians? That's not a reason to order surveillance, you think no one on the Clinton campaign was talking to them trying to dig up dirt for the lie the DNC created?
The moment the "Russian" bit was born was aired live on TV within hours of the Wikileaks first dump prior to the DNC convention.
They were throwing shit on the wall trying to get anything to stick, and 5 months later still running with it even there is ZERO proof.
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Senior American officials told The New York Times that Comey has said the president's comments about the wiretapping are not true and made the request of the Justice Department on Saturday."

Thank god we can finally put this story to bed. Anonymous Senior American officials said there's nothing to see here. And if there's anyone who's claims we should take at face value without asking for evidence, it's an Anonymous Senior American Official.
It really is amazing the amount of rogue agents we had in the Obama administration.

The IRS systematically targeting people based on political affiliation as directed from the very top of the organization. Obama didn't know.

Surveillance operations being conducted on the opposition party POTUS candidate. Obama didn't know.

DOJ running guns to Mexican drug cartels. You guessed it. Obama heard about it on the news.

Surveillance operations on AP reporters. Nope. Obama found out about that in the newspaper.

Surely he knew the government he led was running surveillance on foreign leaders. No, he didn't know.

Hilary Clinton private email? Nope. He didn't know. He just assume the State Department no longer used .gov email addresses.

Apparently he was intimately involved in killing Bin Laden though.
^ that pretty much nails it.
Good for you. Seriously. I'm in manufacturing in the engineering and maintenance field. I'm the unit manager now and have 28 to 30 mechanics, 2 engineers, 3 Supervisors and 2 planners under me. These are well paid men and I applaud your choice.

If you end up job searching message me and I could help you get a start. Several rungs on the ladder to move. Good luck.
Well thank you! Theres a premium on Industrial jobs I hear, that's a big reason I decided to ensue the field.
It really is amazing the amount of rogue agents we had in the Obama administration.

The IRS systematically targeting people based on political affiliation as directed from the very top of the organization. Obama didn't know.

Surveillance operations being conducted on the opposition party POTUS candidate. Obama didn't know.

DOJ running guns to Mexican drug cartels. You guessed it. Obama heard about it on the news.

Surveillance operations on AP reporters. Nope. Obama found out about that in the newspaper.

Surely he knew the government he led was running surveillance on foreign leaders. No, he didn't know.

Hilary Clinton private email? Nope. He didn't know. He just assume the State Department no longer used .gov email addresses.

Apparently he was intimately involved in killing Bin Laden though.
Podesta and Hillary running a child sex ring. Obama didn't know or maybe did not care because one of them may have looked like Trumps son instead of one that could have look like his.