How will they rule ??!

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I agree, but Trump is not alienating Dems, but the GOP too. He needs to tone it down to get some sort of credibility.

Love ya Chuck but you must understand that Trump is not at war with the Dems. He is at war with deep state establishment including the dems and gop. He has to call them out or he will be taken down just like JFK and shot like Reagan. We don't have a 2 party system. That illusion is unmasked. Get behind Trump and fight off the deep state.
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Saw this making the rounds on Twitter. First the Electoral College, now the Office of President.

So much corruption hitting the wire and alt left keeps pushing Kremlin bs.

Obama's slush fund.
Awan Brothers
Vault 7
Hildabeast we have your emails!

Knock knock knockin on Session's Door.
Perhaps that is the reason for the push now going on from the left. They knew everything was going to be hard to cover up so, keep pushing up fake news as a diversion. Their base will believe whatever they are told. Look at the Looney Toons on this site. They are all in lapping it up like little lost puppies. Like most subservient little dogs, they eat the dung of their corrupt leaders like it was puppy chow.
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Ask the Palestinians. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

it's not that you don't have a point about the Palestinians - that's a complex issue

but let me ask you this -- did the Nazi's have a legitimate justification for their cause in WW2?
Were there some valid points / virtues that they fought for that you would support?

Seriously not trying to 'play gotcha'-- I do appreciate the conversation
(everyone that knows me has put me in 'timeout' for speaking about fear the "permaban" at home....)
Just more liberals trying to shut down free speech on a college campus, even assaulting a professor and sending her to the hospital.

Middlebury Protesters Disrupt Charles Murray Lecture, Attack Professor

what are they liberal about in this case?

IMO the 'traditional' American Left needs someone like George Orwell to emerge

I didn't agree with everything he believed but he was sharp, kept his peers honest -- and was intellectually honest in his assessments .... he not only CALLED out propaganda (from everyone) for what it is -- but I think he had a way of making other people want to engage more intelligently.....

oh well - back to my Miller High Life
You seriously cannot be this ignorant. You must really be in agreement with the controlling media for the left leaning agenda's most spew. Pathetic really.

his IS ignorant . . . just, totally. Almost peed my pants laughing at his dumb ass when he brought up various industry ownership of media, particularly when he got around to mentioning CBS being "owned" by Westinghouse . . . as if it is possible for Westinghouse to "own" ANYTHING, having been defunct since 1999, and now being WHOLLY OWNED themselves by Toshiba, a huge Japanese company with a ROTTEN environmental record and more at stake in the Trans Pacific Partnership and AMERICAL LIBERAL POLITICIANS than a dumb chit like Fuzz would ever understand.
Love ya Chuck but you must understand that Trump is not at war with the Dems. He is at war with deep state establishment including the dems and gop. He has to call them out or he will be taken down just like JFK and shot like Reagan. We don't have a 2 party system. That illusion is unmasked. Get behind Trump and fight off the deep state.
I do support Trump in a lot of his policies, but not "carte blanche". I don't see how anyone could be that way.

So many on this board don't have any objectivity at all and think that whatever Trump wants to do, they will support it. No one should get that kind of support.
Question for ya Wyvern.

Bigger Communist Obama or Putin?

Putin is on the record stating that the Bolshevik revolution was the most damaging event ever to hit Russia (more so than the Napoleonic and Naxi invasions) -- I agree with him

He's denounced Communism and his actions seem to back up his words (ref: shutting down the Soros funded NGO' who were causing social unrest in Russia --- Putin killed all foreign funded NGO's)

that's about all I have to go on -- also, I DO believe he's THE richest man on the planet - so he believes in private property

There are no more concentration camps in Russia
People no longer get threatened with arrest for stopping and losing at infrastructure for too long -- or for not turning in their neighbors -- or for being too public with their religious views

We can only make judgements based on what we see -- and what modest additional effort we can put into reasserting shit

OBAMA by far

IMO Barrack was a little like George Bush Jr - (I believe they're the two worst Presidents we've ever had -- and we almost topped that shitpile off with a wart of a witch that might have outdone them)......they were both Manchurian type figures who were surrounded by people who were orchestrating events on a wider scale - both admin's in a way that's essentially "un American"

When Trump started rolling back EO's and actually UNDOING stuff -- it blew my mind
I've been saying for years that figures like Obama and Bush are more alike than we realize -- they talk a good game but Obama didn't 'undo' any of the Draconian policies that Bush put into place (military commissions act, patriot act, some portions of the mental health initiatives etc).....why not?

Bush's dad preached about the coming New World Order
Obama also talked about the importance of the NWO - his VP (Biden) addressed the Air Force academy at a graduating ceremony and told cadets that the most important thing they'll ever help biuld.....THE NEW WORLD ORDER

so the Bush admin's - and the Obama admin's -- agreed on the big picture?

maybe that's why he's hugging Barry's tranny wife in those pics?

they're not as far apart as we're led to think I guess

Finally - I may be dead wrong - there are, after all, old proposals where it would be Russia and the US teaming up to create a world govt of sorts --- I can cite that later tonight if I stop drinking before 11pm



Carter Page on CNN just toying with Anderson Cooper is too funny. I mean he cracks a "trump is using me to troll you" smile every question and Anderson is gung ho on the rabbit hole!

I mean really Trump should use this tactic for a few months to ask for volunteers to get "fired" and seem like a the bitter type with crazy stories to tell just to go on CNN and laugh at them and denounce every bit of bogus they try to push.
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what are they liberal about in this case?

IMO the 'traditional' American Left needs someone like George Orwell to emerge

I didn't agree with everything he believed but he was sharp, kept his peers honest -- and was intellectually honest in his assessments .... he not only CALLED out propaganda (from everyone) for what it is -- but I think he had a way of making other people want to engage more intelligently.....

oh well - back to my Miller High Life
There in "lies" the problem with most of what we have today in politics. We need more straight forward speaking leaders that are not afraid of labels and will at least try to make an honest attempt at putting us on the right track.

Now, back to my Bacardi and coke
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honest question - if Russia supposedly interfered with the election in order to help trump - how were they have supposed to have done it again?

'hacking' something?

we all know that the IT industry was fairly pro-Obama these past few years
If I recall correctly -- GOOGLE had more visits to the White House than anyone else during the Obama years

Put your crack team of IT dudes together and present the evidence in public so we can all see what you have

If the election was interfered with by Russia and they knowingly titled the balance then there should be hell to pay --- and I'm not even sure where to start

but if the best IT ppl on the planet and the investors of the internet can't show concrete / court ready proof - then you need to STOP WITH THAT OBSTRUCTIONIST SHIT

And THEN --- THEN we can talk about the D-Party's links to Planned Parenthood -- which was founded by one of the most vile, racist eugenicists who ever lived....her BUST lurks in the Smithsonian but no one protests that......she called poor people, immigrants and minorities WEEDS and 'a waste'

SHE helped inspire the Nazi's ideas of racial purity as Margaret Sanger was ALSO calling for a MASTER RACE OF THOROUGHBREDS .......her organization helped launch FORCED STERILIZATIONS before the Nazi's avowed us how "Eugenics" can be such a bad word

So -- some people need to act like damn leaders and not entitled f'ing 6 year olds -- put up or shut up and hold your own people to something APPROACHING A CONSISTENT STANDARD

Link -- "How Does the Left Hide Margaret Sanger?"
Not to mention, what if there was an American(s) in her courtroom charged with the same exact crime, and this judge immediately turned around after letting this guy go, helping him sneak out the back, and found the American(s) guilty of or sentenced them for that same exact crime? How messed up is that.

Yep. She should have to recuse from every single criminal case involving a citizen. But really she should be removed and disbarred.
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we went to great lengths to create a CYVER WARFARE BRANCH OF OUR MILITARY when I was getting off a/duty AF years ago

Where are THEY in all this?
Did they detect a hack?
Do they have a freaking opinion?

put the f'ing proof on the table or back down from this


are we SERIOUSLY at the point that someone can openly announce that they intend to overthrow a legally elected President and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

People have been neutered by the fear of WQRDS form the hard left --= FOR FAR TOO LONG

You are now talking about a FIGHT for this country --- I Hope people of all political persuasions are waking up to this for what it is ---
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I have to stay off Twitter. My hate for the left grows more and more. They're just vile pieces of garbage. The blue checks getting to be the top comments makes it even worse.

The Socialist Party got like 1,500 retweets off of a reply regarding a good video of Trump. Sad.
I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle of every article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.

we went to great lengths to create a CYVER WARFARE BRANCH OF OUR MILITARY when I was getting off a/duty AF years ago

Where are THEY in all this?
Did they detect a hack?
Do they have a freaking opinion?

put the f'ing proof on the table or back down from this


are we SERIOUSLY at the point that someone can openly announce that they intend to overthrow a legally elected President and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

People have been neutered by the fear of WQRDS form the hard left --= FOR FAR TOO LONG

You are now talking about a FIGHT for this country --- I Hope people of all political persuasions are waking up to this for what it is ---

Last edited:
I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle trying article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.

I know at least a handful of people that truly fit this profile. It's hilarious and sad
I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle of every article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.

Good, it builds character...
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I have to stay off Twitter. My hate for the left grows more and more. They're just vile pieces of garbage. The blue checks getting to be the top comments makes it even worse.

The Socialist Party got like 1,500 retweets off of a reply regarding a good video of Trump. Sad.

Deleted app from my iphone and ipad. Deleted bookmarks from all computers. I'm done with their censorship and propaganda. Same goes for the news app on both ipad and iphone.

I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle of every article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.

Take 2 Red Pills and call me in the morning.
I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle of every article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.
Didn't know @cardkilla was one of your clients.
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I do support Trump in a lot of his policies, but not "carte blanche". I don't see how anyone could be that way.

So many on this board don't have any objectivity at all and think that whatever Trump wants to do, they will support it. No one should get that kind of support.

Who has said they do? You came in here saying he was stupid.

There are many more trump supporters willing to call out the right then the other side. Hell, there are zero over there.

I strongly disagree with trump in his commending Hillary at the inaugural luncheon. :joy:
I am tired of the lies, the corruption, and the cheating all in the name of greed. The I am entitled because I was born (insert entitlement reason) stupid. The my life was hard because (insert reason) I was coddled and now must actually depend on myself. You look around these days and see all of the uneducated people protesting something they really do not understand but do it anyway because some manipulative power hungry mad man/woman told them this was the thing to do. The left has lost it and really have no idea what they are doing except the ones who are fooling them into thinking they are doing the right thing. Make no mistake folks, we are on the verge of either destroying this country for good or totally eradicating that which is a cancer to capitalism, the liberal left. There really is no middle ground.
I am tired of the lies, the corruption, and the cheating all in the name of greed. The I am entitled because I was born (insert entitlement reason) stupid. The my life was hard because (insert reason) I was coddled and now must actually depend on myself. You look around these days and see all of the uneducated people protesting something they really do not understand but do it anyway because some manipulative power hungry mad man/woman told them this was the thing to do. The left has lost it and really have no idea what they are doing except the ones who are fooling them into thinking they are doing the right thing. Make no mistake folks, we are on the verge of either destroying this country for good or totally eradicating that which is a cancer to capitalism, the liberal left. There really is no middle ground.
I am pretty sure we outgun them.
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