How will they rule ??!

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I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle of every article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.

Assign them to read "The Gulag Archipelago" so they can see what real suffering looks like -- as perpetuated by the Marxists for decades

Here's a place where I decided to put some of these points all in one place -- because I don't think the media does that well

1) We have google, microsoft and a military command focused on cyber warfare -- can they show proof of election tampering? If this becomes a security issue - then President Trump should consider commandeering their assets

2) There's a more obvious / quantifiable potential link here that should be aired -- Soros invented in post cold war Russia and eventually lost billions - the Russian leadership shut down foreign funded NGO's in 2012 and that IMO - harmed Soros financially but, more importantly, pushed back against the 'open borders' agenda of Soros and the rest of the NWO crowd

3) Obama caught on the open mic telling Russian President M that he'll go easier on therm once he wins the upcoming he's openly telling them that after he wins the election that was still in doubt -- that he'll have one face for the public ....and another, more favorable face -- for Russia

finally - reports are circulating that Valerie Jarrett moved in with Barack for the purpose of coordinating the overthrow of our President -- but those kind of statements don't deserve scrutiny and push back? (it isn't the first seditious statement from these sick people)

I don't believe Tump is perfect nor an angel
but this isn't about Trump being helped into the White House by Russia --
it's about money and it's about resources

The US is in an escalating revolution
history provides a LOT of data on what typically happens in times like this -- and the Marxists really are in a corner now -=- and LOSING GROUND BY THE DAY

put up or shut up time - lots on the line -- my hope is that American Marxists turn out to have a lot less spine than all the others....
The difference between Trump and all of the ones who ran this time is that he truly loves this country. The Obama's admittedly did not before being elected. Whether or not he (Trump) knew enough about how the presidency worked is not the issue. The issue is, will he be able to put us back on the path of greatness. He needs help and if neither side helps him enough to make it happen then, I say to hell with them. It is time the people took back what is rightfully ours.
Wyvern. Ha ha oh i get it. I wish it was this easy. She doesn'twant to like Trump.
The difference between Trump and all of the ones who ran this time is that he truly loves this country. The Obama's admittedly did not before being elected. Whether or not he (Trump) knew enough about how the presidency worked is not the issue. The issue is, will he be able to put us back on the path of greatness. He needs help and if neither side helps him enough to make it happen then, I say to hell with them. It is time the people took back what is rightfully ours.
Unfortunately the only people that got Trumps back are his voters. He has pretty much no one on his side in DC.

The swamp is very deep, possibly even deeper than Trump himself realized. That's why we gotta have his back as much as we can. Theres going to be many tough battles ahead.

America will be much better off with Trumps agenda, and the bastards in DC better comply with it.
Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study

“In their coverage of Trump’s first month, the networks crowded their stories with quotes from citizens angry about many of his policies, while providing relatively little airtime to Trump supporters.” the pair noted. “And the networks’ anchors and reporters often injected their own anti-Trump editorial tone into the coverage.

Mr. Trump may be accustomed to the treatment by now, however. A previous Media Research Center report found that 91 percent of the broadcast coverage about his campaign was also negative — deemed “twelve weeks of Trump bashing” by Mr. Noyes and his team

No one is talking about this but hey, who would have effing guessed that Trump supporters weren't calling in bomb threats to Jewish centers?

But you know who did? A black Muslim socialist journalist named Juan Thompson. He posted this on Twitter back in November. His twitter is a treasure chest of nuts.

[laughing] Is it him? Maybe? Just because I'm biased I'm going with yeah.
I had my first Trump PTSD client today. I mean the person did have past trauma, but the person gave me a list of the stressors in their life that Trump has caused since Nov 8th that has re-emerged. The person is now reading every angle of every article to find new info on trying to to impeach Trump. Loves Maddow. Their life is in utter chaos. All because of Trump.
Hope things get better for @-LEK- soon. :weary:
I do support Trump in a lot of his policies, but not "carte blanche". I don't see how anyone could be that way.

So many on this board don't have any objectivity at all and think that whatever Trump wants to do, they will support it. No one should get that kind of support.

"so many" . . . that's quite a feeling you have, but whatever. And you know what? After 8 long years of conditioning? Those people f'ked up our world with Obama blank checks. We are totally okay if they get the feeling that this is f'king up theirs. Totally okay.

The comments under that is why I'm going to try and just step away from social media for a bit. It's like throwing punches 24/7 and having to fight a ton of morons and their backers- bots, CTR, blue checks, Twitter shadow baning, oblivious idiots, etc. It gets old.

There is nothing good in these people. They're just ignorant and vile people. From a sports perspective, it would be like trying to follow Kentucky sports but everything is written by Zipp and Zipp's retarded offspring demons.
Anyone who openly claims Trump, or any us president, is a fascist is a complete moron.

That they can say it disproves what they're saying.

Saw some 20-something moronic girl on twitter calling Trump a dictator. What do you do with that level of idiocy? Some idiot kid who can't even remember a time before the internet, calling someone a dictator from the comfort of her iphone and Starbucks. You know this person has no real knowledge of history whatsoever but she heard this term and throws it around.

You know what dictators would do? They'd murder you for speaking against them. Maybe study a history of murderous dictators and you'll see that the U.S. has never had such a thing. This has never occurred to them because their idiocy is encouraged and never challenged.
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I'm midway through season two of House of Cards and although that show is very good, it's super depressing because i feel it's probably very accurate regarding D.C. The couple in it reminds you of the Clintons. In all honesty, I really do wonder how many people they have had killed. I know people might think it's crazy but I 100 percent believe they have killed people. There's way too much smoke.
The comments under that is why I'm going to try and just step away from social media for a bit. It's like throwing punches 24/7 and having to fight a ton of morons and their backers- bots, CTR, blue checks, Twitter shadow baning, oblivious idiots, etc. It gets old.

There is nothing good in these people. They're just ignorant and vile people. From a sports perspective, it would be like trying to follow Kentucky sports but everything is written by Zipp and Zipp's retarded offspring demons.

Social media IS their ruling domain . . . FOREVER. Do not expect any semblance of competitive, semi-even banter against those people from their opposition . . . an opposition that will always be more grounded in thought and more occupied with responsibilities and legitimate ambition. Society competes now in two forms. The one where it has always existed against this new form that includes imagination and anonymity, like the holodeck on the Enterprise, where people of little matter convince themselves of so much more, and others of so little.
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Anyone who openly claims Trump, or any us president, is a fascist is a complete moron.

That they can say it disproves what they're saying.

but it's often a GREAT hint at who they really are - or where their influences originate

why do you think the term FASCIST gets used by the left so frequently

why would that antiquated term resonate with people today?
there's wonderful documentation on how communism changes faces and tactics in order to further their goals but eventually -- like a fat kid with Tourettes -- you just can't hide 'em

Communists have ALWAYS used the term fascists as the ULTIMATE way to describe their mortal enemies

they are one of the best examples of ideological polar opposites in the political world

obviously this doesn't apply to EVERY SINGLE PERSON USING THE TERM -- but WORDS MATTER - they often inform and guide your thinking (he who defines the terms of the debate.....wins) - or provide clues to what someone else is thinking

So many people have been held at bay with mere words lately (and a good dose too social conditioning to be sure) -- it's truly amazing - but I also think it's starting to turn....

the words and tactics we're seeing often align with historical Marxism - so that's why you sometimes see the "progressive" reference viewed critically by anyone who takes a moderately serious delve into history

When you ask yourself why it matters - stop and ask yourself what type of reaction you think we'd be seeing if militant, well funded groups were marching for radical change in the US = and they were using terms, salutes, organizational tactics and a basis of philosophy that clearly tied them to the Nazi movement of the 1930-1940's

and there you go -- that's why it matters

there's a LOT of interesting insight in that "Gulag" series by Solzhenitsyn - in one section of Vol 3 he gives a lot of granular detail about how the final Czar was so soft with the revolutionaries and what happened as a result - here are some excerpts and comments:

  • When one of the largest ever demonstrations was organized in St Petersburg (1901) the participants who were arrested were lodged in jails that resembled "something like a student picnic - roars of laughter, community singing, students walking around freely from cell to cell...,."
  • In Moscow there was a subsequent rally that was more bold -- this time there were OPEN CALLS FOR TAKING UP ARMS (recall recent open calls from Marist-Black-Lives Matter calling for killing people?) - the goal of overthrowing the existing aristocracy was being shouted and threatened ... the response? One of the key organizers was locked up for 15 days .... he thought that was light so "he added 3 more weeks of his own accord"
  • There are instances of student leaders calling for the overthrow of the govt early as well - when the Czar 'banished' them to 'exile' -- it often meant sending them one province away where there were accommodations from family some cases student communist leaders were sent back to well-off estates (ironic) for their "exile"
  • As the revolution picked up steam and learned from previous failures (I think the final fall in 1917 was the 3rd Russian revolt against the Czar (etc) going back to 1895) a university leader who was publishing flyers and promoting the overthrow of the govt was given literary support while in prison...this was not his first arrest for making seditious pronouncements and agitating for the overthrow of the govt --- he was lodged in the Petersburg investigation prison for 1 year but was given access to the dozens of book he requested and while there, he penned the bulk of more revolutionary material ("The Development of Capitalism in Russia") .,.and obtained approval to have his works SENT TO MARXIST PUBLICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION --- he had a required diet and cooked meals sent to his specification and received parcels from home 3x a week
  • The author notes that the image of the terrible "Russian Bastille" run by the Czar's was created IN THE WEST because certain authors were demoralized by the minor setbacks to the wider revolution (he provides more details of course)
these examples go on and on - page after page of names, dates, specific prisons and more feeble responses from the doomed government....

Once the tables turned there was NO MERCY WHATSOEVER -- some of the revolutionaries expressed humor at the futility and stupidity of the old guard....they were often hampered by outmoded concepts like "guilt" and "innocence"

The communists taught (and still do) that revolutions only happen along prescribed LAWS of history -- and they're ONLY generated by the "ONE TRUE PROGRESSIVE PARTY" -- they would tell you that the Czars could't have stopped what was about to happen no matter what they did -- -they lacked the will because of their class system and restrictive / narrow beliefs.....

they used their beliefs against them and unleashed an unimaginable and unrestrained spree of arrests, brutal slavery, systematic starvations and mass executions that went on for DECADES......within about a decade of the revolution laws were passed so that children who were 12 years old could be arrested and sent to special camps too.....your status as a woman or other vanguard group only mattered if you were part of the revolution -- otherwise you were to be "LIQUIDATED"......

But that's not socialism TODAY right?
That could never happen again --- and certainly not here, right?

if we take that approach
(esp in light of the increasingly obvious anti-goat activity and calls for violence that were seeing) then logically we should also allow Neo-Nazi's a seat at the long as they've promised to "clean up their act" and what not......

** See where they are "progressing" to now?
Wyvern. Ha ha oh i get it. I wish it was this easy. She doesn'twant to like Trump.

She doesn't have to like him at all - but having a better understanding of what's at stake matters

She should. however, understand that what the Marxists did in Russia alone was worse in every measurable way than what the Nazi's did

Would she mind if the Nazi's were running for office and protesting?
I assume so

Then how can you be comfortable supporting the ideological descendants of Marx, Lenin etc?

THATS who's framing your impression of Trump.....THATS who's clamoring to take the reigns in this country and UNSEAT our elected President

you don't have to like him -- but apply some logic to his rabid opponents and realize NONE OF US WANT THAT

One final note on how the police were weakened and stereotyped in Russia as the build up to the orchestrated govt overthrow approached....

The author states his opinion that the Tsar's were as good as done before the final Revolution carried the Communists into power.....NOTE THIS.....he cites he damning moment occurring when Russian literature (media / intellectuals of the day) adopted the convention that ANYONE WHO DEPICTED A POLICEMAN OR GUARD OF THE TSAR IN A SYMPATHETIC FASHION was no more than spit and a "reactionary thug"

the media of the day started weakening the authority of the police so that THEY would be able to fill the vacuum and exert their power (as their riots became more emboldened) over the increasingly hapless non-revolutionaries who were slated for extermination......

The parallels between what happened then, how it happened, what the revolutionaries believed and what we're seeing in the US now is too strong to ignore
The Democrats have certainly liberally used "The Big Lie". The press reports "The Big Lie" verbatim. The lie becomes the truth. Pelosi and the Russian Ambassador relationship is an excellent example.

The MSM does not like when they are questioned. What Trump has done with them is the greatest thing I have seen politically.

Btw, F*** the leftist MSM.
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Yeah, had heard from those types too. This is the first one having functional problems in life that i have met. Now has to drink 4 glasses of wine every or she won't sleep cuz of Trump.

I'd have trouble not recommending she just polish off the bottle of wine and follow it with some sleeping pills to help her sleep. Like 6 or 700 of them.
She doesn't have to like him at all - but having a better understanding of what's at stake matters

Oh I totally agree man. But she has untreated trauma now and has been in constant flight or fight stage due to it. When people are going through untreated trauma, they shut off their frontal lobe (housing executive functioning) and her ability to take in new information is pretty much non-existent. Plus, I can't red pill her anyways, I have to remain biased when talking to her.

I had to bite my lip through the whole thing (which isn't good for me to be reactive).
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Social media IS their ruling domain . . . .
So many people have been held at bay with mere words lately (and a good dose too social conditioning to be sure) -- it's truly amazing - but I also think it's starting to turn....

Social media is social conditioning. People are going there to see what to think instead of how to think. 140 characters of hashtagged false narratives controlled by marxist communist leftist. Real truth is deleted and suppressed.
Obviously the Obama had the NSA recording all of us, but those are some pretty serious allegations to be throwing around.

Going to be interesting to see if he dials it back, or goes full steam ahead.

It is blatantly apparent, and scary, that the former administration worked, and still has people working to undermine the peaceful transition of power that is a hallmark of our system of government. That's treasonous in and of itself, but if that extends to illegally surveilling a POTUS candidate with intent on torpedoing his campaign with illegally obtained information so as to keep one party in power, people should be put in front of a firing squad.
Obviously the Obama had the NSA recording all of us, but those are some pretty serious allegations to be throwing around.

Going to be interesting to see if he dials it back, or goes full steam ahead.

It is blatantly apparent, and scary, that the former administration worked, and still has people working to undermine the peaceful transition of power that is a hallmark of our system of government. That's treasonous in and of itself, but if that extends to illegally surveilling a POTUS candidate with intent on torpedoing his campaign with illegally obtained information so as to keep one party in power, people should be put in front of a firing squad.
We The People have lost control of our government. I pray for Trump and others because they are our last hope to get control again. No doubt in my mind that the Obama administration are/were the most criminal admin in American history.
Agree with all points above

and Kooky- It's not the Clinton Foundation that you should be worried about it. It's the "newly-about-to-be-constructed" Obama Foundation that is next in line. That's the one to be worried about

Yep. It'll be same game different name.
Interesting and informative article about the potential Obama wiretapping of Trump...VERY troublesome. And if it sounds too brazen to have actually happened, remember one thing----virtually no one, especially the Obama and Clinton camps...ever once thought that anyone but Hillary would be sitting in the White House. Thus, all these potential indiscretions/crimes would never have seen the light of day. They never even considered that they would be outed....
Maybe Trump has already had it done, but if not, if I were Trump I would have the WH itself checked for bugs.

He did have several phone calls leak out, so it very well could be bugged too.
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Damn, this is just beyond belief. A sitting President..with direct access to hordes of information..claiming his predecessor wire tapped his phones. Cannot imagine that Trump would have done something so bold without iron clad proof. This isn't a cheap shot fired at a celebrity, this is against an individual who was President only weeks ago.

Gonna be a wild ride....
