How will they rule ??!

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Oh my, big news this morning about Lexington's diversity ranking. It's not good, you might want to sit down for this - Lexington is ranked as the 248th most diverse city. We must do better. Diverse cities have more robust economies. Cities that were listed as diverse and robust: Basically anyplace in Cali, NYC, and surrounding D.C. area.

I know Cali broke af, the rest of that group is a shithole, likely broke and politically corrupt as well.

KY in general has a high percentage of "lifers" aka prisioners of the state who don't migrate or seek more diverse and robust places to live.
Yep, every city should aspire to being in the same class as some of the most corrupt and liberal cities in the US for the sake of diversity. Sounds like the dumb shi! emails I would get from my former company's "Diversity Director".
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Oh my, big news this morning about Lexington's diversity ranking. It's not good, you might want to sit down for this - Lexington is ranked as the 248th most diverse city. We must do better. Diverse cities have more robust economies. Cities that were listed as diverse and robust: Basically anyplace in Cali, NYC, and surrounding D.C. area.

I know Cali broke af, the rest of that group is a shithole, likely broke and politically corrupt as well.

KY in general has a high percentage of "lifers" aka prisioners of the state who don't migrate or seek more diverse and robust places to live.
One thing is for sure, there will never be another school or public building named after a white person again in lexington. Every black jockey in history will be honored.
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Yep, every city should aspire to being in the same class as some of the most corrupt and liberal cities in the US for the sake of diversity. Sounds like the dumb shi! emails I would get from my former company's "Diversity Director".

I know we will have made it in Lexington when our murder rates and robberies are as high as those liberal elite cities and you can't go out at night.

Beshear's rebuttal to Trump underwhelms even MSNBC, GOP super PAC crows 'sad time to be a Democrat'
by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 01 Mar 2017 at 10:50 AM

Former Democratic Gov. Steven Beshear’s response to President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening was so underwhelming even liberal pundits like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow described it as “stunty and small.”
Pieces of Shit. And if the, ahem, "moderates" on here and out in the public would take a stand their party might stop their evolution into the shitter. But much like "moderate" muslims that secretly root for the radicals they will stay quiet and secretly cheer the takeover.

Perfect post.

Laugh at "moderate muslim".

You know what else is real? Leprechauns and Unicorns
How on earth was an old white man going to give a response that resonated with the Democrat party?

Probably should have found someone who'd cut his own dick off and claimed to be a woman. Or who could do the whole response in Spanish while running across the border.

Beshear's rebuttal to Trump underwhelms even MSNBC, GOP super PAC crows 'sad time to be a Democrat'
by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 01 Mar 2017 at 10:50 AM

Former Democratic Gov. Steven Beshear’s response to President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening was so underwhelming even liberal pundits like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow described it as “stunty and small.”
The Democrats leadership is incompetent in every way imaginable. Trump is going to dismantle their party in the next 8 years.
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Your Democratic Party, gentlemen.
I wonder how he figures Trump used the "Idiot" Owens wife (his words). Was it to show the nation how petty and uncaring the left really is for Americans in general? Or, is it that if you are a right leaning American you are still part of the deplorable people of this nation regardless of whether you serve this country or work and pay taxes to support the lazy uncaring left. The left continues to show how really bad they are as people.
Oh my, big news this morning about Lexington's diversity ranking. It's not good, you might want to sit down for this - Lexington is ranked as the 248th most diverse city. We must do better. Diverse cities have more robust economies. Cities that were listed as diverse and robust: Basically anyplace in Cali, NYC, and surrounding D.C. area.

I know Cali broke af, the rest of that group is a shithole, likely broke and politically corrupt as well.

KY in general has a high percentage of "lifers" aka prisioners of the state who don't migrate or seek more diverse and robust places to live.
If we all do our part we can get that number to 250 by next year. :sunglasses:
I mean.....I still can't get over the Steve Beshear thing. Sweet mercy. I've heard him speak plenty of times and in the "rebuttal" he turned the *twang* up as high as I've ever heard him.

"Steve, we need you to be folksy to get through to the Rust Belt that we punted.....yes, I know you aren't from anywhere near the Rust Belt.....jussssst....just, I don't know. We'll put some folksy white people behind you with short sleeve button downs and you just sound as hilljack as you can" (Inner monologue: we are ****ed)
Wyvern is a Paddock legend.

Honestly, if there was a Paddock HOF or Mt. Rushmore, he'd be first ballot.

That may just be......the nicest......Thing.....anyone's said to me.....since......Since my piano player called me a "mother***er" on guitar

(that's his term of endearment when you're laying it least that's what he tells me.....he COULD have just been calling me "a mother****" come to think about it

More on this admin in a second
I mean.....I still can't get over the Steve Beshear thing. Sweet mercy. I've heard him speak plenty of times and in the "rebuttal" he turned the *twang* up as high as I've ever heard him.

"Steve, we need you to be folksy to get through to the Rust Belt that we punted.....yes, I know you aren't from anywhere near the Rust Belt.....jussssst....just, I don't know. We'll put some folksy white people behind you with short sleeve button downs and you just sound as hilljack as you can" (Inner monologue: we are ****ed)
I was shocked listening to him. He was a disgrace to the good folks of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. How in the world did he get elected to anything. He sounded like a left wing snowflake. Keep him in Kentucky. If he is the best the Dems have I would say that party is toast.
I was shocked listening to him. He was a disgrace to the good folks of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. How in the world did he get elected to anything. He sounded like a left wing snowflake. Keep him in Kentucky. If he is the best the Dems have I would say that party is toast.

I liked the placement of the people behind him like this state gives an eff about him or the left.
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[QUOTE="Bill Cosby, post: 5689146, gibson les l=paul.[/QUOTE]

Rational people who want a limited govt that's accountable to the electorate - rational people who want to stop the preemptive wars and destabilization abroad - rational people who understand that you can't have a "Global War on Terror" with no SCOPE CONTROL or END IN SIGHT ---- ANNNNNNNND HAVE OPEN BORDERS (btw - CDC you are FAILING SO BAD RIGHT NOW _- HEADS SHOULD ROLL.....we're told we can't carry flower bulbs on a flight from nation to another because of the unintended consequences of the possible biological contamination etc......BUT MASSIVE HERDS OF PEOPLE ARE ENCOURAGED TO COME IN AND CDC SAYS ****NOTHING**** --- do us a favor and stop preaching about "immunizations" if that's how you are, you miserable, spineless educated fools)

You what I think ?
I think it wouldn't be that damn hard to make a list of 'rational' things that traditional conservatives and liberals would readily agree on (by and large) and then start modestly to push back against those who are pushing for their warped, Nimrod-inspired Neo-Babel New World Order.......

I'm willing to bet that at least 90% of the people who post on this political forum don't want to totally eradicate the borders and create a "Zone of the Americas" -- you know, where we'd have a common security perimeter that includes Mex and Canada ..... that was a proposal developed back in the 90's by the CFR - have the book here and have read it a couple of times,.......that type of thinking is what I"m referring to as something I think Americans would universally reject

I'm willing to bet that if the covers were thrown back and people had to acknowledge EXACTLY what the Marxists did the last time they were in charge of a major nation .... if we started putting them where they belong politically -- WITH the DAMNED NAZIS --- then suddenly you'd see the slow but steady emergence of A NEW UNITED FRONT --- hell, even if it only lasts long enough to heal this nation financially and get our military back on the right footing and start reversing the police state appendages etc

I don't propose making America strong because I want to dominate the world or crap like that -- the vast # of Americans don't think that way either

I believe that if we get back to a strong economic foundation and maybe back off our stance and CIA-Nation Building / Rebel Support activities in the M/E --- then MAYBE we can go back to being something like a normal nation........For the LOVE OF MIKE......

There's only so much time in the day -- but we can all do ONE LITTLE THING differently from this day forward

For instance - I stopped telling my wife to "Shut her Pirate Hooker Mouth" every time she says good was hilarious while it lasted though

BUT ALSO - I decided to start writing and collecting bits of history and putting things side by side that no aren't normally placed side by side for RATIONAL people to see (like the statements from the Black Lives Matter website that align with legacy verbiage used by Engels, Marx etc)

Shit......I have another phone screen to get ready for -- gotta run ..... the TVA job fell through ;(
Still not seen anyone from msm mention that Beshear fought tooth and nail to stop gay marriage in ky. Even hired outside counsel and spent a fortune. Yet he was their spokesperson. Crickets.

Violent crime is up 17% in the largest 50-60 cities and down elsewhere. You don't want to go there dipshit.

He doesn't realize it, but he's actually arguing against his own point. Classic. Lol.
This Castlerubric dude is collecting some impressive "got scrolled" time. Two or three more posts of his and I'll have enough miles for a free trip to Australia.

I'm really not normally this claccakety with the keys

I was INTENSE into politics at the end of my UF career and wanted to go back to TN and help VanHillary run for Congress and launch a political career of my own (one that was aimed only at working within my home state as a career)

That was placed into deep freeze when I moved to GA = long story short I wound up having to walk away from politics in order to prevent blowing a FUSE

The Trump election stone cold SHOCKED ME TO THE CORE -- didn't see it coming at ALL
I just KNEW Hillary ws getting in (something I wasn't happy about)

Trump is far from perfect but the fact that he's placing emphasis on US Economy, Military, Trade, and our Borders --- and RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO GEORGE SOROS (and the Bushes, and several members of the Statist parties) - tells me it's a step in the right direction

My hope is that he doesn't go power mad or worse....get set up somehow by what has to be the most extensive (and unusual) collection of enemies any US President has ever faced

All that to say that ,.... I sometimes come to the political forum now to vent.....and sometimes it takes a while.........I'll try to be more brief .... but I tend to post the way I Speak to people......which is also how I play guitar come to think about by my pants -- improvise -- see connections everywhere and EMANATE EMOTION!!!!

gotta go =-- love you Wildcat fans to Freakin PIECES AND BITS AND WHATNOT
I'm really not normally this claccakety with the keys

I was INTENSE into politics at the end of my UF career and wanted to go back to TN and help VanHillary run for Congress and launch a political career of my own (one that was aimed only at working within my home state as a career)

That was placed into deep freeze when I moved to GA = long story short I wound up having to walk away from politics in order to prevent blowing a FUSE

The Trump election stone cold SHOCKED ME TO THE CORE -- didn't see it coming at ALL
I just KNEW Hillary ws getting in (something I wasn't happy about)

Trump is far from perfect but the fact that he's placing emphasis on US Economy, Military, Trade, and our Borders --- and RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO GEORGE SOROS (and the Bushes, and several members of the Statist parties) - tells me it's a step in the right direction

My hope is that he doesn't go power mad or worse....get set up somehow by what has to be the most extensive (and unusual) collection of enemies any US President has ever faced

All that to say that ,.... I sometimes come to the political forum now to vent.....and sometimes it takes a while.........I'll try to be more brief .... but I tend to post the way I Speak to people......which is also how I play guitar come to think about by my pants -- improvise -- see connections everywhere and EMANATE EMOTION!!!!

gotta go =-- love you Wildcat fans to Freakin PIECES AND BITS AND WHATNOT
Claccakety? I had to spell that one out to see if it was spelled right. Keep it up, in a few years it will be the correct spelling according to Webster's.
No, the last DOJ chief under OBAMA or the one before that would have never allowed that.;)

In the past I always thought that the republican party was more corrupt than the democratic party but I was seriously wrong. In fact I think the democratic party is playing a large role to racially divide America. It's in their best interest if Black America sees White America as racist. It keeps them in the voting block and voting blocks is what the Democrats are all about.
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In the past I always thought that the republican party was more corrupt than the democratic party but I was seriously wrong. In fact I think the democratic party is playing a large role to racially divide America. It's in their best interest if Black America sees White America as racist. It keeps them in the voting block and voting blocks is what the Democrats are all about.

Boy, isn't that a slap of reality. Black America keeps voting Dems and actually regressing.

If I was Black, I'd be pissed as to why my party does more social interventions for Muslims than my fellow Black Americans, who have been fighting the system for hundreds of years.

Democrats love Muslims more than Black America
Boy, isn't that a slap of reality. Black America keeps voting Dems and actually regressing.

If I was Black, I'd be pissed as to why my party does more social interventions for Muslims than my fellow Black Americans, who have been fighting the system for hundreds of years.

Democrats love Muslims more than Black America

Yelp, they've been feed shit and told it was Filet Mignon. Democrat's have always took the black vote for granted. Republicans never made them work for it.
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Black America will love Trump before he is done. Going off welfare and be empowered is waaaay better than dependency and low esteem identifying as victims

Look, Donald trump has been one of the most influential and paraded celebrity honkies of all time in the hip hop world, for obviou$$$$ reasons. It's just a matter of time before black people publically love him again.He is wayyy more black than Barry who wasn't even as black as Bill C. Shit. Barry changed his accent when talking to black people. That's racist af, tbh.
The majority of the established media seems to have bought into being THE central plank of the coming Intelligentsia so you won't find many sympathetic allies to further the voice of limited govt. secure borders and perhaps a more HUMBLE position internationally.......but people like Ben Carson (I worked with his brother Curtis for about 3 years at my last stop by the way - those men are the REAL DEAL....THAT should be what young black kids look to instead of the hate filled, bigoted communist that was spewing F-bombs every third word in Seattle as part of the BLM protest a couple of months ago.)

Our black friends are similar to other specific populations IMO in this way -
While there probably IS a growing # within their ranks that feel / understand something has gone really WRONG with the D-Party and who they have speaking for them......they still can't quite get on with the idea of siding with the R-Party for one reason or another....

That is IMO - ONE of the barriers to getting a new movement going
If ou believe the damn media you'd think that all gays were the same as well - just happen to be gay AND 100% on board with whatever the D-Party platform is this week

Like there aren't fiscally conservative gay ppl or concerns about border security etc....while proclaiming "diversity" more times than I can count - the social movement that's been at work on their revolution for about 50 strong years -- has created caricatures and the typical Marxist LOCK STEP ideology that's needed to accept something as blatantly illogical as open borders, global govt etc

hell if you just go back and read Marx enough you'll see what Socialism was designed to "EVOLVE" into Communism from the beginning .... so how does THAT make sense as a preferred type of govt when everyone's marching in the streets about abuse of power and misuse of authority and absence of trust?

Why WOULDN'T you want a type of govt that has limitations and checks and balances?

WHY would you try to purposely CRASH it (which is what is happening) in order to bring about a top down form of govt that puts FEWER people in charge of a LOT MORE areas of your life and everyone else's.......and a form of organization based on "Dialectical Materialism" no other words -- Marx started with the belied (borrowed from other German and French philosophers) that the only things that are real are the things you can see, feel and touch.
No God, no afterlife, no right / no wrong / NO GUILT ....people are reduced to matter....and carriers of ideas

And that's EXACTLY how the Communists ran the USSR for decades -- if the same type of people ever get in control of this nation -- the same type of things will happen again.

Make no mistake about our collective ability to repeat past mistakes

PS: gO cats
Still not seen anyone from msm mention that Beshear fought tooth and nail to stop gay marriage in ky. Even hired outside counsel and spent a fortune. Yet he was their spokesperson. Crickets.

He doesn't realize it, but he's actually arguing against his own point. Classic. Lol.

That's odd bc he gay af.

MJ have anything to say about his boy beshear?

Is Paul Ryan to be trusted? That snake has given me a bad vibe since I first saw him s'ng Obamas D on some 60 min special or something. Total phony douche. Or am I wrong?
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Isn't the end goal of Marxism to form a society with no need for government? And that socialism and Communism just being steps toward that end goal?
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