How will they rule ??!

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I provided with the numbers for illegals as well. You don't need to correct my mistake. I did so myself, in the same exact post.

After I provided you with them you chose to completely ignore them, and then deflect to the refugees, so then I addressed your next post about Refugees where you said this.

You said this. Regardless if I misremembered immigrants/refugees, the % on government benefits was still correct. Is snap not a government benefit? Did I not originally say "some form of government benefit"? There the answer to your deflection from the other numbers pertaining to the illegals that I also provided you with, that you chose to completely ignore.

Again, another deflection.

You keep ignoring the most important part. The longer they're here, not only do they continue to still collect food stamps, but the more benefits they collect. They move on from food stamps, to housing assistance, then to SSI.

Let’s take SNAP for example (that is food stamps). Note that 92.5% of refugees who arrived in 2015 went on food stamps, but of those admitted in 2011, 60% are still on food stamps 5 years later!

Interesting too is the figure for housing assistance. Newly arriving refugees get very little, but after they have been here for awhile (see 2011) they find the housing assistance.

Also, note that as they are here longer, more refugees find SSI
(for aged, blind, disabled or poor people generally).
I didn't go thru the rest of your info. Focused on the refugee part.

I'll try later.
What would your plan be?
The same plan as Kelly's. I'm not against helping them get on their feet, but, for instance, a decade worth of collecting government benefits is unacceptable, even if it's only food stamps. American citizens are only allowed to collect three years max.

These people shouldn't be entitled to entitlements for the rest of their lives. That's not contributing to our society. That's leeching off it. I'd say five years is plenty. But, as we see from the data, the numbers don't really get better, and even spike into more important benefits after five years.

Again, Kelly is a very thought out and fair man, yet this was his plan, not Trump's. That should tell you all you need to know about how bad the problem really is.
I didn't go thru the rest of your info. Focused on the refugee part.

I'll try later.
Why when your original question was about illegals? It was provided in the same exact post. Then in my very next post.

Anyways, don't worry about it. Any attempt from you to deflect and downplay the staggering amounts of tax money wasted on them isn't worth my time.
Where females fear to tread: KATIE HOPKINS reports from Sweden, the Scandi-lib paradise where terrified women have vanished from the streets and a conspiracy of silence and self-censorship on immigration buries the truth

I didn't come to Sweden for the riots. Or because of Trump. In fact, I was supposed to be here in December — before airline strikes stood in my way.

I came because I was asked. Repeatedly.

Swedish women reaching out by email, by letter, to quietly show me what has become of their country.

Dads writing that they were worried for their daughters, tweeting that Sweden is not the place people imagine it to be, that young girls are scared to go out at night.

A news feed filled with reports of the rape and assault of Sweden’s young women, some inexplicably streamed live on Facebook by the gang as they attacked.

Other reports filed quietly away in a box marked unmentionable: the rape of a 14-year-old child by an 'unaccompanied minor' immigrant who later bragged he was 45.

While liberals countered with accusations of fake news, the right highlighted the chaos caused in this town where 90% of Rinkeby residents are foreign, mostly recently arrived.

Rape statistics were shared and widely interpreted: either Stockholm was 'the rape capital of Europe', or the increase in sexual assaults was a mere statistical anomaly and look, if you turn the graph on its side you will see the numbers are actually falling.

But in a world of polarised news, there still have to be some truths waiting to be told. Even if they are only observations from a single white female with no security and suffering protestor fatigue.

And I've found it all here in plain sight for anyone to see or hear – if they’re listening. If they can stop taking pictures of burned out cars or reinterpreting rape statistics to suit their agenda.

One young girl of 27 — let's call her Lucy— is now terrified of going out alone. She lives near a busy shopping centre which draws migrants from no-go zones, and dreads her walk to work and home.

Under the bridge near her flat a gang of men gathers. All day and night. They have easy access to her up a stairwell. Like little billy goat gruff, she runs across, carrying her safety spray. Scared.

She knows the latest rape cases by heart, quotes them to me, the words tumbling out, a long line of horrible happenings. She is waiting for her turn to be added to the list.

She doesn't want her picture to be seen now. Not in case the migrants attack again, but because the feminists will come after her and hound her as a racist for speaking out. The migrant men scare her. But it is Swedish women who have silenced her.

I saw it in action when I ran to the scene of an unexploded hand grenade in a bin outside the police station of a no-go area of town, near a mosque. I asked the police who the target was.

They said they didn't know. I asked the Muslim leader at the mosque. He said he thought it was the police.

Then two women grabbed me and told me not to make this about the mosque, not to make this a Muslim issue. This was about the police — nothing to do with migrants. I wondered if they weren't missing the point. A bomb in a bin.

Whether this noisy stuff matters or not is open to debate. I'd argue this is madness. I am in utter disbelief that this is Sweden in the 21st century, a country idolised for its ultra-advanced ideals.

Later I went back to walk the no-go suburbs, ending up back in the centre of the town. A week earlier this place was torched and looted as the world looked on.

I wondered what was strange, besides the weird calm. And realised it was that I was the only woman in the place. Everyone else was young, African and male. Speaking Arabic. Hanging about, utterly without purpose.

'F*ck off, you white woman whore, go suck your mum,' they replied, and proceeded to demonstrate what they did to their 'little white girlfriends'.

The next morning, I went to a local women's multi-faith centre to ask where they all were at night, why they stayed indoors, why, in a country proud of its equality, they were trapped inside?

But that was only part of the story.

One lady explained: there is a strange moral code here in Rinkeby. You are much more exposed to crime if you are not a Muslim. These boys think they can take everything from a woman who is not wearing a hijab or at least covers her hair.

Another, Besse, told me: we don’t go out on the streets here after dark. It is too dangerous. I have lived here for 25 years and it has gotten worse and worse. The situation now is so tense that it is impossible for me to go to, say, the supermarket to get some milk.

Parwin, a Christian lady, blamed the mosques: it is because of all the things they are teaching in the mosque. They are Salafists there, just like Isis. They should close the mosque because that is where these kids have learned these bad things.

But one thing they all agree on is that they do not go out. They do not go out because they are scared — Muslim, Christian, young and old alike.

Just like Swedish Lucy, trapped in her home by fear.

Worried about by their children, too worried to tell their own mums.

I felt for these ladies, comfortable in each other's company here, but horribly alone at home.

I left saddened. Saddened that in a country so proud of women's rights, that leads the way on maternity and female equality, pockets of life like this exist.

Where women of all religions and colour are trapped in their home by fear.

Where young men are happy to tell me to my face that I am a white whore and make sexual gestures to show me my place.

Where the reason one women is scared to show her face is because the feminists will vilify her with racial slurs.

Where the public broadcaster wants me to accept a hand grenade in a bin is normal.
Your first number for refugees comes from a pretty small sample size and only correlates to SNAP in year 2015? Is that the number you're citing?

My stance would be to try and help people that come to our country(legally) that want to contribute to our society. I don't think that's a radical position.
Liberal POS logic 101. Disagree. Ask for proof. Deny proof by questioning authenticity and accuracy.

Stick head up ass. Repeat.
Just for shits, I googled "how long does it take to legally immigrate to the US". Completely effing ridiculous. I don't know what the answer is, but 5-10 years to get a green card + 5 more to be eligible for citizenship is insane. I thought it was absurd when my life was on hold for 2-3 months waiting on acceptance from an out of state college, can you imagine 10 years? I have so much respect for the people who stick it out legally, but I don't know how you can hate those who cut corners.
Just for shits, I googled "how long does it take to legally immigrate to the US". Completely effing ridiculous. I don't know what the answer is, but 5-10 years to get a green card + 5 more to be eligible for citizenship is insane. I thought it was absurd when my life was on hold for 2-3 months waiting on acceptance from an out of state college, can you imagine 10 years? I have so much respect for the people who stick it out legally, but I don't know how you can hate those who cut corners.
The same way they;d hate on me for trying to manipulate their country's laws and tax system w/o cause or justification. It's pretty GD simple if you aren't a complete nancy.
Just for shits, I googled "how long does it take to legally immigrate to the US". Completely effing ridiculous. I don't know what the answer is, but 5-10 years to get a green card + 5 more to be eligible for citizenship is insane. I thought it was absurd when my life was on hold for 2-3 months waiting on acceptance from an out of state college, can you imagine 10 years? I have so much respect for the people who stick it out legally, but I don't know how you can hate those who cut corners.

Maybe because breaking the law isn't a good first step in entering this country. It's not a right, it's a privelidge. A privilege they don't set the law for. A privelidge they don't have say in.

We have enough problems in this country without bringing in loads of unskilled their world poverty. Ever heard the expression "clean your own closet first?

I don't give a damn if it takes them 30 years to gain citizenship. Unless you have something to offer America in your skills, we shouldn't even take them. Why in the world do so many Americans not understand the kind of country they are leaving their children by this nonsense?

How many people should we allow in and how long should it take? Answer that for us? Approximate numbers.
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Immigration is a failed government program just like every other failed government program. If you are going to deny people because they don't have any skills, just deny them. There is no reason it should take 10 years to say no.
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Immigration is a failed government program just like every other failed government program. If you are going to deny people because they don't have any skills, just deny them. There is no reason it should take 10 years to say no.

How many people would you let in per year. How long is the waiting period? Answer it.
This is what it all comes down to. Not one liberal I've ever heard of is willing to take them in and help them personally. But they're all cool with them coming here, breeding here, and moving in next door to god knows who putting many people at risk and damaging the future fabric of our republic.


I'm going to put up another book review later this morning - it's the 3rd and final portion of the 4 volumes/6 book "literary experiment" called "The Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... there's something especially chilling about reading someone who was once a Red Army officer / Marxist who was then caught up in one of Stalin's purges......and inherited a trip into their concentration camp system as a result (he survived and was later expelled from the USSR for writing about it and traveling abroad to give speeches etc).....I think the man is truly a hero but it's reading his characterizations of Marxists/Communists and their tactics that's awoken me to the fact that "we" (as in - Americans) are no longer dealing with a traditional Left and Right wing party......people also underestimate how much 9/11 changed how our govt operates and what "it" feels it can do without the consent of the ppl.
We literally had the two worst Presidential admin's in our nation's history back to back with Little Bush Jr and Barry Sotero Barrack Hussein Obama .... Hillary would have been a near (if not actual) death blow to the Republic IMO.....that's why the Marxist left is irate and receiving funds / orders from the likes of Soros to amp things up a bit.....they were SO CLOSE to their New World Order (I could go on and on about that - my blog lists the quotes of how the Obama Admin, The Pope, The Bushes and many others ALL used the term "NWO" and always in the context of something near's simple really -- it's supposed to be the final VICTORY for communism.

Here are some quotes from "The Gulag...Vol 3" -- the rest is going up on 50 Amp Fuse later this morning (PS: Surprisingly this thing has really taken off from Jan to Feb - still keeping it advert free for now as well - probably always will)

  • Speaking of education under the Communists "in every lesson, whether it was pertinent or not, whether you were studying the anatomy of worms or the use of were required to take a kick at God
  • So little is taught to our people about how the Socialists and Communists introduced the world to "concentration camps" .... and they did. They had over 80 up and running in the early 1920's before Hitler was ever in power,,,,,yet, when someone says, "Concentration Camps"..... not only does everyone assume you're talking about Nazi Germany (not a problem in and of itself) but they are generally ignorant of what the Marxists did in Russia and how it was so much wider / destructive than what the Nazi's did (not a quote from the book - just my observation)
  • There was a phenomenon called the "Vaslov Movement" during WW2, after Germany and her allies had invaded the USSR. Soviet General Vaslov wanted to work WITH the Germans to overthrow Stalin -- there were many Red Army troops ready to support him as well.. The Germans never used this options - neither did anyone else. Also, along these lines , the author recalls how, perhaps for the 1st time in history, there was a mass civilian exodus from the Northern Caucasus when the Germans retreated. There was massive numbers of Russian Peasants who preferred to repeat with the "alien Army" of Germany (a defeated enemy) - rather than stay home where Stalin ruled mercilessly.
  • Socialists who organized the Revolution were shocked to find their demands to the Communists not only being ignored (they wanted local organization for factory labor for instance - and they disagreed on the "role of the Russian peasant" -- but in Petrograd the Communists (who nearly ALL came from outside of Russia and SEIZED CONTROL from the Socialists) - gave orders to machine gun down all protesting Socialists in Petrograd,....there were many instances of the Communist leadership going back and imprisoning or executing the Socialists & Anarchists who helped bring the Revolution about (they no longer had a purpose and were a bit dangerous since they knew the textbook on agitation / organization etc)
  • On the topic of suppression of the political voices of dissent etc, "The whole system of oppression elaborated in his reign (Stalin) was based on keeping "malcontents" apart, preventing them from reading each others eyes and discovering how many of them there were..."
Marxists are extremely organized but they REALLY hate it if the opposition takes a page from their playbook and organizes / agitates as they do (ref: attacks on the Tea Party and others, while celebrating how "diversity" makes us strong)

This last quote may be one of the most important

I'm not referring to Republicans - hell, I'm even going to use the term Conservative -- but what we need right now is for SOUND, LOGICAL PEOPLE - people who understand that a government designed with checks and balances = that's accountable to the electorate - will remain in check and also start to become more FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE .... also, maybe somewhere along the way we can drop the Bush era / PNAC style bombing in the name of Democracy etc etc

Those aren't polarizing points - unless you're a Marxist who wants to bring DOWN the system -- or a true Fascist who wants only to force/silence traditional Leftist opposition ..... or maybe just a damned lunatic

We've got to STOP calling the current PREVAILING Leftists voices "Liberal"

There are organized units preparing for war as we speak -- war on our soil
Foreign enemies will see this as a splendid opportunity to bring us down as well (ref: The Iranian general who recently noted on camera that they have something like 2 million Persians in our nation -- and many sleeper cells ready to go when called up)

Traditional Conservatives are making a dire mistake by thinking we are dealing with politics as usual

When the violence and destabilization starts to move forward you need to ready to fight --- you need to be ready to resist Marxism JUST AS YOU WOULD NAZISM

.....ok.....I meant to only write 2 paragraphs.......(sigh)

Finally - there are MANY Traditional Leftists that need to realize that their political party has been outright hi-jacked

Plan for a temporary alliance with others -- even if we make strange bed fellow for a little while

We are seeing a literal Revolution coming to fruition right now and I DOUBT the Sorosian / NWO types are just going to pack up and go home because the Non-Marxists are starting to WAKE UP

and people ARE WAKING UP
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Deporting criminal aliens has been priority policy since forever.

If by forever, you mean January 2017. Then yes. Clinton, Bush, and especially Obama were all weak on illegal immigrants.

Your first number for refugees comes from a pretty small sample size and only correlates to SNAP in year 2015? Is that the number you're citing?

The exact number is irrelevant. The fact that the vast majority are on assistance is undeniable. It isn't like they have any real skill.
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit he hasn't earned

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump boasted Tuesday night about corporate job expansion and military cost-savings that actually took root under his predecessor and gave a one-sided account of the costs and benefits to the economy from immigration — ignoring the upside.

A look at some of his claims in his prime-time speech to Congress:
The words AP and Facts should never used in the same sentence.

I liked your post just so I could unlike it.

You're welcome.
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This Castlerubric dude is collecting some impressive "got scrolled" time. Two or three more posts of his and I'll have enough miles for a free trip to Australia.
Another example of what I have been saying. Sooner or later one-by-one a lot of folks are going to start realizing Trump is the leader they have wanted and needed for a very long time. They just did not know it because of their blind obsessions with the liberal narrative or have been brainwashed by the MSM or their pathetic excuses for politicians. You do not have to agree with all of his policies, but you have to admit he is a leader and has incredible energy and courage to take on issues that 99.9% of politicians are/were afraid to attempt to fix.

When has a Republican POTUS been as proactive about helping the inner cities?

Dems better be very worried because he is about to take a lot of their voting blocks away from them.

I stand by my belief that after 8 years Trump will go down as one of the greatest Presidents in US history.
Just for shits, I googled "how long does it take to legally immigrate to the US". Completely effing ridiculous. I don't know what the answer is, but 5-10 years to get a green card + 5 more to be eligible for citizenship is insane. I thought it was absurd when my life was on hold for 2-3 months waiting on acceptance from an out of state college, can you imagine 10 years? I have so much respect for the people who stick it out legally, but I don't know how you can hate those who cut corners.
I would have to agree with you about it taking too long. I guess some people think it takes that long to see if you really want to be an American or not. There has to be a better way to shorten the process. With that being said, I think we should also immediately deport anyone who after being here at least 5 years can't speak the language or does not make an attempt to learn. Also, if your allegiance is to another country.... goodbye. To be an American means to accept the ideals and laws of this country.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit he hasn't earned

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump boasted Tuesday night about corporate job expansion and military cost-savings that actually took root under his predecessor and gave a one-sided account of the costs and benefits to the economy from immigration — ignoring the upside.

A look at some of his claims in his prime-time speech to Congress:
Dictionary definitions: For taking credit for what one has not done, SEE OBAMA:
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This Castlerubric dude is collecting some impressive "got scrolled" time. Two or three more posts of his and I'll have enough miles for a free trip to Australia.
Pot meet kettle. You two should have a post off on another thread to see who could win. Suggest you put moleskin on your fingertips.
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit he hasn't earned

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump boasted Tuesday night about corporate job expansion and military cost-savings that actually took root under his predecessor and gave a one-sided account of the costs and benefits to the economy from immigration — ignoring the upside.

A look at some of his claims in his prime-time speech to Congress:
Hell if Barry can try to take credit for lower energy cost benefits to the economy whilst fighting that very thing, none of you turds should be bothered by some harmless "crow"ing.
Trump just assured everyone that he truly is gonna"get shit right" He's been my president since before he was nominee, but now he assured the whole country. If you can't put bullshit aside and give him a chance and hope with everything that he does a fantastic job, then you are just a pure party line hack. I hoped beyond hope that obama would do a great job. Didn't turn out, but I wanted him to. One day, obama will owe Donald J. Trump a huge thank you. If Clinton was elected she would have doubled down on the crap and obama and Clinton would go down in history as worst ever. Trump saved him from that.

Markets are surging because of it.
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That moment with the tribute to the fallen Navy Seal and his wife solidified Trump as the POTUS. If that moment did not touch you, you are a horrible human being (looking at several of the Dems in the crowd).
Why when your original question was about illegals? It was provided in the same exact post. Then in my very next post.

Anyways, don't worry about it. Any attempt from you to deflect and downplay the staggering amounts of tax money wasted on them isn't worth my time.
I looked at your FAIR report....

Tax money should be used for citizens and people trying to become citizens legally.

Fair enough?
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Hell if Barry can try to take credit for lower energy cost benefits to the economy whilst fighting that very thing, none of you turds should be bothered by some harmless "crow"ing.
Don't forget, if not for him we would have not got Bin Laden.





Your Democratic Party, gentlemen.
Pieces of Shit. And if the, ahem, "moderates" on here and out in the public would take a stand their party might stop their evolution into the shitter. But much like "moderate" muslims that secretly root for the radicals they will stay quiet and secretly cheer the takeover.
Oh my, big news this morning about Lexington's diversity ranking. It's not good, you might want to sit down for this - Lexington is ranked as the 248th most diverse city. We must do better. Diverse cities have more robust economies. Cities that were listed as diverse and robust: Basically anyplace in Cali, NYC, and surrounding D.C. area.

I know Cali broke af, the rest of that group is a shithole, likely broke and politically corrupt as well.

KY in general has a high percentage of "lifers" aka prisioners of the state who don't migrate or seek more diverse and robust places to live.
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