How will they rule ??!

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100% agree with Trump on a merit based immigration system. It appears the amnesty talk was nonsense. He said nothing about amnesty, or ever even hinted at it
We should come up with a phrase for that kind of thing....false memorandums? The data on that news is inaccurate? YOU CANT HANDLE THE NEWS? Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about your electoral projections?
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She is a moron, but the bigger morons are the ones who keep electing her.
I would not allow her to run a lemonade stand for me. No telling what she has done to get rich folks to give her lots of money which is the only reason she has any power in Washington.
All those west coast liberals seem to rob their constituents blind with nary a phuck given.

Pelosi, Reid etc...
Schumer flat out scuffling. Tough gig, I guess.

Lols Steve Beshear....what in the ***k are they doing? Your modern democrat party, folks.

It's odd.

They followed up THE GREATEST BLACK PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME OMG HE DRINKS BEER AND PLAYS BALL with...uhhhh... a half dead fn Hillary Clinton??? All they had to do was find someone to beat Donald Trump. They failed. Not sure anybody with short term political goals wants to join the D team. Don't go near this mess. Save yourself.
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100% agree with Trump on a merit based immigration system. It appears the amnesty talk was nonsense. He said nothing about amnesty, or ever even hinted at it
And considering, the last numbers I saw, approximately 93% of illegal immigrants receive and depend on some form of government benefit.

So, basically, if any illegals are actually offered amnesty, it's only going to be among those 7% who support themselves.
And considering, the last numbers I saw, approximately 93% of illegal immigrants receive and depend on some form of government benefit.

So, basically, if any illegals are actually offered amnesty, it's only going to be among those 7% who support themselves.
That's a hefty number. I'm sure you'll back it up with data.

I want my tax dollars to actually get a positive ROI. Preferably going towards citizens.
That's a hefty number. I'm sure you'll back it up with data.

I want my tax dollars to actually get a positive ROI. Preferably going towards citizens.

Just looked it up again. I was mistaken. The 93% I saw was for refugees. Found here.

The numbers for illegals, although no % is given, are just as staggering, and burdensome to your tax dollars. Found here.

Executive Summary
This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

Just looked it up again. I was mistaken. The 93% I saw was for refugees. Found here.

The numbers for illegals, although no % is given, are just as staggering, and burdensome to your tax dollars. Found here.

Executive Summary
This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

Your first number for refugees comes from a pretty small sample size and only correlates to SNAP in year 2015? Is that the number you're citing?

My stance would be to try and help people that come to our country(legally) that want to contribute to our society. I don't think that's a radical position.
Donald J Trump just NAILED that speech.

Literally NAILED it.

And F*** that POS who talked about Ryan's wife. Honestly hope he dies a horrific death. Tonight. You won't hear one person who railed Trump about the Khan incident say a single word to this POS. He needs to burn in HELL.
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That's a hefty number. I'm sure you'll back it up with data.

I want my tax dollars to actually get a positive ROI. Preferably going towards citizens.

There's also this study from Center for Immigration Studies from 2012 that puts the % at 87% for illegals who have children. Has it gotten better or worse since then?


All those DACA parents and parents who fled to here while pregnant to have their child, while illegal, are given welfare for their "American" children. Actually given much more than the average American family.

Illegal immigrant households receive an average of $5,692 in federal welfare benefits every year, far more than the average "native" American household, at $4,431, according to a new report on the cost of immigration released Monday

There's also this lady -- who had already deported once, from Florida, in 2007 for her part in marijuana drug ring -- only to return to Florida and set up a multi million dollar meth ring, and collect $900, monthly, in food stamps. It's quite easy for illegals to game the system and mooch off of tax dollars. This really shouldn't come as a surprise.

"It's not a problem, it's an epidemic," Polk County, Fla. Sheriff Grady Judd said of illegal immigrant felons like Gutierrez.

Harrigan reported that another illegal immigrant, Maria Concepcion, returned to Florida after being deported, and was found to have been smuggling $70,000 worth of methamphetamine per month, while also collecting $900 in food stamps in that time.
Your first number for refugees comes from a pretty small sample size and only correlates to SNAP in year 2015? Is that the number you're citing?

My stance would be to try and help people that come to our country(legally) that want to contribute to our society. I don't think that's a radical position.
Is snap not a government benefit? Did I originally not say "some form of government benefit"? These people come here for a better life, not to never assimilate and collect welfare. Of those same refugees, 68% are on Medicaid and 73% are on cash assistance.

There is a reason Secretary General Kelly included a certain, specific guideline in his immigration guidelines overhaul.

Immigrants/refugees who have been here a certain amount years and are deemed to be taking advantage of government assistance are subject to deportation. That reason is because it's a major problem.
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How is it beneficial for a country to take in people who are uneducated, have no skills, can't contribute and will be an economic burden? They are brought here for votes and to change this country via the third world.

People acting shocked that the third world are idiots and often violent savages and use taxpayers' money, is pretty funny.
My stance would be to try and help people that come to our country(legally) that want to contribute to our society. I don't think that's a radical position.

don't think anybody should disagree with that on any sensible level. However, there is more than just "contribute" to our society. There is a general, moral expectation to embrace our way of life, our freedom and liberties.

I wrote about this several days ago, about how those lines from the poem "The New Colossus" as made powerful by the Statue of Liberty have been so erroneously turned on us. Look at those particularly significant lines again for a moment please:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . . "

We've been forced to believe this means we are required to take on all comers. But the edict imposed by those last four words must not be lost. Who is so naive to believe that many who have come here do not exactly embrace the concept of freedom? If they come here intent on imposing standards and conditions they might be willing to suck the freedom in for themselves, but not let it back out for others. That is not breathing. That is depriving. This is a powerful responsibility for Americans to consider, as the meaning of this poem, clearly, requires much more that just leaving a soggy welcome mat for any and every scum to wipe, or not wipe, their feet upon.
My stance would be to try and help people that come to our country(legally) that want to contribute to our society. I don't think that's a radical position.

I agree, but did you miss this part?

Note that 92.5% of refugees who arrived in 2015 went on food stamps, but of those admitted in 2011, 60% are still on food stamps 5 years later!

So my question is, how long is too long? After so many years of still collecting government benefits and not being able to support themselves, I highly doubt they care about wanting to contribute to our society.
Is snap not a government benefit? Did I originally not say "some form of government benefit"? These people come here for a better life, not to never assimilate and collect welfare. Of those same refugees, 68% are on Medicaid and 73% are on cash assistance.

There is a reason Secretary General Kelly included a certain, specific guideline in his immigration guidelines overhaul.

Immigrants/refugees who have been here a certain amount years and are deemed to be taking advantage of government assistance are subject to deportation. That reason is because it's a major problem.
What you originally said was :

"approximately 93% of illegal immigrants receive and depend on some form of government benefit."

You later said that you were mistaken. It wasn't illegal immigrants but refugees.

OK. I make mistakes, too.

In your original statement you went on to say:

"if any illegals are actually offered amnesty, it's only going to be among those 7% who support themselves."

We can replace illegals with refugees (to correct your mistake). If you think that because someone is on food stamps that that means they aren't supporting themselves, well, I disagree.

And again, the sample size of 466 households... you'd have to be pretty happy that only 466 illegals, I mean refugees were here. Right. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Regardless, I think SNAP could be done much better, especially if snack food companies didn't have a say in it.
Not one of you would put up with a roommate that is as useless as these illegals and refugees yet you think we should bring them in droves.

Imagine you're an employer or looking to rent to someone. You'd bring in someone with no GD skills or education or ability to assimilate and then welcome paying for their costs and their family's costs?
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Not one of you would put up with a roommate that is as useless as these illegals and refugees yet you think we should bring them in droves.

Imagine you're an employer or looking to rent to someone. You'd bring in someone with no GD skills or education or ability to assimilate and then welcome paying for their costs and their family's costs?

This is what it all comes down to. Not one liberal I've ever heard of is willing to take them in and help them personally. But they're all cool with them coming here, breeding here, and moving in next door to god knows who putting many people at risk and damaging the future fabric of our republic.

You can go online and offer assistance to refugees, even offer a family or a few a place to stay I believe. How many liberals actually do what they bitch about? hardly any. Like most topics they like to appear sympathetic and empathetic, all while doing absolutely nothing they talk about. I know, I did volunteer work for many charities and coached in Memphis. Liberal mouthpieces in the city are ghosts when it matters.
We can replace illegals with refugees (to correct your mistake). If you think that because someone is on food stamps that that means they aren't supporting themselves, well, I disagree.
I provided with the numbers for illegals as well. You don't need to correct my mistake. I did so myself, in the same exact post.

After I provided you with them you chose to completely ignore them, and then deflect to the refugees, so then I addressed your next post about Refugees where you said this.

Your first number for refugees comes from a pretty small sample size and only correlates to SNAP in year 2015? Is that the number you're citing?

You said this. Regardless if I misremembered immigrants/refugees, the % on government benefits was still correct. Is snap not a government benefit? Did I not originally say "some form of government benefit"? There the answer to your deflection from the other numbers pertaining to the illegals that I also provided you with, that you chose to completely ignore.

And again, the sample size of 466 households...

Again, another deflection.

You keep ignoring the most important part. The longer they're here, not only do they continue to still collect food stamps, but the more benefits they collect. They move on from food stamps, to housing assistance, then to SSI.

Let’s take SNAP for example (that is food stamps). Note that 92.5% of refugees who arrived in 2015 went on food stamps, but of those admitted in 2011, 60% are still on food stamps 5 years later!

Interesting too is the figure for housing assistance. Newly arriving refugees get very little, but after they have been here for awhile (see 2011) they find the housing assistance.

Also, note that as they are here longer, more refugees find SSI
(for aged, blind, disabled or poor people generally).
I provided with the numbers for illegals as well. You don't need to correct my mistake. I did so myself, in the same exact post.

After I provided you with them you chose to completely ignore them, and then deflect to the refugees, so then I addressed your next post about Refugees where you said this.

You said this. Regardless if I misremembered immigrants/refugees, the % on government benefits was still correct. Is snap not a government benefit? Did I not originally say "some form of government benefit"? There the answer to your deflection from the other numbers pertaining to the illegals that I also provided you with, that you chose to completely ignore.

Again, another deflection.

You keep ignoring the most important part. The longer they're here, not only do they continue to still collect food stamps, but the more benefits they collect. They move on from food stamps, to housing assistance, then to SSI.

Let’s take SNAP for example (that is food stamps). Note that 92.5% of refugees who arrived in 2015 went on food stamps, but of those admitted in 2011, 60% are still on food stamps 5 years later!

Interesting too is the figure for housing assistance. Newly arriving refugees get very little, but after they have been here for awhile (see 2011) they find the housing assistance.

Also, note that as they are here longer, more refugees find SSI
(for aged, blind, disabled or poor people generally).

Yea, I mean liberals know all to well the way this goes. Starts here, goes there, progresses here, poof we're 30 years later, mounting debt, and we've slid down the entire slope.
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Can democrats can hold the mid /lower classes / poor and inner city African American vote much longer. They've been in complete control of liberal ran cities for 70 years in some cases and after all that time, the ghetto is worse today than its ever been, drugs and crime are through the roof, and not a GD thing is done about it. I do believe in personal responsibility to a large extend, more than anything really. But that's not the bill of goods they've been sold by liberals. WE, liberal white men, will fix your problems, you do nothing.

And how the f*** could they? They're nothing more than soft bigots who refuse to explain the way of ending the poverty cycle that they know damn well can be done through determination ONLY. No government can end poverty.

Are we to the point where people on assistance or in poverty, both white and black, will sell out to corruption in order to do nothing and take the handout?

I truly believe 50% of entitlements could be cut and thrown out if people that can be, would be, responsible. Both with their work, finances, and retirements.

I wish the nation would turn toward this line of thinking and start holding the American peoples feet to the fire as much as the politicians (in some cases).


Refuse to stand for widow or clap. Eff you, Democrats.

pieces of shit all of them. They aren't Americans. They view themselves as foreigners who are now just minorities born in the US. They want to destroy the country that they believe was stolen and transform it into a western european country with open boarders under a progressive mantra. I know it's been said here over and over, but that's because it's so important. Th party of the democrats are now a global party, not a national party of America.

They are the single biggest threat to the United States of America as we know it. Bigger than Isis or any evil nation we face currently .
I'm going to refer you to the actual report:

page 13 of 72 shows how many refugees from each country came in in 2015.

It's more than 466. The survey was given to 466 households out of 69,933 refugee arrivals.

page 23 of 72 shows a decrease in use of TANF, Refugee cash assistance, general assistance, Medicaid or RMA, and SNAP.

"Data presented in Table 7 and Figure 2 suggest that households came to rely on earned income over time."

SSI and housing assistance do go up : "Given that SSI and housing assistance are two programs that typically require long eligibility processes, it is plausible that this does not represent a change in underlying demand for services but the longer time period it takes for eligible households to access these types of assistance."

What would your plan be?