How will they rule ??!

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Nye is a weird dude that is quite politically driven and I did not see the Tucker segment.....but I'm not sure what was wrong with that Larry King video. His "thought experiment" analogy with the car crash at the end was spot on imo.

Just the look on Nye's face when he says "thought experiement everybody" like it's a GD 6th grade bill Nye show episode and the guy bust the line about vineger and baking soda. Haha. Nye's face was priceless.
I hate to break it to you, but Bill Nye did not get "owned" in that video. The baking soda and vinegar remark was a nice shot for those in on the joke, but he was the only one with a valid point. Nothing those guys said or witnessed is in any way proof of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

I think the point was missed entirely in the video. The joke wasn't really inside unless of course someone didn't grow up in the "science guy" days and doesn't know about Nye's comedic past.

The professor who worked for military wasn't saying it was aliens. He was saying it was absolutely an unidentified flying object and our military didn't have the capabilities that "he knew of" in the 60's. Nye was owned because he pulled a straw man the entire segment trying to link the comments of the professsor to "aliens". UFO does not have to mean alien life.

Besides that, it wasn't really about the substance anyway. Nye's face when the guy says the vinegar and baking soda line is priceless. And the way the professor says it cracked me up. The dorky laughs in the background were great too.
Now the racist bastard signed an EO supporting and pledging support for historically black colleges.

How will the left put a negative spin on that?
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The liberal opposition MANUFACTURES the view of Trump as racist:
Deporting illegal aliens? Must be because Trump is racist, hates all Mexicans! (not because of existing law).
Travel ban on 7 countries? Must be because Trump is racist, hates all Muslims! (not to keep America safe).
Trump calls HRC a "nasty woman?" Must be because Trump is sexist, hates all women! (not because she is indeed a nasty woman)

Was listening to NPR, had a guest on saying that hostilities toward Jews in the last several days has been fostered by Trump. How the eff is that? Tell me, specifically, what Trump has said or done to foment Jewish hate? Not this "fostered the environment" BS, no, SPECIFICALLY what has Trump said or done that demonstrated ANY hostility towards Jews? Ivanka, his daughter, converted to Judaism, for Christ sakes! (irony intended). But yeah, all hate and racism stems from Trump and whatever he says or does.

I'm so glad Trump is unaffected by this BS, doesn't give a d@mn about pleasing anyone and only doing what he believes is right.
Forget fake news, this is FAKE GOVERNMENT.

Trump brings in a gaggle of black folks under the guise having an encounter session where ideas impacting the black community will be discussed and not a word is said, just a photo op.

Then off to sign to completely hollow EOs which mean absolutely nothing substantively.

That's Trump's MO in his FAKE GOVERNMENT. Play 36 holes of golf, eat at a five star restaurant, then show up for 10 minutes of "work" signing fake meaningless documents completely lacking in substance while making a huge photo opportunity out of it then brag for the next week about all the "work" you've accomplished.

Folks, this is FAKE GOVERNMENT.

So far this president has accomplished nothing of substance. All hijacking credit for things that have already been done while watering and walking back all of his campaign lies.

But there is one bit of good news that I'd like to talk about. Continuing with his trend of walking back campaign lies, word is Trump's new Illegal Immigration plan will offer a path to legal status to illegal aliens. LOL. Stick that right in the eye of the racists that actually believed Trump was going to KICK OUT ALL THE ILLEGALS!

Yep, folks... his most touted plan that was the first word off his lips in exciting the racists has been walked all the way back to offering legal status to the dreamers and illegals without a criminal record. So, once again, Trump not only walks his crappy FAKE plans back to something that was already in existence (ie... priority on deporting illegals with criminal records - something Obama was already doing at a record pace) but Trump's inner liberal gets the best of him (HELLO IVANKA) and he offers legal status to the very illegals he spent a year promising to deport so the bubbas would fall out of their outhouses in supporting him.

Already wagons circling in Congress that Trump's big spending is DOA. There is no money to support it. Two thirds of the budget Trump refuses to tackle in entitlements (Paul Ryan's wet dream) so that leaves Defense and everything else. If Trump wants his defense spending increase then you have to identify savings elsewhere and gutting the EPA isn't going to come close to it.

Here's what will play out. Republicans will want to start taking an ax to entitlements, something Trump has very publicly said he would not do, something Trump is featured in AARP commercials doing, but there simply is no money to be had to pay for his Christmas list which I have said over and over again in here.

So that leaves a failed president with an empty wish list that he cannot possibly pay for that must be walked back to a shadow of its former self otherwise Trump has to yield to his entitlement pledge.

Great, great times ahead, folks. All the lies and empty promises are coming to a head. The problem with con men and con jobs is eventually the con runs out, eventually it gets exposed for the lies that it spawns. Rubes can't be kept as rubes forever. At some point you either have to take something from them you shouldn't have, or you have to stand back and let the truth slap them right in the face and they find out they've been had.

That's where the Trumpettes are heading. A reckoning. And I am going to be right here rubbing it in every step of the way.
Fake Government ran by Big Spending Republicans trying to cut senior citizens benefits. Folks, these are scary times but we Democrats will fight tooth and nail to stop the Republicans' TAX BREAKS FOR TRUMP'S RICH BUDDIES that will be financed off the backs of our hard working middle class and our senior citizens in the midwest and rust belt.

Instead of getting you folks jobs Trump is grabbing your wallets to pay for his tax give-aways to the rich and we are not going to let that happen again.

Trump is already gutting the government regulations designed to stop another economic collapse at the hands of his Wall Street Banking Buddies. Instead of "Make America Great Again" Trump is trying to "MAKE THIS 2008 AGAIN" and we must stop him.

Note: FAKE GOVERNMENT and MAKE THIS 2008 AGAIN are mine so in the billion or so times you see this in the future you know where it came from.

Supreme Lord Z, post: 5684178, member: 51894"]Fake Government ...... these are scary times but ..... TAX BREAKS FOR TRUMP'S RICH BUDDIES ...... tax give-aways to the rich and we are not going to let that happen again..... another economic collapse at the hands of his Wall Street Banking Buddies.... "MAKE THIS 2008 AGAIN" and we must stop him.

"Then off to sign to completely hollow EOs which mean absolutely nothing substantively"

Why? Will there be another 9th Circuit vote to stop the EO to help Black Colleges? Please enlighten us oh Guru of BS.

Hey, Guru, I have a little tidbit for you. The mountain you sit upon was made with Democrat Dung.
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"Then off to sign to completely hollow EOs which mean absolutely nothing substantively"

Why? Will there be another 9th Circuit vote to stop the EO to help Black Colleges? Please enlighten us oh Guru of BS.

Hey, Guru, I have a little tidbit for you. The mountain you sit upon was made with Democrat Dung.
Read them. They are utterly meaningless. Trump has a clever little con going. He can play golf all day, walk in and sign an EO that says something like:

CURE CANCER Executive Order
Our administration is dedicated to supporting cancer research and development as finding a cure for cancer is something the Trump Administration fully supports and is something all Americans can be proud of.

Donald Trump
President of the United States of America

::::camera bulbs flashing:::::

Five minutes later...


Forget fake news, this is FAKE GOVERNMENT.

Trump brings in a gaggle of black folks under the guise having an encounter session where ideas impacting the black community will be discussed and not a word is said, just a photo op.

Then off to sign to completely hollow EOs which mean absolutely nothing substantively.

That's Trump's MO in his FAKE GOVERNMENT. Play 36 holes of golf, eat at a five star restaurant, then show up for 10 minutes of "work" signing fake meaningless documents completely lacking in substance while making a huge photo opportunity out of it then brag for the next week about all the "work" you've accomplished.

Folks, this is FAKE GOVERNMENT.

So far this president has accomplished nothing of substance. All hijacking credit for things that have already been done while watering and walking back all of his campaign lies.

But there is one bit of good news that I'd like to talk about. Continuing with his trend of walking back campaign lies, word is Trump's new Illegal Immigration plan will offer a path to legal status to illegal aliens. LOL. Stick that right in the eye of the racists that actually believed Trump was going to KICK OUT ALL THE ILLEGALS!

Yep, folks... his most touted plan that was the first word off his lips in exciting the racists has been walked all the way back to offering legal status to the dreamers and illegals without a criminal record. So, once again, Trump not only walks his crappy FAKE plans back to something that was already in existence (ie... priority on deporting illegals with criminal records - something Obama was already doing at a record pace) but Trump's inner liberal gets the best of him (HELLO IVANKA) and he offers legal status to the very illegals he spent a year promising to deport so the bubbas would fall out of their outhouses in supporting him.

Will you just shut the hell up with liberal rhetoric
More campaign boasting being walked back as fast as the reverse on his golf cart can beep beep beep:

Trump is already walking back his most important promise on the economy

President Donald Trump rose to power in a surprise electoral victory after promising a disaffected electorate that he could more than double the US's rate of economic growth to 4%.

Barely a month into Trump's presidency, his advisers have already downgraded that rather elevated forecast.

Steve Mnuchin, Trump's recently confirmed Treasury secretary who is a former banker at Goldman Sachs, has been making the rounds talking up plans for a round of tax cuts. At the same time, he has substantially downgraded the White House's goal for economic growth — to just 3%.
Read them. They are utterly meaningless. Trump has a clever little con going. He can play golf all day, walk in and sign an EO that says something like:

CURE CANCER Executive Order
Our administration is dedicated to supporting cancer research and development as finding a cure for cancer is something the Trump Administration fully supports and is something all Americans can be proud of.

Donald Trump
President of the United States of America

::::camera bulbs flashing:::::

Five minutes later...


Must have taken pages out of the Obama book if that is the case. He even golfed when American service members were being killed. Great leader that Obummer.
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No but I understand liberal and it makes me sick to my stomach that liberals twist everything that trump does into something bad.

Z is not a liberal. Haha. He's a conservative troll that butchers the liberal position in his own way. Figured him out a long time ago. But I go with it.

Now he's not "Christian right". Definitely thinks all existence came from dust that came from atoms that came from nothing. But he's not liberal. He's Z, and to be honest I think there's some days he doesn't what he is or, maybe, even who he is.
Z is not a liberal. Haha. He's a conservative troll that butchers the liberal position in his own way. Figured him out a long time ago. But I go with it.

Now he's not "Christian right". Definitely thinks all existence came from dust that came from atoms that came from nothing. But he's not liberal. He's Z, and to be honest I think there's some days he doesn't what he is or, maybe, even who he is.
Forget fake news, this is FAKE GOVERNMENT.

Trump brings in a gaggle of black folks under the guise having an encounter session where ideas impacting the black community will be discussed and not a word is said, just a photo op.

Then off to sign to completely hollow EOs which mean absolutely nothing substantively.

That's Trump's MO in his FAKE GOVERNMENT. Play 36 holes of golf, eat at a five star restaurant, then show up for 10 minutes of "work" signing fake meaningless documents completely lacking in substance while making a huge photo opportunity out of it then brag for the next week about all the "work" you've accomplished.

Folks, this is FAKE GOVERNMENT.

So far this president has accomplished nothing of substance. All hijacking credit for things that have already been done while watering and walking back all of his campaign lies.

But there is one bit of good news that I'd like to talk about. Continuing with his trend of walking back campaign lies, word is Trump's new Illegal Immigration plan will offer a path to legal status to illegal aliens. LOL. Stick that right in the eye of the racists that actually believed Trump was going to KICK OUT ALL THE ILLEGALS!

Yep, folks... his most touted plan that was the first word off his lips in exciting the racists has been walked all the way back to offering legal status to the dreamers and illegals without a criminal record. So, once again, Trump not only walks his crappy FAKE plans back to something that was already in existence (ie... priority on deporting illegals with criminal records - something Obama was already doing at a record pace) but Trump's inner liberal gets the best of him (HELLO IVANKA) and he offers legal status to the very illegals he spent a year promising to deport so the bubbas would fall out of their outhouses in supporting him.


Already wagons circling in Congress that Trump's big spending is DOA. There is no money to support it. Two thirds of the budget Trump refuses to tackle in entitlements (Paul Ryan's wet dream) so that leaves Defense and everything else. If Trump wants his defense spending increase then you have to identify savings elsewhere and gutting the EPA isn't going to come close to it.

Here's what will play out. Republicans will want to start taking an ax to entitlements, something Trump has very publicly said he would not do, something Trump is featured in AARP commercials doing, but there simply is no money to be had to pay for his Christmas list which I have said over and over again in here.

So that leaves a failed president with an empty wish list that he cannot possibly pay for that must be walked back to a shadow of its former self otherwise Trump has to yield to his entitlement pledge.

Great, great times ahead, folks. All the lies and empty promises are coming to a head. The problem with con men and con jobs is eventually the con runs out, eventually it gets exposed for the lies that it spawns. Rubes can't be kept as rubes forever. At some point you either have to take something from them you shouldn't have, or you have to stand back and let the truth slap them right in the face and they find out they've been had.

That's where the Trumpettes are heading. A reckoning. And I am going to be right here rubbing it in every step of the way.

Fake Government ran by Big Spending Republicans trying to cut senior citizens benefits. Folks, these are scary times but we Democrats will fight tooth and nail to stop the Republicans' TAX BREAKS FOR TRUMP'S RICH BUDDIES that will be financed off the backs of our hard working middle class and our senior citizens in the midwest and rust belt.

Instead of getting you folks jobs Trump is grabbing your wallets to pay for his tax give-aways to the rich and we are not going to let that happen again.

Trump is already gutting the government regulations designed to stop another economic collapse at the hands of his Wall Street Banking Buddies. Instead of "Make America Great Again" Trump is trying to "MAKE THIS 2008 AGAIN" and we must stop him.

Note: FAKE GOVERNMENT and MAKE THIS 2008 AGAIN are mine so in the billion or so times you see this in the future you know where it came from.

Read them. They are utterly meaningless. Trump has a clever little con going. He can play golf all day, walk in and sign an EO that says something like:

CURE CANCER Executive Order
Our administration is dedicated to supporting cancer research and development as finding a cure for cancer is something the Trump Administration fully supports and is something all Americans can be proud of.

Donald Trump
President of the United States of America

::::camera bulbs flashing:::::

Five minutes later...



Look at all the WORK our president is doing!

Path to legal status. Eat it. Whole.

More campaign boasting being walked back as fast as the reverse on his golf cart can beep beep beep:

Trump is already walking back his most important promise on the economy

President Donald Trump rose to power in a surprise electoral victory after promising a disaffected electorate that he could more than double the US's rate of economic growth to 4%.

Barely a month into Trump's presidency, his advisers have already downgraded that rather elevated forecast.

Steve Mnuchin, Trump's recently confirmed Treasury secretary who is a former banker at Goldman Sachs, has been making the rounds talking up plans for a round of tax cuts. At the same time, he has substantially downgraded the White House's goal for economic growth — to just 3%.

No hable espaniol?

Gracias por mi tarjeta verde (Thank you for my green card.).

Entiendo. El Presidente Trump es un gran hombre para ofrecer amnistía a mi pueblo. Vendrá en olas para hacerte compañía.

Since Republicans won and dominate state, local, and federal elections does that mean Trump is the fuhrer?

I don't agree with liberal camps though. They've got a right to live with their sickness just need to be quarantined away from children.
Z is not a liberal. Haha. He's a conservative troll that butchers the liberal position in his own way. Figured him out a long time ago. But I go with it.

Now he's not "Christian right". Definitely thinks all existence came from dust that came from atoms that came from nothing. But he's not liberal. He's Z, and to be honest I think there's some days he doesn't what he is or, maybe, even who he is.
I like Z because he is just trying to bring some humor into our lives. Everybody needs to laugh more.
Matt Jones should be crawling on his knees begging me to write for his lame political blog.

Also, I could make him a Senator. In Kentucky, if you're going to come from the outside in for the win then you have to have an issue like Wilkinson's lottery which he completely rode to victory. I am thinking an issue like allowing Kentucky farmers to grow marijuana as a cash crop with an eye towards Federal legalization could possibly be that issue in the years ahead when Mitch's seat comes up. The country is really moving towards that anyway and despite Jeff Sessions that could be the kind of controversial electric issue that could bring him all the way from the outside to a US Senate seat. He will have to have one controversial idea that puts him over the top if he wants to win.

Kentucky is already at the forefront of hemp growers in the country with 137 growers approved in 2016 to plant up to 4,500 acres. Federal legalization of marijuana would give Kentucky a huge advantage as we already are way ahead of everyone else. Put Kentucky farmers first if you want Mitch's Senate seat. Shifting from hemp to full on marijuana would be simple and Kentucky would boom. We're talking major, major money in the very poorest areas in Kentucky. This is an issue that could dramatically change Kentucky's rural areas like nothing else in history. Even in coal's wet dreams could they never hope to reshape Kentucky like that single issue could.

If rolled out and explained correctly, that is a winner.
Need about 15-20 more years for the Sessionistas in the eastern and southern regions of this state to die off before that campaign would ever have a chance.

Many in this state continue to wage holy wars against the liquor, bud.
Need about 15-20 more years for the Sessionistas in the eastern and southern regions of this state to die off before that campaign would ever have a chance.

Many in this state continue to wage holy wars against the liquor, bud.
Nope. The pot smoking baby boomers are ready to bring about a sea change in the attitudes toward pot. Already happening. By the time Mitch's seat comes up if you had the right guy to explain how that could mean an end to generations of poverty in our poorest counties to the tune of millions of dollars flowing into those areas and the businesses that kind of money would impact, then you have an election winner just like the lottery was.

Talk about lifting all boats. For the first time in their lives many of Kentucky's poorest would finally have a chance to lift themselves out of generational poverty and welfare. It is potentially the biggest game changer in Kentucky history just waiting there for the right person to get elected to do it. That my friends is the definition of a winner.

And it isn't just the growers. That money would impact every business and every facet of rural Kentuckians lives. Especially the Dairy Queen owners. #munchies :)