How will they rule ??!

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It's pitiful. White liberal males are the worst. Just so stupid.

Why would a minority or white-hating minority ever stop the "you're racist and I'm a victim act?" They get whatever they want and they just keep taking more and more while we cower in fear.

Keep crying and keep getting money you didn't earn, get into schools you weren't qualified for, get jobs that you're not qualified for but mandated quotas make it happen, cry for more representation in fields they tend to suck in, etc.
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I'd vote for her
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I also like that a lot of blacks feel they are owed and have inherited this grievance for something they didn't experience but at the same time, whites are supposed to only inherit the role as the "bad guy" while ignoring every good thing they have done, the society they created, the blood they spilled for the sake of others & are somehow to be punished.

My stipulation for getting paid the "white privilege tax" would be like this,

"If you feel slavery didn't inevitably path the way for a much better life for future generations of blacks in the U.S. and you'd somehow be better off in Africa if those 4.8 southerners never bought slaves, well here is your money and your travel back to Africa.

By accepting this, you never allowed to return."
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Actually use to admire the guy, but something has happened to him.

Wouldn't be surprised to find out he had dementia. Hope he doesn't
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I know most at these town halls have been coached, but I don't understand the logic behind coaching them to back and support Obamacare. Do the Democrats and their constituents not realize Obamacare has failed?

If nothing is done, by this time next year it will have basically collapsed and repealed itself. Doing something about it us unavoidable at this point. Even if Hillary had won and the Democrats were in power, they'd be forced to do something about it as well.

Because it isn't a rank and file decision. The decision and money comes from soros. That's why it's easy to coordinate the message.
Actually use to admire the guy, but something has happened to him.

Wouldn't be surprised to find out he had dementia. Hope he doesn't

:joy::joy::joy::joy:This video shows his arrogance in full display. Arguing and mischaracterizing a PHD professor and gets owned hilariously. just start watching at 8:30 if you don't wanna sit through it. shit had me lmao. "let's do this little thought experiment everybody..."

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What the hell happened to Bill Nye the Science Guy? Dude has lost his marbles


Tucker came across as having no actual interest in understanding the topic and paraded a rather obtuse line of questioning. He was a baboon flinging feces.

Tucker came across as having no actual interest in understanding the topic and paraded a rather obtuse line of questioning. He was a baboon flinging feces.

Tucker made a simple, effective, and direct point. Basically Nye is making definitive and settled statements that he could not possibly know and a real scientist would not guarantee. He basically just showed everyone how ridiculous Nye and his types of arrogant elitist idiots are. Seriously people have got to be extremely self absorbed and semi- delusional to believe they FULLY understand the climate in detail dating back many years, not to mention the next 100.

Nye just proved himself to be a pompous moron for the wing of alt left fanatics, which you should have been able to see by his bizarre ending. But I've always said liberals have a disorder. Not uncommon for them to make a complete fool of themselves on national TV and not know it.

But it's no use with these people. Hell the creator of the weather Chanel laughs at this stuff and he's far more credible than "vinegar and baking soda" Bill.

And for the record, Tucker says what any intelligent rational person says. I DONT KNOW. he's not the one playing Zues with the Clouds and forming a Mayan climate Calender. Give me a f'n break.
Something I'd challenge "vinegar and baking soda" bill on, is something he should have learned when becoming a "comedian" scientist. Challenge your own hypothesis. Critique the data the same way you would anything else. Debunk it as much as possible, and you'll find many holes in the theory. I mean, many CLIMATE scientist believe it's natural. That 96% number is flat out bogus, a proven junk stat.

we can't do anything about it anyway. Foreign countries are not going to stop polluting. So if it's real we're all screwed. It's not like wind is an option. You liberal asses have so many federal regulations on things such as bird killing, you couldn't get to the point of localized wind energy regardless. You constantly get in your own way without realizing it.

A disorder, as I said. The misfits of society.

Tucker came across as having no actual interest in understanding the topic and paraded a rather obtuse line of questioning. He was a baboon flinging feces.

hahaha maybe so, Fatguy

But come'on Bill Nye was odd. That was just some bizarre behavior.
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Foreign countries are not going to stop polluting. So if it's real we're all screwed. It's not like wind is an option. You liberal asses have so many federal regulations on things such as bird killing, you couldn't get to the point of localized wind energy regardless.
Exactly! China's pollution is attributed to killing 4,000 of its citizens every day! Japan's Fukushima disaster is spilling 300 tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean every day. China tells us to pluck ourselves and Japan's radioactive disaster can't be stopped.
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Just came from KSR. There's a political piece up over there by his new gimp, err, pseudo-politico writer, overtly fellating the new DNC chair and waxing about how this man can be the new face of the party and bring some much needed respect to DC... blah, blah

Comments are disabled. Can't ****ing make that shit up if I tried.

Trump has the Establishment all tore up. This is the best time of my life politically. It just keeps getting better.
I watched the TC video after reading these comments. He came off like a raving lunatic, especially at the end.

I don't see anything wrong with him in the UFO video.

Basically, he went from being level headed in the UFO video to being the UFO guy in TC's interview.
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Bill nye is credible as Mr. Rodgers, slightly more than Barney. All love pizza parties with Podesta, extra walnuts, etc.

I mean really. Bill fn Nye. That's who Dems got to spread the word?...Like electing Hillary Clinton. Deranged pizza touchers.
:joy::joy::joy::joy:This video shows his arrogance in full display. Arguing and mischaracterizing a PHD professor and gets owned hilariously. just start watching at 8:30 if you don't wanna sit through it. shit had me lmao. "let's do this little thought experiment everybody..."

I hate to break it to you, but Bill Nye did not get "owned" in that video. The baking soda and vinegar remark was a nice shot for those in on the joke, but he was the only one with a valid point. Nothing those guys said or witnessed is in any way proof of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

Just watched the Tucker clip....sweet lord what a weirdo idiot. Tucker's questioning wasn't obtuse, it completely exposed that nothing is *settled*.....if it was, the answers to his questions would be quantifiable.

.....and what in the F was the ending? Not even the cross paths part, the leaks part. Yikes. Not even remotely germane to the conversation or something that should concern an alleged scientist.

Just watched the Tucker clip....sweet lord what a weirdo idiot. Tucker's questioning wasn't obtuse, it completely exposed that nothing is *settled*.....if it was, the answers to his questions would be quantifiable.

.....and what in the F was the ending? Not even the cross paths part, the leaks part. Yikes. Not even remotely germane to the conversation or something that should concern an alleged scientist.
I like TC, but he is a bit smarmy. Having said that, his question was legit and Bill could not give an answer.

The Earth is warming, but how much is man made? The Earth has been warming for a long time. It will cool again and there is not a dang thing we humans can do to stop it.
Very good Trump.

President Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday scrapping a controversial Environmental Protection Agency rule that expanded the agency's jurisdiction over the nation's waterways during the second term of formerPresident Obama.

The regulation, known as the Waters of the U.S. rule, broadened the definition of the type of water body that would fall under EPA's formidable clean water enforcement powers, making everything from streams to ditches and watering holes subject to the EPA's and Army Corps of Engineers' oversight.