How will they rule ??!

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More campaign boasting being walked back as fast as the reverse on his golf cart can beep beep beep:

Trump is already walking back his most important promise on the economy

President Donald Trump rose to power in a surprise electoral victory after promising a disaffected electorate that he could more than double the US's rate of economic growth to 4%.

Barely a month into Trump's presidency, his advisers have already downgraded that rather elevated forecast.

Steve Mnuchin, Trump's recently confirmed Treasury secretary who is a former banker at Goldman Sachs, has been making the rounds talking up plans for a round of tax cuts. At the same time, he has substantially downgraded the White House's goal for economic growth — to just 3%.
Yahoo lol
Z is not a liberal. Haha. He's a conservative troll that butchers the liberal position in his own way. Figured him out a long time ago. But I go with it.

Now he's not "Christian right". Definitely thinks all existence came from dust that came from atoms that came from nothing. But he's not liberal. He's Z, and to be honest I think there's some days he doesn't what he is or, maybe, even who he is.
Hes clinically insane. Should be locked in a padded room so he doesn't hurt himself or others.
Kentucky could become a sanctuary state in exchange for all the illegals helping the tobacco growers get ramped up for Maryjane.

True, wouldn't be any different than it is now. Mexicans are dope. They would def help build a wall to keep ohio out of our pot. We will ship it to you, but keep your honky ass Subaru driving ass up north, please.

And if I see one more Ohio idiot with swim trunks, neon tank top, chuck Taylor's, trucker hat, neon sunglasses fn hiking through the hills jamming his gd Bluetooth speaker....stg man....I will live in the forrest like Benecio Del Toro and just murder these idiots for fun till Tommy Lee Jones comes and stops me. Gtfo. You have a huge entire state that is much bigger than ours. Go there. I promise I will never go explore your stupid ass land.
It's Yahoo posting a Business Insider article, genius.

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa
Business Insider February 27, 2017
A bullshit article. Trump set a 4% goal, turns out Mnuchin said 3% is more likely, which is still much better than what we've seen these past eight years, yet it's somehow a bad thing, and proof that Trump is walking back campaign promises. Seriously? Perfect example of the shit they're trying to pass off as "news" these days.
Plus, they make no mention that 3% is an estimate for a single year, not his entire presidency. The economy could continue to grow and easily hit 4% or greater in year 2, 3, or 4.

Also, there's this quote by Mnuchin -- But in an interview with CNBC, Mnuchin was signing a much softer tune. "We believe we can get back to sustainable growth of 3% or more," he said.

Odd how you leave out the "or more" part. Doesn't Trump's goal of 4% fall under "or more"?
I know most at these town halls have been coached, but I don't understand the logic behind coaching them to back and support Obamacare. Do the Democrats and their constituents not realize Obamacare has failed?

If nothing is done, by this time next year it will have basically collapsed and repealed itself. Doing something about it us unavoidable at this point. Even if Hillary had won and the Democrats were in power, they'd be forced to do something about it as well.
Here is the issue... for several years now Republicans have repeated over and over and over that they want to repeal and replace Obamacare but they have never said what the replacement will look like. Why after 6 years of complaining have they not come up with a better plan?
I've said over and over...I said day one when Obamacare was passed that it would fail in its current form. There are simply too many people with existing conditions within the pool of previously uninsured (those on Obamacare) for any private entity to ever profit while offering healthcare coverage at any "affordable" rate. As long as anyone is looking to the private market to solve the problem the solution is going to face the same hurdle.
Selling insurance across state lines...the only idea that Trump has ever vocalized on the issue will equate to throwing one deck chair off the deck of the Titanic.

Here's the soon as they repeal Obamacare and replace it with a GOP alternative then the fallout is squarely on the GOP shoulders and they won't be able to any longer blame Obamacare. Don't be surprised if Obamacare doesn't ever get replaced for this very reason. They (the GOP) don't want the responsibility for when THEIR plan fails.

When insurance became a defacto requirement for anyone to participate within the healthcare system we started on the road to single payer healthcare. Our culture will never resort to throwing people out on the street who are unable to pay for care. There is no free market that has ever priced anything that is affordable to all.

Trumpcare will nothing but Obamacare with a little lipstick.
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They also make no mention that 4% is an insanely high, somewhat elusive goal for Trump to be setting in the first place, and the fact that Munchin still estimated 3% or more should be extremely good news to any and everyone paying attention, and for the future economy.

That feat has only proven more difficult in recent years. Since 1947, the U.S. economy has grown at a 4 percent or higher quarterly rate 104 out of 277 quarters, or 37.6 percent of the time. It has reached that threshold in only 26 of 106 quarters, or 25 percent of the time, since 1990.

So, basically, that article is nothing more than more Trump hating, negative, doom and gloom propaganda. Competely ignoring the real, positive news, and coming off completely clueless in an attempt to manufacture outrageous, negative news.
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I want all our resident racists to take this Amnesty for Dreamers and a path to legalization for all Illegals who have not committed a crime and shove it right down their throats and into your craws. Let it settle in there and roll around a little bit. Deep down where it hurts. I want that one to cut right to the heart in the softest middle parts so that you will never forget the day you were had by a slick talking New York con man.

Now, how does that feel?
I'm starting to think this story being pushed today that Trump will consider a compromise on immigration isn't true. Its not fake news per se, Trump has stated this before. But I'm not sure its true that Trump will actually do it, however. Trump has said hes open to many things, doesn't mean he will do all of them. Theres something not right about this popping up again today. We will see if Trump mentions it tonight
I'm thinking Mash is already sampling the crop.

Better than what you sampled last 8 years. I picture you like the scene in police academy after kissing Obama's butt for 8 years. You know the one where the Sgt had a loud speaker to his mouth after Mahoney put shoe polish around the mouth piece. Except. that's not shoe polish around your lips.
I have news for you, fuzz. I've given you chance after chance, entertained your posts, openly and eagerly debated you, but every single time you to let me down, and prove to not have the slightest clue of what you're talking about. My point is, I don't even read that trash anymore, so you're wasting your time.
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I'm going to start teaching Spanish in this thread free to our local racists so that they might welcome their new LEGAL friends and neighbors.

Bienvenido, lechones. Tus traseros están muy rojos. El Presidente Trump te ha convertido en patéticos rasguños y espero robar toda tu tierra y violar a tus gordas esposas.
I'm going to start teaching Spanish in this thread free to our local racists so that they might welcome their new LEGAL friends and neighbors.

Bienvenido, lechones. Tus traseros están muy rojos. El Presidente Trump te ha convertido en patéticos rasguños y espero robar toda tu tierra y violar a tus gordas esposas.
Are you some sort of nihilist? It's your country too.

I'm still calling this Fake News. Trump isn't suicidal.
Are you some sort of nihilist? It's your country too.

I'm still calling this Fake News. Trump isn't suicidal.
El Presidente Trump te ha inclinado y como un burro está rompiendo tus suaves asnos para su propio placer. Al igual que todas las marcas crédulos que han sido utilizados y ahora se echan a un lado como un simple tonto. Gracias por votar.
I want all our resident racists to take this Amnesty for Dreamers and a path to legalization for all Illegals who have not committed a crime and shove it right down their throats and into your craws.
So a report saying Trump might = done deal? Okay.

Besides, it wouldn't surprise me. Imo, everyone should have known this could be a possibility, especially when Trump went from all illegals to only criminal illegals during his campaign.

From that moment on, every time the issue was brought up he dodged it and said, (paraphrasing) "We'll focus and the criminals first, and worry about what to do with the rest later. I have a big heart. It's a tough situation, but one we'll really think about."

He must have said this dozens of times. Again, to anyone paying attention this was a clear sign that he had backtracked and thought about possibly, maybe a path to citizenship for non law breakers.
Deporting criminal aliens has been priority policy since forever. Trump, in order to sell his campaign horseshit as "successes" is simply walking EVERYTHING back to what it already was in order to declare it a success instead of a failure.

Same thing for Obamacare. You have to be a literal IDIOT to think the GOP doesn't see that the minute they change Obamacare they own it and all that goes with it. They railed against it for years in order to try and keep their House and Senate majorities. They never dreamed that a guy like Trump would come thundering out of nowhere to win and now they are sitting here having promised to repeal it with no actual idea of how they could possibly do that.

They are painted into a corner on all sides. No money for the wall. No money for Obamacare repeal. No money for tax plan. No money for one trillion dollar infrastructure plan.

All these lies are coming to a loggerhead. Budget is due. An EO can't bullshit that. Time to pay the piper and the Republicans are sunk.
Z, You know damn well deporting criminal illegal aliens hasn't been a priority before now.

Funny this info comes out the day of the state of the union, think there might be some gamesmanship at play here?

Obamacare will be repealed and replaced, and there's a ton of egos jockeying for position and horse trading in the Republican Party now, and probably Dem party too.

Trump gets the populace behind him and Comgress will act.

The Criminal Alien Program (CAP) provides ICE-wide direction and support in the biometric and biographic identification, arrest, and removal of priority aliens who are incarcerated within federal, state, and local prisons and jails, as well as at-large criminal aliens that have circumvented identification. It is incumbent upon ICE to ensure that all efforts are made to investigate, arrest, and remove individuals from the United States that ICE deems priorities by processing the alien expeditiously and securing a final order of removal for an incarcerated alien before the alien is released to ICE custody. The identification and processing of incarcerated criminal aliens, before release from jails and prisons, decreases or eliminates the time spent in ICE custody and reduces the overall cost to the Federal Government.

Additionally, integral to the effective execution of this program is the aggressive prosecution of criminal offenders identified by ERO officers during the course of their duties. ERO, in conjunction with the Offices of the United States Attorneys, actively pursues criminal prosecutions upon the discovery of offenses of the nation's criminal code and immigration laws. This further enhances public safety and provides a significant deterrent to recidivism.
You know how I know? Because you keep talking about the all the GOP members' different plans. But in the real news world, Trump isn't worried about the their plans. Not Paul's, not Ryan's, not any of them. Trump is worried about one plan, and one plan only. That's Tom Price's.
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I like that moment when you prove them totally completely irrefutably wrong and they just sit there wondering where their life went wrong. They get that Crean-face and it's right there for everyone to see:


Bill is like that right now. Sitting there. Crean facing.
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Obama's deportation numbers are smoke and mirrors just like the rest of his presedncy. His administration counted illegals turned around at the border as a deportation.

They also counted "catch and release" citations as a deportation, even though once they were released, they never showed up for their immigration court date, and were never seen or heard from again.
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So a report saying Trump might = done deal? Okay.

Besides, it wouldn't surprise me. Imo, everyone should have known this could be a possibility, especially when Trump went from all illegals to only criminal illegals during his campaign.

From that moment on, every time the issue was brought up he dodged it and said, (paraphrasing) "We'll focus and the criminals first, and worry about what to do with the rest later. I have a big heart. It's a tough situation, but one we'll really think about."

He must have said this dozens of times. Again, to anyone paying attention this was a clear sign that he had backtracked and thought about possibly, maybe a path to citizenship for non law breakers.
I think its about DACA. Trump will still follow immigration law and still be deporting people and building the wall, but hes probably not going to deport the kids.
I like that moment when you prove them totally completely irrefutably wrong and they just sit there wondering where their life went wrong. They get that Crean-face and it's right there for everyone to see:


Bill is like that right now. Sitting there. Crean facing.

This is you most of the time on here after a bout with me.
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I'm going to start teaching Spanish in this thread free to our local racists so that they might welcome their new LEGAL friends and neighbors.

Bienvenido, lechones. Tus traseros están muy rojos. El Presidente Trump te ha convertido en patéticos rasguños y espero robar toda tu tierra y violar a tus gordas esposas.

How many are you letting stay at your house?