How will they rule ??!

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Simple logic defeats libs everytime. That's why tuck always destroys these people.

Man made global warming is a theory. Not a fact. Teach it as a theory, and I'm fine. But when this is pointed out we hear their go to buzz words of settled science and science denier. That's because logically, they have no answer.
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Very good Trump.

President Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday scrapping a controversial Environmental Protection Agency rule that expanded the agency's jurisdiction over the nation's waterways during the second term of formerPresident Obama.

The regulation, known as the Waters of the U.S. rule, broadened the definition of the type of water body that would fall under EPA's formidable clean water enforcement powers, making everything from streams to ditches and watering holes subject to the EPA's and Army Corps of Engineers' oversight.
I sold real estate for a hot minute in the late 90's. One of the things they teach you in those classes is about water tables and the corps of engineers' power therein. They said digging a 1acre, unapproved cow pond in northern Indiana could have a "catastrophic" effect on the floodplins of the Mississippi river oxbows. To the tune of the corps showing up at your place, unannounced, with excavating equipment and fill dirt. Can't imagine that power extended to all bodies of water.
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I thought that reading all of your remarks on politics couldn't possibly be out-stupided until you guys starting talking about science.

Never mistake your own ignorance as someone else's lack of knowledge. Fundamentally, you have no idea of how anything works and thus you should refrain from speculating at all on anything complex or technical. If you can't touch, smell, or taste it then please avoid discussing it. Ask yourselves "can I scratch this with my fingernails" and if the answer is "no" then please assume it is over your heads. Thanks.
I thought that reading all of your remarks on politics couldn't possibly be out-stupided until you guys starting talking about science.

Never mistake your own ignorance as someone else's lack of knowledge. Fundamentally, you have no idea of how anything works and thus you should refrain from speculating at all on anything complex or technical. If you can't touch, smell, or taste it then please avoid discussing it. Ask yourselves "can I scratch this with my fingernails" and if the answer is "no" then please assume it is over your heads. Thanks.
Ok professor, are you going to stop using fossil fuels since you are causing the oceans to rise?
I love this picture. The expressions to the flub are priceless:

Never mind, I saw it.

How can you not hate the left? The biggest bunch of petty douchebags whose selective outrage has never been able to look in the mirror on anything.
For the crowd who claims there's a "war on women" they sure do treat consevative women like sh.t.

Read the stuff that is written about Conway, Coulter, Palin or any conservative woman.
KAC would be one of the biggest leftist feminist heros on the planet if she were a huge liberal.
Very good Trump.

President Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday scrapping a controversial Environmental Protection Agency rule that expanded the agency's jurisdiction over the nation's waterways during the second term of formerPresident Obama.

The regulation, known as the Waters of the U.S. rule, broadened the definition of the type of water body that would fall under EPA's formidable clean water enforcement powers, making everything from streams to ditches and watering holes subject to the EPA's and Army Corps of Engineers' oversight.

That crap was total bs and added unnecessary cost to construction projects. It was a joke, and a business man/builder/mover/shaker like Trump prohabaly has seen a lot of these BS regs firsthand....Compared to a politcial clown like Barry likely dgaf what it does, it just sounds good on paper to some voters, and more importantly, it gives govt more bs power and overreach. Probbaly created bs govt jobs for cronies. There's no telling how much money we wasted on stupid shit like this.

Now I don't know if this a fact, but I've heard it referenced by media folks more than a few times - in California, where they have water restrictions all the time, and farmers can't even legally water their crops to provide food for people, and support themselves, the fn govt constantly pumps fresh fn water into the damn ocean because they say it helps some littlest bait fish thrive. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard, and again, don't know if it's 100% true as I heard it, but there's probably some truth somewhere. F you people, you can't use water becomes we gotta pump that water into the ocean for the fishies because we care. YOURE WELCOME.
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I know Z, next thing you know conservatives will be burning down buildings and calling for cops to be killed! It's crazy! They may even kidnap a democrat that voted for Hillary, abuse that person, and film it live on Facebook for everyone to see. These people have gone crazy! Oh wait.....that's your side!
In Z's defense, He was brainwashed by Obama for 8 years and believed everything he was told. It takes a few years to get that crap out of his head. Give the poor man/woman/it time.
For the crowd who claims there's a "war on women" they sure do treat consevative women like sh.t.

Read the stuff that is written about Conway, Coulter, Palin or any conservative woman.
They hate real women and only like those that identify as women.
They're reporting it as a freak accident. Supposedly the van was part of the parade, from the same local high school as the band members who were hit.

Gulf Shores government/police aren't as convinced. They're calling it an incident, and requesting video and picture assistance from parade goers.

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Sucks that UK plays at the exact time Trumps speech starts. I think I'll watch Trumps speech and flip it over to the UK game once it ends. Pretty big speech tonight, excited to hear what hes gonna lay out.
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Sucks that UK plays at the exact time Trumps speech starts. I think I'll watch Trumps speech and flip it over to the UK game once it ends. Pretty big speech tonight, excited to hear what hes gonna lay out.
He is going to lay out what he has talked about for a long time now. Sooner or later a lot of folks are going to realize they have been hoodwinked by the Dems and MSM on what is exactly Trump's agenda.
Listening to Sessions talk about marijuana makes me want to put my head through a brick wall. Trump could not have picked a bigger zealot c__t for that post on the issue.

I agree, but maybe some good will come from it. Maybe with marijuana being so widely accepted these days, and Sessions being such a stuck in the past, hard ass on it.

Maybe, just maybe, Congress will finally get off their asses and act on the issue. Sessions has even recommended they do exactly that if they didn't want him enforcing marijuana laws.