How will they rule ??!

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Mitch McConnell flat out states Trump's cuts to the State Department are not going to happen.

So much fail. So much fail you'll get tired of failing. You'll say "President Trump, please stop. I can't take all this failing."
Z why haven't the media been reporting the deportations I wonder? I mean I've been posting that the deportation started heavily during Obama's last few years and it should be well known.

I guess the deportation thing wasn't a good talking point for ol Hiliary?
Mitch McConnell flat out states Trump's cuts to the State Department are going to happen.

So much failure for the left. So much fail you'll get tired of failing on the left. You' say "President Trump, please stop. I can't take all this failing."

I agree, thank you.
Mitch McConnell flat out states Trump's cuts to the State Department are not going to happen.
Of course he did. Doesn't mean it's not going to happen, though. He wants to cut entitlements, and Trump doesn't. This is his leverage. It's called politics.
Nope. The pot smoking baby boomers are ready to bring about a sea change in the attitudes toward pot. Already happening. By the time Mitch's seat comes up if you had the right guy to explain how that could mean an end to generations of poverty in our poorest counties to the tune of millions of dollars flowing into those areas and the businesses that kind of money would impact, then you have an election winner just like the lottery was.

Talk about lifting all boats. For the first time in their lives many of Kentucky's poorest would finally have a chance to lift themselves out of generational poverty and welfare. It is potentially the biggest game changer in Kentucky history just waiting there for the right person to get elected to do it. That my friends is the definition of a winner.

And it isn't just the growers. That money would impact every business and every facet of rural Kentuckians lives. Especially the Dairy Queen owners. #munchies :)

Until something is done about the work force drug testing policies it won't matter if its legal or not for most people, and that's not happening. I'm in the trucking industry and all of our drivers will be tested for pot legal or not. Alcohol is legal and it's still tested for. The government isn't going to reclassify it away from a substance.

So how do you beat that?
Why would you want to hear anything from the fake news MSM? Didn't it get reported on Fox News and Breitbart?

I've said on hear multiple times CNN is all I watch. I can't get enough of it. But I never once heard any of them claiming the deportations taking place under Obama.

I just wonder why?
I just wonder why?
You know the answer to that. They want to paint Trump as a xenophobic, racist monster. Good news is, the public isn't buying it.

Just like that new poll that came out yesterday. Only 41% approve of Trump, but in the same exact poll, the number that matters most, 55% approve of his policies.

Bet I can guess which % number the MSM chose to report on and which one they chose to ignore.
Until something is done about the work force drug testing policies it won't matter if its legal or not for most people, and that's not happening. I'm in the trucking industry and all of our drivers will be tested for pot legal or not. Alcohol is legal and it's still tested for. The government isn't going to reclassify it away from a substance.

So how do you beat that?
Simple, just like alcohol. You can't be under the influence of MJ when you drive, work, anything else. Just fold it right in under the existing laws on alcohol usage. Same penalty structure for DUI or if you drink or use MJ on the job then you get canned. The framework and even the policy is already present for seamlessly legalizing pot and Kentucky is uniquely positioned to take advantage of it moreso than any other state. Our farmers are already growing hemp. Our farmers better than any other can switch over from tobacco to pot overnight. Putting a helluva lot of money into the pockets of a helluva lot of Kentucky farmers and businesses that need it and in the RURAL areas they need it most.
Simple, just like alcohol. You can't be under the influence of MJ when you drive, work, anything else.
Except marijuana is in your system much longer than alcohol. You can not be under the influence of it that very moment, yet still test positive for it.

Employers aren't going to get in the business of guessing whether you smoked 10 days ago or an hour ago. To them it's as simple as, you piss dirty, you piss dirty.
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Deporting criminal illegal aliens has always been a priority. Why would the press point on routine policy such as that?

Now, if you scream from the rooftops that you want to arbitrarily single out one religion to exlude then yes, you might draw some attention to your immigration policies that other administrations did not receive. Press didn't really feel a need to cover Bush's extensively either and maybe that was because both him and Obama weren't out of their minds trying to exclude certain religions from entering the United States and then getting slapped down from the courts for trying it.
Now, if you scream from the rooftops that you want to arbitrarily single out one religion to exlude then yes, you might draw some attention to your immigration policies that other administrations did not receive. Press didn't really feel a need to cover Bush's extensively either and maybe that was because both him and Obama weren't out of their minds trying to exclude certain religions from entering the United States and then getting slapped down from the courts for trying it.

What religion is mexico?
Except marijuana is in your system much longer than alcohol. You can not be under the influence of it that very moment, yet still test positive for it.

Employers aren't going to get in the business of guessing whether you smoked 10 days ago or an hour ago. To them it's as simple as, you piss dirty, you piss dirty.
No, you can already be charged for driving while impaired so the mechanism for testing is already there. If you are impaired at work a blood test can determine if you are impaired as it is capable of measuring the THC level in your bloodstream.

Blood Tests
Unlike urine tests, blood tests detect the active presence of THC in the bloodstream. In the case of smoked marijuana, THC peaks rapidly in the first few minutes after inhaling, often to levels above 100 ng/ml in blood plasma. It then declines quickly to single-digit levels within an hour. High THC levels are therefore a good indication that the subject has smoked marijuana recently. THC can remain at low but detectable levels of 1-2 ng/ml for 8 hours or more without any measurable signs of impairment in one-time users. In chronic users, detectable amounts of blood THC can persist for days. In one study of chronic users, residual THC was detected for 24 to 48 hours or longer at levels of 0.5 - 3.2 ng/ml in whole blood (1.0 - 6.4 ng/ml in serum) [Skopp and Potsch].
I like that moment when you prove them totally completely irrefutably wrong and they just sit there wondering where their life went wrong. They get that Crean-face and it's right there for everyone to see:


Bill is like that right now. Sitting there. Crean facing.

Actually I was eating supper lol.

I didn't say that criminals weren't deported, I said made a priority.

Like the lady in Arizona, she had been reporting for years, Trump comes in and she gets deported.

That's the difference in priority.
If you are impaired at work a blood test can determine if you are impaired as it is capable of measuring the THC level in your bloodstream.

Yeah, you're over the top, buddy. Outthinking yourself, trying to lend logic to your proposition. Sorry, but employers aren't going to go through all of that.

They'll stick to the simple, standard urine and saliva test, and if you test positive, then you'll be considered positive, regardless of it was 10 days ago or an hour ago.
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They'll stick to the simple, standard urine and saliva test, and if you test positive, then you'll be considered positive regardless of it was 10 days ago or an hour ago.
Wrong, they can only do that now because it is illegal. Once it is legal then it will have to be treated exactly the same way alcohol is. You can do it but not while driving, working, or any of the other instances where it is illegal to be impaired. Just establish the legal limit for THC in your system in order to not be impaired.
Wrong, they can only do that now because it is illegal. Once it is legal then it will have to be treated exactly the same way alcohol is. You can do it but not while driving, working, or any of the other instances where it is illegal to be impaired.
But if they take blood they'll still have to send it off to get it tested, so by the time it comes back, that moment when an employee was under the influence or not has came and gone a week or two ago.

Or, do you think employers are also going to get in the business of testing the blood themselves, right there on the spot?
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Wrong, they can only do that now because it is illegal. Once it is legal then it will have to be treated exactly the same way alcohol is. You can do it but not while driving, working, or any of the other instances where it is illegal to be impaired.

There will either be a test that determines the level of THC in your system or random tests will go away, and they'll simply test if you're involved in a work related accident.
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But if they take blood they'll still have to send it off to get it tested, so by the time it comes back, that moment when an employee was under the influence or not has came and gone a week or two ago.

Or, do you think employers are also going to get in the business of testing the blood themselves, right there on the spot?
Kentucky is a work at will State. The entire premise of your argument is invalid.
There will either be a test that determines the level of THC in your system or random tests will go away, and they'll simply test if you're involved in a work related accident.
You still have random drug tests looking for other illegal substances like cocaine, it would just not hit on marijuana as that would be a legal substance.
Right, they can only do that now because it is legal in Mexico. Once it is legal here it will have to be treated exactly the same way you treat a sickness. You can do it while impaired. Just establish a limit for THC in your system in order be impaired and you too can be a sick criminal like Mexican gang members and most illegals in this country..

I knew you were bigoted.
I own two small business, both are roughneck work (Independent Roofing Contractor and Commercial Fishing) so I don't really care if my guys smoke, just as long as it's not on the job.

Needless to say, drug tests are irrelevant to me, but as a business owner, if I had to go through what you're trying to suggest -- taking blood and testing it myself, on the spot, for real time THC count -- then I would purposely avoid hiring anyone who smoked.

Guarantee that's the same stance a lot of employers would take.
What do you do if one of your workers is doing a lousy job? Dropping things. Doing shoddy work. Possibly hung over or tired? Do you test them or just send them home with a warning or fire them on the spot? Do you need a blood test to tell you somebody isn't able to do their job satisfactorily?

So if they can do their job satisfactorily then why are you worried and if they cannot do their job satisfactorily then you need a frigging blood test to tell you how to handle it?

Boy you snowflakes sure need Big Government to hold your hand to tell you how to run your businesses, don't you?