How will they rule ??!

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The unnamed anonymous employee cited by an anonymous source, who doesn't want to press charges, no less.

Yet, sambowieshin The Village Idiot comes here parroting it for days, repeatedly, until a new Hoax comes out, then his outrage meter will turn to that.

(That why I posted the post about Trump's cards, I wanted to set his stupid ass off for a few hundred posts.)

Exactly. If they actually shoved anyone we know there would be charges.
Exactly. If they actually shoved anyone we know there would be charges.

Also, the lefties keep saying it’s illegal to film campaign ads. How would an employee at Arlington had any idea what photos were going to be used for to jump in and preemptively stop families from getting pictures with the president?

We didn’t hear about any Arlington employees trying to tackle Obama or Biden when they were taking pictures in Arlington.

Clearly just a lefty making an issue over nothing.
You are clueless about why this was an issue.
It's not about a family inviting Trump to a gravesite. If he went there, paid his respects and followed the would not have been an issue.
There are very strict rules about what you can and can't do at Arlington in that section. Videotaping a F'ing Tik Tok political ad is not one of them. 🤡
Trump and his insane clown posse told the Arlington officials to F off and went ahead snapping photos/videotaping and stomping around gravesites like the disrespectful fu**ers they are.
Do you not care that other families, Arlington and the US army didn't approve of this and are not happy about it?
Of course you don't.
You are in a cult that only sees what the Dumbazz tells you to see.

You would be okay if your comrades had torn down statues at Arlington I believe. In fact, you support tearing down statues.
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Been saying that the judge will be the Sept/Oct surprise. Especially after Trump embarrasses Harris at the debate. They will do whatever it takes to make sure he never walks into the WH again.
Would sending Trump to jail Sep. 18 be a surprise?
Tester is done. WV and MT are gone for the Dems.
Sherrod Brown SHOULD be done but he always outperforms expectations in a red state. Will give him credit.
Moreno's non-payment of OT to some employees till the court ordered him to is killing him. Trump should have thought of that before endorsing him. But can't tell him a dam thing.
"It was not clear what motivated the man or whether he was a Trump supporter or critic. Fierce criticism of the media is a standard part of Trump’s rally speeches, prompting his supporters to turn toward the press section and boo, often while using a middle finger to demonstrate their distaste for journalists."

AP story on man who charged Trump at rally.

AP is unsure if John Wilkes Booth was a Lincoln supporter or not.
Her teammates need to stand up for her too. So many times she gets blindsided or something outrageous happens to her and they do nothing. Probably scared to be seen helping a white woman. Ridiculous.
Clarke is 11th in WNBA in fouls drawn per game. She's 9th in points per game scoring. So her times getting fouled doesn't seem out of line to me.
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But it's not. Now apologize. They also invited both Biden and Kamala and they didn't even respond.
Where do you get that it's not against the rules or whatever to film there? Or are you making sh!t up again? So because Harris didn't show up, Trump gets the right to film being there?
You know who I feel sorry for, if Newsom signs Bill 1840 into law?

I feel sorry for minorities in California, that had the misfortune of being born "north of the border" LOL

This is what we've come to.

also, vhcat - take a deep breath. It's going to be a long day. you're getting over-wrought WAY too early.

I think minorities born in the country would qualify so long as their bloodline isn’t tainted by an ancestor who owned a house.

The democrat president candidates ancestors owned slaves and no one gives a shit, but if your ancestors owned a house you better just pay your taxes so illegal aliens can get handouts.
I think minorities born in the country would qualify so long as their bloodline isn’t tainted by an ancestor who owned a house.

The democrat president candidates ancestors owned slaves and no one gives a shit, but if your ancestors owned a house you better just pay your taxes so illegal aliens can get handouts.
Only one living President's ancestors didn't own slaves. Guess which one? LOL
Not only is it legal to yell WOLF in a crowded theatre, you can also yell FIRE.

Which poster on here (I can't remember) has a boner for Nancy Pelosi. And I don't mean policy wise, I mean sexually. LOL I mean, that is DEFINITELY something he or she should have kept to themselves.
I think minorities born in the country would qualify so long as their bloodline isn’t tainted by an ancestor who owned a house.

The democrat president candidates ancestors owned slaves and no one gives a shit, but if your ancestors owned a house you better just pay your taxes so illegal aliens can get handouts.
Not only ancestors owning slaves...but wasn't it her grandfather (could be wrong)? Even if it's g-g'father....not that long ago.
Not only is it legal to yell WOLF in a crowded theatre, you can also yell FIRE.

Which poster on here (I can't remember) has a boner for Nancy Pelosi. And I don't mean policy wise, I mean sexually. LOL I mean, that is DEFINITELY something he or she should have kept to themselves.
I believe you’re referring to Nocturnal Emissions, I mean Nightsweats……
Traditionally, what means FAR more than polls, is an election between two clear choices, where you're lucky enough to have recent/meaningful comparisons between the two. And, unfortunately for Harris' bid for a second term, Trump's results knock President Harris' out of the ring.

2nd string QB "bump" aside, you don't ever want to go into an election, riding in on a bad economy, and looking stupid about it.
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My simple question to anyone is this: How are you better off today than you were four years ago?

I'll answer it for myself. I am not. Everything costs more. My spending habits haven't changed either. It's not like I've started buying exuberant items. Just the normal stuff. My savings has dwindled down under this administration. Even with my wife deciding to work more as an OT we aren't making the money we did pre Biden Harris administration. Let me make it real simple for everyone, she's lying now. If she can fix everything in January she can do it now. She has no plans of doing it then. It's a lie because she thinks enough dumb voters will believe it. And I can speak for someone coming from the agricultural sector. $3.00 a bushel corn isn't paying anyone's bills. Again resulting in more middle class strain. Biden has nearly broke the middle class. A Harris administration will kill the middle class. So again I ask how are you better now than 4 years ago? Cause I am not.
Wrong. He would sign one if it made it to his desk. That's unlikely to happen, but that doesn't make your statement any truer. Abortion is absolutely an issue now, whether you want it to be or not.
It won't make it to his desk, even if it did, did you just ignore what the Supreme court decided on ROE. It doesn't matter what the FED says about abortion.

Not to mention, you guys are just running with nonsensical scare tactics again

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It won't make it to his desk, even if it did, did you just ignore what the Supreme court decided on ROE. It doesn't matter what the FED says about abortion.
What does this mean about Dobbs? Are you under the mistaken impression like @HymanKaplan it precludes federal legislation? It doesn’t. Dobbs only returned it to the states because there isn’t federal abortion law currently on the books. Any that arises, like that which both parties have put forth, would be binding. Please show us in Dobbs where it says, “It doesn't matter what the FED says about abortion.” It does. It matters the most as they have higher authority.
If you think there’s any chance federal abortion legislation makes it to Trumps desk and he signs it, you are a very gullible, stupid, programmed NPC. Again, outraging yourself over Trump fictions.

Lindsay Graham proposed abortion legislation solely to hurt republicans in 2022 midterms.

The issue is now with the states where the majority of people want it. The vast majority of people, including Donald Trump, do not want the federal government involved in abortion policy.
If you think there’s any chance federal abortion legislation makes it to Trumps desk and he signs it, you are a very gullible, stupid, programmed NPC. Again, outraging yourself over Trump fictions.

Lindsay Graham proposed abortion legislation solely to hurt republicans in 2022 midterms.

The issue is now with the states where the majority of people want it. The vast majority of people, including Donald Trump, do not want the federal government involved in abortion policy.
Wrong. Polling post-Dobbs shows majorities of both women and people at large prefer a federal law. Overwhelming majorities for birthing age women. It's the opposite of what you're saying, only a minority want it left to the states.

That's one of the many things that makes minor league baseball so much fun.
Wrong. Polling post-Dobbs shows majorities of both women and people at large prefer a federal law. Overwhelming majorities for birthing age women. It's the opposite of what you're saying, only a minority want it left to the states.

What poll are you citing that shows a majority of people at large want the federal government involved in abortion?
Yeah, I don't even really know who she is, seen her stuff posted here. No idea anything about her.

That two brothers have different politics really doesn't matter, it is only valuable if he knows more sh-t his brother the vice presidential candidate is lying about with regards to his past.
Would be epic to get him to make a speech at one of Trump's rallies about his brother.