That still doesn't make it a child. As you concede it may become a child. A seed isn't a tree. It may become does any child ever become a child without being a fetus first?
That still doesn't make it a child. As you concede it may become a child. A seed isn't a tree. It may become does any child ever become a child without being a fetus first?
This guy calling other people cultists. ^ 🤪Ask the US Army what he did smart guy.
Ask Arlington National Cemetery what he did.
Ask the family of a soldier who's gravestone was in the Tik Tok that didn't give permission for it brainiac.
You need some drugs and a therapist to escape your cult.
Having morals and ethics seems unhinged to those devoid of them.
The family of a fallen Green Beret is not happy Trump filmed a TikTok and took pictures in the section of Arlington cemetery where the soldier is buried: report
The soldier's sister called on cemetery visitors to honor and respect the "real people who sacrificed for our freedom" buried at the "sacred site."
I have a 20,000 square foot commercial property that has been on the market for over a year. The price has been dropped 3 times and it already priced less than I want to sell it for. Commercial property in my area is not moving at all. I have another property I will put on the market if the first ever sells. I am hoping for an improvement after Nov, but not confident.We’ll see. I’m not an expert myself, but there is a lot of info out there that is very very bad. Of course it’s not making any kind of news.
We sold our house 6 months ago when rates were still elevated and the interest we got was crazy. 50 showings in less than a week and a bidding war.
Rates have come down quite a bit since then and homes are not selling in my area at all right now.
News flash: over 95% do.That still doesn't make it a child. As you concede it may become a child.
It’s either that story or his window picture. It’s all he has.I don't think in the history of any board I've been on, have I seen someone repeat the same stupid argument about some 10-year-old being raped by their father. Something's really wrong upstairs, isn't it?
Miscarriages happen in about 15% of pregnancies, that means 85% of fetuses in fact become children. When a fetus is aborted its chance of becoming a child drops from 85% to 0%.That still doesn't make it a child. As you concede it may become a child. A seed isn't a tree. It may become one.
I have a 20,000 square foot commercial property that has been on the market for over a year. The price has been dropped 3 times and it already priced less than I want to sell it for. Commercial property in my area is not moving at all. I have another property I will put on the market if the first ever sells. I am hoping for an improvement after Nov, but not confident.
You don't think it's going to take off once the mortgage rates drop in the coming 6 months or so?
I've been keeping an eye on things, in no way an expert.. but reading about the "boomer tide" that's about to start happening in 2026/27 gives me some hope. It's at that year, and the next 15-20 years after that, that the boomer generation will (sadly) start to relinquish their homes. Now, some have said "those homes will just go to their children", and that may be true, but that doesn't mean the kids will want the house, or can afford it. And if they DO want the house, they might be selling the home they are in now.
IDK, with the massive amount of new builds taking place (they are adding about 10 4b/3ba in my neighborhood as I write this and they are going up fast), I feel like we could be looking at a very big buyers market coming soon. I think there's just too many people in my age group (30's) that have been waiting on the sidelines to buy. When those rates drop, or really if ANYTHING changes in their favor, everyone is jumping in that buyer pool again.
Yet you have an abortion/ vasectomy bus at your DNC carnival.Nobody celebrates the death of children idiot.
Your the sicko that celebrates 10 year olds having their rapist's baby. 🤢
The scary thing about this is that I feel there's still a large percentage of businesses locked into Leases for commercial property. My company was set to move it's HQ to a brand new building right before COVID hit. I think the lease was for 3 years, so we more or less just got out of that, and now that building is totally empty. But how many more leases will come up this year, next year, and beyond, that won't be renewed? My mom's law firm was in an office complex that had probably 8 businesses. That building now has just one. Commercial property owners are holding onto these last few years of leases.
Large cities have already had their tax base cut off because of the vacancies, and it seems they re still realizing the effects of this.. but I think there's more to come.
Tech jobs are never going back to the office, unless it's hands on work. They've hired too many people nationally and globally, and the companies that DO try to force people back, will lose their work force.
Reagan was a solid conservative. Trump no so much. Reagan never much bragged on himself or criticized opponents endlessly. Trump? I'll let you decide.
Oh yeah I agree 100% in regards to the economy as a whole. IT jobs are drying up. There's nothing out there. Friends I have that have been looking say they have applied to 100's of places, got nothing. I've told everyone on my team and friends/acquaintances to sit tight in their job, because there's just nothing out there.
I purchased my duplex in 2018 and our home just over a year ago. Both were vastly different experiences. The Duplex I was able to basically tell the seller "fix these things and I'll buy it".. The Home, my pregnant wife had to literally play up the birth because we were being recorded and on camera, go $40k over asking price, and we still almost didn't get it.
But, I think if the housing market opens back up, whenever that is.. I think it could soften the blow. I'm saving as much as I can now to be ready for 2030 in hopes to buy a vacation rental lake house in the ADKs. I'm in no position to afford something like that just for myself, so the plan would be to rent it out. But I have strong feelings were heading towards a big buyers market.. Just depends on what the economy looks like.
A cake baking in the oven is still a cake if it gets tossed - Bill BurrThat still doesn't make it a child. As you concede it may become a child. A seed isn't a tree. It may become one.
Lol at the idiot lefty who suddenly gives a hot sht about fallen military! Hahahahaha how conveeeeeeenient! Didn’t give a rat’s ass when Bidumb hung them out to dry but now it suddenly matters 😂You are clueless about why this was an issue.
It's not about a family inviting Trump to a gravesite. If he went there, paid his respects and followed the would not have been an issue.
There are very strict rules about what you can and can't do at Arlington in that section. Videotaping a F'ing Tik Tok political ad is not one of them. 🤡
Trump and his insane clown posse told the Arlington officials to F off and went ahead snapping photos/videotaping and stomping around gravesites like the disrespectful fu**ers they are.
Do you not care that other families, Arlington and the US army didn't approve of this and are not happy about it?
Of course you don't.
You are in a cult that only sees what the Dumbazz tells you to see.
The family of a fallen Green Beret is not happy Trump filmed a TikTok and took pictures in the section of Arlington cemetery where the soldier is buried: report
The soldier's sister called on cemetery visitors to honor and respect the "real people who sacrificed for our freedom" buried at the "sacred site."
House Democrats ask Army for report on Arlington incident involving Trump campaign staff
Democrats on the House Overside Committee sent a letter Friday to the Army requesting a report into an altercation involving an Arlington National Cemetery employee and Trump
Let’s say companies, on average, sign 10 year leases.
That means the average remaining lease in March 2020 was 5 years. On average, we are about 6-8 months away from tenants formally vacating.
Offices are empty. Buildings that do sell are selling for a song.
It's all over multiple. Here's one from April:
Q24. Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, do you think federal politicians should:
Work to enact nationwide laws that restrict access to abortion: 14%
Work to enact nationwide laws that ensure access to abortion: 49%
Leave laws on abortion entirely up to the states: 37%
No opinion: *
April 18-23, 2024
That's 63/37 for federal from the population at large. Here's another with 70% of women 18-49 supporting a federal law protecting. Add on whatever handful of percent favor a federal ban and you're really high up there. Sorry, MAGA in the minority again.
After thinking some more, could be a great buying opportunity in a junk economy for those with solid jobs.
The dam is about to break if we re-elect dims.
However, if we do re-elect dims, the population will continue to surge and the “surgers” will be the ones incentivized. And while, to your point, a lot of people will be out of work, the funny money will find its way into the wrong hands, the housing supply likely remains too tight, and the great deals may not emerge for the every man.
Golf buddy finally was able to play a round with us yesterday. Has been working to the bone because he had to lay off a lot of folks not long ago and has been working 80+ hours a week trying to help fill holes where needed. Said these were high paying jobs that they had to cut due to massive loss of revenue this year. The only folks who think the economy is great are either on government assistance and never pay for anything or those with so much wealth that they never feel the heat.People are going to need jobs.
Rates will drop, but if prices go up, then that is no payment relief.
There have been lots of layoffs the last 2 years.
Saw yesterday where Goldman is laying off 1,300.
What type of workers do you think those are, and what would drive a company in that industry to lay off 1,300 employees?
We need increased supply, lower rates, tax and insurance relief and and quality jobs.
There is so much spit and tape keeping this economy floating right now.
And that's exactly what scares me. Some people think we've hit rock bottom, but I'm not sure we have even come to the cliff yet.
Golf buddy finally was able to play a round with us yesterday. Has been working to the bone because he had to lay off a lot of folks not long ago and has been working 80+ hours a week trying to help fill holes where needed. Said these were high paying jobs that they had to cut due to massive loss of revenue this year. The only folks who think the economy is great are either on government assistance and never pay for anything or those with so much wealth that they never feel the heat.
I liked Reagan and Trump.Reagan was a solid conservative. Trump no so much. Reagan never much bragged on himself or criticized opponents endlessly. Trump? I'll let you decide.
Like a town I go to about once a month or so. A couple of fairly large farms sold out. Big sign went up that warehousing (multiple) was being built beginnning in Spring '23. Put 8 foot chain link fencing all around the property...with the black fabric on it. with a number of large gates for trucks, eqpt. Bulldozers and earth movers came in and started work. About a month stopped. Few months later the eqpt. was gone. Land just sat there for months. Last time I went by they were taking the fence down.In addition, I found out this same developer purchased land adjacent to my home further down the street. This spring he began the ground work to start this new development. Since the initial flurry of work months ago I have not witnessed another finger being lifted to proceed.
Rate cuts at this point are useless, with respect to the election. Layoffs/firings are coming hard and fast now. 4 people I personally know lost their jobs (tech industry) in the last 2 weeks, and a lot more are coming.
Post Covid pay raises and bonuses are done, and in fact, employers all up and down the spectrum are cutting payroll.
The question didn’t guarantee anything, it said “work to enact”.I want to see an either/or, should the federal government set abortion policy or should it be left to the states.
Of course many people are going to answer they want federal policy when the question guarantees their outcome.
Under your fictional scenario where Trump would sign an abortion ban, 86% of the country does not want abortion policy set at the federal level. Conversely, 51% do not want the federal government “ensuring access” to abortion, whatever the hell that means.
The question didn’t guarantee anything, it said “work to enact”.
Duh. That’s why we’re at such a contentious impasse. About half the country wants federal abortion protections, a smaller faction of loud zealots want federal abortion restrictions, and there’s no consensus around any of it. A D president would sign protections if they made it through Congress, and an R president would sign restrictions. The only reason the ‘leave it to the states’ rhetoric emerged is because most Rs know they have little chance of passing anything federally so are trying to deflect.
A threat. They fear him because he does not appease them. He makes them pay their share instead of letting them steal from our treasury. I say now and then... eff Europe and their Beta lumpwristed social states. We should stop carrying their lazy asses.Is this the World respect you are talking about? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Or this?.... 😂😂😂😂😂
Or this??... 😂😂😂😂😂
Trump is a joke.
Complete bull. If Congress set aside their differences, came together and compromised on some like 15-week restriction with exceptions for rape and medical issues, getting bipartisan support enough to pass the filibuster, you’re telling me Donald Trump would veto it to ‘leave it to the states’? Bullshit. You know that. Trump would sign anything Rs put in front of him on this and veto anything Ds do, just like any other partisan. This issue is the exact same as any other issue, we fight over it constantly and either side who thinks they can get something through will try it.We aren’t at an actual impasse. Just a fictional one you’re creating. You’re living in a fictional world. The R presidential candidate had said he would not sign federal legislation on abortion. There’s no chance anything would get through Congress. It’s a nonissue.
It’s not “deflecting” to point out you’re outraging yourself over a fictional position you’ve attributed to Trump.
“Leave it to the states” rhetoric emerged because SCOTUS rightfully tossed Roe as legal nonsense, and the abortion issue now resides with the states.
Yea you are right. They are going to vote for Kackling Kamala instead.Trump is in a terrible position stuck between the extreme wing of pro lifers and his need to distance from them. A huge segment of abortion voters only vote Republican based on a single issue.
I know this is simply a one off example, but my street had a developer build about 20 houses off of a side street a year or so ago. I have seen many “Open House “ signs at the entrance, and I’ve driven down the new street and did not see even one of these homes appear to be lived in. Just this week, for the first time, I noticed the For Sale sign has been switched out for a For Rent sign.
In addition, I found out this same developer purchased land adjacent to my home further down the street. This spring he began the ground work to start this new development. Since the initial flurry of work months ago I have not witnessed another finger being lifted to proceed.
I’m obviously no real estate mogul, but I would imagine the last thing a developer wants to do is rent out a ton of brand new homes he can’t sell while preparing to build even more.
Yea you are right. We all support G schools having books in the library teaching 10yo kids how to give BJs to their fellow 5th graders.Breaking: Trump to campaign tonight with Moms for Liberty, a group specializing in book bans.
Quite the drift from why the EV totals for Reagan & Trump are so different. But whatever floats your boat.I liked Reagan and Trump.
But unless you plan on digging the Gipper up and propping him up like Biden, I'll go with Trump.
Of course you do. You keep bringing up this 10 and 12 year old rape victim BS as it is the norm for abortion when in fact it is an extremely very small percentage of abortion cases. The right would gladly give you this as an exception if you would quit advocating for inconvenience abortions and calling it healthcare.
With interest rates and Bidenflation ravaging the land, renting them out to generate cash flow is a really good idea. They are not cars that lose value when you drive them off the lot. If you can get 3K a month for a short term renter then do it until you find a buyer.I know this is simply a one off example, but my street had a developer build about 20 houses off of a side street a year or so ago. I have seen many “Open House “ signs at the entrance, and I’ve driven down the new street and did not see even one of these homes appear to be lived in. Just this week, for the first time, I noticed the For Sale sign has been switched out for a For Rent sign.
In addition, I found out this same developer purchased land adjacent to my home further down the street. This spring he began the ground work to start this new development. Since the initial flurry of work months ago I have not witnessed another finger being lifted to proceed.
I’m obviously no real estate mogul, but I would imagine the last thing a developer wants to do is rent out a ton of brand new homes he can’t sell while preparing to build even more.
As I posted earlier, Pub voters are absolutists. Don't back their key issue & they go home. Dims don't much GAS as long as the candidate makes them feel good. Hell, many MAGA said they'd stay home if Trump wasn't the candidate.Trump is in a terrible position stuck between the extreme wing of pro lifers and his need to distance from them. A huge segment of abortion voters only vote Republican based on a single issue.