How will they rule ??!

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Investigation is just the dog whistle word. Operation was planned under Obama. Trump was told by the people who are in charge of knowing, that the raid was worth the risk. We are at war with Islam. It didn't take a break for us to get the dems panties out of a wad over the election.
Yes. It wasn't some spur of the moment,irresponsible decision as the father is suggesting. As the father of a SEAL it's baffling that he knows so little about what goes into it.

Military operations aren't reconned, planned and carried out in a matter of days, especially ones of this nature. Weeks, months, even years go into them. That operation had been set up and ready to go long before Trump came into office.
I've come to call it "melting pot politics". Pandering to all groups for votes regardless of consequences. I believe liberals are playing for future power. Regardless of danger, like the black vote, the feel they'll get most races because they'll be forced to vote for the party of their identity and self interest.

It's why Malcom x stated liberal white men are the ones to fear. Wolf in sheeps clothing. You'll find it anywhere a liberal white man opens his mouth. Soft bigotry for "lower races" as they see it. Their God Darwin started the nonsense.

Yep. I also think the melting pot label is incorrect considering when you live in a large city, there isn't a melting pot. It's a bunch of different pots who stick with each other and even create their own little societies. Notice how many cities will have Koreatown, Chinatown, Lil Mexico, all black neighborhoods, all white neighborhoods or places like Deerborne and No-Go zones, etc.

The left have basically used blacks, Hispanics and the third world as pawns to manipulate and they do this through identity politics, pushing hate for whites and entitlements.
Some in the know are saying the reason behind his death is because of leaks. Somehow details of the raid were leaked, the enemy was tipped off, and knew we were coming. They were trained, ready, and waiting for us.

This is why the leaks to undermine Trump are a big deal and need to be dealt with. Not only are they highly illegally, but they also pose a threat to national security and can have unintended consequences.

Al-Qaeda fighters seemed ready for Sunday's deadly Navy SEAL raid in Yemen, a source familiar with the action told ABC News, almost as though they knew the Americans were coming.

According to the source, it was clear that the AQAP fighters in the compound knew the Americans were coming and engaged them with heavy weapons.

There were women among the AQAP fighters who "ran to pre-established positions as though they had trained to be ready and trained to be combatants and engaged with us."
All teams should be forced to offer an X amount of scholarships to white student athletes. Football and Basketball have been a bastion of inequality for quite some time and bigotry at any level needs to be stopped.
Yes and the NBA needs to offer more jobs to unqualified dufuss honkeys.
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Yep. I also think the melting pot label is incorrect considering when you live in a large city, there isn't a melting pot. It's a bunch of different pots who stick with each other and even create their own little societies. Notice how many cities will have Koreatown, Chinatown, Lil Mexico, all black neighborhoods, all white neighborhoods or places like Deerborne and No-Go zones, etc.

The left have basically used blacks, Hispanics and the third world as pawns to manipulate and they do this through identity politics, pushing hate for whites and entitlements.
If only the libs could come to understand that the bourgeoisie is going to benefit from the end game, not the proletariat. Hey dems, the elite are not your friends, the muslims are not your pal. You are being used and have no idea what you are advocating for.
As a self identifying black man I was also very triggered when I heard someone make the joke:

How long does it take a black woman to take a dump?

9 months

We simply can't have jokes like that in our society. Only straight white male roasting should be tolerated.
As a self identifying black man I was also very triggered when I heard someone make the joke:

How long does it take a black woman to take a dump?

9 months

We simply can't have jokes like that in our society. Only straight white male roasting should be tolerated.

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What you said was 100 percent correct. It's a shame we've "progressed" so far as a society that it sounds ridiculous to so many now.

I appreciate that it's a tough topic for me personally because of my sister. I've seen a personal side to it that is neger spoken about and the feelings are simply dismissed and you're a bigot. I love my sister. I love some of her friends. I wish them well. That's my point.
I appreciate that it's a tough topic for me personally because of my sister. I've seen a personal side to it that is neger spoken about and the feelings are simply dismissed and you're a bigot.
Homosexuality is a perversion. I have no doubt that some are attracted to the same sex, like there are some that are attracted to children. It's unnatural and wrong. We thankfully still discourage pedophilia.

The problem is it was once discouraged and most didn't act on the temptation. A large number of those ended up living normal lives and were better for it. We now almost encourage people to explore and push some towards that lifestyle and it's a shame.

I have a cousin who is gay and my ex wife's brother was too. I know from their experience, and the experiences of those they surround themselves with, that they are miserable. It's a very depressed group who is heavy in drug use and has largely unsettled lives.
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You racist homophobes are on a roll today. Might as well light a few bonfires and break the linen out, boys.
I bet I spend more time around black people and gays than you do.

The black people usually like me because I talk shit and don't act fake. I still have a group I've stayed friends with for 20 years playing ball and hanging out. I'm the favorite face in management for them too at work.

My current girlfriend has several gay friends and I have no issue with them. I'm around a couple of them at some point every month.

Quite a few conservatives are more cultured than you'd like to believe. Considerably less bigoted than most liberals in reality.
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Mexico warns of tariffs, spurns U.S. aid under review by Trump

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An emboldened Mexico hardened its opposition to President Donald Trump on Friday by saying it would retaliate if the United States imposed a border tax and that it can afford to lose financial aid that might be pulled to pay for a border wall.

Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said Mexico could respond to any tax the United States were to unilaterally impose on imports from its southern neighbor to finance the wall with levies on select goods, aimed at U.S. regions most dependent on exports south of the border.

"Without a doubt, we have that possibility, and what we cannot do is remain with our arms crossed," Videgaray said in a radio interview. "The Mexican government would have to respond."

But don't worry. Our resident expert on Mexico, El Loco Puma, has assured us Mexico is in fact building massive deportation camps to *help* the United States despite the very obvious fact that the Mexican people already hate Nieto for allowing Trump to visit during the campaign and would surely kill him outright if Mexico was in any way seen as assisting the United States in said deportation.

So no worries. El Loco Puma is on top of this one with his keen insider tips from the half dozen bricklayers he knows.
Mexico warns of tariffs, spurns U.S. aid under review by Trump

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An emboldened Mexico hardened its opposition to President Donald Trump on Friday by saying it would retaliate if the United States imposed a border tax and that it can afford to lose financial aid that might be pulled to pay for a border wall.

Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said Mexico could respond to any tax the United States were to unilaterally impose on imports from its southern neighbor to finance the wall with levies on select goods, aimed at U.S. regions most dependent on exports south of the border.

"Without a doubt, we have that possibility, and what we cannot do is remain with our arms crossed," Videgaray said in a radio interview. "The Mexican government would have to respond."

But don't worry. Our resident expert on Mexico, El Loco Puma, has assured us Mexico is in fact building massive deportation camps to *help* the United States despite the very obvious fact that the Mexican people already hate Nieto for allowing Trump to visit during the campaign and would surely kill him outright if Mexico was in any way seen as assisting the United States in said deportation.

So no worries. El Loco Puma is on top of this one with his keen insider tips from the half dozen bricklayers he knows.

Z, You wouldn't make a very good poker player.
Nice. I like it when stupid fails to notice it is stupid. Even better when racist doesn't even know it's racist.
Who is liked by all? I think my ACT score of 30, and profession, is enough to indicate I'm not stupid by your standard.

Using that same standard (yours) I have no doubt that I'm racist. Being white, from outside of a city and expecting equality for all people pretty much labels me that without the ability for defense.
Mexico warns of tariffs, spurns U.S. aid under review by Trump

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An emboldened Mexico hardened its opposition to President Donald Trump on Friday by saying it would retaliate if the United States imposed a border tax and that it can afford to lose financial aid that might be pulled to pay for a border wall.

Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said Mexico could respond to any tax the United States were to unilaterally impose on imports from its southern neighbor to finance the wall with levies on select goods, aimed at U.S. regions most dependent on exports south of the border.

"Without a doubt, we have that possibility, and what we cannot do is remain with our arms crossed," Videgaray said in a radio interview. "The Mexican government would have to respond."

But don't worry. Our resident expert on Mexico, El Loco Puma, has assured us Mexico is in fact building massive deportation camps to *help* the United States despite the very obvious fact that the Mexican people already hate Nieto for allowing Trump to visit during the campaign and would surely kill him outright if Mexico was in any way seen as assisting the United States in said deportation.

So no worries. El Loco Puma is on top of this one with his keen insider tips from the half dozen bricklayers he knows.
No one gives a shit what Mexico thinks or wants.
Boy, I opened a can of beta boy string spaghetti in the transgender thread.

If only I had some doctors on my side who've said homosexuality is a disorder.

The trans stuff gets to me. An oak is an oak, a maple a maple. Limestone is not sandstone.

I think it is a shame society allows mutilation followed by people pretending the oak is now a maple. And a teen?
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‘Sanctuary city’ law let gang member walk free from Rikers

An illegal immigrant gang member from El Salvador was allowed to walk free from Rikers Island under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “Sanctuary City” law — in defiance of a federal petition to hold him for deportation, officials said Tuesday.

“This man is by his own admission a member of a violent street gang and he was released back into the community,” said Thomas Decker, field office director for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement unit in New York. “Honoring a detainer request is not about politics, it is about keeping New York citizens safe.”

Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, an admitted member of the notorious MS-13 gang, was released from Rikers Island on Feb. 16 after serving time for disorderly conduct.

ICE officials had requested last May that Velasquez — who was ordered removed by an immigration judge in November 2015 — be turned over to them when he was done serving his sentence, but no one at ICE was alerted to his release.

They were forced to send their own agents to find him, and they were able to track him down the same day in Queens.

“The detainee was released after he pled guilty and served his time to an offense that does not qualify as a violent or serious felony under the city’s local laws‎, and his gang affiliation was not supported by evidence that meets even minimal constitutional standards,” City Hall spokesperson Rosemary Boeglin said.

“When ICE presents evidence to our city that an individual in our custody has been convicted of a violent or serious offense — one that threatens the public’s safety — we will fully cooperate.”

State Sen. Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn) said he was “amazed” that an “admitted gang member” wasn’t turned over to federal authorities.

“When ICE has a detainer on an illegal immigrant with a criminal record, they should be turned over to the federal government — no questions asked,” he said. “The lowlives who are committing crimes — get them out of here.”

Decker said the city’s policy is “creating a potentially unsafe environment for its residents.”
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Re: Oscars

Are we Alpha dogs backing the faux outrage of the protests or nah?
What's wrong with people protesting the Oscars? Are they out there doing it peacefully, not assaulting people/police, smashing windows, looting, setting cars on fire? If so, then sure. I support their right to assembly and free speech?

And what's so faux about the outrage? Have these rewards shows not become a circle jerk of liberalism? Have they not been sitting around bashing the sitting president at every single one?

There are millions that don't agree with their views, who wouldn't mind tuning in. It's not the place for politics. Those who want to watch, but also don't want to be subjected to radical left wing propaganda have a legit argument and every right to say something about it.
You all may want to sit down for this bit of breaking news.

But they're bashing Trump at the Oscars.