How will they rule ??!

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Red meat in the form of meaningless unenforceable or overturned EOs to the idiots too dumb to understand how pointless everything Trump has done so far is.

Never going to repeal Obamacare. Republican Governors already making that clear on a level that even the mouth breathing neanderthals that represent Trump's base are now slowly starting to understand. A fake wall that Mexico is not going to pay for and Trump lied about in order to convince stupid racist people to vote for him. An idiotic moslim ban that was slapped down immediately by the courts and was wholly rejected as unconstitutional. More empty words from the Trump campaign trail. A trillion dollar infrastructure program that is dead on arrival in Congress. A return to disastrous Ronald Reagan trickle down tax giveaways to the rich and turned the US from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth while simultaneously proposing the largest military buildup in US history.

Even by Big Spending Republican standards that is a lot of Big Spending. Yet, and this is the most hilarious part, Trump has the *conservatives* betraying their very most fundamental principles in not just supporting all this massive spending, but openly wildly cheering for it as *winning*...

Hell, if you guys are all going to become Big Spending Liberals blowing up the deficit then why even have two different parties? Literally nothing Trump campaigned on has gotten done or will ever get done. Certainly none of his main campaign promises.

Trump doesn't even mention "repeal" when he talks about Obamacare anymore. He says "fix" or "repair" but hell that's what Hillary Clinton promised to do.

Trump doesn't even mention Mexico is going to pay for his wall anymore because he knows that is DOA and even if Mexico did agree to it then it would get Nieto killed as he is more unpopular than Trump is.

When is the last time Trump talked about his trillion dollar infrastructure program? Not going to happen.

The moslim ban has been so watered down because of the courts putting their foot in Trump's fat orange ass that you have to consider that an already completely rejected campaign promise.

Rounding up all the illegals has been completely watered down to exactly what Obama was already doing... a high priority on deporting illegals with criminal records which Obama did massively.

We need to go back to an old 80's commercial to sum up the Trump presidency:

Kasich just said he's got 700,000 people in his state of Ohio on Obamacare. You are never going to repeal that or good luck in ever winning Ohio again.

Change the curtains and call it a Trumpcare, lying Republicans. You lost and Obama wins and you know it.
Red meat in the form of meaningless unenforceable or overturned EOs to the idiots too dumb to understand how pointless everything Trump has done so far is.

Never going to repeal Obamacare. Republican Governors already making that clear on a level that even the mouth breathing neanderthals that represent Trump's base are now slowly starting to understand. A fake wall that Mexico is not going to pay for and Trump lied about in order to convince stupid racist people to vote for him. An idiotic moslim ban that was slapped down immediately by the courts and was wholly rejected as unconstitutional. More empty words from the Trump campaign trail. A trillion dollar infrastructure program that is dead on arrival in Congress. A return to disastrous Ronald Reagan trickle down tax giveaways to the rich and turned the US from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth while simultaneously proposing the largest military buildup in US history.

Even by Big Spending Republican standards that is a lot of Big Spending. Yet, and this is the most hilarious part, Trump has the *conservatives* betraying their very most fundamental principles in not just supporting all this massive spending, but openly wildly cheering for it as *winning*...

Hell, if you guys are all going to become Big Spending Liberals blowing up the deficit then why even have two different parties? Literally nothing Trump campaigned on has gotten done or will ever get done. Certainly none of his main campaign promises.

Trump doesn't even mention "repeal" when he talks about Obamacare anymore. He says "fix" or "repair" but hell that's what Hillary Clinton promised to do.

Trump doesn't even mention Mexico is going to pay for his wall anymore because he knows that is DOA and even if Mexico did agree to it then it would get Nieto killed as he is more unpopular than Trump is.

When is the last time Trump talked about his trillion dollar infrastructure program? Not going to happen.

The moslim ban has been so watered down because of the courts putting their foot in Trump's fat orange ass that you have to consider that an already completely rejected campaign promise.

Rounding up all the illegals has been completely watered down to exactly what Obama was already doing... a high priority on deporting illegals with criminal records which Obama did massively.

We need to go back to an old 80's commercial to sum up the Trump presidency:


Blah, blah, blah. Are you in need of attention?
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One thing you idiots have to admit, I am far more successful in attacking Republicans than the wimpy assed protesting Democrats that are obsessed with hurt feelings are.

If they just follow my lead on economics and pointing out there is no beef to what Trump is claiming he is doing, then that moves the needle in the midwest and rust belt, not these stupid assed protests and constant harping on Love trumping Hate. Good Lord I hated that campaign slogan.
One thing you idiots have to admit, I am far more successful in attacking Republicans than the wimpy assed protesting Democrats that are obsessed with hurt feelings are.

If they just follow my lead on economics and pointing out there is no beef to what Trump is claiming he is doing, then that moves the needle in the midwest and rust belt, not these stupid assed protests and constant harping on Love trumping Hate. Good Lord I hated that campaign slogan.
No, you are successful at trolling and whining after being bitch slapped by conservatives like me on this site.
Red meat in the form of meaningless unenforceable or overturned EOs to the idiots too dumb to understand how pointless everything Trump has done so far is.

Never going to repeal Obamacare. Republican Governors already making that clear on a level that even the mouth breathing neanderthals that represent Trump's base are now slowly starting to understand. A fake wall that Mexico is not going to pay for and Trump lied about in order to convince stupid racist people to vote for him. An idiotic moslim ban that was slapped down immediately by the courts and was wholly rejected as unconstitutional. More empty words from the Trump campaign trail. A trillion dollar infrastructure program that is dead on arrival in Congress. A return to disastrous Ronald Reagan trickle down tax giveaways to the rich and turned the US from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth while simultaneously proposing the largest military buildup in US history.

Even by Big Spending Republican standards that is a lot of Big Spending. Yet, and this is the most hilarious part, Trump has the *conservatives* betraying their very most fundamental principles in not just supporting all this massive spending, but openly wildly cheering for it as *winning*...

Hell, if you guys are all going to become Big Spending Liberals blowing up the deficit then why even have two different parties? Literally nothing Trump campaigned on has gotten done or will ever get done. Certainly none of his main campaign promises.

Trump doesn't even mention "repeal" when he talks about Obamacare anymore. He says "fix" or "repair" but hell that's what Hillary Clinton promised to do.

Trump doesn't even mention Mexico is going to pay for his wall anymore because he knows that is DOA and even if Mexico did agree to it then it would get Nieto killed as he is more unpopular than Trump is.

When is the last time Trump talked about his trillion dollar infrastructure program? Not going to happen.

The moslim ban has been so watered down because of the courts putting their foot in Trump's fat orange ass that you have to consider that an already completely rejected campaign promise.

Rounding up all the illegals has been completely watered down to exactly what Obama was already doing... a high priority on deporting illegals with criminal records which Obama did massively.

We need to go back to an old 80's commercial to sum up the Trump presidency:

Lots of words!
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No, you are successful at trolling and whining after being bitch slapped by conservatives like me on this site.
The sum total of all your posting represents nothing. You have no concept of debating. Nothing I have said has been refuted meaningfully by any of you. El Loco Kats tries to by completely misstating and misunderstanding even the simplest of my points, but the rest of you are reduced to the usual gaggle of racist, homophobic, misogynistic, juvenile insults because frankly you're too stupid to actually understand any of the issues because, well, that's what makes you Trump voters in the first place.

You elected a fast talking New York conman reality TV internet troll as president for God's sake. The entire world is aghast in horror at how utterly stupid we are. And we have all of you here in this thread to thank for that.

Try a little perspective there, neanderthal Trump voter.
Red meat in the form of meaningless unenforceable or overturned EOs to the idiots too dumb to understand how pointless everything Trump has done so far is.

Never going to repeal Obamacare. Republican Governors already making that clear on a level that even the mouth breathing neanderthals that represent Trump's base are now slowly starting to understand. A fake wall that Mexico is not going to pay for and Trump lied about in order to convince stupid racist people to vote for him. An idiotic moslim ban that was slapped down immediately by the courts and was wholly rejected as unconstitutional. More empty words from the Trump campaign trail. A trillion dollar infrastructure program that is dead on arrival in Congress. A return to disastrous Ronald Reagan trickle down tax giveaways to the rich and turned the US from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth while simultaneously proposing the largest military buildup in US history.

Even by Big Spending Republican standards that is a lot of Big Spending. Yet, and this is the most hilarious part, Trump has the *conservatives* betraying their very most fundamental principles in not just supporting all this massive spending, but openly wildly cheering for it as *winning*...

Hell, if you guys are all going to become Big Spending Liberals blowing up the deficit then why even have two different parties? Literally nothing Trump campaigned on has gotten done or will ever get done. Certainly none of his main campaign promises.

Trump doesn't even mention "repeal" when he talks about Obamacare anymore. He says "fix" or "repair" but hell that's what Hillary Clinton promised to do.

Trump doesn't even mention Mexico is going to pay for his wall anymore because he knows that is DOA and even if Mexico did agree to it then it would get Nieto killed as he is more unpopular than Trump is.

When is the last time Trump talked about his trillion dollar infrastructure program? Not going to happen.

The moslim ban has been so watered down because of the courts putting their foot in Trump's fat orange ass that you have to consider that an already completely rejected campaign promise.

Rounding up all the illegals has been completely watered down to exactly what Obama was already doing... a high priority on deporting illegals with criminal records which Obama did massively.

We need to go back to an old 80's commercial to sum up the Trump presidency:

Right on cue lol.

Please, tell us more!
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I just want all 700,000 of those voters in Ohio to know that if Donald Trump had his way then on the first day of his presidency they would have been without healthcare. But thanks to the Democrats fighting him tooth and nail, we've forced him to walk back most of his campaign promises including the one to repeal their healthcare on "day one".
"El Loco Kats tries to by completely misstating and misunderstanding even the simplest of my points, but the rest of you are reduced to the usual gaggle of racist, homophobic, misogynistic, juvenile insults because frankly you're too stupid to actually understand any of the issues."

Z, you copy and paste almost all of your talking points save the ones above which proves, the juvenile insults you refer to in the above quoted comments come from uneducated morons like yourself. You really have no original thoughts of your own and are looking for attention because you know the democratic party has abandoned its base.
Ha, I never noticed Thats who is in your avi.
Z, you spin, you troll, you stick and move. Some days you praise Trump's brilliance, some days you demonize Trump's dastardliness. You are a bipolar schizophrenic with sesquipedalian diarrhea. You cannot be taken seriously because tomorrow you will be arguing against what you argued today. Why would we bother to counter-argue when we know that you will do it yourself?
The sum total of all your posting represents nothing. You have no concept of debating. Nothing I have said has been refuted meaningfully by any of you. El Loco Kats tries to by completely misstating and misunderstanding even the simplest of my points, but the rest of you are reduced to the usual gaggle of racist, homophobic, misogynistic, juvenile insults because frankly you're too stupid to actually understand any of the issues because, well, that's what makes you Trump voters in the first place.

You elected a fast talking New York conman reality TV internet troll as president for God's sake. The entire world is aghast in horror at how utterly stupid we are. And we have all of you here in this thread to thank for that.

Try a little perspective there, neanderthal Trump voter.

Refuted? Z, we're one month into Trumps presidency.

Please explain the Muslim ban you're speaking of, as there was no such EO.

TPP is dead, the wall will be built, and funds that Mexico would've gotten will go for it.

You listed 3 stupid insults and then accused people on here of using stupid insults?!?!

You blame the Dems for losing the election because they went all in on social and racial justice, and then accuse us of being racist, homophobic and misogynistic?

You seem a little confused, and unstable.
Refuted? Z, we're one month into Trumps presidency.

Please explain the Muslim ban you're speaking of, as there was no such EO.

TPP is dead, the wall will be built, and funds that Mexico would've gotten will go for it.

You listed 3 stupid insults and then accused people on here of using stupid insults?!?!

You blame the Dems for losing the election because they went all in on social and racial justice, and then accuse us of being racist, homophobic and misogynistic?

You seem a little confused, and unstable.
Z is a she. As I had ask before, is it Sybil?
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[laughing] Tom Perez on MTP with some classic dog whistles like "Trump is trying to privatize social security".......of course, that literally has not been mentioned once.

Glad to see they are going the dinosaur route, good grief what a bunch of idiots.....only one branch (sanders) of the party had life in it and they stomp it into the ground.
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Wednesday at 9pm

Duh duh duh

John McCain


Lindsay Graham


Two maverick republicans

Duh duh duh

Only on CNN!!

The Islamists inside Sweden now feel sufficiently emboldened to the point where they're openly waging jihad against the native-born populace. This, LITERALLY, ALWAYS HAPPENS when they reach a certain percentage.

Every single time. Play the victim and act peaceful and claim oppression. Then have a ton of kids and have more of them imported, demand more things and have zero assimilation, get the numbers in their favor and they have conquered the land, have zero tolerance for anything but Islam.

No way should anyone even let a single Muslim into their country. They are evil savages. The silly woman who picks up the snake is a perfect metaphor for Islam.
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You know, at one time I really thought the Republicans were in big trouble when Obama came along. I remember when Albany and others would point out any opportunity they had about the GOP being screwed (btw, where is Albany these days??).

As Obama moved the party further left, rammed Obamacare down our throats, kept piling on more and more massive amounts of debt, etc. the GOP gained more seats. However, the Presidency still seemed out of reach. When Trump put his name in the hat the GOP had their one shot. Just took a lot of folks a long time to realize it.

I look at the Dems now and I honestly cannot see anyway that party (as it stands now) gains power back in Washington in the next decade. We are now hearing Hilary wants another crack at POTUS, her puppet Perez gets put in as DNC chair, idiots like Warren are mouthpieces for the party, the list goes on and on. Honestly, Tim Ryan scared me when he went upon against Pelosi because he gets it. He knows why the Dems keep losing and had the platform that could have gotten them back on track. However, the Dem establishment is so corrupt and out of touch that they dismissed him and kept the person who raises the most money yet is the weakest leader in Washington (Pelosi).

Now, the Dems have a real fight within their own party much like the Republicans got with the emergence of the Tea Party. Except, their fight is much more radical and so far left that outside of California and NYC most Americans are completely disengaged with their agenda.
So Oscars are tonight and I haven't watched those in like six or seven years. But you will no doubt get about 10 political speeches.

That made me ask myself, why do these people believe this is the proper venue to be political? You're given an award for playing make believe. You're not great and deep thinkers. But seriously, why is an award for your work in movies somehow deserving of a political speech? What does that look like in awards for any other industry?

CEO: The award for highest volume sales for the region goes to...Daniel Johnson.

Daniel: I just want to thank my family and my accountant and this company. I also want to give praise to all of my peers tonight. It was an honor to be in the running with you and Trump is a monster. He's not my president. We must resist him. We need bridges and not walls. We need love not hate. We must continue to fight this fascist dictator. Tonight, we are all Muslims. #ImWithHer

*Sits back down at his table at The Cheesecake Factory*