How will they rule ??!

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This is an excellent article that details exactly how Trump has not done jackshit yet except mercilessly market himself:

President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
Tune out the noise coming from the White House. So far, very little has actually happened.

It is the illusion of a presidency, not the real thing.

The key problem here is understanding Trump’s executive orders and presidential memoranda. Trump very quickly seized on the signing of these as media opportunities, and each new order and memo has been staged and announced as dramatic steps to alter the course of the country. Not accustomed to presidents whose words mean little when it comes to actual policy, opponents have seized on these as proof that Trump represents a malign force, while supporters have pointed to these as proof that Trump is actually fulfilling his campaign promises.

Neither is correct. The official documents have all the patina of “big deals” but when parsed and examined turn out to be far, far less than they appear. Take the order authorizing the construction of a border wall between the United States and Mexico. The relevant section of the January 25 order read: “It is the policy of the executive branch to … secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border, monitored and supported by adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism.” That sounds indeed like an order to fulfill a controversial campaign promise. The problem? Congress initially passed a Secure Fence Act in 2006 that required the construction of nearly 700 miles of fortified border. By 2011, under the Obama administration, most of that was completed, with a mix of pedestrian fencing and vehicle fortifications. Since then, there has only been minimal funding for further fortifications.

The result is that Trump issued an executive order mandating something that has in many respects already been done—with no congressional funding yet to redo the current fortified border with a larger, more expensive structure. The president does not have the budgetary discretion to build such a wall, and it remains to be seen whether Congress will authorize what promises to be a controversial and redundant project. This executive order, therefore, changes nothing, and only mandates something that has already been mandated, already been constructed and that the president lacks the spending authority to upgrade.

Then take things like the Keystone pipeline permits, the promise to deregulate and the most recently signed orders about crime. The January 24 order on infrastructure begins with a sentiment almost anyone could agree with: “Infrastructure investment strengthens our economic platform, makes America more competitive, creates millions of jobs, increases wages for American workers, and reduces the costs of goods and services for American families and consumers. Too often, infrastructure projects in the United States have been routinely and excessively delayed by agency processes and procedures.” It then declares that the policy of the Executive Branch is to expedite the permitting of such projects. That was followed by two memoranda on the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines that had been denied permits during Obama’s tenure, which urges the companies to re-submit their permit applications for review.

That might seem like an order to have the pipelines built. But Keystone remains almost entirely an idea, and oil shipments and infrastructure from Canada have long since been routed elsewhere given the years and years of delay in ever authorizing it. The Dakota Access Pipeline is largely complete, with a major dispute over its passage through tribal lands, and here too, it is unlikely that a presidential memorandum has any legal bearing on how that issue is resolved given that it lies within the purview of the Army Corps of Engineers and cannot simply be countermanded by the White House.

Or take the orders of deregulation. Those were widely hailed as a rollback of Dodd-Frank, especially given that the morning that the order was issued, February 3, Trump met with bank CEOs and expressed his dislike for many of the legislation’s provisions. The actual order, however, delivers much less than it promises, merely directing the secretary of the Treasury to review existing regulations and report back on which ones might be refined to achieve better outcomes.

Or the crime orders signed on February 9, which were widely hailed as cracking down on “transnational criminal organizations” and “preventing violence against … law enforcement officers.” Nothing in the text of these orders is either objectionable or in any respect a departure from current law and policy. One order states plainly that it shall be the policy of the administration to “enforce all Federal laws in order to enhance the protection and safety of Federal, State, tribal, and local law enforcement officers, and thereby all Americans.” The other says that the administration will seek to use existing laws to crack down on trafficking. You would have known none of that from the headlines both supporting and denouncing the efforts. Breitbart claimed “Trump Signs Three Executive Orders to Restore Safety in America” while many took these orders as a sign that police will have new, expanded powers and protections. In truth, the orders changed the status quo not one whit.
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All marketing. All just putting his name on buildings he has nothing to do with. A con job. A slick little New York hustler working the angles on a gullible desperate populace desperate for change.

Poor suckers. But they deserve it, I guess.
This is an excellent article that details exactly how Trump has not done jackshit yet except mercilessly market himself:

President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
Tune out the noise coming from the White House. So far, very little has actually happened.

It is the illusion of a presidency, not the real thing.

The key problem here is understanding Trump’s executive orders and presidential memoranda. Trump very quickly seized on the signing of these as media opportunities, and each new order and memo has been staged and announced as dramatic steps to alter the course of the country. Not accustomed to presidents whose words mean little when it comes to actual policy, opponents have seized on these as proof that Trump represents a malign force, while supporters have pointed to these as proof that Trump is actually fulfilling his campaign promises.

Neither is correct. The official documents have all the patina of “big deals” but when parsed and examined turn out to be far, far less than they appear. Take the order authorizing the construction of a border wall between the United States and Mexico. The relevant section of the January 25 order read: “It is the policy of the executive branch to … secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border, monitored and supported by adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism.” That sounds indeed like an order to fulfill a controversial campaign promise. The problem? Congress initially passed a Secure Fence Act in 2006 that required the construction of nearly 700 miles of fortified border. By 2011, under the Obama administration, most of that was completed, with a mix of pedestrian fencing and vehicle fortifications. Since then, there has only been minimal funding for further fortifications.

The result is that Trump issued an executive order mandating something that has in many respects already been done—with no congressional funding yet to redo the current fortified border with a larger, more expensive structure. The president does not have the budgetary discretion to build such a wall, and it remains to be seen whether Congress will authorize what promises to be a controversial and redundant project. This executive order, therefore, changes nothing, and only mandates something that has already been mandated, already been constructed and that the president lacks the spending authority to upgrade.

Then take things like the Keystone pipeline permits, the promise to deregulate and the most recently signed orders about crime. The January 24 order on infrastructure begins with a sentiment almost anyone could agree with: “Infrastructure investment strengthens our economic platform, makes America more competitive, creates millions of jobs, increases wages for American workers, and reduces the costs of goods and services for American families and consumers. Too often, infrastructure projects in the United States have been routinely and excessively delayed by agency processes and procedures.” It then declares that the policy of the Executive Branch is to expedite the permitting of such projects. That was followed by two memoranda on the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines that had been denied permits during Obama’s tenure, which urges the companies to re-submit their permit applications for review.

That might seem like an order to have the pipelines built. But Keystone remains almost entirely an idea, and oil shipments and infrastructure from Canada have long since been routed elsewhere given the years and years of delay in ever authorizing it. The Dakota Access Pipeline is largely complete, with a major dispute over its passage through tribal lands, and here too, it is unlikely that a presidential memorandum has any legal bearing on how that issue is resolved given that it lies within the purview of the Army Corps of Engineers and cannot simply be countermanded by the White House.

Or take the orders of deregulation. Those were widely hailed as a rollback of Dodd-Frank, especially given that the morning that the order was issued, February 3, Trump met with bank CEOs and expressed his dislike for many of the legislation’s provisions. The actual order, however, delivers much less than it promises, merely directing the secretary of the Treasury to review existing regulations and report back on which ones might be refined to achieve better outcomes.

Or the crime orders signed on February 9, which were widely hailed as cracking down on “transnational criminal organizations” and “preventing violence against … law enforcement officers.” Nothing in the text of these orders is either objectionable or in any respect a departure from current law and policy. One order states plainly that it shall be the policy of the administration to “enforce all Federal laws in order to enhance the protection and safety of Federal, State, tribal, and local law enforcement officers, and thereby all Americans.” The other says that the administration will seek to use existing laws to crack down on trafficking. You would have known none of that from the headlines both supporting and denouncing the efforts. Breitbart claimed “Trump Signs Three Executive Orders to Restore Safety in America” while many took these orders as a sign that police will have new, expanded powers and protections. In truth, the orders changed the status quo not one whit.
Ha Ha Ha, you ridiculous simpleton. Do you honestly believe anyone thinks you read that propaganda AFTER you posted? Those were your talking points you waited for prior to clubbing out a post. Those of us with triple digit IQ's laugh at you relentlessly.
Nothing? Knocking 12 billion off the deficeit seems like at least something.

Using your logic of how bad it was then and the market being at 7500 you realize you trumpeting about his stock market turn around is also stupid right? Trump increasing the stock market by 2000 from 18,500 which was "OMG Obama hitting all time highs" is quite an accomplishment, right?

The Supreme Court justice by all accounts was excellent.

1000's of jobs already committed to coming back to America with billions in investments still to come.

What were you expecting?
You idiots are familiar with the fact that the financial sector of the entire world collapsed in 2008 necessitating US taxpayers bail out all the rich fat Republicans that rolled snake eyes, right? You know, the same ones you're in the process of removing all the regulations on right now because that's such a good idea.

We were also losing 800,000 jobs a month and the stock market was at 7949 but don't let the facts get in the way of you lathering yourselves up over Trump doing absolutely nothing except flapping his big fat mouth. He hasn't passed an actual single piece of legislation yet you morons.
You do realize that the democrats owned the house and the senate the last 2 years of Bush and the first 2 years of Obama so, you would have to give those numbers to the dummycraps. Sorry to bitch slap you again as usual.
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Stupid SOB doesn't understand that the "big dog" caused the damned housing bubble in the first place. He doesn't even have what most of us would consider a cursory understanding of even the most basic of economic principles. I want to ignore him but he's a trainwreck that causes involuntary rubbernecking.
I know that you live in Mexico and that you are married to a mail order bride who is not of American descent. I know that you consider a Camaro to be a luxury vehicle reserved for the rich. I know that you are a fatass liberal that lives off the money stolen from me by the government. After getting sick to my stomach, I called off the investigation.
You are incorrect. Z is the male ordered bride.
He is the only difference of opinion in this thread.

I sometimes wish I understood the liberal side of view, but then I remember what my dad always said:

Boy be careful what you ask for!
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Z for 3 days." Y'all spending ass spending republispenders Robbin is blind spending arse mother spenders. "

After seeing debt cut "obama had to spend cuz of bush".

This guy has to be a joke. Bravo sir.
He was talking about all of the bush Clinton's were getting. He had to spend a lot to cover it all up. Especially all of the kiddie sex they were having.
One of Subservient Boy Z's main bitching points is that of "trickle down theory". The fact is, there is no such thing among credible economists as a trickle down theory. It is merely the rallying cry of piece of shit communists who are anti-capitalism. He doesn't understand the money that is outlaid to the working sector before a business ever gets off the ground. He is blinded to the idea that success is often accompanied by risk. People like him refuse to accept that his incompetence is not on par with my value to society.

Say for example GE follows the rules of the IRS and for whatever reason doesn't, on paper, pay any taxes. What about the 100,000 people they employ who do pay taxes? Since it is a publically traded company, available to all, should it be heavily taxed to provide for those who neither work nor invest?

He's too dense to grasp it, but he's advocating for government ownership of all means of production and distribution. He's a communist. Treat him as such.
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One of Subservient Boy Z's main bitching points is that of "trickle down theory". The fact is, there is no such thing among credible economists as a trickle down theory. It is merely the rallying cry of piece of shit communists who are anti-capitalism. He doesn't understand the money that is outlaid to the working sector before a business ever gets off the ground. He is blinded to the idea that success is often accompanied by risk. People like him refuse to accept that his incompetence is not on par with my value to society.

Say for example GE follows the rules of the IRS and for whatever reason doesn't, on paper, pay any taxes. What about the 100,000 people they employ who do pay taxes? Since it is a publically traded company, available to all, should it be heavily taxed to provide for those who neither work nor invest?

He's too dense to grasp it, but he's advocating for government ownership of all means of production and distribution. He's a communist. Treat him as such.
He is a socialist who lives in his mothers basement. He has no concept of economics or reality.
Trump tweets wildly misleading comparison of the national debt in his fist month to Obama's.

"First, it is true that the debt has probably ticked down but as noted by the Atlantic's David Frum, this is mostly due to the federal government rebalancing its intra-governmental holdings. Debt outstanding to the public has barely budged since Inauguration Day.
Additionally, the federal government is still operating under the budget passed before Trump came into office, so even if the overall debt decreased, his administration had little to do with it..................................

By contrast, Trump has inherited — as he even noted — a country with a vastly improved economic standing.

The labor market has improved drastically, with unemployment at just 4.8% and the number of people claiming unemployment benefits nearing the lowest point in 40 years. In fact, during Obama's term the US added over 11 million private sector jobs.

National Debt Dips. Trump Crows. Well, sure but.......

"The numbers are broadly accurate, but the lack of attention to them is for good reason: Neither president bore responsibility for changes in the federal debt in his opening month in the White House. The slight decline cited by Mr. Trump — a drop of 0.06 percent, according to Treasury data — is a temporary fluctuation, not a change in direction...................................................
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Trump tweets wildly misleading comparison of the national debt in his fist month to Obama's.

"First, it is true that the debt has probably ticked down but as noted by the Atlantic's David Frum, this is mostly due to the federal government rebalancing its intra-governmental holdings. Debt outstanding to the public has barely budged since Inauguration Day.
Additionally, the federal government is still operating under the budget passed before Trump came into office, so even if the overall debt decreased, his administration had little to do with it..................................

By contrast, Trump has inherited — as he even noted — a country with a vastly improved economic standing.

The labor market has improved drastically, with unemployment at just 4.8% and the number of people claiming unemployment benefits nearing the lowest point in 40 years. In fact, during Obama's term the US added over 11 million private sector jobs.

National Debt Dips. Trump Crows. Well, sure but.......

"The numbers are broadly accurate, but the lack of attention to them is for good reason: Neither president bore responsibility for changes in the federal debt in his opening month in the White House. The slight decline cited by Mr. Trump — a drop of 0.06 percent, according to Treasury data — is a temporary fluctuation, not a change in direction...................................................
Stupidity and ignorance from the left continues, congrats. We will keep winning, thanks.
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Ok, before I hit the sack for the evening here is a tidbit for thought. Real America is getting tired of the shtick from the left evidenced by the past few elections. In spite of all the losses you have suffered, you continue to double down on the narrative you are pushing and this either means you are crazy or just plain dumb. I vote dumb, you have proven nothing else.
It is not debatable who the president was when banks were threatened by the US government if they didn't give money to people to buy houses that couldn't possibly afford to pay it back. What screwed up the plan was that Bush got elected in 2000. Capitalism rectified the economy IN SPITE of Obama.

If Dems weren't so short sighted they would have seen at the time that electing the woman first would have been the play and then replacing her with the half white guy. Instead they played their hand too early and allowed people to catch on before it was too late. I said before this election that there was no way blacks were going to turn out to vote for a rich white bitch like they did for a muslim.

Fools could have had it all. Shit will get right now. Might take more than five weeks, but shit will get right.
Heard on a podcast that Richard Spencer was booted from the CPAC. Never heard of the dude until the Lame Stream Media made him famous for 15 mins tying him to the Alt Right movement that the Lame Stream also made up. Never heard of that either. Then they jumped Trumps nuts because he didn't denounce him. Why didn't they report that his racist 15 min of shamed ass was bounced from CPAC?

Glad they didn't report because he is not worth the time and I will delete this post because he is not worth this thread.
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I'll be the first to admit that the 27 billion doesn't really mean that much, and if you look, they could have ran this story around 8th of Feb and it would have been 63 billion. That's not the point though. The point is to get people to see the difference in his number and Obama's 200 billion dollar loss on his way to an eventual 8 TRILLION dollar deficit. Donald's number is transient, but Obama's is chiseled in history, unless Dems somehow manage to rear their ugly head again in which case they will rewrite history and prove with polls and statistics that Obama did indeed leave us with a deficit surplus.
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I'll be the first to admit that the 27 billion doesn't really mean that much, and if you look, they could have ran this story around 8th of Feb and it would have been 63 billion. That's not the point though. The point is to get people to see the difference in his number and Obama's 200 billion dollar loss on his way to an eventual 8 TRILLION dollar deficit. Donald's number is transient, but Obama's is chiseled in history, unless Dems somehow manage to rear their ugly head again in which case they will rewrite history and prove with polls and statistics that Obama did indeed leave us with a deficit surplus.
The only surplus he had was in 1st lady ass.
I posted a thread on this but like eveything, I know the mods will cram it into this thread.

Isn't that the one we discussed? Isn't that a girl disguised as a boy? Maybe I'm wrong, but if it is the same one and it's a girl pretending to be a boy then there is no problem. If she is being allowed to compete while taking testosterone, then there is a problem.
Isn't that the one we discussed? Isn't that a girl disguised as a boy? Maybe I'm wrong, but if it is the same one and it's a girl pretending to be a boy then there is no problem. If she is being allowed to compete while taking testosterone, then there is a problem.
It is.
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Say for example GE follows the rules of the IRS and for whatever reason doesn't, on paper, pay any taxes. What about the 100,000 people they employ who do pay taxes? Since it is a publically traded company, available to all, should it be heavily taxed to provide for those who neither work nor invest?

He's too dense to grasp it

Too dense, indeed. Not to mention in your scenario that, even in those times when a major corporation can demonstrate a loss and does not pay taxes due to no earnings, it very likely paid a hefty amount of additional taxes during that period (quarter) because of the purchase of many millions upon millions of dollars worth of commercial goods and services which are taxed, and it is because of those additional purchases (partly, largely) that the period was unprofitable. It is the left's narrative that this means "no tax paid" by the corporation, because their audience, indeed, is too dense to grasp it. Too dense for too many reasons, not the least of which is the FACT they have little or no participation in these dynamics.
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Just saw some knee jerk bullshit on the news about Ali's son being questioned by TSA while returning from Jamaica. Said his mother was able to show a picture of her with Ali to prove who she was. Why didn't she have an ID? Why didn't HE have an ID? Could it have been to try and provoke a reaction?

My mother, who was 83 years old at the time, suffering from late stage Alzheimer's, not even knowing she was at an airport, was denied access to a plane at the Louisville airport because my sister had neglected to bring her ID. Fortunately, I was there as well. We were taken to a room off away from everyone and a guy came in who was clearly above the usual riff raff TSA employee. He had to leave twice to "make a phone call" and after about an hour, she was allowed to board the plane. She was flying to Tampa.

I understand that my mother, in her condition, presented a clear and present danger to the other passengers. It wasn't her fault per se, but rather the result of the actions of others that fit her racial and societal profile. I'm sure we can all recall the many incidents of octogenarian Caucasian women who are clearly suffering from dementia, hijacking airplanes for fun and profit. Think of the disruption she could have caused by asking someone the same question twice in a row. Diabolical.

Spike Lee tried to tell them. Bill Cosby tried to tell them. Stop hiding behind your color and accept responsibility for yourself. I refuse to accept that anyone associated with Ali doesn't have the means to afford an ID. Regardless of what the dems would have you think, everyone has an ID. You need one for many other activities besides voting. Black people who aren't white will back me up.

I should have alerted the local media. What do you think they would have asked regarding her race and religion? What would have been their response upon hearing the answer? Exactly. This is the only account you would have heard of.
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Keith ellison is the DNC chair now. Donna brasil was there ha. Like a group out of a max security prison
Keith ellison is the DNC chair now. Donna brasil was there ha. Like a group out of a max security prison

I think Tom Perez is the new DNC.

Wouldn't be great to witness. Wikileaks showed 18 emails about Tom Perez colluding with Clinton to end Bernie Sanders. A lot of the dems wanted Keith Ellison.

So what if, the dems conspire with Keith Ellison to overthrow Tom Perez. Bringing this whole back stabbing to a complete circle.