How will they rule ??!

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Actually Mexico is discussing setting up its own deportation camps to hold illegals there in an effort to stop the wall talks.
Let's fact-check El Mehicano en Chullo Fuego here and see if he knows his ass from a hole in the ground:

Mexico rejects U.S. request to host deportees

MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government made clear to visiting U.S. emissaries that it will not accept deportees from third countries under any circumstances, the interior secretary said Friday.

Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said in an interview with Radio Formula that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly asked Mexican officials during their Thursday visit if they would host deportees from other countries while their immigration cases are processed in the U.S.

“They asked us that while their legal process is happening there if they could be here,” Osorio Chong said. “And we told them that there’s no way we can have them here during that process.”

The visit by the U.S. secretaries came at a tense moment in U.S.-Mexico relations. President Trump has carried his tough campaign talk about immigrants and factory jobs that moved to Mexico into the White House, ordering the building of a border wall, stepped up deportations and a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

A memo published by the Department of Homeland Security earlier this week suggested that U.S. immigration officials could deport immigrants in the country illegally to the contiguous country they had entered from, which in the vast majority of cases would be Mexico. Most of the immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in recent years have been Central Americans.

Osorio Chong also said Friday that if the U.S. government tries to pressure Mexico by threatening to withdraw funding from the nearly $2.5 billion Merida Initiative to fight organized crime, Mexico will let that money go.

The initiative that was started in 2008 is winding down with most remaining funding going to Mexican states implementing reforms to the justice system, Osorio Chong said.

Yep, he's got this one nailed. Clearly all his time selling lumber to illegal aliens has rendered him an expert on all things Mexico. His finger is on the very pulse of the country. Why he cried like a baby at the xx Lumber Super Bowl commercial. Yep, that clunker really showed the boys at xx know their stuff. I bet El Loco Kitty came up with that one. Bragged about his extensive knowledge and talked them into it. It's a sure-fire hit, guys! I think he even directed that commercial. He needed to tell the story of his people.
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Krazy checks "other" on the census protesting the fact that his Hispanic heritage is insulted. He's the Elizabeth Warren of the Mexicans. Their blood courses through his veins. When he was 2 years old he trimmed every hedge in his yard using only his pacifier then bought a six pack of beer and feel asleep in the shade under a tree.
Of course, they're trying to blame it on Trump's "Muslim ban", but the ban was put on a temporary restraining order on February 3rd, and hasn't been implemented since. This happened on the 7th. Any decision(s) the airport security made were at their own discretion, and has absolutely nothing to do with Trump.

It's also odd this story is just hitting the news, being a month old, on the weekend right before Trump signs the new ban. We heard all the CNN hysteria about every other schmoe the following day, but it takes a month for a famous name such as Ali to be reported on?

Muhammad Ali Jr. detained by immigration officials at Fla. airport

"To the Ali family, it's crystal clear that this is directly linked to Mr. Trump's efforts to ban Muslims from the United States," Mancini said, referring to President Trump's executive order signed Jan. 27 that instituted a ban for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries.
But Mexico will sure as hell will facilitate their trip up north through Mexico, across our border. I hope Trump says "F*** 'em. They do not dictate US policy, and we're returning the peasants to the shit hole they came from."

Mexico doesn't like it? Then they should have spent the that 2.3B that American taxpayers just gifted them for their souther border security more wisely.

That's the whole reason we gave it to them. For them to have the means to be able to stem the problem at the source.
Negative. 1981 Tough Guy - Nashville.

You lose again.
Ha Ha, he would not last against a 90 year old women. Back in the late 80's early 90's I was ranked 3rd or so in heavy weights ABKA (American Bushidokai Karate Association) in the State of Oklahoma in fighting.
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Back in the late 80's early 90's I was ranked 3rd or so in heavy weights ABKA (American Bushidokai Karate Association) in the State of Oklahoma in fighting.


Lol man he's unreal.

No salary. No bullshit. It's like he didn't get the memo. You made it trump! You have reached the pinnacle of your political career! It's time to kiss babies and line the pockets of all the crooked bastards that got you here...

Thank god we didn't elect a politician.
Supreme Lord Z, post: 5671093, member: 51894"]Winning is easy because if Trump sits down and scrawls his name on a meaningless piece of paper you idiots wet yourselves thinking his pointless unenforceable gesture means something.

Hey, that's a good point, for a lib pussy like you. For actual free thinking men though, not so much.

Did you "win" on the moslim ban? Did you deport all the illegals... how's that "winning" going? Did Mexico agree to pay for the wall or did they slap that "winning" right back down your throats to the point Donnie won't even mention it anymore?

How far into the term is he? We know you are a political, as well as scientific and human nature idiot, why do you insist on repeating yourself?

Your "winning" is like getting those publisher clearing house letters in the mail. Did you get your 10 million dollars in "winnings" yet you morons?

Don't be petulant, your time will come little buddy.
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Warrior was a great teacher of martial arts back in the day. His fearsome chest-knife technique was particularly menacing to his students:

A month with me as your teacher and you would know character and realize your support of the left to have been a big mistake. The amount of tissues needed for the sorrowful tears shed would up Kleenex stock by 30%
You guys be careful. Warrior is ranked 17th in eye gouging in Terrebonne Parish Louisiana. He could snatch your retinas out in 3 tenths of one second if you hold still.
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Let's fact-check El Mehicano en Chullo Fuego here and see if he knows his ass from a hole in the ground:

Mexico rejects U.S. request to host deportees

MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government made clear to visiting U.S. emissaries that it will not accept deportees from third countries under any circumstances, the interior secretary said Friday.

Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said in an interview with Radio Formula that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly asked Mexican officials during their Thursday visit if they would host deportees from other countries while their immigration cases are processed in the U.S.

“They asked us that while their legal process is happening there if they could be here,” Osorio Chong said. “And we told them that there’s no way we can have them here during that process.”

The visit by the U.S. secretaries came at a tense moment in U.S.-Mexico relations. President Trump has carried his tough campaign talk about immigrants and factory jobs that moved to Mexico into the White House, ordering the building of a border wall, stepped up deportations and a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

A memo published by the Department of Homeland Security earlier this week suggested that U.S. immigration officials could deport immigrants in the country illegally to the contiguous country they had entered from, which in the vast majority of cases would be Mexico. Most of the immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in recent years have been Central Americans.

Osorio Chong also said Friday that if the U.S. government tries to pressure Mexico by threatening to withdraw funding from the nearly $2.5 billion Merida Initiative to fight organized crime, Mexico will let that money go.

The initiative that was started in 2008 is winding down with most remaining funding going to Mexican states implementing reforms to the justice system, Osorio Chong said.

Yep, he's got this one nailed. Clearly all his time selling lumber to illegal aliens has rendered him an expert on all things Mexico. His finger is on the very pulse of the country. Why he cried like a baby at the 84 Lumber Super Bowl commercial. Yep, that clunker really showed the boys at 84 know their stuff. I bet El Loco Kitty came up with that one. Bragged about his extensive knowledge and talked them into it. It's a sure-fire hit, guys! I think he even directed that commercial. He needed to tell the story of his people.

First off that story is about holding them during their deportation cases in the US. I never mentioned anything about what happens during their time in deportation courts.

Secondly your report is about Mexico taking 3rd world refugees that aren't Mexican.

Other than those two very important points I guess you may have a point that has nothing to do with my point.
You guys be careful. Warrior is ranked 17th in eye gouging in Terrebonne Parish Louisiana. He could snatch your retinas out in 3 tenths of one second if you hold still.
Your record for being banned from Rivals and coming back with another name is in no danger of ever being equaled. Congratulations, boy.
First off that story is about holding them during their deportation cases in the US. I never mentioned anything about what happens during their time in deportation courts.

Secondly your report is about Mexico taking 3rd world refugees that aren't Mexican.

Other than those two very important points I guess you may have a point that has nothing to do with my point.
I like that not only did you not understand your own argument, but also that you didn't read your own article that you link nor also notice your story is from the 22nd when Tillerson did not meet with Mexico until the 23rd.

So you posted about something you know nothing about, citing a story that does not say what you think it says, and it predates a critical meeting between the United States and Mexico where once again the Mexican Government totally rejected the US position:

Mexican officials tell US: We don't agree

So outside all that, you pretty much look like your normal incompetent self which leads me to believe you actually did have a hand in that terrible xx Lumber commercial.
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Ok, WTF are you talking about? Your 1st article was about taking back illegals while their deportation case was in American court. It was also about Mexico keeping non Mexican illegals for us. I never mentioned that.

What I said was Mexico is negotiating for camps to have a place to put the illegals(currently in America) as an effort to slow down wall talks.

So I linked an article that discussed that point you were trying to make, but I wasn't making at all, and that touched base on my point that the camps are in fact in play but Mexico is in no position to successfully take hundreds of thousands of current illegals and need to go through and will not accept non Mexicans back.

Also it mentions it would be billions of dollars that the US may have to pay or help pay in order to get these camps.

That tidbit lets you know it's been discussed.

I don't need to have a CNN article that was mainly that Mexico/America disagree but has no real substance explain to me that we currently disagree with how we are moving forward. Not sure what CNN is even reporting either.

What I'm saying that is being talked about came from 2 different masonry crews that are losing about 10 guys over the next few weeks and a framing crew that added there is a possible 2 week strike being discussed here in Louisville since the 1 day wasn't enough.

Keep going on about 84 lumber though......where I work really has a lot to do with all of this!

Typical liberal idiot like I posted yday. Keep proving me right bud.
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Ok, WTF are you talking about? Your 1st article was about taking back illegals while their deportation case was in American court. It was also about Mexico keeping non Mexican illegals for us. I never mentioned that.

What I said was Mexico is negotiating for camps to have a place to put the illegals(currently in America) as an effort to slow down wall talks.

So I linked an article that discussed that point you were trying to make, but I wasn't making at all, and that touched base on my point that the camps are in fact in play but Mexico is in no position to successfully take hundreds of thousands of current illegals and need to go through and will not accept non Mexicans back.

Also it mentions it would be billions of dollars that the US may have to pay or help pay in order to get these camps.

That tidbit lets you know it's been discussed.

I don't need to have a CNN article that was mainly that Mexico/America disagree but has no real substance explain to me that we currently disagree with how we are moving forward. Not sure what CNN is even reporting either.

What I'm saying that is being talked about came from 2 different masonry crews that are losing about 10 guys over the next few weeks and a framing crew that added there is a possible 2 week strike being discussed here in Louisville since the 1 day wasn't enough.

Keep going on about 84 lumber though......where I work really has a lot to do with all of this!

Typical liberal idiot like I posted yday. Keep proving me right bud.
Sorry about the lumber company remarks. Won't happen again. I assumed you were okay with it as you are the one that posted it in here and made quite a big deal about it but I certainly will never mention it again. Sorry about that.
Oh I don't care, I assumed it was a different angle you were going for to "trigger" me or whatever libs do.

I just don't get the point it helps you prove?
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Stop trolling for personal information. Ymmot is already hinting that his LEK playbook is coming along nicely on me.
I know that you live in Mexico and that you are married to a mail order bride who is not of American descent. I know that you consider a Camaro to be a luxury vehicle reserved for the rich. I know that you are a fatass liberal that lives off the money stolen from me by the government. After getting sick to my stomach, I called off the investigation.
Ok, WTF are you talking about? Your 1st article was about taking back illegals while their deportation case was in American court. It was also about Mexico keeping non Mexican illegals for us. I never mentioned that.

What I said was Mexico is negotiating for camps to have a place to put the illegals(currently in America) as an effort to slow down wall talks.

So I linked an article that discussed that point you were trying to make, but I wasn't making at all, and that touched base on my point that the camps are in fact in play but Mexico is in no position to successfully take hundreds of thousands of current illegals and need to go through and will not accept non Mexicans back.

Also it mentions it would be billions of dollars that the US may have to pay or help pay in order to get these camps.

That tidbit lets you know it's been discussed.

I don't need to have a CNN article that was mainly that Mexico/America disagree but has no real substance explain to me that we currently disagree with how we are moving forward. Not sure what CNN is even reporting either.

What I'm saying that is being talked about came from 2 different masonry crews that are losing about 10 guys over the next few weeks and a framing crew that added there is a possible 2 week strike being discussed here in Louisville since the 1 day wasn't enough.

Keep going on about 84 lumber though......where I work really has a lot to do with all of this!

Typical liberal idiot like I posted yday. Keep proving me right bud.
It's fun to roast Z, but it's so easy you have to do it about 5 times in a row to make it worth your while.
Ya'll. The Donald just tweeted. First month of his presidency he cut the debt by 12 billion where Obama increased it by 200 billion in his first month. Obama loved to spend other people's money.

"Folks, the jobs are gone. They aren't coming back." LOL
"Bitter clingers"
Ya'll. The Donald just tweeted. First month of his presidency he cut the debt by 12 billion where Obama increased it by 200 billion in his first month. Obama loved to spend other people's money.

"Folks, the jobs are gone. They aren't coming back." LOL

That's unreal. 200 billion?

Trump's gonna reschedule marijuana, watch. Heads will explode.
That's unreal. 200 billion?
You idiots are familiar with the fact that the financial sector of the entire world collapsed in 2008 necessitating US taxpayers bail out all the rich fat Republicans that rolled snake eyes, right? You know, the same ones you're in the process of removing all the regulations on right now because that's such a good idea.

We were also losing 800,000 jobs a month and the stock market was at 7949 but don't let the facts get in the way of you lathering yourselves up over Trump doing absolutely nothing except flapping his big fat mouth. He hasn't passed an actual single piece of legislation yet you morons.
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