How will they rule ??!

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Screw up healthcare and see what great of time it is. The bottom line that is scaring the hell out of Republicans (or at least the sane ones) is the minute you change Obamacare then you own the most controversial issue there is in the land. The one issue that is guaranteed to get asses off the sofa and to the election ballot box.

Ok so guess what, we will pretend how hard it will be to repel, and by playing to losers like you, and eventually jobs grow again, we will win reelection and then pass the repel in the 2nd term just like obama passed Obamacare in his 2nd term.

See the political playbook for two terms is nothing new, but liberals jackasses such as yourself apparently do not pay attention to "obvious".
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Absolutely. You don't even necessarily have to deport them all, if you just deport some of them, many will self deport themselves.

I was told yesterday what is happening is they no longer get dropped off at the border and find their way back.

Now they get caught and held until the family is also caught, and then all deport. So if the wife is found first then kids have no mother while daddy is at work, and they are leaving before this happens and tears the family apart.

It certainly ruthless but it works.
Will Z be allowed to shitpost from jail?

it wasn't Z. he doesn't
Me neither til a few mins ago. MSM didn't touch that one at all, wonder why?

perhaps because they suck . . . or, more specifically . . . because unlike the circumstance in Colorado, no discrimination lawsuit has been filed because these incidents in Dearborn are probably the result of some chucklehead going around and just acting like a fag, to prove a point, which he does very well. Multiple times. IMO he should go ahead and file a lawsuit anyway, because the evidence of discrimination is clear.

But what would you want to happen? Would you really want those moslemsto be guilty of discrimination? I wouldn't . . not any more than I wanted those people in Colorado to be.
I think what he would like to see happen would be to have the thin veil removed to expose the real life association of muslims and gays. Today we are all Muslims! unless you want a gay cake. Today we are all Muslims! unless you want to practice any other religion. Today we are all Muslims! unless you're against underage sex, or women being raped, or women driving cars, or women showing any flesh in public, or, or, or...
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The organizers are paid to give out talking points and materials. Just like the Trump Russian flags the thumbs down posters and etc. They are part of organizations and activists groups. They are funded. Do they get "paychecks"? No. But the organizers do and they recruit the useful idiots to march in these places to spread their messages for free all in the name of some 5013c charitable organization to destroy this country from within.

Ryan Clayton a Huffington Post writer was handing out the flags at CPAC and got caught. Thank God Trump has finally helped pull the veil off these hacks and propagandist.
In other news, Ashley Judd has taken another ride on the Disorient Express.

I don't understand why actresses believe that spewing Commie crap is the way to get producers to once again hire them to run nekkid in a B movie.

Your puny little career is washed up, Ashley.

Deal widdit.
Z, you ignorant slut. Obamacare is easily reconciled by the simple act of allowing all insurance companies to offer products in all 57 states. We all know that you hate capitalism but it is the most efficient system when allowed to operate freely. Competition drives down prices, not regulation. Remove the existing conditions requirement and allow risk to once again become a driving force in policy decisions. Obamacare did away with the insurance ideal and remodeled it into a health discount coupon funded by those who work and make good life choices.

Stop thinking with your uterus.
That's a long way to go about saying the Republicans and Trump have lied their asses off and never ever are going to actually be stupid enough to repeal Obamacare and that all along everyone with more than two brain cells has realized they are simply going to tinker with it around the edges then call it Trumpcare and be done with it.

In other words, Trump lied a million times when he promised to repeal Obamacare on day one. Matter of fact, Obamacare will never be repealed. Ever.

Trump lied when he said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall.

Trump lied when he said he was going to deport all illegals. That has ALREADY been walked back to what the existing policy already was under Obama: highest priority on deporting illegals with criminal records.

Trump lied when he said his wall was going to cover the whole Mexican border.

Trump lied when he said he was going to ban moslims.

Trump is still lying today, only he is marketing his failures to accomplish what he promised. Little by little every single one of those lies is being walked back until they are all essentially what was already in place. It is exactly like a hotel being built and then Trump selling his name to be stuck on it. Trump didn't have jackshit to do with it being built, he just is taking credit for it. Just like he is doing with you RUBES only you're too stupid and too stubborn to admit it when a slick New York hustler takes advantage of a bunch of backwoods fumbling uneducated morons.
Trump does this over and over again and the dumbass Libturds fall for it LITERALLY every time. He says something that may be 95% accurate instead of 100%. In their haste to play gotcha and prove how much smarter they are than the President, they end up proving the substance of his comment/argument was spot on.
They play into his hand over, and over, and over, winning is easy for him because the left is dumb. Those on this site help prove that daily.
Winning is easy because if Trump sits down and scrawls his name on a meaningless piece of paper you idiots wet yourselves thinking his pointless unenforceable gesture means something.

Did you "win" on the moslim ban? Did you deport all the illegals... how's that "winning" going? Did Mexico agree to pay for the wall or did they slap that "winning" right back down your throats to the point Donnie won't even mention it anymore?

Your "winning" is like getting those publisher clearing house letters in the mail. Did you get your 10 million dollars in "winnings" yet you morons?
Did you "win" on the moslim ban? Did you deport all the illegals... how's that "winning" going? Did Mexico agree to pay for the wall or did they slap that "winning" right back down your throats to the point Donnie won't even mention it anymore?

Your "winning" is like getting those publisher clearing house letters in the mail. Did you get your 10 million dollars in "winnings" yet you morons?

Actually Mexico is discussing setting up its own deportation camps to hold illegals there in an effort to stop the wall talks.
That's a long way to go about saying the Republicans and Trump have lied their asses off and never ever are going to actually be stupid enough to repeal Obamacare and that all along everyone with more than two brain cells has realized they are simply going to tinker with it around the edges then call it Trumpcare and be done with it.

In other words, Trump lied a million times when he promised to repeal Obamacare on day one. Matter of fact, Obamacare will never be repealed. Ever.

Trump lied when he said he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall.

Trump lied when he said he was going to deport all illegals. That has ALREADY been walked back to what the existing policy already was under Obama: highest priority on deporting illegals with criminal records.

Trump lied when he said his wall was going to cover the whole Mexican border.

Trump lied when he said he was going to ban moslims.

Trump is still lying today, only he is marketing his failures to accomplish what he promised. Little by little every single one of those lies is being walked back until they are all essentially what was already in place. It is exactly like a hotel being built and then Trump selling his name to be stuck on it. Trump didn't have jackshit to do with it being built, he just is taking credit for it. Just like he is doing with you RUBES only you're too stupid and too stubborn to admit it when a slick New York hustler takes advantage of a bunch of backwoods fumbling uneducated morons.

> /dev/null 2>&1
Oh, so no wall at all is now "winning"?

Makes sense because nothing else he promised is getting done. Might as well have reelected Obama. Trump has watered everything down including his healthcare down to basically a mild version of exactly what Obama did so congratulations on Barack Obama winning you clowns over into supporting his liberal policies.

Dogs are cats now. Big Spending Conservatives are Liberals. This is fun.
You're a stat guy... middle east/African IQs are SIGNIFICANTLY lower than European/Anglo. Why?

Centuries of inbreeding is one of the prime reasons.

Marriage between cousins is commonplace still today in the Middle East.

So save your snarky bullshit. Introducing millions of aggressive low IQ 3rd world Muslims into 1st world polite western society guarantees increasing strife and Balkanization. They're literally unassimilable.
Don't sweat fatguy, he is one of those libs that just does drive by's with no substance like buckethead. He will read something someone else said on another site and come here and make it seem he had a real thought of his own.
You racists are getting a little over-bold in your posting. Your sheets are starting to show. Best dial it back a few notches. You're not entirely among friends here. Matter of fact I despise you pathetic wretches.

So interracial couples are poisoning your precious "perfect race" eh, herr fuhrer.
you despise anything that is not liberal and in your mothers basement so, we continue our opposition to your socialistic push for the suppression of the American dream.
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Winning is easy because if Trump sits down and scrawls his name on a meaningless piece of paper you idiots wet yourselves thinking his pointless unenforceable gesture means something.

Did you "win" on the moslim ban? Did you deport all the illegals... how's that "winning" going? Did Mexico agree to pay for the wall or did they slap that "winning" right back down your throats to the point Donnie won't even mention it anymore?

Your "winning" is like getting those publisher clearing house letters in the mail. Did you get your 10 million dollars in "winnings" yet you morons?
Yeah, well if presidential terms were longer than 5 weeks he might have had enough time to implement more of his policies. Oh wait...
Democrats are tone deaf right now. We are where the Republicans were back when they were being yanked around and controlled by the religious nuts and their domestic social engineering.

Dems cannot get away from the hurt feelings mode. This idea that we have to create a perfectly safe vanilla society where nobody says anything mean about somebody else. Oh my god, somebody's feelings are hurt. Let's stage a protest in Menlo Park so that love trumps hate.

Good lord...

Get back on economics. The giant gulf between the rich and everyone else. The dying middle class where our economic model is Mexico... a rich ruling class, no middle class to speak of, and a vast poverty class that is ignored and demonized.

The only thing Trump is delivering is lip service. What he is actually doing and the only things he'll actually be successful at is more trickle down, more bread crumbs off the rich man's table, more handouts to corporations, more tax breaks for billionaires, more sneaky deals that benefit the very companies he still presides over and his family lords over while poor ignorant dupes in Ohio the rest of the rust belt stand there waiting for his empty promises to come true.

There is a reason why Trump and his buddies steadfastly suck up to the Russians as that's where they're all going to flock to when the USA finally collapses under the weight of the 1% looting all the wealth out of this country until it is only a skeleton, then they leave and head off to Russia with everything that isn't nailed down and leave the rest to collapse in a bloody civil war over an already hollow country.
Sybil is that you?
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Oh, so no wall at all is now "winning"?

Makes sense because nothing else he promised is getting done. Might as well have reelected Obama. Trump has watered everything down including his healthcare down to basically a mild version of exactly what Obama did so congratulations on Barack Obama winning you clowns over into supporting his liberal policies.

Dogs are cats now. Big Spending Conservatives are Liberals. This is fun.

What are you talking about? I swear watching you in here is like watching my son spin in circles with his head on a bat then try to walk. No clue what's going on and may go any which direction but always fall flat after a few missteps.
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Winning is easy because if Trump sits down and scrawls his name on a meaningless piece of paper you idiots wet yourselves thinking his pointless unenforceable gesture means something.

Did you "win" on the moslim ban? Did you deport all the illegals... how's that "winning" going? Did Mexico agree to pay for the wall or did they slap that "winning" right back down your throats to the point Donnie won't even mention it anymore?

Your "winning" is like getting those publisher clearing house letters in the mail. Did you get your 10 million dollars in "winnings" yet you morons?
8 years of you guys blaming Bush got us our prize, no Hillary. Win,win,win,win,win,win,win. Plus your tears.:cry:[laughing]
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Looks like Perez is going to beat Ellison. Got 213.5 out of the 214.5 needed on the first go-round.

Will be interesting to see what the Progressive Bernie Bros do now that the Status Quo stays in charge of the DNC.
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Winning is easy because if Trump sits down and scrawls his name on a meaningless piece of paper you idiots wet yourselves thinking his pointless unenforceable gesture means something.

Did you "win" on the moslim ban? Did you deport all the illegals... how's that "winning" going? Did Mexico agree to pay for the wall or did they slap that "winning" right back down your throats to the point Donnie won't even mention it anymore?

Your "winning" is like getting those publisher clearing house letters in the mail. Did you get your 10 million dollars in "winnings" yet you morons?
Z, life is too short. Take up boxing or something to let the tension out. You'll live much longer.
Looks like Perez is going to beat Ellison. Got 213.5 out of the 214.5 needed on the first go-round.

Will be interesting to see what the Progressive Bernie Bros do now that the Status Quo stays in charge of the DNC.
Think there's a decent chance we see a schism within the Demonrat party no matter who wins. The far left radicals want the party for themselves and may be in Ellison or bust mode.
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