How will they rule ??!

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I'm not going to comment on what you believe to be happening in regards to globalism.

But I will suggest that if you don't want your pretty, perfect genes getting contaminated, don't procreate with "undesirable" genes.

Peace be unto you.

This is where the message is lost in it's translation of thinking that the messenger believes in protecting against "undesirable genes". Whether you believe it or not those on the alt left in power positions have an end game that includes enslaving the masses for their financial gain and to implement their radical ideologies. Get us to accept socialism and then on to communism. Strip us of our individual liberties and submit to their one government system that controls all resources including your individual ideas. The sooner you realize this the sooner you will stop fighting the people who are actually trying to protect your individual liberties including your right to attack others on a message board who disagree with your interpretation of globalism.

Your nations sovereignty should be protected to allow you to protect the sovereignty of your state, county, city, town, and individual property. I have no desire to protect my individual gene pool from undesired genes but I will protect the rights of others who decide that is what they want. I didn't vote on a one government world.
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Sessions was actually asked about enforcing marijuana laws in his confirmation. He made it perfectly clear what he thinks should be done.

“I won’t commit to never enforcing federal law, but absolutely it’s a problem of resources for the federal government,” Sessions said. “Good judgement on how to handle these cases will be a responsibility of mine, which won’t be an easy decision, but I will try to do my duty in a fair and just way.”

"It’s not so much the attorney general’s job to decide what laws to enforce. We should do our jobs and enforce laws effectively as we’re able,” Sessions said during his hearing. “The U.S. Congress made the possession of marijuana in every state — and the distribution — an illegal act. If that’s something that’s not desired any longer, Congress should pass a law to change the rule.”
Democrats are tone deaf right now. We are where the Republicans were back when they were being yanked around and controlled by the religious nuts and their domestic social engineering.

Dems cannot get away from the hurt feelings mode. This idea that we have to create a perfectly safe vanilla society where nobody says anything mean about somebody else. Oh my god, somebody's feelings are hurt. Let's stage a protest in Menlo Park so that love trumps hate.

Good lord...

Get back on economics. The giant gulf between the rich and everyone else. The dying middle class where our economic model is Mexico... a rich ruling class, no middle class to speak of, and a vast poverty class that is ignored and demonized.

The only thing Trump is delivering is lip service. What he is actually doing and the only things he'll actually be successful at is more trickle down, more bread crumbs off the rich man's table, more handouts to corporations, more tax breaks for billionaires, more sneaky deals that benefit the very companies he still presides over and his family lords over while poor ignorant dupes in Ohio the rest of the rust belt stand there waiting for his empty promises to come true.

There is a reason why Trump and his buddies steadfastly suck up to the Russians as that's where they're all going to flock to when the USA finally collapses under the weight of the 1% looting all the wealth out of this country until it is only a skeleton, then they leave and head off to Russia with everything that isn't nailed down and leave the rest to collapse in a bloody civil war over an already hollow country.
We have to get the borders under control. Why deport people when they come right back. Right now it seems like a waste of time.

It's better than you think right now. Also most Mexicans hate Trump but they blame Obama. You see they know all this started under Obama whether the media reported or not in real life Obama increased deportations drastically. Mexicans are well aware of when it happened and now that Trump has been hired and cracking down harder many are just leaving on their own right now before getting deported because they do not want their families going through deportation.

So the policy is working, but we are losing a huge chunk of the workforce as people are lazy and not filling on the actual work needing to be done.
Dems cannot get away from the hurt feelings mode. This idea that we have to create a perfectly safe vanilla society where nobody says anything mean about somebody else. Oh my god, somebody's feelings are hurt. Let's stage a protest in Menlo Park so that love trumps hate.

Good lord...

You didn't hear? Queen Democrat is encouraging even more of it. No message, no nothing. "Keep fighting, keep the faith."

It's better than you think right now. Also most Mexicans hate Trump but they blame Obama. You see they know all this started under Obama whether the media reported or not in real life Obama increased deportations drastically. Mexicans are well aware of when it happened and now that Trump has been hired and cracking down harder many are just leaving on their own right now before getting deported because they do not want their families going through deportation.

So the policy is working, but we are losing a huge chunk of the workforce as people are lazy and not filling on the actual work needing to be done.

Next step is to take back education and teach vocational skills again to help flood the workforce with skilled labor. Cut taxes and regulations to help businesses pay an honest wage to an honest legal tax paying worker. Reduce the welfare state by giving the incentives back to the worker.
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It's better than you think right now. Also most Mexicans hate Trump but they blame Obama. You see they know all this started under Obama whether the media reported or not in real life Obama increased deportations drastically. Mexicans are well aware of when it happened and now that Trump has been hired and cracking down harder many are just leaving on their own right now before getting deported because they do not want their families going through deportation.

So the policy is working, but we are losing a huge chunk of the workforce as people are lazy and not filling on the actual work needing to be done.
Congratulations. That is the dumbest and most uninformed post I've ever read. Kellyanne marvels at your alternative facts of which none are even remotely close to being true. I am the resident expert on Mexico. You, amazingly, managed to be 180 degrees off on everything you posted. Everyone that read it should carve a quarter inch off their frontal lobes just to ensure it doesn't automatically qualify them for a disability retard check from SSI.
You didn't hear? Queen Democrat is encouraging even more of it. No message, no nothing. "Keep fighting, keep the faith."

The High Priest's message to her black mailed minions to keep their mouth shut and not turn her in. Her last grasp for power before she perp walks her poop stained paint suit side of beef to the meat wagon.
You racists are getting a little over-bold in your posting. Your sheets are starting to show. Best dial it back a few notches. You're not entirely among friends here. Matter of fact I despise you pathetic wretches.

So interracial couples are poisoning your precious "perfect race" eh, herr fuhrer.

Dems cannot get away from the hurt feelings mode. This idea that we have to create a perfectly safe vanilla society where nobody says anything mean about somebody else. Oh my god, somebody's feelings are hurt. Let's stage a protest in Menlo Park so that love trumps hate.

Good lord...


On the same page. I think you have less self awareness than that other idiot that used to post here. Just shut up for a little bit and catch you breath.
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Trump ran the first completely partisanless campaign in history. He did not subscribe to the Republican or Democratic party lines. He poached liberally. What he actually did was run his campaign like he was marketing a new product. He researched carefully what it was the voters in the key rust belt and midwestern states wanted,assuming he could carry the same southern states the Republicans always carry, then he marketed the hell out of his message to those voters that mattered the most and he stole them right out from under Democrat's feet.

The only nuggets he throws to the religious nuts are the things he cares absolutely nothing about like Supreme Court justices. He is focused on money. On expanding his personal empire with a keen eye on what lies beyond his presidency. For Trump, the campaign and now the presidency was an investment in his company. A hostile takeover that he will exploit at every turn for his own personal gain.
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Also, brilliant idea for the Dems to trot out a lame new leader right before our annual parade of Hollywood "stars" strutting out on the Oscars to make their breathless condescending speeches which will only play right into Trump's hands. I'm sure an unemployed coal miner in Pennsylvania is just dying to know what Neil Patrick Harris has to say about undocumented children being afraid of the big orange boogieman.
You racists are getting a little over-bold in your posting. Your sheets are starting to show. Best dial it back a few notches. You're not entirely among friends here. Matter of fact I despise you pathetic wretches.

So interracial couples are poisoning your precious "perfect race" eh, herr fuhrer.
Nobody cares what you think about anything. You were so horrifically wrong about the election, why do you even show your face in this thread?
Long talk with a friend last night who has spent the past few weeks in DC. Very well connected. Bottom line....this Admin has more support from Congress than the media portrays and they aren't in the slightest bothered by the BS protests.

In the words of the great Eric Bledsoe: "It's time to get shit right."
Long talk with a friend last night who has spent the past few weeks in DC. Very well connected. Bottom line....this Admin has more support from Congress than the media portrays and they aren't in the slightest bothered by the BS protests.

In the words of the great Eric Bledsoe: "It's time to get shit right."
I'd also assume they have much more support across the country than the media leads on as well. Still find it hilarious they're so up in arms about Russia, but are taking page after page from the Russian playbook.
For Trump, the campaign and now the presidency was an investment in his company. A hostile takeover that he will exploit at every turn for his own personal gain.
Z, Your pal, Hillary, was doing this with her foundation in anticipation of being elected. Just imagine the shenanigans that would be going on now if she had come out on top.
Screw up healthcare and see what great of time it is. The bottom line that is scaring the hell out of Republicans (or at least the sane ones) is the minute you change Obamacare then you own the most controversial issue there is in the land. The one issue that is guaranteed to get asses off the sofa and to the election ballot box. Healthcare is playing with fire and they know it. That is why eventually they are going to wind up just changing the color of the curtains and calling it a day. Anyone that believes the Republicans will be stupid enough to flat out repeal Obamacare is either lying or a moron. Republicans can't put lipstick on it and kick it down the road fast enough.
Screw up healthcare and see what great of time it is. The bottom line that is scaring the hell out of Republicans (or at least the sane ones) is the minute you change Obamacare then you own the most controversial issue there is in the land. The one issue that is guaranteed to get asses off the sofa and to the election ballot box. Healthcare is playing with fire and they know it. That is why eventually they are going to wind up just changing the color of the curtains and calling it a day. Anyone that believes the Republicans will be stupid enough to flat out repeal Obamacare is either lying or a moron. Republicans can't put lipstick on it and kick it down the road fast enough.
Most republicans want Obamacare axed. Not sure why you think any are scared. That's nonsense.
We all argue politics. It is kind of a game. Healthcare brings that shit in close and personal and suddenly party politics seems naive and foolish. You screw up somebody's healthcare like the Republicans have the fantastic opportunity to do for about 35 million Americans and what's going on at the town halls now will seem like group encounter sessions at Barbara Streisand's yoga class.

That is guaranteed to be another one of Trump's Big Lies, along with his watered down moslim ban, his watered down wall, his failed promise to make Mexico pay for his watered down wall, and his dead on arrival failure in the making trillion dollar infrastructure program.

Simple economics even for a Big Spending Republican. We don't have the money for all this shit he promised.

You will get your tax givaway to the rich, though. That is the one rock solid thing he will do because like healthcare is to the poor, tax is what brings the fat assed greedy Republicans to the trough to feed their fat asses off the backs of the hard working middle class. There will be massive tax breaks for the rich and for corporations. I hope all those folks in the midwest and rust belt feel just great when they realize no jobs are coming back and that Ronnie Reagan's greatest trickle down hits for the rich are ultimately all they voted for in getting Trump's lying orange fat ass elected over a bunch of foolish naive lies that were never going to happen from the get-go.
The more serious these ICE raids get the more you have to think the illegal "bad dudes" are going to leave on their own.
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The more serious these ICE raids get the more you have to think the illegal "bad dudes" are going to leave on their own.
Absolutely. You don't even necessarily have to deport them all, if you just deport some of them, many will self deport themselves.
You screw up somebody's healthcare like the Republicans have the fantastic opportunity to do for about 35 million

Actually that number is around 14M, and 84% would be covered by Medicaid.

Besides, 14M people shouldn't take precedence and dictate shitty healthcare for the rest of the country.

and what's going on at the town halls now will seem like group encounter sessions at Barbara Streisand's yoga class.

What's going on at the town halls are sore losers purposely trying to disrupt. Those aren't Trump supporters like the media is trying to spin. I saw a supposedly Trump supporting Republican from Arkansas grill Tom Cotton about "Grab 'em by the Pussy". Really?

So you mean to tell me he got over it, voted for Trump anyways, but then feels the need to grill Cotton about it months later at town hall? GMAFB. Every single chant, gripe, question are all Democrat talking points. Not to mention, the busses that have been spotted bringing them in by the dozens.

They may not be paid protesters, but they're most definitely Trump hating, Hillary supporters throwing a fit because they still can't accept the results of the election.
Z, you ignorant slut. Obamacare is easily reconciled by the simple act of allowing all insurance companies to offer products in all 57 states. We all know that you hate capitalism but it is the most efficient system when allowed to operate freely. Competition drives down prices, not regulation. Remove the existing conditions requirement and allow risk to once again become a driving force in policy decisions. Obamacare did away with the insurance ideal and remodeled it into a health discount coupon funded by those who work and make good life choices.

Stop thinking with your uterus.
Congratulations. That is the dumbest and most uninformed post I've ever read. Kellyanne marvels at your alternative facts of which none are even remotely close to being true. I am the resident expert on Mexico. You, amazingly, managed to be 180 degrees off on everything you posted. Everyone that read it should carve a quarter inch off their frontal lobes just to ensure it doesn't automatically qualify them for a disability retard check from SSI.

I work in the field everyday bud. I don't need your illogical misinformed, television programmed ass to explain jack to me.

You soak up the loser mentality real good and spew where ever you like, you are free to do that.

Meanwhile people like me are working to get ahead and we work with these people, because they work, and we see the impact of what's happening.

My post wasn't some BS republican/trump rhetoric. It's real life.

The revolution most certainly isn't being televised.
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Actually that number is around 14M, and 84% would be covered by Medicaid.

Besides, 14M people shouldn't take precedence and dictate shitty healthcare for the rest of the country.

What's going on at the town halls are sore losers purposely trying to disrupt. Those aren't Trump supporters like the media is trying to spin. I saw a supposedly Trump supporting Republican from Arkansas grill Tom Cotton about "Grab 'em by the Pussy". Really?

So you mean to tell me he got over it, voted for Trump anyways, but then feels the need to grill Cotton about it months later at town hall? GMAFB. Every single chant, gripe, question are all Democrat talking points. Not to mention, the busses that have been spotted bringing them in by the dozens.

They may not be paid protesters, but they're most definitely Trump hating, Hillary supporters throwing a fit because they still can't accept the results of the election.

The organizers are paid to give out talking points and materials. Just like the Trump Russian flags the thumbs down posters and etc. They are part of organizations and activists groups. They are funded. Do they get "paychecks"? No. But the organizers do and they recruit the useful idiots to march in these places to spread their messages for free all in the name of some 5013c charitable organization to destroy this country from within.

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