How will they rule ??!

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You add those up and it's slightly higher than our trade deficit with Mexico. In your effort to slight Trump you proved his point.
Trump does this over and over again and the dumbass Libturds fall for it LITERALLY every time. He says something that may be 95% accurate instead of 100%. In their haste to play gotcha and prove how much smarter they are than the President, they end up proving the substance of his comment/argument was spot on.

Lt. John Corina of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau said Mejia was released from state prison in April 2016 following a grand theft auto conviction in 2014. He was on county probation under Assembly Bill 109 when he allegedly shot and killed Boyer and Torres and had been arrested multiple times in recent months for violating his probation, Corina said.

In 2010, Mejia was convicted of robbery and sentenced to four years in prison, according to court records. His 2014 conviction came with a two-year prison sentence.

Since being released last year, Mejia has been arrested five times for probation violations, Los Angeles County booking records show. His most recent arrest was on Feb. 2.

In each case, no charges were filed and Mejia was held for a period of nine or 10 days before being released.
They are moving ahead by using immigration to comingle the races of the world. But the bottom line and end game is the changing of the gene pool. Believe they call it more of a mongrel gene pool so people will be more compliant and willing to go along with socialism.

I'm not going to comment on what you believe to be happening in regards to globalism.

But I will suggest that if you don't want your pretty, perfect genes getting contaminated, don't procreate with "undesirable" genes.

Peace be unto you.

Lt. John Corina of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau said Mejia was released from state prison in April 2016 following a grand theft auto conviction in 2014. He was on county probation under Assembly Bill 109 when he allegedly shot and killed Boyer and Torres and had been arrested multiple times in recent months for violating his probation, Corina said.

In 2010, Mejia was convicted of robbery and sentenced to four years in prison, according to court records. His 2014 conviction came with a two-year prison sentence.

Since being released last year, Mejia has been arrested five times for probation violations, Los Angeles County booking records show. His most recent arrest was on Feb. 2.

In each case, no charges were filed and Mejia was held for a period of nine or 10 days before being released.
Pathetic. Just pathetic. Makes me feel such sympathy for the conservatives being held hostage by these assholes. They have no voice, no representation. Trump must bring these lawless politicians and police chiefs to heel.
Juan by Jaun.

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office reverses course, will allow ICE agents to pick up migrants inside jails

Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone said Friday evening his agency would begin transferring departing inmates potentially in violation of U.S. immigration law to federal officers within the walls of the county's jails.

The announcement settles the main point of contention in a weeklong stalemate between the Sheriff’s Office and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

On Feb. 17, Penzone said the Sheriff's Office was ending ICE "courtesy holds" in Maricopa County jails and begin freeing inmates who were suspected to be in the country illegally when a criminal court judge ordered their release. Penzone said he changed the policy under a threat of litigation and acted upon the advice of the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

Lucero said while his office was disappointed that Penzone no longer would honor immigration detainers, the Friday announcement was “a small step in the right direction.”

“ICE hasn't changed its stance; public and law enforcement officer safety is paramount,” he said. “We will continue to work together with all law enforcement agencies to keep our communities safe."
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I'm not going to comment on what you believe to be happening in regards to globalism.

But I will suggest that if you don't want your pretty, perfect genes getting contaminated, don't procreate with "undesirable" genes.

Peace be unto you.

Would be interested in your thoughts in regards to globalism?

On your gene comment would you try to give a rational rebuttal to what I said instead of just a smart a$$ answer? You know deal in facts instead of cute quips to try and shutdown the discussion.
They are moving ahead by using immigration to comingle the races of the world. But the bottom line and end game is the changing of the gene pool. Believe they call it more of a mongrel gene pool so people will be more compliant and willing to go along with socialism.

Whites should breed with more Asians so that their progeny shall acquire additional intelligence in making robots. A robot army would be a powerful tool for combating the insidious Jewish hegemony.
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Would be interested in your thoughts in regards to globalism?

On your gene comment would you try to give a rational rebuttal to what I said instead of just a smart a$$ answer? You know deal in facts instead of cute quips to try and shutdown the discussion.
My reply is this: You seem upset that genes are being "comingled". My suggestion was to not "comingle" your genes if you are that worried about it. You have that choice.

As far as globalization, I believe the world is smaller than its ever been. I don't think that cutting ourselves off from the rest of the world is good for us financially or socially.

But I do believe countries have the right and responsibility to their citizens to protect them and to help the working class be competitive in the world market. I believe there is a middle ground on most of our problems. But the middle is boring and does not sell as well as the extremes.

Whites should breed with more Asians so that their progeny shall acquire additional intelligence in making robots. A robot army would be a powerful tool for combating the insidious Jewish hegemony.
You're a stat guy... middle east/African IQs are SIGNIFICANTLY lower than European/Anglo. Why?

Centuries of inbreeding is one of the prime reasons.

Marriage between cousins is commonplace still today in the Middle East.

So save your snarky bullshit. Introducing millions of aggressive low IQ 3rd world Muslims into 1st world polite western society guarantees increasing strife and Balkanization. They're literally unassimilable.
Not saying that I agree with it, plus we'll all be long gone before then, but I read (forgot where) a very interesting piece on diversity. They were looking hundreds of years into the future.

Basically, the more diverse we become, the more our races intermingle, the less diverse we get, eventually becoming one mutt race. Not diverse.

The key to lasting diversity is segregation. That way whites stay white, blacks stay black, yellows stay yellow, browns stay brown. Diverse.

Yes, I know, it's totally f****ed, and way out there, but when you think about it, it also has quite a bit of logic to it. Either way, just thought I'd share since some are on a similar topic.
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Not saying that I agree with it, plus we'll all be long gone before then, but I read (forgot where) a very interesting piece on diversity. They were looking hundreds of years into the future.

Basically, the more diverse we become, the more our races intermingle, the less diverse we get, eventually becoming one mutt race. Not diverse.

The key to lasting diversity is segregation. That way whites stay white, blacks stay black, yellows stay yellow, browns stay brown. Diverse.

Yes, I know, it's totally f****ed, and way out there, but when you think about it, it also has quite a bit of logic to it. Either way, just thought I'd share since some are on a similar topic.
Diversity is a code word for anti-white.
Ever notice how dogs that are mutts generally live longer and have less health issues than purebreds?

That's gene mixing. Increasing the size of the overall gene pool decreases the chance that repetition of bad genes occurs. This results in a healthier populace through the natural selection of the healthiest individual having the best chance of passing on his/her DNA.

Theoretically, if we kept populations of people apart for long enough, the two populations would become speciated and unable to produce offspring that could reproduce. Think horses and mules making sterile donkeys or hinnies.
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Ever notice how dogs that are mutts generally live longer and have less health issues than purebreds?

That's gene mixing. Increasing the size of the overall gene pool decreases the chance that repetition of bad genes occurs. This results in a healthier populace through the natural selection of the healthiest individual having the best chance of passing on his/her DNA.

Theoretically, if we kept populations of people apart for long enough, the two populations would become speciated and unable to produce offspring that could reproduce. Think horses and mules making sterile donkeys or hinnies.

Which breed of rover would you liken to that of radical muslims wanting to take over the world. Does your gene theory take into account murder and sharia law? Radical chiuahas really lessen life expectancy of other breeds?
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The key to lasting diversity is segregation. That way whites stay white, blacks stay black, yellows stay yellow, browns stay brown. Diverse.

Don't forget about the influence of the trans movement! There will no longer be man or woman. Instead, each person will carry both set of functioning genitals to use at their own convenience.
You're a stat guy... middle east/African IQs are SIGNIFICANTLY lower than European/Anglo. Why?

Centuries of inbreeding is one of the prime reasons.

Marriage between cousins is commonplace still today in the Middle East.

So save your snarky bullshit. Introducing millions of aggressive low IQ 3rd world Muslims into 1st world polite western society guarantees increasing strife and Balkanization. They're literally unassimilable.

What do you mean? Your link seems to prove that whites should breed with Asians. That additional IQ should prove to be an asset in improving the race.
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Don't forget about the influence of the trans movement! There will no longer be man or woman. Instead, each person will carry both set of functioning genitals to use at their own convenience.
Sounds fun...but only if they'll be able to use them both at the same time. Can you imagine the orgies?
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They are moving ahead by using immigration to comingle the races of the world. But the bottom line and end game is the changing of the gene pool. Believe they call it more of a mongrel gene pool so people will be more compliant and willing to go along with socialism.
You racists are getting a little over-bold in your posting. Your sheets are starting to show. Best dial it back a few notches. You're not entirely among friends here. Matter of fact I despise you pathetic wretches.

So interracial couples are poisoning your precious "perfect race" eh, herr fuhrer.
Sorry to break the news to you, Willy, but I told you that you'd regret going over to the dark side:

Sean Spicer gave an ominous warning to the marijuana industry

Sean Spicer, President Donald Trump's press secretary, warned the burgeoning US marijuana industry that there will be "greater enforcement" of federal laws.

"I think that's a question for the Department of Justice — I do believe that you'll see greater enforcement of it [marijuana]," Spicer said during Thursday briefing, responding to a question regarding the state-federal conflict of marijuana laws.

Marijuana — both recreational and medical — is legal in a number of states, though it's illegal at the federal level, creating a conflict between state and federal regulations.

Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, has been a vocal opponent of legal marijuana in the past.

However, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced a marijuana legalization bill that would resolve state-federal conflicts earlier this month, that frames the issue around state's rights, a common rallying cry for Republicans.

"There's a big difference between medical use... and recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into," Spicer said.

Spicer further said that the federal policy towards medical marijuana is "very different" than for state-legal recreational marijuana.

Spicer brought up a 2014 congressional appropriations rider that specifically forbids the Justice Department from interfering with state-legal medical marijuana. The provision — the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment — prevents the federal government from cracking down on state-regulated medical marijuana businesses.

The Justice Department was forced to drop a case prosecuting a medical marijuana dispensary in California based on the guidelines stipulated by the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment last year.

Be nice if Congress got off its ass and actually changed the federal laws instead of hoping the Attorney General would continue ignoring the laws they passed as the legislators.

Not sure how we got to a point in this country where if Congress passes a shitty law, everyone is OK with the POTUS just ignoring the law or changing it as he sees fit. Hopefully with Trump as POTUS, the left will go from championing an incredibly powerful unchecked executive branch to finally recognizing the separation of powers.

Although, those shameless hypocrites will go right back to championing dictator power once a D is back in office.
Sorry to break the news to you, Willy, but I told you that you'd regret going over to the dark side:

[laughing] Yeah, because he's going to give it up now that it's still illegal.

Be nice if Congress got off its ass and actually changed the federal laws instead of hoping the Attorney General would continue ignoring the laws they passed as the legislators.

Not sure how we got to a point in this country where if Congress passes a shitty law, everyone is OK with the POTUS just ignoring the law or changing it as he sees fit. Hopefully with Trump as POTUS, the left will go from championing an incredibly powerful unchecked executive branch to finally recognizing the separation of powers.

Although, those shameless hypocrites will go right back to championing dictator power once a D is back in office.

Exactly. This is the answer. Sessions just swore an oath to uphold and enforce the laws, all of them. If the country wants legal marijuana, pass a law making it legal. It's simple.
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@Willy4UK and @Mashburned have some kickass wall ideas floating around in their brains.[/QUOTE]

Wow that's awesome.

First, as I've said many times, this wall will have glory holes to signify peace. Call em Ol' Glory Holes. This is just a lil something for everybody, to let them know no harsh feelings, go ahead and stick it in the hole, neighbor. Relationships are about giving and taking.

That's really all I got on the wall. Glory holes will improve border relations tremendously, bigly.
My reply is this: You seem upset that genes are being "comingled". My suggestion was to not "comingle" your genes if you are that worried about it. You have that choice.

As far as globalization, I believe the world is smaller than its ever been. I don't think that cutting ourselves off from the rest of the world is good for us financially or socially.

But I do believe countries have the right and responsibility to their citizens to protect them and to help the working class be competitive in the world market. I believe there is a middle ground on most of our problems. But the middle is boring and does not sell as well as the extremes.


Thank you... My statement wasn't about my worries over my gene, not the point, was just stating that the gene pool would change as people from different cultures lived together. When people tout this happening as being good for socialism that gives me pause. I don't believe socialism is the long term answer for our world. The comments I've made on gene pool are what others are saying there views on the new world are. Understand that maybe the use of word mongrel may have sounded offensive but their words not mine.

Agree can't live in isolation, I think most rational people understand that, but our involvement needs to be highly thought through and not made in haste or over feelings. My opinion letting people live in our country that are not properly vetted is not good for us financially or socially. Arbitrarily spreading wealth among ourselves and the rest of the world is not financially or socially sound.

I agree with your 3rd paragraph. I believe that many so call elites don't share what I would call a middle ground. I'm not naïve in that I believe that the world will look just like it does now in the next 50, 100 years from now, but my concerns are that one America, one Europe and one Asia run by the state isn't a viable answer.

I think some globalization, in their words, will occur naturally, that includes the gene pool, but what it feels like now is it is being forced. Same as the progressive left have been pushing their agenda in this country and many others and the people are rebelling. They pushed too hard, too fast and too much. History may show that it was Obama that set the progressive movement back many years.

Utopia is a great thing to chase but is a moot point if it kills you in the process.
You racists are getting a little over-bold in your posting. Your sheets are starting to show. Best dial it back a few notches. You're not entirely among friends here. Matter of fact I despise you pathetic wretches.

So interracial couples are poisoning your precious "perfect race" eh, herr fuhrer.

I can see it now.

CNN BREAKING NEWS -- Trump's xenophobia, racism roars its ugly head. Ignores federal marijuana laws, cracks down hard on federal immigration laws.
Sorry to break the news to you, Willy, but I told you that you'd regret going over to the dark side:

Sean Spicer gave an ominous warning to the marijuana industry

Sean Spicer, President Donald Trump's press secretary, warned the burgeoning US marijuana industry that there will be "greater enforcement" of federal laws.

"I think that's a question for the Department of Justice — I do believe that you'll see greater enforcement of it [marijuana]," Spicer said during Thursday briefing, responding to a question regarding the state-federal conflict of marijuana laws.

Marijuana — both recreational and medical — is legal in a number of states, though it's illegal at the federal level, creating a conflict between state and federal regulations.

Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, has been a vocal opponent of legal marijuana in the past.

However, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced a marijuana legalization bill that would resolve state-federal conflicts earlier this month, that frames the issue around state's rights, a common rallying cry for Republicans.

"There's a big difference between medical use... and recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into," Spicer said.

Spicer further said that the federal policy towards medical marijuana is "very different" than for state-legal recreational marijuana.

Spicer brought up a 2014 congressional appropriations rider that specifically forbids the Justice Department from interfering with state-legal medical marijuana. The provision — the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment — prevents the federal government from cracking down on state-regulated medical marijuana businesses.

The Justice Department was forced to drop a case prosecuting a medical marijuana dispensary in California based on the guidelines stipulated by the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment last year.
Yet another incident of a mangy cur chasing a parked car. It's too funny to watch you whirl about, chasing your tail. Hillary lost, Socialism lost, you lost. Put that tail back between your legs where it belongs and whimper on over to the corner, maybe you'll get a treat later.

The bipartisan Congressional Cannabis Caucus released the following statement in response to White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s suggestion that the Trump administration will step up enforcement of federal laws against recreational marijuana.

“Today’s statement by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer regarding marijuana policy reaffirms the need for the Congressional Cannabis Caucus. Last November, eight more states passed measures to increase access to state-legal cannabis, and today more than 300 million Americans live in states with access to adult-use marijuana or some form medical cannabis. Among them are four additional states that have fully legalized the adult-use of marijuana. We hope today’s comments do not reflect the views of the President and his administration. As co-chairs of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, we stand ready to educate this administration on the need for more sensible marijuana policies and share the many experiences states have had with the legalization of cannabis. Together, we will continue to work in a bipartisan manner to reform our failed marijuana policies and provide a voice for Americans who have overwhelmingly voted for a more sensible drug policy.”