How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Saw that. Then they tried to take pictures and pretend like they were doing actual reporting, and wrote stories claiming Trump supporters were waving Russian Trump flags. It's all fake, manipulated, manufactured, coerced propaganda.
Sorry, I just saw a poll that says CPAC attendees are, in fact, Russian-sympathizing election-hacking terrorists.
Of course the Russian wikileaks had nothing to do with the election. Just like there wasn't this liberal conspiracy for 18 months on 40 different competitive polls to keep Republicans from voting.

Explain why the USC poll took so much heat from the media for showing Trump with the lead?
How is it feasible for CNN, NBC and ABC to have Hillary up 10-12 pts within weeks of the election and then tighten up?
That many people didn't swap in that short of time, in the same time USC and IBDD were close and ended up being correct.
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Aren't you Republicans worn out from all the Big Spending yet? Our kids are going to have to pay for all that, you know.

What gives you the right to spend my money? I worked for it. I earned it. Why do I have to give my money and transfer my wealth to Big Government so Big Spending Republicans can spend, spend, and spend some more?

I want a smaller Government, not some Big Giant Big Spending Big Federal Government running my healthcare with their death panels deciding who lives and who dies? These Big Spending Republicans are planning on socializing healthcare instead of repealing Obamacare like they PROMISED they would but now they're just going to change the curtains and call it Trumpcare after lying to us all these years saying they would REPEAL THE ACA on DAY ONE!

Stop spending my money! Say NO to Republican Big Government Death Panels running our healthcare. Repeal Obamacare. Let the private sector, the miracle of a benevolent free market take care of us all. No more Big Spending Republicans telling us what to do with our lives and our money.

Aren't you Republicans worn out from all the Big Spending yet? Our kids are going to have to pay for all that, you know.

What gives you the right to spend my money? I worked for it. I earned it. Why do I have to give my money and transfer my wealth to Big Government so Big Spending Republicans can spend, spend, and spend some more?

I want a smaller Government, not some Big Giant Big Spending Big Federal Government running my healthcare with their death panels deciding who lives and who dies? These Big Spending Republicans are planning on socializing healthcare instead of repealing Obamacare like they PROMISED they would but now they're just going to change the curtains and call it Trumpcare after lying to us all these years saying they would REPEAL THE ACA on DAY ONE!

Stop spending my money! Say NO to Republican Big Government Death Panels running our healthcare. Repeal Obamacare. Let the private sector, the miracle of a benevolent free market take care of us all. No more Big Spending Republicans telling us what to do with our lives and our money.

Z, are you a feminist, buddy?
Every Republican that posts in this thread should be charged $5 per post. We've got to figure out a way to pay for their Socialized medicine. Death panels aren't cheap, you know.
If you divide all the trillions of BIG SPENDING these BIG SPENDING REPUBLICANS are planning on and then divide it by the total number of posts in the entire political thread, then that's got to come out to something like 200 million per post, right?
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Witnesses: Bar gunman shouted 'get out of my country'

OLATHE, Kan. (AP) — Witnesses said a man accused of opening fire in a crowded bar yelled at two Indian men to "get out of my country" before pulling the trigger in an attack that killed one of the men and wounded the other, as well as a third man who tried to help.

Hours later, the suspect reportedly told a bartender in another town that he needed a place to hide because he had just killed two Middle Eastern men.
Let's see how much outrage this spawns from the haters on the left. Your the first of many to come, I guarantee it.
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Dems don't give a shit to report on whites being raped and murdered with a racial narrative but anything to push the anti-white stuff gets a 24/7 nod.
Yeah, you have thousands of Islamic terrorist acts killing many thousands of people. The response from the left "you can't label a whole group for the actions of a few". One White guy does it and "white people are the devil". "do you see what they did to those two innocent angelic middle eastern men" Horrific and evil are the whites.
Every Republican that posts in this thread should be charged $5 per post. We've got to figure out a way to pay for their Socialized medicine. Death panels aren't cheap, you know.
Every Democrat needs to get a job and pay back all of the money given to them over the years first before requiring more money off of the backs of real working Americans.
I went out for a run at about 6:15am and there was no line. Worked an event from 7:00-8:00 outside the Gaylord and there was no line. It is a large crowd here, no doubt, but I was in and around the Gaylord all morning and never saw a line.
Damn dude, busted in the very next post. There was a yuge line before the sun even came up. That story showed 7:05AM. IF you had been there you couldn't have missed it. Sorry you're blind but who do you think your dog was barking at?
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Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are

But I actually said to my people, 'Find a country where we actually do well.' So far we haven't found that country. It's just losses with everybody. And we're going to turn that around."

I love this pathological lying demagogue and the traveling amateur sh*t show that is the WH. This is going to be a fun four years to watch.
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Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are

But I actually said to my people, 'Find a country where we actually do well.' So far we haven't found that country. It's just losses with everybody. And we're going to turn that around."

I love this pathological lying demagogue and the traveling amateur sh*t show that is the WH. This is going to be a fun four years to watch.

What Is the U.S. Trade Deficit with China?
The U.S. trade deficit with China was $347 billion in 2016. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $116 billion while imports from China were $463 billion.
CBS Evening News on. Scott Pelly going thru list of Trump supposed false statements.

He says our Prez said, "Our borders are wide open.", & in an attempt to claim this is false, he says 450K illegals were apprehended last year. WTF? How can you apprehend that many if the border isn't wide open!!

What collective DA's.
To pretend that Muslim refugees aren't animals destroying these countries is ridiculous. We all know it. That's why there is such a huge backlash. That's why we got Brexit and one of the main reasons we went with Trump.

People don't want this crap in their country. There's no benefit to it. You think we'd all be freaking out at immigration from the UK, Germany, Australia or Sweden? No. It's Muslims. It's backwards third world savages who have no place in the west.
I wasn't aware Hong Kong was actually a country, but in fact it is. Amazing TBH.

What I would actually respect is any poster complaining about spending now that can prove they were also against Obama's spending too.
But I actually said to my people, 'Find a country where we actually do well.' So far we haven't found that country. It's just losses with everybody. And we're going to turn that around."

Tried clicking on your link to read the story, but as always, none of your links work, ever. I wouldn't mind being able to read the entire story for myself instead of only the parts you choose to cherry pick.

Trump did say "so far", and since I can't read the story for myself, for all I know, when he made that claim, the countries listed may not have even been brought to his attention yet.
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To pretend that Muslim refugees aren't animals destroying these countries is ridiculous. We all know it. That's why there is such a huge backlash. That's why we got Brexit and one of the main reasons we went with Trump.

People don't want this crap in their country. There's no benefit to it. You think we'd all be freaking out at immigration from the UK, Germany, Australia or Sweden? No. It's Muslims. It's backwards third world savages who have no place in the west.
I kind of figured after the Tucker story, the Trump comment, then Sweden outright denying it that Sweden would be put under a microscope by Fox News and Independent American journalists seeking the truth.
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Agreed, which is why I have no idea why so many people focus on them and misinterpret them.
People focus on them because news media & Dems used them to project a Hill win without being smart enough to realize that it's states that matter. Net, the focus on them is stating they were collective DA's - and that's 100% true. I.e., Dems & the media completely misrepresented them by using them to claim Hill would win.
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So much winning today.
another poll rant.. still love ya Van
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz back to sleep with same old pics and jokes.
Fake post on top of Fake post.

Left marching orders to hijack and control the narrative while DJT set em straight again today.
Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are

But I actually said to my people, 'Find a country where we actually do well.' So far we haven't found that country. It's just losses with everybody. And we're going to turn that around."

I love this pathological lying demagogue and the traveling amateur sh*t show that is the WH. This is going to be a fun four years to watch.

You add those up and it's slightly higher than our trade deficit with Mexico. In your effort to slight Trump you proved his point.