How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Z, your side has already lost. It's over, stop making yourself look stupid. It's pathetic and sad!
Damn dude, busted in the very next post. There was a yuge line before the sun even came up. That story showed 7:05AM. IF you had been there you couldn't have missed it. Sorry you're blind but who do you think your dog was barking at?
The dog turd he swore on a stack of bibles his dog didn't shit out and wasn't even actually there, stinking up the sidewalk. :eyes:[poop]:eyes:
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you can tell how good things are going by how desperate Z is getting looking for material
Little fella is quite pathological.

It's actually sort of precious.

But I have to imagine it's exhausting... to post in a continual meltdown state like he does requires a level of psychosis clearly in need of medical attention.

Z is a message board treasure. :okay:
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What's funny is I'd bet almost anything that the guy is a democrat.

How many times over the past several years have there been racial shootings like this, only for the media and left to hope its a Republican, but for the person to actually turn out to be a hardcore democrat? Then suddenly the media stops reporting on the story and it magically disappears. Happens almost every time. I could be wrong, but this is how these events turn out 95% of the time.
The point is he's unhinged. Just like the guy who was screaming bomb threats at Trump. Both wrong. Both crazy.
In his speech today, Trump said the lines were 6 blocks long but nobody would hear about it bc the media wouldn't cover it. I have been staying at the Gaylord all week and there was no line at all today. One of my biggest things with Trump is why does he say things like this when they are 100% false?
Is it still 100% false or nah?
Oh wait so in 2015 the NYT reported that Obama also left out several conservative leaning journalist from his secret sessions?
Yes. Obama did in fact do that. Trump is essentially using the same (or similar) tactics that Obama used against Fox, that he uses against CNN.

Funny how it wasn't a big deal when Fox was the target, Trump goes at CNN and suddenly its a 1st amendment attack and the end of democracy.
Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are

But I actually said to my people, 'Find a country where we actually do well.' So far we haven't found that country. It's just losses with everybody. And we're going to turn that around."

I love this pathological lying demagogue and the traveling amateur sh*t show that is the WH. This is going to be a fun four years to watch.
8 years. Followed by 8 years of Ivanka. Dims are going with the Muslim Brotherhood stooge aka kiss goodbye to the Midwest and rust belt for a generation (or more).

To pretend that Muslim refugees aren't animals destroying these countries is ridiculous. We all know it. That's why there is such a huge backlash. That's why we got Brexit and one of the main reasons we went with Trump.

People don't want this crap in their country. There's no benefit to it. You think we'd all be freaking out at immigration from the UK, Germany, Australia or Sweden? No. It's Muslims. It's backwards third world savages who have no place in the west.
Libturds are fine with their women getting raped, murdered, and subjugated and are fine with our women getting raped and murdered as well.

It's up to us to stop their Soros-backed social engineering insanity because they'll continue down this disastrous path no matter how bad things get while pretending everything is hunky dory with the traitorous complicit media playing along the entire way.
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Libs are so phucked in the head...

Since the NBA and Commissioner Silver have gone full on SJW, some enterprising player who isn't good enough for the NBA needs to "identify" as a tranny and demolish through the WNBA.
Is she taking testosterone therapy? If she's actually a girl and just thinks she's a boy then what's the difference? One of the other girls should pretend she's Wonder Woman and kick her dickless ass.
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Libs are so phucked in the head...

Since the NBA and Commissioner Silver have gone full on SJW, some enterprising player who isn't good enough for the NBA needs to "identify" as a tranny and demolish through the WNBA.
This would actually be interesting- if only to gauge the SJW reaction. It's always interesting to observe that reaction when two protected groups, or two protected concepts, find themselves at crosshairs. In this case, you would have the concept of transgender rights against the girlllll power concept. No doubt that, in theory, the SJW would instinctively support the right of a transgender to play in the WNBA just as readily as the SJW supports the right of the same transgender to hang out in the girls' bathroom but, in practice, the inevitable result to this will put paid to any girl power delusions about their relative competitiveness to men in athletics. Moreover, it will remind everyone that even a sex change doesn't change the gender in every aspect. A "former man" annihilating the WNBA will be a good reminder.

To the SJWs on this board- and you know who you are- I would posit, how would you feel about a transgender MtoF being eligible for the WNBA?
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Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are

But I actually said to my people, 'Find a country where we actually do well.' So far we haven't found that country. It's just losses with everybody. And we're going to turn that around."

I love this pathological lying demagogue and the traveling amateur sh*t show that is the WH. This is going to be a fun four years to watch.

Well there you go, no way a guy saying this with those facts right in front of us being President, time for impeachment. You've convinced me. You know everyone when they heard him say that thought that there was not ONE single country in the world we had a surplus with.

Why are these the things you think are important to discuss? Just like you want to discuss who pees, poops and showers together. Whether I'm aloud to say MANhole. Can I put a cross on a tree during Christmas, can I even call it Christmas. Do we need to rename or cut out certain holidays. Do we need safe spaces on our college campuses. Do I need to apologies for being white. Should we be waiting on a check from Mexico. What does drain the swamp really mean.

You want to talk about the elephant in the room? Give me your opinion on if you are for or against globalization that is being pushed upon most of the countries in the world including this one. Do you believe that socialism style government should be the future for our country and many others by tearing down each countries own sovereignty into one big happy family. Which is were the progressive part of the Democratic party is taking them although I don't think most realize it.

They are moving ahead by using immigration to comingle the races of the world. But the bottom line and end game is the changing of the gene pool. Believe they call it more of a mongrel gene pool so people will be more compliant and willing to go along with socialism.

Love to hear your thoughts on that......
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