How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
This is the show ScrewDuke was talking about. This is like an orgy of SJW alt left propaganda.

Honestly, it's the worst thing I've ever seen be made into a show or movie. Just getting through the trailer is a success.

Oh my word that was terrible.
Monty Burns (D-Ky) the bright face of the future of the dem party who they want to spotlight on SOTU night? Jezuz H Christ. Or is any semblance of viable "candidates" running in fear from the slot knowing how badly the will look in comparison to the POTUS?
Where you been, man?
There's a difference between P&G doing a poll to figure out what product will make them the most money, and CNN doing a "poll" to establish a narrative to fit a preconceived viewpoint.

No. It's the same companies designing the polls. CNN partners with ORC, one of the biggest market research companies in the world, and just puts their name on it. Ipsos partners with Reuters, etc.

Maybe a CNN political analyst doesn't know how to interpret the polls
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Ok then. If CNN, other media outlets, and the Clinton campaign were doing anything you would call honest objective polling, then I retract my previous statement and no longer believe in polling.
Maybe you don't believe polls but every single Fortune 1000 company and brand completely depends on them to make business decisions and have for decades. Maybe CNN doesn't know how to interpret a poll, but that doesn't mean that most people don't trust polls, at least educated people.
If you think "most" people believe political polling after this last election, you're nuts.

Political polling is nothing more than pathetic psy-ops by the FAKE News/Demonrat Industrial Complex intended to steer public sentiment and discourage alternative viewpoints.
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Are we really gonna have this polling debate again? Most political polls are total bullshit. Just look at how horrible they were this past election. Almost all of them were wrong.

I still can't forget that gem that had Hillary up 14 points. Hilarious. I think it was an NBC poll a week or two before the election.
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That's not true at all. People were in line as early as 3 am. I saw Fox News out there interviewing people all morning. Very first guy in line was from California, drove days to get there.

Matt Schlapp, chairman of the ACU, said it was one of the biggest, if not the biggest crowd he has seen at the event.

When the poll is about Trump, I can point to about 60M people who don't who don't trust it.

Nearly every poll is a national poll and the final numbers were Clinton winning 48-46.

Here are some final poll numbers:
  • CBS News 45-41
  • Fox News 48-44
  • ABS News/Wash Post 49-46
  • Economist/Yougov 48-45
  • Rasmussen 45-43
  • NBC News/Survey Monkey 47-41
  • Bloomberg 46-43
  • Marist 46-44
Most are within the margin of error. So, if you don't trust polls, it's your own ignorance.
If you think "most" people believe political polling after this last election, you're nuts.

Political polling is nothing more than pathetic psy-ops by the FAKE News/Demonrat Industrial Complex intended to steer public sentiment and discourage alternative viewpoints.

You're ignorant or blinded by Trump/Bannon, etc. Do some research and think for yourself. You're wrong and I'm just trying to help some of you fools out. (whom I agree with most of the time)
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So, if you don't trust polls, it's your own ignorance.

Sure it is. I've done provided enough evidence proving that Reuters was not only biased, but flat out falsified their polls and cooked the books. It's not debatable, regardless of how bad you want to stick up for your profession.

I really don't get the outrage. You act like someone has to be stupid or a conspiracy theorists to believe polling can be biased. These people have literally infiltrated our damn intelligence agencies, court rooms, college campuses, etc..., yet you don't think they could do the same to a polling agency? Who's really ignorant here?
You're ignorant or blinded by Trump/Bannon, etc. Do some research and think for yourself. You're wrong and I'm just trying to help some of you fools out. (whom I agree with most of the time)
Oh yah, oversampling liberals by a 2-1 margin is totally on the up and up. Again, it's nothing more than fake news generated to spin a narrative, just like these bussed in town hall commies and Trump's 25% approval rating. In their zest to get Crooked Hillary elected they pushed it too far and now the genie is out of the bottle.
Sure it is. I've done provided enough evidence proving that Reuters was not only biased, but flat out falsified their polls and cooked the books. It's not debatable, regardless of how bad you want to stick up for your profession.

I really don't get the outrage. You act like someone has to be stupid or a conspiracy theorists to believe polling can be biased. These people have literally infiltrated our damn intelligence agencies, court rooms, college campuses, etc..., yet you don't think they could do the same to a polling agency? Who's really ignorant here?

Nearly every poll is a national poll and the final numbers were Clinton winning 48-46.

Here are some final poll numbers:
  • CBS News 45-41
  • Fox News 48-44
  • ABS News/Wash Post 49-46
  • Economist/Yougov 48-45
  • Rasmussen 45-43
  • NBC News/Survey Monkey 47-41
  • Bloomberg 46-43
  • Marist 46-44
Most are within the margin of error. So, if you don't trust polls, it's your own ignorance.

How were they so far off in the days and weeks leading up?
Going so far as to call out the USC poll that had Trump in the lead. It was extremely accurate, and had pretty much the same numbers the whole time. While others would swing to Hillary being up 10-12 %.

That's why people don't trust political polling.
How were they so far off in the days and weeks leading up?
Going so far as to call out the USC poll that had Trump in the lead. It was extremely accurate, and had pretty much the same numbers the whole time. While others would swing to Hillary being up 10-12 %.

That's why people don't trust political polling.
Yup, they hedged their bets in the final poll, generally, but before that it was an 18 month long psy-op propaganda campaign akin to dumping thousands of pro-democracy flyers over North Vietnam
Sure it is. I've done provided enough evidence proving that Reuters was not only biased, but flat out falsified their polls and cooked the books. It's not debatable, regardless of how bad you want to stick up for your profession.

I really don't get the outrage. You act like someone has to be stupid or a conspiracy theorists to believe polling can be biased. These people have literally infiltrated our damn intelligence agencies, court rooms, college campuses, etc..., yet you don't think they could do the same to a polling agency? Who's really ignorant here?

Isn't debatable? You have no idea what you're talking about. and you haven't provided any evidence at all. The one single source you provided on a Breitbart link doesn't know anything about polling.

I'm done talking about it, but you're the one who sounds like an ignorant crazy person.
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We need an ap poll n of who is most down with the biggest struggle blacks Muslims homosexuals Trans people hahaha
If Vandalay believes the polls were ethical and on the up and up then at the same time, he has to acknowledge that the "Russia influenced the election with WikiLeaks" narrative is utter BS.

Those emails were out well before those last polls. Those polls all had Hillary winning.
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Oh yah, oversampling liberals by a 2-1 margin is totally on the up and up. Again, it's nothing more than fake news generated to spin a narrative, just like these bussed in town hall commies and Trump's 25% approval rating. In their zest to get Crooked Hillary elected they pushed it too far and now the genie is out of the bottle.

You know nothing about polling and you sound like an idiot.

Seriously, some of you should really stick to topics you have at least a little bit of knowledge on.
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Isn't debatable? You have no idea what you're talking about. and you haven't provided any evidence at all. The one single source you provided on a Breitbart link doesn't know anything about polling.

I'm done talking about it, but you're the one who sounds like an ignorant crazy person.
Let's do a poll of this thread concerning the level of trust we have in polls. :sunglasses:
If Vandalay believes the polls were ethical and on the up and up then at the same time, he has to acknowledge that the "Russia influenced the election with WikiLeaks" narrative is utter BS.

Those emails were out well before those last polls. Those polls all had Hillary winning.

Of course the Russian wikileaks had nothing to do with the election. Just like there wasn't this liberal conspiracy for 18 months on 40 different competitive polls to keep Republicans from voting.
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Trump's 25% approval rating.
Yet there's another poll that gives him a 56% approval rating. MSM only cites the 25% poll. Totally on the up and up.
The one single source you provided on a Breitbart link doesn't know anything about polling.
This is the second times you've said this. Again, I suggest you look up Pat Caddell, before further showing your ignorance on the matter. He's forgotten more about polling, campaigning and elections than you'll ever even attempt to know. Matter of fact, he was the one person who had the exact pulse of this election down.

And, if he didn't know what he was talking about, then why did Reuters feel the need to release an explanation, making excuses for what they had been caught doing, trying to cover it up?

They weren't correcting bad data either, because before they cooked the books, giving Hillary a 90% win probability, they had it right, and Trump was leading by five in their poll.
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Yet there's another poll that gives him a 56% approval rating. MSM only cites the 25% poll. Totally on the up and up.

This is the second times you've said this. Again, I suggest you look up Pat Caddell, before further showing your ignorance on the matter. He's forgotten more about polling than you'll ever even attempt to know.

And, if he didn't know what he was talking about, then why did Reuters feel the need to release an explanation, making excuses for what they did, trying to cover it up?

They weren't correcting bad data either, because before they cooked the books, giving Hillary a 98% win probability, they had it right, and Trump was leading by five in their poll.
There could be no clearer indictment of their utter corruption and fraud than their literal scrubbing of non-Killary flattering data.
Nearly every poll is a national poll and the final numbers were Clinton winning 48-46.

Here are some final poll numbers:
  • CBS News 45-41
  • Fox News 48-44
  • ABS News/Wash Post 49-46
  • Economist/Yougov 48-45
  • Rasmussen 45-43
  • NBC News/Survey Monkey 47-41
  • Bloomberg 46-43
  • Marist 46-44
Most are within the margin of error. So, if you don't trust polls, it's your own ignorance.
Those polls were right x-NBC - nationally. It's just that nationally means diddly. Net, no reason to give a shat.
Maybe CNN doesn't know how to interpret a poll, but that doesn't mean that most people don't trust polls, at least educated people.

trust (faith) results from education. interesting position you have there. no wonder you're the resident poll master / savant.

Let's do a poll of this thread concerning the level of trust we have in polls. :sunglasses:

in the interest of random sampling I defer my selection to Willy
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Of course the Russian wikileaks had nothing to do with the election. Just like there wasn't this liberal conspiracy for 18 months on 40 different competitive polls to keep Republicans from voting.

there were both ABC and NBC polls as late as october showing Clinton with double digit leads, one was as high as 14 points on one day. those are 1984 Reaganesque going to win 49 states type margins. that was absurd and laughable to even see. even the people doing the polling had to think that? you would think? unless they had an agenda and knew the polling was manipulated for a collective purpose.
Witnesses: Bar gunman shouted 'get out of my country'

OLATHE, Kan. (AP) — Witnesses said a man accused of opening fire in a crowded bar yelled at two Indian men to "get out of my country" before pulling the trigger in an attack that killed one of the men and wounded the other, as well as a third man who tried to help.

Hours later, the suspect reportedly told a bartender in another town that he needed a place to hide because he had just killed two Middle Eastern men.
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Witnesses: Bar gunman shouted 'get out of my country'

OLATHE, Kan. (AP) — Witnesses said a man accused of opening fire in a crowded bar yelled at two Indian men to "get out of my country" before pulling the trigger in an attack that killed one of the men and wounded the other, as well as a third man who tried to help.

Hours later, the suspect reportedly told a bartender in another town that he needed a place to hide because he had just killed two Middle Eastern men.
He's an idiot. Catch his ass and throw him in jail. Let me guess, though? This is somehow Trump's fault?
Witnesses: Bar gunman shouted 'get out of my country'

OLATHE, Kan. (AP) — Witnesses said a man accused of opening fire in a crowded bar yelled at two Indian men to "get out of my country" before pulling the trigger in an attack that killed one of the men and wounded the other, as well as a third man who tried to help.

Hours later, the suspect reportedly told a bartender in another town that he needed a place to hide because he had just killed two Middle Eastern men.
Racist democrats.
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That's not true at all. People were in line as early as 3 am. I saw Fox News out there interviewing people all morning. Very first guy in line was from California, drove days to get there.

Matt Schlapp, chairman of the ACU, said it was one of the biggest, if not the biggest crowd he has seen at the event.

When the poll is about Trump, I can point to about 60M people who don't who don't trust it.
I went out for a run at about 6:15am and there was no line. Worked an event from 7:00-8:00 outside the Gaylord and there was no line. It is a large crowd here, no doubt, but I was in and around the Gaylord all morning and never saw a line.
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I went out for a run at about 6:15am and there was no line. Worked an event from 7:00-8:00 outside the Gaylord and there was no line. It is a large crowd here, no doubt, but I was in and around the Gaylord all morning and never saw a line.
It's on camera, man. I watched it with my own two eyes this morning. They reported two city blocks, at 7am, after people have already been going in. Not quite six, but much more than your none. So you're doing exactly what you accuse Trump of. Welcome to the club.

I'm assuming when the media reports on that Kansas shooting, "Get out of my county!" automatically correlates to white supremacist Trump supporter driven to kill by Trump's rhetoric. I'm anxiously awaiting.
What's funny is I'd bet almost anything that the guy is a democrat.

How many times over the past several years have there been racial shootings like this, only for the media and left to hope its a Republican, but for the person to actually turn out to be a hardcore democrat? Then suddenly the media stops reporting on the story and it magically disappears. Happens almost every time. I could be wrong, but this is how these events turn out 95% of the time.
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