He doesn't want to lose his job.Wrong.... He has stated his red lines for using nukes. People just want to ignore it and pretend Russia doesn't have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
He doesn't want to lose his job.Wrong.... He has stated his red lines for using nukes. People just want to ignore it and pretend Russia doesn't have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
This is a ridiculous position. Any time a baby is brought into this world it should be on the desires of both parents. Doing it anyway when only one or neither of them want it is a recipe for disaster.Pretty much why guys are saying the hell with marriage. He says want to have a kid & she can dump it out any time she wishes. Why go thru that?
The right to keep and bear arms. Not to manufacture or transport or sell. That's not fanciful. Look at how the alcohol prohibition amendment was written. How detailed. Scalia joked that the 2nd amendment right only applied to 18th century arms. A distinction that SCOTUS flirts with every time that they look at who can be prohibited from owning guns. Who was prohibited back in the 18th century?2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.... So why should I have to show an ID to buy a gun since owning guns is more protected by the constitution than voting?
What does "bear" in this context mean?The right to keep and bear arms. Not to manufacture or transport or sell. That's not fanciful. Look at how the alcohol prohibition amendment was written. How detailed. Scalia joked that the 2nd amendment right only applied to 18th century arms. A distinction that SCOTUS flirts with every time that they look at who can be prohibited from owning guns. Who was prohibited back in the 18th century?
You can scoff but Scalia's reasoning was just like Barrett's sophistry that the 13th amendment only applied to the slaves of the moment. (She says she's changed her mind, but what kind of mind would even believe it to begin with? Someone with autism, maybe.)
This actually has some relevance to our political landscape. One of the 2025 Project goals is to get rid of the 14th amendment. (They want to get rid of birthright citizenship.) If you do that, though, each state would be free to set its own gun restrictions. (It's the 14th amendment that makes states subject to the same restrictions that the Feds have.)
So basically Kamala’s “campaign platform” is to promise a bunch of free shit that will essentially irreparably wreck the economy and usher in full on socialism/communism.
What’s not to like?
His red lines have been breached and we're still here. Russia's territory is occupied by Ukrainian forces.Wrong.... He has stated his red lines for using nukes. People just want to ignore it and pretend Russia doesn't have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
Rich Baris is a pollster many on here need to follow. He pols scientifically and not to get the result he wants. Him and Robert Barnes talk about methodology and mistakes pollsters are using to get the Kamala bump. He goes into new voter registration and people flipping their party affiliation.
For instance.... Dems aren't doing voter drives in PA anymore because they found out they were more likely to register a Trump voter than a Biden/Harris voter. Stuff like that makes it obvious how skewed the polls are. He also goes into the scenario VHcat mentioned about voters in an apartment building and someone harvesting all those votes in one hour..... They can't be sure that those apartments are 99% dem anymore. Trump is polling better and better with Hispanics and black men.
Pubs have lapped dems in voter registration since 2020 in PA. People that think Kamala is out pacing Joe in '20 are insane. They just need it to be close enough to harvest "votes" in Philly.
I imagine it means to wield them.What does "bear" in this context mean?
Militarily, yes. Politically, no. US people were fed up with war.We could have easily have taken over western Europe and most of southeast Asia after WW2. Instead, we rebuilt it and gave it back.
I just think it's wild that you realize he's Marxist and then say we are "way on the other side".... you are way on the other side too. LOL. We should all be way on the other side of Marxism.I guess on this site, you have to be one or the other (you, a Marxist or most of the rest of them, way on the other side). Most Americans are not so extreme. I love politics (you maybe do, but most on here just like to spew hatred and anger) so the strategy of it is fascinating to me. Bottom line - Trump has a great chance to win this election if he gets it together.
So traveling with a firearm is protected then....?I imagine it means to wield them.
I saw a report on Chicago crime a few weeks ago. In 2022 only like 80 Venezuelans were arrested. In 2023 it went up to like 300. In 2024 it is already over 1200. These are mostly violent crimes like assault and stabbings.
So GM is shutting down production on their EV vehicles. It turns out that people are not keen to pay 94,000 dollars for an entry level EV Silverado.
Who knew????
Then stop forcing me to pay to buy a firearm. 2A is more sacred than voting.Whether it's a fee or a tax, you're requiring a person to pay to vote.
Does Trump have this on air yet?Probably the greatest self-own in American political history.
You're confusing populism with marxism. Tariffs are how our constitution was set up to fund itself.This is true. But Trump’s tariffs are equally dumb. This is the conundrum. Both sides advocate dumb populist plans that have no chance of actually going into effect.
There are millions of Muslims on this planet. They aren't all fighting for their independence in Gaza. Your assertion that this conflict is happening just because of who they are is insane(and obviously extremely bigoted). It's happening because of the specifics of the decades-long conflict over who controls the land in that area. Not because one side is Muslim. Christians and Hindus and Jews and everyone else are also violent and terroristic for their causes. I think fundamentalist Islam is as ridiculous as you do, but that doesn't mean the other side is in the right just because they aren't that. There's, you know, the actual facts to consider. (And just btw, you think some of the Zionist settlers aren't radical fundamentalist religious zealot terrorist nuts?)
Probably just gave Kamala a new idea. Wouldn’t be surprised if she came out tomorrow with a new “federal law”..every company must produce 100,00 ev cars every year and price cannot be above $5,000. She is a genius.So GM is shutting down production on their EV vehicles. It turns out that people are not keen to pay 94,000 dollars for an entry level EV Silverado.
Who knew????
In Kentucky that ratio is 3:1, like you said about 25% urban. Most states that ratio is much closer. We are not typical. Or the US would be a very different place politically. You know that. We are rednecks. Not average Americans. The sooner you realize that the easier it’ll be on you.
Both genders are saying the hell with marriage...while they're young. The days of kids and marriage by the time you're 24 is over. People are having kids in their 30s or getting married in their 40s now. Some don't want children at all. Trump will grab some of the young males for various reasons. He and Vance give off an out of date mindset where men are the strong providers and women take care of kids. That doesn't jive with current women. The abortion issue pretty much screwed republicans as well as Project 2025. That's spooking people. Folks just wanna be left alone, they don't want America torn down and built back up as some Christian conservative's wet dream, which likely includes abortion and book bans. In general, being weirdly aggressive towards women or believing they all crave abortions (this is the vibe MAGA gives off) is just an odd and incorrect reaction to the issue. Hell, we've had republicans recently suggest having committees whose job it is to check the junk of athletes, men and women. That's weird.Pretty much why guys are saying the hell with marriage. He says want to have a kid & she can dump it out any time she wishes. Why go thru that?
What's Haley got to do with black people?This is easy.
Are the Repubs supposed to beg them to run like Dems do? Its a homerun if they want the position due to sweeping the votes on both sides... but Black people dont want to run for president on the Repub side. Black people are only 13% of the population, what is the % of blacks that are Republicans, maybe half a percent at best? It's not like thousands grow up dreaming of becoming a politician. Seems like the love the mayoral positions and it stops there.
Dems have more minorities in politics because theyre gifted or pushed into it. Thats EXACTLY how you get nut cases pushing for violence like Maxine Waters, or classless losers like Stacey Abrams, or completely lost politicians like Kamala. They aren't qualified and have made terrible fools of themselves. They weren't qualified, they were gifted the position through skin color.
I like Tim Scott, and he seemed motivated but he's not sharp enough to carry on a conversation about anything but gas prices. He'd get demolished in an open debate. Nikki Haley is great, she'd beat Kamala with ease but thats another conversation.
But if you want to discuss DEI, why aren't there more white running backs in the NFL?
Well, are illegals allowed to own guns?2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.... So why should I have to show an ID to buy a gun since owning guns is more protected by the constitution than voting?
Probably just gave Kamala a new idea. Wouldn’t be surprised if she came out tomorrow with a new “federal law”..every company must produce 100,000 ev cars every year and price cannot be above $5,000. She is a genius.
No argument here. When it started to look like Biden would drop out, and Kam would take over, I predicted that would happen. And took a lot of crap over it. It's anyone's race, no doubt about it.
I honestly don't know, but at first blush, I would think that they are not.Well, are illegals allowed to own guns?
No. They aren't citizens under our constitution. Plus... they don't have an ID....Well, are illegals allowed to own guns?
Guys see how batshit crazy women are. Women think they're fine. That's the disconnect. Go see how many young women are seeing shrinks vs. young guys. Huge difference.Both genders are saying the hell with marriage...while they're young. The days of kids and marriage by the time you're 24 is over.
This is an incredibly bad thing for our country, for many, many reasons.Both genders are saying the hell with marriage...while they're young. The days of kids and marriage by the time you're 24 is over. People are having kids in their 30s or getting married in their 40s now. Some don't want children at all.
Sure they can have a driver's license.No. They aren't citizens under our constitution. Plus... they don't have an ID....
You off your meds? You can find 100's of people who love him and only one member of his family hates him and that's because they were drug addicted and lost everything and they hate that Trump quit helping them after repeated mistakes and backstabbings. Try harder SD“All they care about is power. Trump cares about the American people.” This is another level of brainwash than most. Trump has never cared anything in life but himself. Look at his whole life. Family hates him, you can’t find anyone with something nice to say about him. He only does what’s best for him. Except now you think he’s doing what’s best for others? Jesus, this has to be a troll post.
Legally?... A US drivers licesnse. .... Like, I've been to Europe and drove but they didn't give me an ID.Sure they can have a driver's license.
You should be given a firearm free? WTF?Then stop forcing me to pay to buy a firearm. 2A is more sacred than voting.
To not get monkey pox all you have to do is not have gay sex at music festivals.... Literally 99% of the cases come from such events.
Ugh.... No. By me being forced to have an ID to buy a firearm you are unfairly taxing me to own a firearm just like how you oppose ID to vote.You should be given a firearm free? WTF?