How will they rule ??!

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And of course you're welcome to call my positions stupid. Most Americans do. I'm fully aware my positions are a small minority. But they are my positions, not fed to me.

We needed an enemy to be able to bribe up our alliance against. We were the strongest power behind the Allies by the end of the war, the sole bomb havers/users. If we had betrayed the USSR, pushed to Moscow and taken over the world, what then? We would've had to rule it. Think about how much anti-American sentiment there is out there in the world today because of the amount of imperialism we have engaged in. Now think about what it would look like had we actually taken over the world directly instead of just from behind the curtain. I understand this isn't the economic argument you were making, but it's the practical, logistical reality.
We could have easily have taken over western Europe and most of southeast Asia after WW2. Instead, we rebuilt it and gave it back.

This country was sold to the defense industry sometime after 1955.

Communism is a death cult. It's failed everywhere it's been tried. It only works on small island nations. And I do mean small. Captialism has pitfalls, but it's better than the other options. Anyone who openly wants communism is uneducated at best. Or ignorant at worst.
Demnut Stan laughing at my comment above about killing innocents vs. murders. What a clown show.

I mean this sincerely, I think Stan/the Canuck is dealing with a mental breakdown or alcoholism so severe he has lost it. He always had weird breakdowns/outbursts, but he has went crazy...he laughs at child rapes, murders...the saddest sh-t.

I just don't know how you hit laugh at a 12 year old getting destroyed but he does. I think the lost can be saved, that is the Christian in me...but Providence will have to do a lot of extra work for him. This isn't a normal Conservative vs. Liberal thing. He laughs at child rapes. That is a sick dude. His Clarence Thomas racism is the least of his worries.
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No, SCOTUS just declined to grant a stay on the lower court's injunction. Basically, the government asked if the rest of the new regulation could go into effect without the new sex guideline that the 12 states objected to. SCOTUS ruled that guideline was inseverable, so the whole regulation's still on pause until the Sixth Circuit rules on it. Which could still go either way.
We could have easily have taken over western Europe and most of southeast Asia after WW2. Instead, we rebuilt it and gave it back.

This country was sold to the defense industry sometime after 1955.

Communism is a death cult. It's failed everywhere it's been tried. It only works on small island nations. And I do mean small. Captialism has pitfalls, but it's better than the other options. Anyone who openly wants communism is uneducated at best. Or ignorant at worst.
We absolutely could have taken it. What then though? We're almost 80 years out from that. You think we would still have it now? Everyone would've been against us. The world would be very different, and very probably not in a good way.

Yes. Why do you think more military action would've made that better? It would've made it exponentially worse.

You're welcome to your opinion. I would say the same about you, that anyone who spouts platitudes with such absolutism "is uneducated at best. Or ignorant at worst." Economies are predicated on the technological level of their day. Economic advancement is just technological advancement. Capitalism replaced feudalism which replaced slavery which replaced subsistence hunting/gathering. Something will eventually replace capitalism. Denying that is denying reality. Unless you're championing capitalism as inherently perfect, which you've already granted isn't the case from the jump.
False. More redefining of what is said by you left leaning loons.
Ok, if I walk in to vote, and the worker there says, "No, you aren't allowed to vote until you pay me $10 for handling the documents of the election." What is that? It's exactly the same as @trueblujr2's 'search fee, not a tax'. Of course it's a poll tax, wtf else would it even be?
Let’s let @BankerCat12 answer what he meant when he said we should be spending it on the American people instead.
The self-professed AP Calc wizard pretends that he cannot distinguish between ending foreign spending and the ruinous “Inflation Reduction Act”.

Or, perhaps he can’t, which explains so much about any voter that would support a 🤡 like Harris.
Spoken like a man without a daughter.
If I had a daughter I'd tell her her self-worth isn't determined by how fast other people can swim in a pool. She should do her best and always strive to improve. That doesn't change just because she isn't Michael Phelps and never will be. It doesn't matter at all whether Riley Gaines isn't as good as Katie Ledecky or isn't as good as Michael Phelps. She still isn't as good.
This is true. But Trump’s tariffs are equally dumb. This is the conundrum. Both sides advocate dumb populist plans that have no chance of actually going into effect.
Responses like this are why I can’t take you seriously.

Did you see Trump’s economy (pre-COVID fiasco) when he had his tariffs in place? It was light years better than what we are seeing right now. I don’t give a sh*t what anyone thinks about Trump’s personality, but he had the economy humming and there’s no reason to think he couldn’t do it again if given the chance.
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It’s not a mystery . It was my job . I was in the industry ,on the legal and financial side.

In a nutshell, banks and mortgage companies were shamed into offering mortgage loans to people they knew couldn’t afford it, and would default in short order.

That’s it. Not really any need for further discussion.

Exactly. They called it a subprime crisis, when it had nothing to do with subprime mortgages. There was a HUGE difference between subprime and what was forced down the throat of banks and mortgage lenders.

The difference between prime and A- paper was minimal. Usually just a one or two disqualifications from prime. Those loans were still good. In fact, down to B paper still wasn't super high risk, considering the people that were still qualifying even with the rate bumps. You could set those people up on a 2 or 3 year fixed rate (adjusting after that), with no prepay penalty, and refinance them at the end of 2 years.

Where it got hairy was the low B to D. Slippery slope there as people that weren't A- or high B usually missed on the way down that ladder as well. Matrixes were garbage down below B paper. Mostly there to sell brokers on doing business with the subprime lender producing them, rather than actually being closeable.

STILL that had nothing to do with the crisis, as that centered around govt servicers lowering their qualifying criteria for people that even subprime people knew weren't ready to buy. They were forced to do so, sure, because of quotas and balance sheets. They should have fought harder, but didn't because FNMA AND FREDDIE backed the product without any investors/servicers that wanted to touch the finished product. Those portfolios were a MESS.

Of course, the banks blamed it on mortgage brokers because they were easy targets and took away most of their good quality business prior to the "crisis" created by the govt entities.

Since then, they've made it even worse for good standing borrowers to get loans tailored to their needs. Nearly zero flexibility for any remaining brokers and small banks to customize their offerings. Dodd Frank is only part of the story

Govt overreach killed that industry just as "affordable care" has forced insurance into a dangerous state across the country, and refusing to protect the border and export illegal aliens has crushed the future of "social security."
You know, after what went down in 2020, I don’t think we should be using crowd sizes to predict the outcome of the election. Kamala will be a disaster for this country, but let’s not underestimate Democrats ability to generate ballots for their candidates. If the GOP can’t beat the Dems at their own game of subterfuge, then there’s a high risk of a 2020 repeat.
Isn’t it strange that you don’t hold the same view when it comes to income?
I do. The problem is if you suck at swimming in a pool, nothing happens. Just avoid swimming. If you suck at accruing income, you die. You can't avoid eating.

We need to lockdown the govt before we lock a single door outside of it.

If shutting down the economy is even an option at this point after all we've learned about the bullsht that was 2020-2021 and its detrimental effects, just shut down the legislature and medical agencies, wait til everyone is gone for the night and put chains on the doors of capitol buildings, governors offices, health depts, alphabet agencies, and other such offices across this country.

We have enough laws in place already. Just enforce the constitutional ones and remove the sellouts that are calling for lockdowns and doing insider trading every time they create a crisis.
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You know, after what went down in 2020, I don’t think we should be using crowd sizes to predict the outcome of the election. Kamala will be a disaster for this country, but let’s not underestimate Democrats ability to generate ballots for their candidates. If the GOP can’t beat the Dems at their own game of subterfuge, then there’s a high risk of a 2020 repeat.

...if not a guarantee.
Responses like this are why I can’t take you seriously.

Did you see Trump’s economy (pre-COVID fiasco) when he had his tariffs in place? It was light years better than what we are seeing right now. I don’t give a sh*t what anyone thinks about Trump’s personality, but he had the economy humming, tariffs and all.
Probably because many people don't attribute an economy's success or failure directly to the figurehead of the president. Does Clinton get all the credit for reigning over the tech boom in the 90s? Does Trump get all of the blame for covid wrecking the economy? If you don't answer yes to both questions your initial premise is bunk.
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It’s not a mystery . It was my job . I was in the industry ,on the legal and financial side.

In a nutshell, banks and mortgage companies were shamed into offering mortgage loans to people they knew couldn’t afford it, and would default in short order.

That’s it. Not really any need for further discussion.
The losses from the mortgages were trivial compared to the CDO losses. CDOs who value vanished once housing prices declined.

This is all very old stuff.