How will they rule ??!

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Critics of Sweden’s migration policies have pointed to a Facebook post on Feb. 3 by a police officer, Peter Springare, who said that migrants were taxing Sweden’s pension, education and health systems and that they were the principal culprits in assaults. “Half of the suspects we cannot even be sure of because they don’t have any valid papers,” he wrote. “Most often this means they are lying about their country of origin and identity.”

Watch in the next couple of weeks how many will pick up on the cue. Migrant will be the new term for illegal alien soon. Sounds innocuous enough. Almost cuddly, like a puppy.
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Have we ever had a VP that looked as badass as Pence?

Real thoughts on Pence. Do you believe he is compromised or is that just more disinfo to divide the white house?

My thoughts are that the jury is still out.
Real thoughts on Pence. Do you believe he is compromised or is that just more disinfo to divide the white house?

My thoughts are that the jury is still out.
I'm assuming you're talking about his Europe comments? Much ado about nothing IMO. Pretty sure Trump himself has made somewhat similar comments before, so I don't see it as that big of a deal.
Would like for one day Trump to have most of these radical mosques raided. No doubt a lot of radicalization happens in them.
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Would like for one day Trump to have most of these radical mosques raided. No doubt a lot of radicalization happens in them.

No I don't think so. Churches and Mosques are holy places. They should be protected. I am for infiltration to over throw radical ideas that will harm other cultures whether it be white supremacists hiding behind Christ or radical Islam. The mosque or church should not be raided. Get the bad people other ways and turn the houses back over to the righteous and peaceful practice of religion.
No I don't think so. Churches and Mosques are holy places. They should be protected. I am for infiltration to over throw radical ideas that will harm other cultures whether it be white supremacists hiding behind Christ or radical Islam. The mosque or church should not be raided. Get the bad people other ways and turn the houses back over to the righteous and peaceful practice of religion.

I don't think so. I think Mosques are places for Muslims to get together and plan to blow shit up.

Nothing "holy" about Islam. It needs to be eradicated
Mosques should definitely be wire tapped. Imams being caught preaching terrorism or sympathizing should be deported

Not just wire tapped, but under 24 hour video surveillance inside. Shouldn't be no secrets in religion. Everything should be right in the open. It's religion, we shouldn't have secrets, because Lord God doesn't like secrets
So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...
Those same people hate you and are more racist and discriminatory towards anyone else who is not like them than anyone in this country. You claim you are against racism but want to import the worst kind of racist into this country. Closet racist and bigot wanting to secretly get rid of undesirables? Hmmmm. Maybe.
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Just wanting to start a discussion on something I was discussing with a handful of friends last night. First, I am Catholic. So there are values I have that align with a large group of evangelicals and Christians as a whole. However, I am of the opinion that I do not want religion and politics intertwined together and here is why:

1) Not everyone is religious or even if they are, there are many differing religions with different values and beliefs.

2) It leads to this idea that One has to be religious to be a moral or good person which is the furthest thing from the truth.

3) In the history of the world the infusion of politics and religion has accounted for more deaths than anything else. Now, is it misinterpreted religion in many instances? Yes. But its still religion. It is very rare to have a man or woman that are politicians that do not have agendas...Mixing that with religion is never good because often times religion is manipulated to justify things. This country went 100+ years using the bible as justification of slavery.

4) From a religious aspect, in 1st John and 2nd Corinthians God says nothing of this world can come from the father. Government/politics in the respect to what we see today is man-made. Therefore we are trying to infuse something with the father that God himself says cannot be "of the father" due to its worldly origin.

5) Its too divisive, especially dealing with hot button topics like abortion. Also, I feel as if issues like that when looked at through a religious lens are looked at very shallowly and we fail to recognize and address the underlying issues at hand. I also feel like Evangelicals like to focus in on abortion and gay marriage and put blinders on and ignore anything outside of that when it comes to what candidate they support. Anyone in their right mind cannot realistically make an argument Donald Trump is a more evangelical pick than Hillary Clinton. Both aren't good, but Trump doesn't have a religious bone in his body and for 68.5 years was an avid pro-choice supporter. Neither him or Hillary hold the institution of marriage in high regards either to be fair.

6) Often times policy that caters to Religious beliefs or morals isn't "practical policy" and has a negative effect on people who are most affected by the policy. For example, we have a bill that is soon to be voted on that essentially enables businesses to discriminate based on their religious beliefs. I mean, have we not seen the tremendous amount of negative effects legislation like this has had on the state of North Carolina? Businesses aren't likely to come to an area like eastern Kentucky and provide jobs with legislation like this in place. Believe it or not, one can keep their morals or religious beliefs and also have practical and effective policy. We tend to make things mutually exclusive that aren't when we intertwine religion and politics.

What are your thoughts?
So, you are against Sharia Law right? You mislead with your your facts about the causes of death. Religion has played a very small part compared to politics and greed.
So, you are against Sharia Law right? You mislead with your your facts about the causes of death. Religion has played a very small part compared to politics and greed.

Politician use the religion of the useful idiot to justify why the are doing their killing and then use the division to control the masses.
So would you guys be OK with surveillance of Christian churches as well?

And all other religions? And atheist gatherings?
Atheism is not a religion and they don't congregate to worship no god.

If you wanted to fish for tarpon, would you go to a farm pond?
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I wonder if they'd like it.

Dunno, I'm not a law guy. But shouldn't churches and mosques who get tax payer benefits be able to be transparent?

I know the confession and faith based counseling maybe should have privacy. Because people disclose secret info to religion heads. But that's where I may draw the line. But then again, church figures would just use the "counseling" to do all their dirty work planning
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Republicans are getting smoked in these healthcare town hall meetings. Some lady just drilled Tom Cotton. You start taking folks' healthcare away and I tell you, 2018 is going to be very damned interesting at the ballot box. Republicans are going to need the Russians to work overtime to pull that one out.