How will they rule ??!

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Republicans are getting smoked in these healthcare town hall meetings. Some lady just drilled Tom Cotton. You start taking folks' healthcare away and I tell you, 2018 is going to be very damned interesting at the ballot box. Republicans are going to need the Russians to work overtime to pull that one out.

yea, no shit. we are a country becoming too dependent on free shit.

but to your point, what were these people going to do once the ACA collapsed on it's own? people are dumb
Coordinated attacks from activists that gave you the same memo to post your sick bern. Nothing organic about it. Pander to the welfare state and control them with their free healthcare. Probably got the text on her Obamaphone.
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So what does that have to do with the United States? <--This is a question. The "?" is the clue.

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message. <-- common sense that is supported by the motto of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? <-- again, a question

I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims. <-- personal observation

BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu... <-- Links provided that prove the existence of each including clergy.
Democrats are looking to Perez or Ellison to lead the party? Seriously, we are sunk. Talk about not ready for prime time.

Howard Dean is really the only guy that is making any sense in what he says right now. Bernie is a million years old but he has the message and here's a tip, Bernie's message is not about playing race politics to rack up the votes in New York and California while getting buried in the rust belt.
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Pretty sure the concept you're looking for is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," and that doesn't appear on the Kentucky flag.

Gays and muslims aren't "united" because they're "discriminated people" working for a common goal.
Taqiyya has been brought up on here many times before and explained. Libs do not have the intelligence to understnad it.
Republicans are getting smoked in these healthcare town hall meetings. Some lady just drilled Tom Cotton. You start taking folks' healthcare away and I tell you, 2018 is going to be very damned interesting at the ballot box. Republicans are going to need the Russians to work overtime to pull that one out.
Maybe Georgia and Utah will pull them through.
Coordinated attacks from activists that gave you the same memo to post your sick bern. Nothing organic about it. Pander to the welfare state and control them with their free healthcare. Probably got the text on her Obamaphone.
You can whistle past the graveyard all you want to but that is real shit out there. Some lady with a husband dying of Alzheimers just asked Tom Cotton what kind of healthcare he has and the whole crowd went nuts.

Healthcare is a mine field. It is the Afghanistan of politics. You go in there and you don't come out. The Republicans are slowly coming to the realization that they own the single most difficult issue there is to deal with that pisses off the most people no matter what you do and they are feeling the heat. And that heat is real. Real as it gets in politics.
Few things are more overblown than the effect of Muslims on western culture.
Sweden has accepted over 200,000 refuges which is more than 2 percent of their total population (equivalent to the US bringing in over 7.6 million) and the hysteria coming from the bigoted right would make you believe that Sweden has become some third world country.

Latest update : 2017-02-22

The police officers who appeared in a video that US President Donald Trump cited in his false claims of an incident in Sweden have lashed out at the US filmmaker who interviewed them, saying their quotes were heavily edited and taken out of context.

The bulk of the video was based on the testimonies of two Swedish police officers, who now say that their quotes were both heavily edited and taken out of context by US filmmaker Ami Horowitz to give a distorted picture of Sweden.

“He is a madman,” Anders Goranzon, one of the officers, told Swedish daily “Dagens Nyheter” after having watched the clip.

“We don’t stand behind it (the report). It shocked us. He edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism,” he said.

Imagine that? A program that caters to right-wing bigots edits it's reports to feed their bigotry.
Imagine that, they were also reprimanded by their superiors too and jobs were probably on the line. You are too easily fooled. Poor lemming.
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here's a tip, Bernie's message is not about playing race politics to rack up the votes in New York and California while getting buried in the rust belt.
Yeah, but we know what his message is about. And if he or his message ever makes it to a general it's probably going to be widely rejected.

Once the working class (rust belt and beyond), who don't follow politics that's closely, get a complete ear full of his message, I'm betting it doesn't go over too well.
Liberal Activists' Behind Chaos at GOP Town Halls

Doocy explained that Organizing for Action, originally named Organizing for America, is giving liberals directions in how to crash GOP events and increase the appearance of grassroots resistance to President Trump’s policies.

He reported that an online manual instructs activists to sit by themselves or in pairs throughout the front half of town hall venues to "make the perception of broad consensus a reality."

Doocy said the manual also advises anyone asking a question to "look as neutral as possible," and for any attendees to take photos and videos of any chaos.
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Imagine that, they were also reprimanded by their superiors too and jobs were probably on the line. You are too easily fooled. Poor lemming.
Yes, they were told that speaking about police affairs to the public was not the officers place. I'm sure they have a spokesman with a bucket of platitudes for that purpose. They may have signed a paper upon employment that says they wouldn't do what they did. If so, gonzo.
I don't know how things will shake out in the future, but as of right now I have never seen the masses this politically motivated. I will be really interested in the 2018 turnout. To see if this anger sustains and translates at the ballot box. Very interesting...
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Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump
By Paul Sperry

February 18, 2017 | 10:30am | Updated

The manual, published with OFA partner “Indivisible,” advises protesters to go into halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and “grab seats at the front of the room but do not all sit together.” Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions. “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.” It also urges them to ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real answers.”
your going to be wildly disappointed in 2018 Z. no one votes in midterms except middle aged to elderly white people. and no one under 30 even knows when elections actually happen.
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There is a reason why historically it has been nearly impossible to do anything on healthcare on the national level before the ACA. Even the Big Dog couldn't do a thing with it. Republicans have a tiger by the tail and their president likes to poke it. Not exactly a calming influence.
your going to be wildly disappointed in 2018 Z. no one votes in midterms except middle aged to elderly white people. and no one under 30 even knows when elections actually happen.
Republicans own everything. House, Senate, and President. This is all on them. I am just a spectator at this point. Just watching to see how all their talk, and at this point there is nothing but talk from them, to see how they finally tackle this of most difficult issues.

I say they will barely tinker around the periphery of the ACA and tack Trump's name on it like one of his hotels then call it a day and be happy as hell to have it out of their laps because anything drastic is rolling the dice on the highest riskiest game in town. They spent 6 years blasting Obamacare because they never really believed they'd ever be able to get rid of it. Now, with Trump coming out of nowhere to win the White House, well that big fat grenade landed right in their laps and I imagine it is making them as uncomfortable as you could possibly get as a politician.

Going to be fun to watch this.
There is a reason why historically it has been nearly impossible to do anything on healthcare on the national level before the ACA. Even the Big Dog couldn't do a thing with it. Republicans have a tiger by the tail and their president likes to poke it. Not exactly a calming influence.

I'm not sure it's just the system's fault, Z. We take ownership for the healthcare industry problems.
A lot of apathetic Americans couldn't give two squirts of their own piss to save their lives. People just don't give a shit about their role in the healthcare industry.

I heard one stat. Not sure how to back it up. Because I heard in a lecture. But the average person pays in $100K in Medicare and the avg person uses $300K.

That's why it won't ever get fixed. Because of the apathetic non shit giving f***** American doesn't care about their own health
You say you've heard of a lot more hate crimes against gays by as you call them so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims. Could that be because, there's a heck of a lot more Christians in the U.S. than there are Muslims ? And if you think that gays would fare better in a Muslim country than they would here. Then take your little gay act to the middle east & see how long it lasts.
Sure it is because there are many more Christians. You idiots keep acting like Muslims are somehow out number Christians in this country in the next 100 years.
This isn't a Muslim country and won't ever be during any of our lifetimes so WGAF about what would happen in the middle east?
If every Muslim refugee in Europe was sent to the US they would still be a small minority.

And since when did all the right-wing bigots start worrying about gays?
Y'all just keep looking for the next boogieman. When the gay marriage issue was hot y'all were all calling for the end of civilization if gays started to marry...same argument was given years earlier about interracial marriage. Before that it was integration. Now it's Muslims.
Chances are the only Muslims you've ever seen, much less ever have known are on tv. Perhaps you should crawl your ignorant ass out of the holler, go to the big city and meet a few. You might find out they aren't all that spooky.
So far the Republican blueprint is for Trump to make a bunch of outrageous claims, brag about how great it is, then send out diplomats right and left to quietly try and assure the rest of the world that Trump was not actually serious.

Domestically he's all talk and bragging, too. He has already walked his big deportation plan back to basically what it already was... high priority on deporting illegals with criminal records. Obama deported the hell out of them but Trump is marketing the hell out of it to make it look like he invented it. All talk.

His wall is a non-starter. Going to be a pale half-assed version of what he promised. More like a fence in some places, nothing in most places, and a wall he can stand by and brag about in a few high profile areas, and Mexico never was and never will be going to pay for it. Billions of dollars that will have to be borrowed and added to the debt.

Tax plan is absolutely something he will do. Going to add trillions to the deficit. Another handout to the rich. Transferring wealth out of the middle class and to the rich. Ronnie Reagan's greatest trickle down hits.

Trillion dollar infrastructure plan is dead on arrival. Even the biggest of the Big Spending Republicans can't stomach that one. More empty talk from a fast talking New York carnival barker.

In the end when they look in their hands they won't have jackshit, really. But I have to admit this is the greatest show in town to watch. I love this shit.
I'm not sure it's just the system's fault, Z. We take ownership for the healthcare industry problems.
A lot of apathetic Americans couldn't give two squirts of their own piss to save their lives. People just don't give a shit about their role in the healthcare industry.

I heard one stat. Not sure how to back it up. Because I heard in a lecture. But the average person pays in $100K in Medicare and the avg person uses $300K.

That's why it won't ever get fixed. Because of the apathetic non shit giving f***** American doesn't care about their own health

so your saying we need a real life purge?
Please let this happen.

Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. Imo, him getting elected twice gave Democrats a false sense of how strong minority vote is.

I really think they believe this country is in a place, demographically, where they believe they don't even need much of the white vote.

That's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with as to why they keep forcing the rust belt to the back of the line.
So would you guys be OK with surveillance of Christian churches as well?

And all other religions? And atheist gatherings?
Anybody thats probably helping radicalize folks into killing people (even if religious) should absolutely be wire tapped and probably raided. I think I've read that even France has raided some mosques not too long ago. I think its a smart thing to do.
Sure it is because there are many more Christians. You idiots keep acting like Muslims are somehow out number Christians in this country in the next 100 years.
This isn't a Muslim country and won't ever be during any of our lifetimes so WGAF about what would happen in the middle east?
If every Muslim refugee in Europe was sent to the US they would still be a small minority.

And since when did all the right-wing bigots start worrying about gays?
Y'all just keep looking for the next boogieman. When the gay marriage issue was hot y'all were all calling for the end of civilization if gays started to marry...same argument was given years earlier about interracial marriage. Before that it was integration. Now it's Muslims.
Chances are the only Muslims you've ever seen, much less ever have known are on tv. Perhaps you should crawl your ignorant ass out of the holler, go to the big city and meet a few. You might find out they aren't all that spooky.

those guys who flew those planes into the towers probably seemed like nice guys too, you know until they flew those planes into those towers.
Republicans are getting smoked in these healthcare town hall meetings. Some lady just drilled Tom Cotton. You start taking folks' healthcare away and I tell you, 2018 is going to be very damned interesting at the ballot box. Republicans are going to need the Russians to work overtime to pull that one out.
Republicans being confronted by people that didn't even vote for them is gonna hurt republicans? Lol no
Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. Imo, him getting elected twice gave Democrats a false sense of how strong minority vote is.

I really think they believe this country is in a place, demographically, where they believe they don't even need much of the white vote.

That's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with as to why they keep forcing the rust belt to the back of the line.
The Democrats are so stupid and incompetent at this point that I am positive they are purposefully designed to fail. Just to give the illusion of another party. The whole system is designed to ensure the rich get everything they want but in order to keep the torches and pitchforks at bay they need something to prop up and pretend is an alternative.

The whole Hillary Clinton campaign was the most incompetently ran thing I have ever seen. Walter Mondale should have given her campaigning strategy tips. She never visited Wisconsin while simultaneously wrapping herself around BLM mothers. She was in a liberal bubble and just totally completely blind as to what the actual country outside California and New York looked like.
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Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump
By Paul Sperry

February 18, 2017 | 10:30am | Updated

The manual, published with OFA partner “Indivisible,” advises protesters to go into halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and “grab seats at the front of the room but do not all sit together.” Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions. “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.” It also urges them to ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real answers.”
Yup. Its Soros/Obama manufactured nonsense. Completely astroturf. Just like everything associated with the democrat party, its fake.
Man, or we need to fine or imprison unhealthy people. Sorry. You're going to health jail mister. When you lose that 200 lbs that's keeping you on tax dollar Medicaid, we'll let you out.

I tried telling people this. They control your healthcare then they will control what you eat. Total control. Put a gas station/liquor store on every corner, flood the place with fast food restaurants, get your groceries from processed palace super wal mart, get you hooked on soda, cigs, and opioids. Here kitty kitty getcha free healthcare that "the man" is trying to take from ya.
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Republicans are getting smoked in these healthcare town hall meetings. Some lady just drilled Tom Cotton. You start taking folks' healthcare away and I tell you, 2018 is going to be very damned interesting at the ballot box. Republicans are going to need the Russians to work overtime to pull that one out.

I think you're right. I hope our govt steps back and does nothing. Clearly it will all work out eventually.
I don't know how things will shake out in the future, but as of right now I have never seen the masses this politically motivated. I will be really interested in the 2018 turnout. To see if this anger sustains and translates at the ballot box. Very interesting...
This is your milieu right here. Concise, accurate.