How will they rule ??!

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I don't watch Alex Jones. I don't take Hannity as anything serious so you can stop projecting your BS on to me.

I'm exposed to multiple views on both sides of the spectrum every single day.
Wasn't directed specifically at you, just the idea that any of the hardcore Trumpalos want right down the middle coverage, while flocking to people like Hannity and Jones, is absurd.

Also, given your predilection towards calling Democrats (not marxists or maoists, but run of the mill Democrats) literally evil, I question how deep and reflective those "multiple views" you're exposed to are.
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Have never and will never understand why there are some gays who love muslims. They would be thrown off roof tops in the middle east.
So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...
Just wanting to start a discussion on something I was discussing with a handful of friends last night. First, I am Catholic. So there are values I have that align with a large group of evangelicals and Christians as a whole. However, I am of the opinion that I do not want religion and politics intertwined together and here is why:

1) Not everyone is religious or even if they are, there are many differing religions with different values and beliefs.

2) It leads to this idea that One has to be religious to be a moral or good person which is the furthest thing from the truth.

3) In the history of the world the infusion of politics and religion has accounted for more deaths than anything else. Now, is it misinterpreted religion in many instances? Yes. But its still religion. It is very rare to have a man or woman that are politicians that do not have agendas...Mixing that with religion is never good because often times religion is manipulated to justify things. This country went 100+ years using the bible as justification of slavery.

4) From a religious aspect, in 1st John and 2nd Corinthians God says nothing of this world can come from the father. Government/politics in the respect to what we see today is man-made. Therefore we are trying to infuse something with the father that God himself says cannot be "of the father" due to its worldly origin.

5) Its too divisive, especially dealing with hot button topics like abortion. Also, I feel as if issues like that when looked at through a religious lens are looked at very shallowly and we fail to recognize and address the underlying issues at hand. I also feel like Evangelicals like to focus in on abortion and gay marriage and put blinders on and ignore anything outside of that when it comes to what candidate they support. Anyone in their right mind cannot realistically make an argument Donald Trump is a more evangelical pick than Hillary Clinton. Both aren't good, but Trump doesn't have a religious bone in his body and for 68.5 years was an avid pro-choice supporter. Neither him or Hillary hold the institution of marriage in high regards either to be fair.

6) Often times policy that caters to Religious beliefs or morals isn't "practical policy" and has a negative effect on people who are most affected by the policy. For example, we have a bill that is soon to be voted on that essentially enables businesses to discriminate based on their religious beliefs. I mean, have we not seen the tremendous amount of negative effects legislation like this has had on the state of North Carolina? Businesses aren't likely to come to an area like eastern Kentucky and provide jobs with legislation like this in place. Believe it or not, one can keep their morals or religious beliefs and also have practical and effective policy. We tend to make things mutually exclusive that aren't when we intertwine religion and politics.

What are your thoughts?
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So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...

Ummmm, this is pretty much FALSE.
Watch this media meltdown of Trump's win and ask yourself, "Is this someone I should be getting news from? Do they act like professionals and do they represent the people?"

The DC, NY and LA media are atrocious, really. These people are liars. There's no reason to trust them about anything as they are hysterical nuts and advocates for the most repulsive party in this nation.
Who ever gave you the impression that The View was news? It's no different than Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, O'Reily or a whole host of right-wing entertainers who give opinion.
Really, are you not smart enough to figure that out?
Wasn't directed specifically at you, just the idea that any of the hardcore Trumpalos want right down the middle coverage, while flocking to people like Hannity and Jones, is absurd.

Also, given your predilection towards calling Democrats (not marxists or maoists, but run of the mill Democrats) literally evil, I question how deep and reflective those "multiple views" you're exposed to are.

What do hannity and Alex jones have to do with the nightly news?

It's rhetorical. We all know you're incapable of distinguishing between a late night self confessed conservative talk show host and a NEWS anchor claiming to be impartial.
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So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...

Lol. Yep. All those minorities sure love each other. Your party is the one lumping everyone together.

All blacks are too poor for an ID
all muslims are terrorists
All women want to kill their babies.
All LGBT want radicalized muslims ruling them

You're so brain dead I don't even know why I took the 30 seconds to reply to you. You will just brush over anything you can't refute and post some other child like nonsense. And go...
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I'd like to see things broken down for some of the left's voting blocks and explain their justification.

If you're gay, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- Who were generally against gay marriage but it's now legal and that's that. No one cares anymore nor are their rights threatened to be taken away. They're also against importing more Muslims here but support the second amendment to protect yourself.

B) Democrats- They will be all about your LGBT pride parades but most of your politicians were against it until about four or five years ago when it shifted before the 2012 election. However, they want to flood our nation with Muslims who come from a culture that imprisons and executes gays. You were upset about Chick-Fil-A supporting traditional marriage but are not preaching for you to be imprisoned or to be hurt. But Muslims are very hostile toward gays and we just had a mass-shooting of a gay night club by a Muslim.

If you're a woman, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- They fight like hell to protect women, have a more positive view of women and motherhood and they don't want to put you at risk of the third world rape culture that has killed Europe nor are they okay with stupid transgender bills where little girls can be forced to share bathrooms with grown men.

But they're against abortion and don't want to fund it.

B) Democrats- They will claim there is a war on women and they want to fund as many abortions as possible and they believe it's a right to have your birth control and abortion paid for.

However, they want to import Muslims who view women as not being equal, make women wear burqas, hijabs and justify raping them if they're uncovered. They also stone women even if they have been raped and if you have been raped in their countries, you better hope you had multiple male eyewitnesses to verify it. Oh, they also support female genital mutilation and honor killings. This is who the left wants to bring in.

If you're black, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- Believe in personal responsibility and that every man and woman is capable of making their own way without the government help nor do they believe in blaming the world for your problems. Not to mention, it was this party that fought to end slavery and give blacks the right to vote.

B) Democrat- They're the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They will tell you that all of your problems are not your fault but because of white people and "systematic racism." They think so little of you that they don't think you're capable of making it without the government being your daddy.

They think they need to have mandated quotas for race or you'll never get a job. They think we can't have voter ID laws because you're not smart enough to find the DMV nor do you have the money to afford one. They also keep flooding the nation with immigrants, which hurts black youth more than anyone when trying to find a job.

They also have run all of your cities and neighborhoods for decades and they're still as violent and poor as ever with zero interests in fixing this issue.
Obama and Clinton were both against gay marriage until about 5 minutes ago. Again, both parties are trash and believed that you had to have permission from the government to marry someone you love.
Lol. Yep. All those minorities sure love each other. Your party is the one lumping everyone together.

All blacks are too poor for an ID
all muslims are terrorists
All women want to kill their babies.
All LGBT want radicalized muslims ruling them

You're so brain dead I don't even know why I took the 30 seconds to reply to you. You will just brush over anything you can't refute and post some other child like nonsense. And go...
My party? I'm not a Republican. The things you cite are exactly what the Trumpers are saying.
So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...
Just a bunch of nonsense and lies.

IOW, just your average Fuzz post.
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So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...

Do you read your posts before clicking "Post Reply". If so, do you get any sort of thought like "That's the dumbest goddam thing I've ever read" like the rest of us do when we read your posts?
Damn Russians trying to influence the election...err Obama I mean.
man if I was in a liberal college all i'd be doing is saying "the Russians must have hacked it professor". I'd do it over and over and over again and hope they understood how stupid and naïve they were.
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3) In the history of the world the infusion of politics and religion has accounted for more deaths than anything else. Now, is it misinterpreted religion in many instances? Yes. But its still religion. It is very rare to have a man or woman that are politicians that do not have agendas...Mixing that with religion is never good because often times religion is manipulated to justify things. This country went 100+ years using the bible as justification of slavery.
What are your thoughts?

Have to disagree with this part. Most wars are fought over scarce resources (land, wealth, food, influence, etc). They might use religion as part of an excuse to start a war or to recruit soldiers but wealth is usually at the heart of war. The Romans didn't dominate the western world for religion. The Mongols and the Huns weren't trying to convert people but rather wanted wealth and land. WWI and WWII weren't primarily about religion either. Could give many more examples like the Napoleonic Wars.
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What do hannity and Alex jones have to do with the nightly news?

It's rhetorical. We all know you're incapable of distinguishing between a late night self confessed conservative talk show host and a NEWS anchor claiming to be impartial.
You're really bad at this, so I will slow down.

Sean Hannity and Alex Jones are not News anchors. They are the news/opinion disseminators of choice for a large portion of the Trump crowd, however. So, the point wasn't that they should be more neutral or act more like traditional broadcasters, but rather the stated preference of the people clamoring for a fair press don't align with their revealed preference.

Stated preference: Fair media

Revealed preference: Conspiracy nuts and Sean Hannity

If you want pretty dry and straightforward news, KET has BBC World News America on every night. It's not perfect and some editorializing occurs, but it's better than just about anything else that widely available. Oddly, their ratings haven't spiked the same way Hannity's have.
Just a bunch of nonsense and lies.

IOW, just your average Fuzz post.
Again, which part?

I'm sure you'd prefer not to be specific because I will expose your ignorance.
Are you claiming that there are not gays of every religious stripe?
You're really bad at this, so I will slow down.

Sean Hannity and Alex Jones are not News anchors. They are the news/opinion disseminators of choice for a large portion of the Trump crowd, however. So, the point wasn't that they should be more neutral or act more like traditional broadcasters, but rather the stated preference of the people clamoring for a fair press don't align with their revealed preference.

Stated preference: Fair media

Revealed preference: Conspiracy nuts and Sean Hannity

If you want pretty dry and straightforward news, KET has BBC World News America on every night. It's not perfect and some editorializing occurs, but it's better than just about anything else that widely available. Oddly, their ratings haven't spiked the same way Hannity's have.

No.. you're the one not good at this. And good job of taking exactly what I said and regurgitating it with a lib pov.

Exactly. We all know what Hannity and not sure why we are even discussing Jones since probably 90% think and admit he's an idiot are. It's had to have been pointed out to you libs hundreds of times.

You are just being ignorant. I would be willing to bet you any amount (tho you libs don't like to pay) that no one gets home from work and turns on Hannity to get their daily news intake.

You sir really need to get better at this. For yourself, your friends and your family. Stop being a snowflake and open your eyes. Thanks and you're welcome.
Do you read your posts before clicking "Post Reply". If so, do you get any sort of thought like "That's the dumbest goddam thing I've ever read" like the rest of us do when we read your posts?
Bill, I can't help if reasoning and logic fly over your head.
Perhaps there is something in my post that I have missed but I'll extend the challenge out to you to tell me which part you believe to be wrong.
You're really bad at this, so I will slow down.

Sean Hannity and Alex Jones are not News anchors. They are the news/opinion disseminators of choice for a large portion of the Trump crowd, however. So, the point wasn't that they should be more neutral or act more like traditional broadcasters, but rather the stated preference of the people clamoring for a fair press don't align with their revealed preference.

Stated preference: Fair media

Revealed preference: Conspiracy nuts and Sean Hannity

If you want pretty dry and straightforward news, KET has BBC World News America on every night. It's not perfect and some editorializing occurs, but it's better than just about anything else that widely available. Oddly, their ratings haven't spiked the same way Hannity's have.

In addition to above:

I assume most people on here discussing this aren't whining about unbiased news for their own pleasure. I don't turn on Hannity or CNN and say dad Gummit they are depriving me of impartial coverage. So therefore I don't need your suggestions, especially since I don't live where KET broadcasts.

What they are wanting it for, is the low information people who don't pay attention to politics all the time. They might get their information from the 30 minutes of being in a coffee shop or the hour in the airport. Or the 3 hours they sit in an auto dealership waiting on finance to finish paperwork.

You either get it and are just arguing because you're bored with life. Or...well...ya know
No.. you're the one not good at this. And good job of taking exactly what I said and regurgitating it with a lib pov.

Exactly. We all know what Hannity and not sure why we are even discussing Jones since probably 90% think and admit he's an idiot are. It's had to have been pointed out to you libs hundreds of times.

You are just being ignorant. I would be willing to bet you any amount (tho you libs don't like to pay) that no one gets home from work and turns on Hannity to get their daily news intake.

You sir really need to get better at this. For yourself, your friends and your family. Stop being a snowflake and open your eyes. Thanks and you're welcome.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a lib. That pretty much says it all.

And [laughing] that people don't get their news from Hannity, Maddow, Breitbart, Salon, etc. Those outlets overtook traditional newscasts a long ass time ago, when it comes to primary news sources.
Bill, I can't help if reasoning and logic fly over your head.
Perhaps there is something in my post that I have missed but I'll extend the challenge out to you to tell me which part you believe to be wrong.

This was the dumbest part:

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

There is zero logic or reasoning in that statement. It sounds like some wannabe feel good shit your mom told you when you were getting bullied.

I do like how you just lump all "discriminated people" into one basket though and fail to recognize any diversity of person or experience. They are just all the same.
Tried to do it to Georgia, too. I believe that case is being investigated.

lol I forgot about that, but I remember reading the letter from some representative of GA and it was hilarious.

The best trick media pulls is flooding the people with absolute nonsense and burrying the real stories. They don't follow up on shit, it's just pushed down as we constantly scroll through the a stupid ass Twitteresque world of irrelevant entertainment news.

Thank god the kardashians are not cool anymore. At least there's that.
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What they are wanting it for, is the low information people who don't pay attention to politics all the time. They might get their information from the 30 minutes of being in a coffee shop or the hour in the airport. Or the 3 hours they sit in an auto dealership waiting on finance to finish paperwork.
You honestly think that? Now, maybe on ONE topic or event they will hear something on TV and run with that. But you honestly believe people form deep seated opinions that influence their voting decision on 30 minutes of background CNN at the airport?

I believe the vast majority of electorate is incompetent, but people are much more likely to have their opinions galvanized by the opinion merchants. Sure, someone might hear about a protest that's being covered improperly by CNN so that is a "fact" they will have. But it's when they watch Maddow/Hannity/etc, read twitter or Facebook where they actually do most of their forming of opinions. Which is to say, if someone watched that CNN report and didn't follow it up with an opinion show or twitter, it would be out of the brain in a day. People just don't have the time or desire to focus on things like that. But when that same event is covered on the opinion shows for 3 days straight with strawmen on both sides "forcing" the viewer to take a side, your average person is more likely to have a strong ass take on something they really don't even care or know about.