How will they rule ??!

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This was the dumbest part:

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.
That's the part where we're all supposed to gather round, hold hands and sing kumbaya. Spare him his moment.
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You honestly think that? Now, maybe on ONE topic or event they will hear something on TV and run with that. But you honestly believe people form deep seated opinions that influence their voting decision on 30 minutes of background CNN at the airport?

I believe the vast majority of electorate is incompetent, but people are much more likely to have their opinions galvanized by the opinion merchants. Sure, someone might hear about a protest that's being covered improperly by CNN so that is a "fact" they will have. But it's when they watch Maddow/Hannity/etc, read twitter or Facebook where they actually do most of their forming of opinions. Which is to say, if someone watched that CNN report and didn't follow it up with an opinion show or twitter, it would be out of the brain in a day. People just don't have the time or desire to focus on things like that. But when that same event is covered on the opinion shows for 3 days straight with strawmen on both sides "forcing" the viewer to take a side, your average person is more likely to have a strong ass take on something they really don't even care or know about.

I 100% agree....There is a reason guys like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly etc. are making absolute bank on their shows.... Hell look at Tomi Lahren who has taken social media by storm and go look at the comments on her videos. Most folks are completely incompetent and dont know jack shit about the issues being discussed yet have such strong takes on both sides.

People like Tomi Lahren and Clay Travis and the same for the other side of the aisle are ruining the political landscape of this country by functioning solely as a conservative or liberal mouthpiece.
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All of it. Go ahead.
So what does that have to do with the United States? <--This is a question. The "?" is the clue.

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message. <-- common sense that is supported by the motto of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? <-- again, a question

I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims. <-- personal observation

BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu... <-- Links provided that prove the existence of each including clergy.
The entire thing.

I'm not sure what this has to do with anything. I never claimed that.
Again, the arguing skills of the ignorant. Always speak in broad, non-specific terms so that said argument can morph around any attempt to disprove it.
You claimed what I posted was "lies and nonsense". I'm asking you to point out any specific lies and what part you claim is nonsense. I just posted a response that included links to support the fact based part of my post. My church as well as several other Christian churches and Jewish Temples not only accept gays but also ordain openly gay clergy so on that alone disproves your assertion of "The entire thing".
Bill, I can't help if reasoning and logic fly over your head.
Perhaps there is something in my post that I have missed but I'll extend the challenge out to you to tell me which part you believe to be wrong.
"A stitch in time saves nine" Do you understand the meaning of that adage? Even someone with your special powers of cognition should be able to look at the result of widespread infiltration of Middle Eastern savages into Western culture and realize that we cannot allow the same thing to happen here.
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"A stitch in time saves nine" Do you understand the meaning of that adage? Even someone with your special powers of cognition should be able to look at the result of widespread infiltration of Middle Eastern savages into Western culture and realize that we cannot allow the same thing to happen here.
I have to think that Europe will separate like East and West Germany but on a wide spread scale. Muslims on one side , infidels on the other. Then after watching that succeed we can implement liberals on one side with all their pet minorities and conservatives on the other.
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The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message. <-- common sense that is supported by the motto of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Pretty sure the concept you're looking for is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," and that doesn't appear on the Kentucky flag.

Gays and muslims aren't "united" because they're "discriminated people" working for a common goal.
This was the dumbest part:

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

There is zero logic or reasoning in that statement. It sounds like some wannabe feel good shit your mom told you when you were getting bullied.

I do like how you just lump all "discriminated people" into one basket though and fail to recognize any diversity of person or experience. They are just all the same.
Bill, all humans have much more in common than differences. I'm not sure how "discriminated people" fails to recognize any diversity of person or experience"?
Most discrimination is learned behavior and is supported and perpetuated through willful ignorance. Minority activist who are smart reach out to other minorities and join voices. United we stand, divided we fall. By themselves their numbers are small but together their voice is better heard.
The poem below written by a German pastor in Nazi Germany contains a lesson and those who are not ignorant of history use that lesson to promote their cause.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
I can't find it now but there was a sheriff from Arizona on what I think was don Lemon last night going against some liberal back from California.

It was a perfect segment really showing a conservative view and honestly at one point I thought to myself if just because something seems pro white does it mean that it's racist? It seems that ANYTHING that helps white people is racist anymore, even though some of it also helps everyone!

Why isn't those that oppose anything that may help whites seen as racists? Where is that outrage?

It's fine to try to be above some things or "better than" but man it's getting to the point where you either take on the fight or get railroaded.
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First they allowed the gays to marry, and I spoke out-
but no one listened

Then they allowed males to use the female restroom and I spoke out-
but no one listened

Then they allowed Mexicans cross our border and I spoke out-
but no one listened

Then they allowed muslim terrorists to cross our border and I spoke out-
but no one listened

Now I'm not allowed to speak out
Why isn't those that oppose anything that may help whites seen as racists? Where is that outrage?
Because the looney tunes have changed the definition of the word, and morphed its meaning so that they can justify it being used against whites.

You see, the white man is the oppressor. He cannot be subjected to racism since it is he who is in power. They are victims. Fighting back against the race of oppressors, who have victimized them, can in no way be considered racist. They're only doing what's right, fighting for their survival.
"A stitch in time saves nine" Do you understand the meaning of that adage? Even someone with your special powers of cognition should be able to look at the result of widespread infiltration of Middle Eastern savages into Western culture and realize that we cannot allow the same thing to happen here.
Few things are more overblown than the effect of Muslims on western culture.
Sweden has accepted over 200,000 refuges which is more than 2 percent of their total population (equivalent to the US bringing in over 7.6 million) and the hysteria coming from the bigoted right would make you believe that Sweden has become some third world country.

Latest update : 2017-02-22

The police officers who appeared in a video that US President Donald Trump cited in his false claims of an incident in Sweden have lashed out at the US filmmaker who interviewed them, saying their quotes were heavily edited and taken out of context.

The bulk of the video was based on the testimonies of two Swedish police officers, who now say that their quotes were both heavily edited and taken out of context by US filmmaker Ami Horowitz to give a distorted picture of Sweden.

“He is a madman,” Anders Goranzon, one of the officers, told Swedish daily “Dagens Nyheter” after having watched the clip.

“We don’t stand behind it (the report). It shocked us. He edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism,” he said.

Imagine that? A program that caters to right-wing bigots edits it's reports to feed their bigotry.
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Few things are more overblown than the effect of Muslims on western culture.
Sweden has accepted over 200,000 refuges which is more than 2 percent of their total population (equivalent to the US bringing in over 7.6 million) and the hysteria coming from the bigoted right would make you believe that Sweden has become some third world country.

Latest update : 2017-02-22

The police officers who appeared in a video that US President Donald Trump cited in his false claims of an incident in Sweden have lashed out at the US filmmaker who interviewed them, saying their quotes were heavily edited and taken out of context.

The bulk of the video was based on the testimonies of two Swedish police officers, who now say that their quotes were both heavily edited and taken out of context by US filmmaker Ami Horowitz to give a distorted picture of Sweden.

“He is a madman,” Anders Goranzon, one of the officers, told Swedish daily “Dagens Nyheter” after having watched the clip.

“We don’t stand behind it (the report). It shocked us. He edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism,” he said.

Imagine that? A program that caters to right-wing bigots edits it's reports to feed their bigotry.

You really think that Europe has not been conquered by Islam fuzz? It won't be long until they start blaring prayer 5 times a day in public. Slowly but gradually and you are part of the bridge to it happening.
Film makers took quotes out of context? Are you serious clark?

WTF is the world coming to?
Love Watson's takes.

Also, regarding CA and NY and their illegal immigration tactics, do not give them one more federal dollar. We'll see how quickly they cave in. Politicians are all the same. Motivated by money and power. Take one or either away and they become starving wolves.
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Because the looney tunes have changed the definition of the word, and morphed its meaning so that they can justify it being used against whites.

You see, the white man is the oppressor. He cannot be subjected to racism since it is he who is in power. They are victims. Fighting back against the race of oppressors, who have victimized them, can in no way be considered racist. They're only doing what's right, fighting for their survival.

My new favorite phrase is "(insert any race aside from Caucasian) people can't be racist." It epitomizes so many levels of logical failure while demonstrating the perpetuation of the blind acceptance of self-serving reappropriation of terms. A dangerous act on its face, alone, but one whose true dangers lie in the ease with which they are digested without forethought of the precedents they set. Every time I hear or read it, I am bathed in the warmth of reassurrance that I am dealing with complete ****ing morons.
Nothing was taken out of context. Watch the segment where it shows his interview with the police. The police said no go zones, not the filmmaker. They used those words to describe Muslim areas themselves. Those police knew exactly who they were talking about, and exactly what the conversation was about.

The police know if they speak out they'll be ruined. Just like the other Swedish cop who is being invested for hate speech just because he cited crime stats proving Muslims are responsible.

Here's the follow up interview.

Few things are more overblown than the effect of Muslims on western culture.
Sweden has accepted over 200,000 refuges which is more than 2 percent of their total population (equivalent to the US bringing in over 7.6 million) and the hysteria coming from the bigoted right would make you believe that Sweden has become some third world country.

Latest update : 2017-02-22

The police officers who appeared in a video that US President Donald Trump cited in his false claims of an incident in Sweden have lashed out at the US filmmaker who interviewed them, saying their quotes were heavily edited and taken out of context.

The bulk of the video was based on the testimonies of two Swedish police officers, who now say that their quotes were both heavily edited and taken out of context by US filmmaker Ami Horowitz to give a distorted picture of Sweden.

“He is a madman,” Anders Goranzon, one of the officers, told Swedish daily “Dagens Nyheter” after having watched the clip.

“We don’t stand behind it (the report). It shocked us. He edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism,” he said.

Imagine that? A program that caters to right-wing bigots edits it's reports to feed their bigotry.

And that filmmaker has fired back, calling them liars. He has it all on tape, unedited. No one put words in their mouth. I also advise you check out said filmmaker. His reputation speaks for itself.

Pretty easy to see what's happening here. Those police officers are under intense pressure to not let the cat out of the bag. After the video they had no choice but to deny it.

Then there's also this Swedish police officer who isn't afraid to speak out. Now the Swedish government is trying to ruin him, investigating him for hate speech.

You realize how easy it is to post fake news on don't have any clue who this person is, if he is a police officer or even Swedish.
If I were you I would take a healthy amount of salt with postings from random "people" who simply post something you'd like to believe on social media.

You've seen all the tape? You know it to be unedited? You know the Swedish govt is out to ruin the FB cop?
You're a con-man's wet dream.
Carl Bildt


Last year there were app 50% more murders only in Orlando/Orange in Florida, where Trump spoke the other day, than in all of Sweden. Bad.

7:09 AM - 20 Feb 2017 · Stockholm, Sweden
You realize how easy it is to post fake news on don't have any clue who this person is, if he is a police officer or even Swedish.
Except he is, and it's not fake. He's being investigated by the Swedish government and is facing criminal charges. Why would the government investigate a fake Facebook from a fake Swedish cop? Are they also part of this fake news?
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You honestly think that? Now, maybe on ONE topic or event they will hear something on TV and run with that. But you honestly believe people form deep seated opinions that influence their voting decision on 30 minutes of background CNN at the airport?

I believe the vast majority of electorate is incompetent, but people are much more likely to have their opinions galvanized by the opinion merchants. Sure, someone might hear about a protest that's being covered improperly by CNN so that is a "fact" they will have. But it's when they watch Maddow/Hannity/etc, read twitter or Facebook where they actually do most of their forming of opinions. Which is to say, if someone watched that CNN report and didn't follow it up with an opinion show or twitter, it would be out of the brain in a day. People just don't have the time or desire to focus on things like that. But when that same event is covered on the opinion shows for 3 days straight with strawmen on both sides "forcing" the viewer to take a side, your average person is more likely to have a strong ass take on something they really don't even care or know about.

lol seriously. Just 30 minutes ago CNN had a 10 minute segment on "demonic trump rally" about his rally in Florida.

You're giving way too much credit to every day average voters. You must not watch any interviews of protestors or anything like that. Or just speak to people. I mean hell, you got a like from bigbluesean. If that doesn't tel you that you're completely off base I don't know what will.

Yes, a good portion of people take what they hear on a few minutes of CNN and form their opinion. I deal with it every single day. Maybe you should hang around more people ya racist.
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You realize how easy it is to post fake news on don't have any clue who this person is, if he is a police officer or even Swedish.
Just because [laughing]

Even the NYT, the most trusted liberal rag, is talking about this fake cop and his fake Facebook.

Critics of Sweden’s migration policies have pointed to a Facebook post on Feb. 3 by a police officer, Peter Springare, who said that migrants were taxing Sweden’s pension, education and health systems and that they were the principal culprits in assaults. “Half of the suspects we cannot even be sure of because they don’t have any valid papers,” he wrote. “Most often this means they are lying about their country of origin and identity.”
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You realize how easy it is to post fake news on don't have any clue who this person is, if he is a police officer or even Swedish.

After Springare's post went viral, another Swedish police officer chose to speak up as well.

Tomas Asenlov, a policeman from Gothenburg came out in support of Springare's message and expounded on the extent of the cover-up by Swedish authorities.

I have worked in the police more than 43 years. I share Peters' views on this infected issue 100 percent. Our leaders do not dare to take a position in any direction. As you can see, there is no high ranking official who has dared to give Peter backing. Instead, Code 291 was introduced, which cover all information about the immigration-related crime. Just look at the photo ban at the police station. Frightening in Sweden today. To top it all the police chief himself reported it to the Authority. Instead of supporting his staff. Otherwise heads become relocated if they are not dancing in front of the national police chief's barrel. The Swedish public has to be told all the facts now. I understand that the younger officers may not dare to go out and criticize the leaders, or go out openly and support Peter. Then it is over for a future career. Then, when they apply for jobs, they will be classed as disloyal to the employer. I myself will soon retire, so they can criticize my opinion. I have previously been called in for correction when I had opinions on this forum. Now I believe that the ball has started rolling and maybe we can get the leaders to open their eyes and no longer deny the truth. LIVE STRONG, Tomas Åsenlöv, Bicycle Police, Greater Gothenburg.

Elofsson was Chief Superintendent of the Malmo police force. Malmo is the most dangerous city in Western Europe, according to analysis by Swedish newspapers HD and Sydsvenskan.

Elofsson initially broke the news that Sweden was in the midst of a widespread cover-up.

The latest poll shows the Sweden Democrats [Swedish nationalist party] at 27 per cent. This is a sort of explanation of what is going on – the politicians, the media sends out a message that everything is safe and secure, you don’t have to worry. But people act according to their own experience – they see things, they experience things, they talk to their neighbours. And they feel the picture being presented in the media is not entirely accurate.

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You realize how easy it is to post fake news on don't have any clue who this person is, if he is a police officer or even Swedish.

You know the Swedish govt is out to ruin the FB cop?

So, now that you know the cop and the Facebook post are real, what did he say that warranted an investigation into him for hate speech?

All he did was cite his very own personal experiences on the job, and then list his very own crime statistics from his week of arrests/investigations.

Again, how is that hate speech? It's not. They're targeting him, trying to ruin him because he's blowing the whistle.
So what does that have to do with the United States?

The reason is that discriminated people understand that they have more in common than differences and that by supporting each other they have a stronger message.

Why do you try and group all Muslims as being alike? I've heard of many more hate crimes being committed against gays by so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims.
BTW, there are also gay Muslims just as there are gay Christians, gay Jews, gay Buddist, gay Hindu...
You say you've heard of a lot more hate crimes against gays by as you call them so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims. Could that be because, there's a heck of a lot more Christians in the U.S. than there are Muslims ? And if you think that gays would fare better in a Muslim country than they would here. Then take your little gay act to the middle east & see how long it lasts.
You realize how easy it is to post fake news

Do you realize how easy it is to suggest something might be fake?
Do you realize how easy it is to cast doubt by saying anything may be doubted?
Do you realize how corrupted you have become, when you always explore the possibility of fantasy over reality, whenever the experience is undesired?
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You say you've heard of a lot more hate crimes against gays by as you call them so-called Christians in this country than by Muslims. Could that be because, there's a heck of a lot more Christians in the U.S. than there are Muslims ? And if you think that gays would fare better in a Muslim country than they would here. Then take your little gay act to the middle east & see how long it lasts.

It's always the same. They claim whites and Christians are awful and oppressors yet they prefer to live in white neighborhoods and they're not terrified of being around Christians. They're never afraid to offend whites or Christians but they're terrified to offend Muslims and the black community.

Pretty funny though.

Oh, and although I can't see who you're talking to, ask them to see how gays fair in the U.S. compared to Islamic countries and also compare how Christians fair in Islamic countries.

Can't have anything hurt their "whitey is evil and everyone else is good" myth.
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This is what Fuzz/Z would be like if given a bigger platform.