How will they rule ??!

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Wait? I thought it was never going to be built?

I suggest actually reading the new DHS guidelines. Mexico doesn't pay us back, foreign aid is going to to be cut. Trump has folks searching for the fat as we speak.

Sec. 9. Foreign Aid Reporting Requirements. The head of each executive department and agency shall identify and quantify all sources of direct and indirect Federal aid or assistance to the Government of Mexico on an annual basis over the past five years, including all bilateral and multilateral development aid, economic assistance, humanitarian aid, and military aid. Within 30 days of the date of this order, the head of each executive department and agency shall submit this information to the Secretary of State. Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Secretary shall submit to the President a consolidated report reflecting the levels of such aid and assistance that has been provided annually, over each of the past five years.

Besides, $2.3B of US taxpayers dollars was just given to Mexico to secure their southern border, $75M to pay for their wall. Where's the outrage? So it's okay to pay for their shit but not for our own?
I tried telling people this. They control your healthcare then they will control what you eat. Total control. Put a gas station/liquor store on every corner, flood the place with fast food restaurants, get your groceries from processed palace super wal mart, get you hooked on soda, cigs, and opioids. Here kitty kitty getcha free healthcare that "the man" is trying to take from ya.

Agree. Personal responsibility on the system needs to seriously be weighed. At some point, do people have the right to tear their bodies up so bad that it affects financial cost of society
Yup. Its Soros/Obama manufactured nonsense. Completely astroturf. Just like everything associated with the democrat party, its fake.
Regurgitating Sean Spicer. As I said, this is all whistling past the graveyard. If you don't understand how visceral people's anger gets when you mess with their healthcare then you are historically ignorant. Hardest issue ever for politicians to meddle with. People that are already sick and their life sucks, well you're offering up your political party as their penitent.
Trump's precious poll numbers are already in trouble:

Going to get worse. Much worse. As it slowly sinks in that this has all been talk and that we have been sold a bill of goods from a fast talking New York carnival barker, well Trump has no political support around him, at all. Once the people abandon him, and they will, well this will not end well.

I cannot imagine his term ending normally. Health, quitting, impeachment... there is an air of abnormal around how this will end.
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Regurgitating Sean Spicer. As I said, this is all whistling past the graveyard. If you don't understand how visceral people's anger gets when you mess with their healthcare then you are historically ignorant. Hardest issue ever for politicians to meddle with. People that are already sick and their life sucks, well you're offering up your political party as their penitent.
Did you not read @bigbluefattycat 's posts above? It literally says that Obama (OFA) is sending them into the town halls. Its fake. Most people hate Obamacare and want it gone.
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Anybody thats probably helping radicalize folks into killing people (even if religious) should absolutely be wire tapped and probably raided. I think I've read that even France has raided some mosques not too long ago. I think its a smart thing to do.
Rat poison is more effective than rat traps.
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Agree. Personal responsibility on the system needs to seriously be weighed. At some point, do people have the right to tear their bodies up so bad that it affects financial cost of society

Take all that damn lobbying money from the food industry, tobacco and alcohol, wal mart and their cheap chinese monopoly put towards healthcare prevention instead of treating the illness they cause. The advertising dollars spent on the junk foods alone could fund medicaid. Not to mention the big pharma get everybody hooked on a damn pill system. The whole system is so messed up it's unbelievable. Don't even get us started on the illegal organ harvesting.
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Trump's precious poll numbers are already in trouble:

Going to get worse. Much worse. As it slowly sinks in that this has all been talk and that we have been sold a bill of goods from a fast talking New York carnival barker, well Trump has no political support around him, at all. Once the people abandon him, and they will, well this will not end well.

I cannot imagine his term ending normally. Health, quitting, impeachment... there is an air of abnormal around how this will end.

poll numbers? like a 3 or was it 4 touchdown lead?
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Take all that damn lobbying money from the food industry, tobacco and alcohol, wal mart and their cheap chinese monopoly put towards healthcare prevention instead of treating the illness they cause. The advertising dollars spent on the junk foods alone could fund medicaid. Not to mention the big pharma get everybody hooked on a damn pill system. The whole system is so messed up it's unbelievable. Don't even get us started on the illegal organ harvesting.

Can't disagree lol.

There was a Democrat senator years ago that was going to give tax savings for healthy people on their taxes. Her bill was killed on the floor so quick.
Your sig picture... "DON'T DEPORT MY MOM"... did Baron Trump hold that sign up?
Pretty sure Baron is smart enough to discern the difference between legal and illegal. The eccentrics and peasants out in the streets protesting should look up the word, learn it, and then apply it. Would make their lives so much easier.
Trump just did this crazy thing where people can't claim to be a certain gender and use that genders bathroom. What a madman. What will he think of next?
While managing to completely contradict himself from his previously stated campaign position. The man stands for absolutely nothing. The only thing he has ever been consistent on in his entire political life is sucking up to Putin/Russia.

No, he didn't. He never said he wouldn't overturn that stupid bathroom bill.
From what I remember, he always said it wasn't a federal issue, and should be left up to the states. Isn't that what was announced today?

Trump saying Jenner can use any bathroom she chooses at Trump Tower =\= the federal government will impose nationwide bathroom laws. That's quite a reach, really.
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I don't care how you feel about gay marriage or trannies or any of that, but if you think theres nothing wrong with being allowed into a bathroom just because you say you're a certain gender, you have some serious problems. Thats a disaster waiting to happen.
Thought so. Like it really matters anyways. Even if he did contradict himself, which he didn't, I'm fairly confident the American people aren't sitting around saying --

"As a politician, if you're going to bullshit us about the issues, it definitely better not be about the issue of which bathroom gays in dresses want to use. That's completely unacceptable!"
Thought so. Like it really matters anyways. Even if he did contradict himself, which he didn't, I'm fairly confident the American people aren't sitting around saying --

"As a politician, if you're going to bullshit us about the issues, it definitely better not be about the issue of which bathroom gays in dresses want to use. That's completely unacceptable!"
Trump did say a lot of times that he wants the LGBT to be protected, but I always thought he was talking about from islamic terrorism, not bathrooms.

However, he is pro gay marriage so hes definitely not your average Republican in that manner.
Just when you think the Democrats can't get any dumber they come up with this "Leadership Debate"... a motley collection of the most talentless politicians I have ever seen. This is atrocious and it barely even has started. Perez literally cannot even speak. His voice is croaking like Trump already has his foot up his ass.
I'm officially nothing. A mercenary. I'm going full Ronin. A Samurai without a master. This television event is so totally completely the wrong thing to do that I can physically feel the entire Midwest shifting on a great tectonic plate to the right never to be seen again.
This guy's name really is Buttigieg. Butt Gag. Ass Joke. How appropriate.Next up is Peter Peckarsky. Dick Petter. Just wonderful stuff. Here's an idea, let's just declare we want to lose every election across the United States in every district outside of California and New York. That way it will look like we are succeeding.
Not a dog catcher in the bunch. Somebody please tell me this is not really what we are reduced to? Beg Howard Dean to step in and save us from these poor wretches. Yep, that's where we are as Democrats... begging Howard Dean.
People underwater in California might be changing their minds before long. Nothing like a river washing away your house to make you rethink your politics.

sink or swim

Indeed, pressures mounted to tear down rather than build dams. The state — whose basket of income, sales and gas taxes is among the highest in the country — gradually shifted its priorities from the building and expansion of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, bridges and highways to redistributionist social welfare programs, state employee pensions and an enormous penal archipelago.

California currently hosts a third of the nation’s welfare recipients. Over one in five Californians lives below the poverty line. One in four Californians was not born in the United States. These social transformations pose enormous political challenges and demand that infrastructure and schools grow commensurately to meet soaring populations.

California currently hosts a third of the nation’s welfare recipients. Over one in five Californians lives below the poverty line. One in four Californians was not born in the United States. These social transformations pose enormous political challenges and demand that infrastructure and schools grow commensurately to meet soaring populations.

so imagine this being the rest of the United States. the dems are trying to push these transformations nationwide. freakin disturbing to say the least
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So "we're all Muslims today", BLM, sanctuary states, and transgender bathrooms are the ground we've staked out to fight the Republicans on?

Seriously, this shit is fixed.