How will they rule ??!

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I will say that if Milo had been talking about a female teacher it would not have raised an eyebrow and in fact people would have been praising him for nailing it at 14 years old. The left is really being discriminatory in their own way. It's funny how they will throw minorities under the bus as soon as they don't tow the democratic party line.

And there you have it folks. Normalize the behavior to prove the other side wrong. Think about it. Milo is in news for being shut down with "hate" speech by violent riots paid by the left. So the right comes defend him even though they really don't know much about him other than the left hates him. So he can't be all that bad. Let's have him speak at CPAC then the left counters with the pedo narrative. But but but can't be that bad right? Now if he comes out and about pedogate the left have their narrative not to trust this guy. One big propaganda troll job by an admitted online troll.
One big propaganda troll job by an admitted online troll.
Not quite sure I'm following. Are you saying you think the riots were set up to get the right to defend Milo, and that this pedophile deal is also all a set up by Milo and the left to make the right look bad after defending him? And that Milo, in cahoots with the left, is going to come out as a pedophile as part of a troll job on the right?
Not quite sure I'm following. Are you saying you think the riots were set up to get the right to defend Milo, and that this pedophile deal is also all a set up by Milo and the left to make the right look bad after defending him? And that Milo, in cahoots with the left, is going to come out as a pedophile as part of a troll job on the right?

LOL! I don't follow either.
Not quite sure I'm following. Are you saying you think the riots were set up to get the right to defend Milo, and that this pedophile deal is also all a set up by Milo and the left to make the right look bad after defending him? And that Milo, in cahoots with the left, is going to come out as a pedophile as part of a troll job on the right?

Not sure his motives but that is what the left is trying to do. Spin him. Now their protest don't look so bad if he is in fact condoning pedos.
Milo being disinvited is bullshit. Hes not a pedophile, good heavens.

They probably didn't want him because he supports Trump, so they made up some dirt on him. I watched the video and I never heard him say anything about condoning pedophilia. CPAC proving its lame as usual, I haven't watched it in years.

What he said was obviously not PC, but it wasn't pedo supporting stuff.

I don't even care that much for Milo BTW, but its pretty clear he was taken out of context by never trump morons who didn't want him to speak.
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Did you watch the video? Can you not form an opinion on your own whether you think he is condoning it or not, regardless of what the left is saying?

Did you read his Facebook posts I linked above? I'm not a mind reader, but Milo seemed to make his position very clear on the subject.

Again, maybe I'm way off, but I didn't think he was defending pedophilia in that video.

What I saw was a gay, flamboyant man, with a sick sense of humor shooting the shit with Organ,making fun of himself being raped as a child, and now the left is trying to spin into something it's not.

Now the left will use the homophobia pedo narrative against the CPAC. Milo doesn't care he will sell more books and continue raking troll cash either way.
H.R. McMaster new National Security advisor. Also, John Bolton will be doing something in the WH too (job not specified I believe, but probably doing something with McMaster, Gen Kelly, or Tillerson I would assume).

We have some badasses watching over our nation again. A big change from the last 8 years.
Now the left will use the homophobia pedo narrative against the CPAC. Milo doesn't care he will sell more books and continue raking troll cash either way.

If it's not true, then who cares? And the CPAC has already gave him the axe and told him he wasn't invited anymore, so there goes the left's narrative against them.
Milo is a perfect example of a very intelligent person making the mistake of expecting himself to be understood. Combined with his reputation, his opponents have little difficultly distorting his messages to the disadvantage of audiences who likely never had the chance of understanding him in the first place.
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I wouldn't give the slightest flip what the left or RINOs think of anyone. The same label will always occur- racist, Islamaphobe, sexists, xenophobe, homophobe, etc. They don't like Milo because he's a gay Republican and it hurts their constant labeling.

If a Republican is ever liked by the left or pushed by the left or if a Republican ever tries to appease them, then that's a POS you need to avoid. The left never likes anyone on the right unless they're a weak RINO-aka McCain and Ryan.
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Milo is a perfect example of a very intelligent person making the mistake of expecting himself to be understood. Combined with his reputation, his opponents have little difficultly distorting his messages to the disadvantage of audiences who likely never had the chance of understanding him in the first place.
the milo that appeared on bill maher is difficult to understand. He looked cracked out. When he is formal and wears a tie he dominates. That said nobody can accomplish anything on bill maher. They are set in their ways, there's usually 4 of them and entire pet audience of lemmings.
@qwesley Question for you. Do you think Jimmy Carter or Obama is the worst president of the last 50-60 years and if so, why? We've had quite a few bad presidents since the 60s.

And were you a Reagan fan?

Anyone can feel free to chime in for this topic.

I was reading a hypothetical regarding if Reagan would have won the primary in 2968 or 1976 of how different things would have turned out. Imagine Reagan wins the nom over Ford and destroys Carter. That would have put Reagan serving 1977-1985. Or does the same crap that happened to Carter happen to Reagan if he is given that timeline?

Very cool what if's.
Obama is by far the worst ever. I wasn't alive during Carter and I know he sucked, but even then I can't imagine he was worse than Obama.

I think Carter was more of an idiot, while Obama set out from his first day to destroy America. Pretty amazing that we somehow survived both of them, especially Hussein Obama.
You all should check out It's a daily news site about how crazy our universities have become. It's a perfect illustration of the left's insanity.

Here are some headlines.

Islamic Studies prof: slavery, rape OK under Islam

  • The University of Nebraska at Omaha will soon host a workshop for “anti-racist allies” to develop “action plans” that confront America’s “foundation of systemic oppression" in the context of "the current political climate."
  • Prof. Tammie Kennedy, author of "Rhetorics of Whiteness," will lead the discussion, which aims to promote "a new resistance that will outlast the white supremacist and misogynist regime we now find ourselves under.”

NAU profs label Trump a 'neo-fascist,' 'rapist in chief'

Antifa flyer at UNC encouraging violence against Trump supporters.

Students protest prof's op-ed about Islam's and LGBT rights
Obama is by far the worst ever. I wasn't alive during Carter and I know he sucked, but even then I can't imagine he was worse than Obama.

I think Carter was more of an idiot, while Obama set out from his first day to destroy America. Pretty amazing that we somehow survived both of them, especially Hussein Obama.
Carter was very weak and hurt the countries strength standing in the world accidentally. Obama did it intentionally and arrogantly. People think Trump is an egotist and I would agree but, he loves America and has our best interest at heart. Obama is an egotist too with a destructive and divisive agenda. He is truly a domestic terrorist, one of the worst we have ever had.
[laughing] They'd be beheaded in the Middle East just for printing Allah on a rainbow poster board.

Carter was very weak and hurt the countries strength standing in the world accidentally. Obama did it intentionally and arrogantly. People think Trump is an egotist and I would agree but, he loves America and has our best interest at heart. Obama is an egotist too with a destructive and divisive agenda. He is truly a domestic terrorist, one of the worst we have ever had.
I knew we were in trouble when the news broke that Obama was buddies with Bill Ayers. Amazing how nobody gave a damn about it.
Carter was very weak and hurt the countries strength standing in the world accidentally. Obama did it intentionally and arrogantly. People think Trump is an egotist and I would agree but, he loves America and has our best interest at heart. Obama is an egotist too with a destructive and divisive agenda. He is truly a domestic terrorist, one of the worst we have ever had.
I knew we were in trouble when the news broke that Obama was buddies with Bill Ayers. Amazing how nobody gave a damn about it.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, those posters in this thread who criticized the Obama-Ayers connection and Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright were strongly condemned.

True story.
You go against the left expect a fight.

Yep this is the real issue. I'm certainly no fan, but it's pretty clear this is just an attempt to silence a gay conservative. Can't have anyone thinking conservatives are anything but bigots.

Ironic though, milo is being condemned for allegedly not condemning child molestation. Meanwhile, libs will lie take a bullet for Muslims who openly think nothing wrong of the same act
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Bwahaha you guys are taking up for a guy who is saying pedophiles are doing a service For the gay community.

Trump has said much worse things than Wright did.

For you hypocrites out there, Trump played golf again this weekend...after knocking Obama who didn't play his first round until the end of April in his first term.

He has also cost taxpayers more in his first month on vacations than Obama did in a year.

I believe Presidents have every right to take breaks but the sudden justification is Baghdad Bob-worthy
Bwahaha you guys are taking up for a guy who is saying pedophiles are doing a service For the gay community.

Trump has said much worse things than Wright did.

For you hypocrites out there, Trump played golf again this weekend...after knocking Obama who didn't play his first round until the end of April in his first term.

He has also cost taxpayers more in his first month on vacations than Obama did in a year.

I believe Presidents have every right to take breaks but the sudden justification is Baghdad Bob-worthy
False as always. You are as dumb as they come. That nose ring must be very comfortable as is your butt plug because they have reamed you over and over and you just take it.
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@qwesley Question for you. Do you think Jimmy Carter or Obama is the worst president of the last 50-60 years and if so, why? We've had quite a few bad presidents since the 60s.

And were you a Reagan fan?

Anyone can feel free to chime in for this topic.

I was reading a hypothetical regarding if Reagan would have won the primary in 2968 or 1976 of how different things would have turned out. Imagine Reagan wins the nom over Ford and destroys Carter. That would have put Reagan serving 1977-1985. Or does the same crap that happened to Carter happen to Reagan if he is given that timeline?

Very cool what if's.

Clearly, Carter was better than obama.
At least Carter loved this country and our culture. He had no desire to lower us to the level of "lesser" countries or cultures; he obeyed the law; IMO, he believed in American exceptionalism; I don't recall him apologizing for the US.