How will they rule ??!

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Reading Roger Stone's book on Trump. Apparently Trump quietly trademarked "Make America Great Again" just days after Romney lost.

He also told Stone on New Years 2013 that he was going to run for president in 2016. I also found out that Nixon saw potential in Trump for president about 30 years ago and was the first to mention it.

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Reading Roger Stone's book on Trump. Apparently Trump quietly trademarked "Make America Great Again" just days after Romney lost.

He also told Stone on New Years 2013 that he was going to run for president in 2016. I also found out that Nixon saw potential in Trump for president about 30 years ago and was the first to mention it.
Very interesting. Thanks.
I love how libs keep touting Hillarys popular vote win. What did that get you?

All the swing states broke for Trump. And they're all trending further right. Especially after seeing trump doing exactly what he promised, and seeing libs be even more the unbearable pricks that drove people to trump.

That echo chamber and manufactured social media megaphone might make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. But you're getting much further away from stopping trump. Not the opposite.
AP source: Trump's revised travel ban targets same countries

WASHINGTON (AP) — A draft of President Donald Trump's revised immigration ban targets the same seven countries listed in his original executive order and exempts travelers who already have a visa to travel to the U.S., even if they haven't used it yet.

A senior administration official said the order, which Trump revised after federal courts held up his original immigration and refugee ban, will target only those same seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.

The official said that green-card holders and dual citizens of the U.S. and any of those countries are exempt. The new draft also no longer directs authorities to single out — and reject — Syrian refugees when processing new visa

Knew this was coming, and it's supposedly coming this week. During his press conference, Trump said exactly this.

If the press would have been paying attention instead of being drama queens, asking zero questions on policy, only negative, trying to create controversy, "gotcha" questions, they would have known this days ago without even seeing a draft.
Rumors are flying. Katie Walsh the chief of staff to Priebus is the leaker. She and her family are never Trumpers. There may be emails between her and Priebus. Trump set her up with fake stories to leak to the New York Times and etc. Everybody knows not to talk when she is around. Another rumor is Christie will be in the White House soon and maybe he will be taking Priebus spot.
It's sad, but I have to laugh at the incompetency
In order to deflect blame, they're using the excuse that they notified ICE about him, but what they're conveniently leaving out it is that it was only 15 minutes before letting him walk out the doors.

So, basically, they notified ICE as they were gathering his belongings and processing him for release. They had zero intentions of holding him until ICE got there.
Rumors are flying. Katie Walsh the chief of staff to Priebus is the leaker. She and her family are never Trumpers. There may be emails between her and Priebus. Trump set her up with fake stories to leak to the New York Times and etc. Everybody knows not to talk when she is around. Another rumor is Christie will be in the White House soon and maybe he will be taking Priebus spot.
They call her "Madam President", and it's not a compliment.
Honestly who cares who the leakers are. It's no different than Wikileaks to me just feed it straight and keep it moving.
From my understanding what was leaked amounted to nothing?

So fire them and keep moving. Tired of all the over dramatic nancies on both sides flipping out over everything just to match the other sides over dramatic BS.
Christie needs to remain Governor and stay the heck away from from the White House.
I would agree, and that's probably going to be the case. Remember, Trump has already relieved him of his duties in the WH once already because of his scandal. Hopefully Trump wouldn't bring him back into the fold, unless he absolutely thought it was necessary.

I will say, though, I wouldn't completely rule it out because for some reason Trump really likes Christie and seems to trust him. With all these leaks going on, trustworthiness is probably the most important attribute.
Rumors are flying. Katie Walsh the chief of staff to Priebus is the leaker. She and her family are never Trumpers. There may be emails between her and Priebus. Trump set her up with fake stories to leak to the New York Times and etc. Everybody knows not to talk when she is around. Another rumor is Christie will be in the White House soon and maybe he will be taking Priebus spot.

Why is a Never Trumper anywhere near the president?

And this would explain why there were no hit pieces on Priebus by the press like a lot of us suspected.

That was an odd hire by Trump. It's also amazing that these bozos would shoot their load this quickly in the presidency.
used to creep the living ish out of me, swooshing sound of those big rounds overhead on their way to McPherson impact area.
Try being on them when they fire. The M110A1 used to rock my world when fired. It was the one I was on in the Gulf War. It is part of the reason I have a small hearing problem these days but, it is a blessing when the wife gets to bitching. I can always fake not hearing her.
You have zero knowledge on the validity of the Russian story. You are just choosing to believe someone who has proven to have no problem telling bold faced lies.

Also the POTUS looks like a fool when he continues to claim he had the largest EC victory since Reagan and claiming he administration is "a well oiled machine".
Blinders like yours have liberal constraints, you see only what you are told to see.
You seem to forget that "the left" received 3 million more votes than did the other side. That many of the states won were won with razor thin margins.

It sure sounds like you're trembling in your boots about Russia and don't care that it took their manipulation to get a victory. Why would Russia rather deal with Trump? Because they own his ass.
Be proud.
You seem to be blind to where those votes came from. I guarantee that if it really did depend on the popular vote to elect the president known before elections, many more people who think and know their votes do not count would show up to vote. This is the reason I believe the democrats have not pushed that issue much as they have others.
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It is part of the reason I have a small hearing problem these days but, it is a blessing when the wife gets to bitching. I can always fake not hearing her.

So fire them.

That's exactly what they're trying to do. But in order to fire them they have to investigate and find out who they are. Kind of hard to do that if they take the approach of "Honestly who cares who the leakers are. Let's just keep it moving".

Have "progressives" seriously reverted us back to burning books?

Just think of all the books that would have never made it to print in the past if this is how we went about things. Censorship in disguise is all it is.
Why is a Never Trumper anywhere near the president?

And this would explain why there were no hit pieces on Priebus by the press like a lot of us suspected.

That was an odd hire by Trump. It's also amazing that these bozos would shoot their load this quickly in the presidency.

Several theories I guess.
Counter intelligence- Test these people to identify the swamp and pull the plug.
Allow these people to break laws by leaking allowing them to investigate the IA to identify the swamp and pull the plug.

Let's think about this. NWO was a conspiracy theory that the Lame Stream never touched. 7th floor and deep stare was a conspiracy theory that wasn't touched.

Now it is common knowledge that the IA are running this country and it is going to take some bold moves by DJT to expose them and run them out before they off him. 6 ways from sunday as Chuckie said.
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Have "progressives" seriously reverted us back to burning books?
No big deal, it only has stuff in them that they don't agree with. Have you ever noticed that the ones screaming about freedoms and rights the loudest are the ones trying to take them away? Misdirection, deflection, and confusion is the order of the day. Just look at the manual to disrupt republican speakers for an example.
Rumors are flying. Katie Walsh the chief of staff to Priebus is the leaker. She and her family are never Trumpers. There may be emails between her and Priebus. Trump set her up with fake stories to leak to the New York Times and etc. Everybody knows not to talk when she is around. Another rumor is Christie will be in the White House soon and maybe he will be taking Priebus spot.
I read that rumor too and I'm not 100% sure I buy it. She was appointed in January but those leaks have been happening for several months. Unless she joined them that is.
I read that rumor too and I'm not 100% sure I buy it. She was appointed in January but those leaks have been happening for several months. Unless she joined them that is.

That's why they call them rumors. We shall see. It could be disinfo by the left to divide the White House and pick them off one by one.
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Why is a Never Trumper anywhere near the president?

And this would explain why there were no hit pieces on Priebus by the press like a lot of us suspected.

That was an odd hire by Trump. It's also amazing that these bozos would shoot their load this quickly in the presidency.

I thought it an odd hire too. But I think that deal was necessary to get what scant establishment support he did. Without it, the GOP would've completely turned their back, like they wanted. Priebus kept just enough in the fold to not make Trump seem toxic.

Main reason I don't trust Priebus is hes much too ambitious, without restraint. Hes risen far, and fast. Its almost a certainty he was playing both sides. His modest Trump support was a hedge just in case Trump did the impossible.

No doubt in my mind Priebus would take down trump at the first moment it would be advantageous for him. Loyalty is not a word in his vocabulary imo

That's exactly what they're trying to do. But in order to fire them they have to investigate and find out who they are. Kind of hard to do that if they take the approach of "Honestly who cares who the leakers are. Let's just keep it moving".

Just think of all the books that would have never made it to print in the past if this is how we went about things. Censorship in disguise is all it is.

When I was in high school, my senior research paper was on censorship. I remember a treasure trove of insanity by Tipper Gore and nuts who had so many books banned like Huck Finn and even children's stories like Goldilocks because it promoted breaking in and another case of a school district banning the American Heritage dictionary for offensive language.

But remember when Gore proposed selling parental advisory CDs behind the counter in brown bags as if they were nude magazines? Ha.
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