How will they rule ??!

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I watched a couple of documentaries this weekend on Ronald Reagan. I've always been a big fan of that man even though I recognize mistakes he made and don't agree with some of his decisions (amnesty especially) but I never thought he didn't absolutely love this country.

One thing that Reagan did that I never saw Obama do, was admit a mistake or that he effed up or had a regret. Did Obama ever do that because I simply don't remember him doing such a thing.

Anyways, I never knew much about Reagan's primary runs in 1968 and 1976 and how vital his years of speaking for GE were to his political career.
You seem to be blind to where those votes came from. I guarantee that if it really did depend on the popular vote to elect the president known before elections, many more people who think and know their votes do not count would show up to vote. This is the reason I believe the democrats have not pushed that issue much as they have others.
Exactly, conservatives in California and New York don't even bother to vote because their vote doesn't matter for prez.
[laughing] These people lack all logic and common sense.

When Trump said "Did you see last night? About Sweden?" he wasn't referring to a terrorists attack in Sweden.

He was specifically referring to the segment Tucker did on Sweden, showing how f***ed they are from allowing in so many refugees. Rape capital of the world.

DJT gets them again. He says something with minor details that are wrong to get the lame stream to attack him for being wrong only to expose a real story they refuse to talk about. Master troll.
I see nothing wrong with folks who have classified information leaking it out to the media. In fact, they should get promoted for such a courageous act.

Hell, let's just give our enemies all of the passwords to our intelligence databases while we are at it. Oops, forgot, Hillary already sold some of that information.
Exactly, conservatives in California and New York don't even bother to vote because their vote doesn't matter for prez.
I was moreover talking about many states in the middle part of this country who think that because their vote is not the deciding factor they just don't go out and vote. I have talked to many people in Oklahoma who feel this way and, I know many where I work and play who just don't vote. The amount of voter turnout in these states imo would grow a lot if they thought it mattered.
I was moreover talking about many states in the middle part of this country who think that because their vote is not the deciding factor they just don't go out and vote. I have talked to many people in Oklahoma who feel this way and, I know many where I work and play who just don't vote. The amount of voter turnout in these states imo would grow a lot if they thought it mattered.
Both are correct brother.
Pre-election they had to down play the seriousness of an un-secure server. The security implications there were dangerous to the cause. Now, since no one is going after her for criminal charges or anything else, they are using Russia as a crutch for their incompetence and as a weapon to attack Trump. They know that their base will never desert them (either too stupid or just as morally corrupt) and are hoping they can discredit Trump enough to turn others away. Right now it is an all out full court press to destroy Trump. If he weathers the storm it is all over for the democrats. They will have to change their entire party focus.
You seem to forget that "the left" received 3 million more votes than did the other side. That many of the states won were won with razor thin margins.

It sure sounds like you're trembling in your boots about Russia and don't care that it took their manipulation to get a victory. Why would Russia rather deal with Trump? Because they own his ass.
Be proud.

You seem to be unaware that Hillary won California by 4.3 million votes. 1.7 million in Los Angeles Co. alone. That is why the electoral college is a better gauge of the country's feelings as a whole than the popular vote. How could we call ourselves the United States of America if we allow one concentrated population center to dictate political policy for the entire nation?

It also sounds like you think the boogeyman concept of a Russian hack is somehow more deplorable than the corruption that was exposed by the emails. Personally, I can't understand that thought process and it makes me proud to know that I am not a lockstep lemming waiting for someone to tell me what my next thought is going to be.
You seem to be unaware that Hillary won California by 4.3 million votes. 1.7 million in Los Angeles Co. alone. That is why the electoral college is a better gauge of the country's feelings as a whole than the popular vote. How could we call ourselves the United States of America if we allow one concentrated population center to dictate political policy for the entire nation?

It also sounds like you think the boogeyman concept of a Russian hack is somehow more deplorable than the corruption that was exposed by the emails. Personally, I can't understand that thought process and it makes me proud to know that I am not a lockstep lemming waiting for someone to tell me what my next thought is going to be.

I explained this to a coworker. Just imagine if Hildabeast won and implemented her world with no borders one government rule. Who would win a pop vote of nations? China. I hope you like communism and slave labor.
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I would be OK with choosing everything based on popular vote if the set of things federal government could do was very short, and non-negotiable . . . The way it is now, it would be insane.
I would be OK with choosing everything based on popular vote if the set of things federal government could do was very short, and non-negotiable . . . The way it is now, it would be insane.

A popular vote now would be just like the school elections when one guy would win class president by offering free pizza parties or handing out cookies and crap.
Liberal / Socialist Democrats live in a bubble. New York and L.A. have economies larger than some countries. For instance Russia's economy is half the size of California's. When economic misfortune hits America or even the world New York and L.A. are unfazed. They keep rolling along. They don't understand nor do they care to understand the rest of America's problems.
Love the Jones running for Senate announcement. He's got a great history of being super lib, plus all the Cards fans hate his guts. Moreover, the crap he wants to do are all at the state level, meaning it's really about his ego and hatred of McConnell more than anything else.
Love the Jones running for Senate announcement. He's got a great history of being super lib, plus all the Cards fans hate his guts. Moreover, the crap he wants to do are all at the state level, meaning it's really about his ego and hatred of McConnell more than anything else.

When was this announced?
Love the Jones running for Senate announcement. He's got a great history of being super lib, plus all the Cards fans hate his guts. Moreover, the crap he wants to do are all at the state level, meaning it's really about his ego and hatred of McConnell more than anything else.
Love his show, hate his politics! Says he is a New Democrat but seems to support all the old ones and their policies. No thank you.
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I really hope everyone is enjoying their not my president no work day! Unfortunately I need to get paid so I worked. We have some illegals that take out the garbage amongst other things. They have been on strike since last Thursday through the company they work for
Mitch may have some pretty negative poll numbers...but...his wife is Trump's Secretary of Transportation. Unless Trump goes sour on her and/or Trump gets completely thumped between now and then, the level of financial and organizational support McConnell would receive would be off the charts.

This is a conservative state and winning without two of the more loyal Dem support groups, UL fans and Coal, already against you?

Not so fast my friend.....
There's a video out there where Milo is condoning pedophilia? If anyone has seen it, care to link it? Wouldn't mind checking it out.
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They're leaking United States government classified information from within the WH to undermine the president. That's couldn't be anymore different than Wikileaks.
Perhaps because they realize we have a certified nut in the WH who is more dangerous to the US than any information being leaked. Also, to try and deflect the information being leaked as being "classified" as they are leaking state secrets is idiotic.
The intelligence community doesn't trust this POTUS or many of the people with whom he's surrounded himself. And why would they? What happened in Sweden? The man claims to hear a report on Fox news, a report Fox has no idea to what he refers, and then uses the fictitious information while speaking at his "re-election rally".
Perhaps he'll tell us again today he had the biggest EC victory since Reagan. Says someone told him so.

The man has a serious problem with facts and with information.
Love the Jones running for Senate announcement. He's got a great history of being super lib, plus all the Cards fans hate his guts. Moreover, the crap he wants to do are all at the state level, meaning it's really about his ego and hatred of McConnell more than anything else.

Good. Hope people finally stop bothering with KSR. Jones is a dooooooouche.
we have a certified nut in the WH
Cerified? By whom? CNN? You? Better yet, do you even know what certified means?

The intelligence community doesn't trust this POTUS or many of the people with whom he's surrounded himself

Wrong. The story about the leaks cited 9 current and former intelligence members. There are literally thousands in the intelligence community. These nine are traitors, rogue members, partisan hacks trying to sabotage their political opponents. Bet your ass there are hundreds of honest intelligence members fuming over this negligent abuse of power, even ones who didn't support Trump.

What happened in Sweden? The man claims to hear a report on Fox news, a report Fox has no idea to what he refers,

Wrong again. This has been addressed, read up a few posts. You proved my point about how much your type lacks common sense. Fox News and most rest of the country knows exactly what he's talking about. Only people who watch fake news have no clue.

Trump never said a terrorists attack happened in Sweden. Never. He was specifically talking about a segment on Tucker's show where he exposed the Muslim rape culture in Sweden. Tucker interviewed a guy who was on the ground in Sweden, giving his first hand account of horrors.

It's become the rape capital of the world, and the Swedish government is covering it up. The Swedish government has even went as far to warn women and urge them not to go out after dark by themselves. And not just in certain areas, but the entire country. That's how bad it is. And that's exactly what Trump was talking about.
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CPAC was looking for an out. I don't care either way. No love for Milo and No love for CPAC. He shouldn't be denied his free speech by paid protestors but I don't care that CPAC decided he is too controversial either.

Much about nothing if you ask me. He better back pedal on anything closely condoning underage sex regardless of orientation or child consent. That I don't go for. Indirect way to bring up the conversation to try and normalize it should be shot down immediately. No need for violence just dismiss it .
information being leaked as being "classified" as they are leaking state secrets is idiotic.
Why are you putting classified quotations like it's not really classified? Doesn't matter if it's state secrets or not. In the eyes of the law, classified is classified, and leaking it is a felony.

Much worse than Flynn making a phone call. Flynn isn't even going to face charges. The leakers, if caught, face up a nice stretch in prison.

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information
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That's condoning it? What I just watched were uncalled for jokes in very bad taste, making fun of his own sexual abuse experience, and using it as a coping mechanism. I don't know, maybe I'm way off, but that didn't come across as condoning to me.

The left is really being discriminatory in their own way. It's funny how they will throw minorities under the bus as soon as they don't tow the democratic party line.
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McMaster announced as new NSA. Know nothing about him, but from what little I have read he seems like a decent choice. Anybody know anything about this guy?

I was kind of rooting for Ambassador Bolton, but that's only because he's a hard ass and I like his style. For all I know, McMaster is much more qualified for the position.
Watching Homeland session 6. Hilarious they thought Hillary was going to win.

Strange how the same female that lost in House of Cards is now the POTUS on Showtime.
just catching up on this year - and hoping we're not devolving into some kind of navel gazing, Hollywood lib guilty conscience induced Howard Zinn version of 'the US is an evil force'. Clearly setting up for a CIA/FBI is the bad guy storyline. It's not Islamic fundamentalism, it's those crazy war hawks that are the true source of evil! Already rooting against Carrie this time around.....
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