How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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My MEPS was Louisville. I was recruited out of Danville, KY. My bootcamp was San Diego, CA. I was in multiple "A" and "C" schools for a year at NTC before I ever was sent to my first duty station. RTC, NTC, and MCRD no longer exist so I couldn't know that unless I did it. My rate required a TS clearance because it was in communications/cryptography. Since leaving active duty I've worked for 3 different branches of the military and have over 20 years of civilian service in addition to my active duty.
What took you? Don't give me any of this TS clearance BS being the reason either. I had that too and then some. You have been on here for a while now yapping about what you have done and now you come clean?
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but it still doesn't give him carte blanche to run around trashing America and spouting off his Marxist rhetoric like he has for years. Quite obvious he hates our way of life and would like nothing more than to see the country fall and start over. Several years ago he bragged about not even living in America, hence his lack of regard.
Whooosha! That is artillery's answer to Hooah! It is supposed to be the sound the round makes coming out of the tube if you eliminate the boom.

used to creep the living ish out of me, swooshing sound of those big rounds overhead on their way to McPherson impact area.
At least Z served.

I was a SR and some guy would harass our high school to enlist. I set an appt and never showed. I don't care ha ha
He did in fact serve, my sources confirmed it two years ago but I didn't want to let him off the hook.
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Trump will do more for vets than McCain ever did. Just wait until Trump does some things to the VA that'll be great changes that will be great to Vets, and McCain, who is a Vet, will still be bashing Trump.
It's all politics, which is a nasty effing business. Hate it when folks bash Senator McCain, but can understand their disgust.

I, too, served. 20 years, active-duty Army. 1980-2001, with a 6-month break in service.

great stuff in there . . .

Richelle Kirk of Logan, West Virginia, watched some of Trump's news conference on Thursday and didn't see any head-scratching comments from the president.

During Barack Obama's presidency, her husband was laid off from his coal-mining job, a loss they blamed on Obama's environmental policies. She said they lost a home and "everything we owned."

After West Virginia voters resoundingly rejected Obama during his 2012 re-election, "we didn't show our hind ends when Obama was re-elected," Kirk said. So she believes people shouldn't overreact to Trump, either.
28 Votes: McCain's Record Against Veterans

In the first presidential debate, Sept. 27, John McCain professed love for veterans and insisted, 'They know I'll take care of them.' But his record is making many veterans doubt the basis for that claim.

Some veterans' groups have expressed strong criticisms of McCain's voting record on funding for veterans medical care. In its most recent legislative ratings, for example, the Disabled American Veterans gave McCain a 20 percent rating for his voting record on veterans’ issues.

Also, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave McCain a 'D' grade for his poor voting record on veterans’ issues, including McCain’s votes against additional body armor for troops in combat and additional funding for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury screening and treatment.

In addition, both Veterans for America and Veterans of Foreign Wars recently expressed strong reservations about John McCain's proposal to eliminate guaranteed medical care for veterans by privatizing certain parts of the system.
28 Votes: McCain's Record Against Veterans

In the first presidential debate, Sept. 27, John McCain professed love for veterans and insisted, 'They know I'll take care of them.' But his record is making many veterans doubt the basis for that claim.

Some veterans' groups have expressed strong criticisms of McCain's voting record on funding for veterans medical care. In its most recent legislative ratings, for example, the Disabled American Veterans gave McCain a 20 percent rating for his voting record on veterans’ issues.

Also, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave McCain a 'D' grade for his poor voting record on veterans’ issues, including McCain’s votes against additional body armor for troops in combat and additional funding for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury screening and treatment.

In addition, both Veterans for America and Veterans of Foreign Wars recently expressed strong reservations about John McCain's proposal to eliminate guaranteed medical care for veterans by privatizing certain parts of the system.
Just pathetic. From war hero to a political hack.
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Fox News' Chris Wallace to Reince Priebus: 'You don't get to tell us what to do'

Wallace cut him off: "But you don't get to tell us what to do, Reince, any more than that Barack Obama did. Barack Obama whined about Fox News all the time, but I gotta say, he never said that we were an enemy of the people."
I watched this interview and Chris Wallace is a hack. He kept bringing up the phony Russian nonsense (even did it during the Rush interview). Reince made him look like a fool, and I don't even care that much for Reince. But he was spot on in that interview.
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Fox News' Chris Wallace to Reince Priebus: 'You don't get to tell us what to do'

Wallace cut him off: "But you don't get to tell us what to do, Reince, any more than that Barack Obama did. Barack Obama whined about Fox News all the time, but I gotta say, he never said that we were an enemy of the people."

I will give Wallace credit for being willing to ask tougher questions of both parties than any other "independent journalist" out there, minus a small few. Obviously his debate performance this year was far tougher for Hillary than any other.

I also think that's an extremely low bar to achieve and doesn't say much. It's like the 4th least aggressive member of the BLM movement. You're still nuts.

Trump isn't talking about Fox News and Wallace knows that. So as a great example I'll digress, the media doesn't get to define "fake news" as CNN and others are trying to do. It's not defined by just "intentionally misleading" on facts. It's also manufacturing scandals that you know are complete bullshit but but the effort is made for elitist self indignation or ratings.

Wallace will pick fights with certain conservatives because he's fox and fox isn't anywhere near the extreme opposite ideological equivalence of CNN or MSNBC.

Btw, I believe he's also a registered democrat.
I watched this interview and Chris Wallace is a hack. He kept bringing up the phony Russian nonsense (even did it during the Rush interview). Reince looked like a fool, and I don't even care that much for Reince. But he was spot on in that interview.

You have zero knowledge on the validity of the Russian story. You are just choosing to believe someone who has proven to have no problem telling bold faced lies.

Also the POTUS looks like a fool when he continues to claim he had the largest EC victory since Reagan and claiming he administration is "a well oiled machine".
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I watched this interview and Chris Wallace is a hack. He kept bringing up the phony Russian nonsense (even did it during the Rush interview). Reince made him look like a fool, and I don't even care that much for Reince. But he was spot on in that interview.
Sorry I missed it. Wallace doesn't represent my views, but it's good to see what the other side is thinking. Glad to hear that Priebus set him straight.
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You have zero knowledge on the validity of the Russian story. You are just choosing to believe someone who has proven to have no problem telling bold faced lies.

Also the POTUS looks like a fool when he continues to claim he had the largest EC victory since Reagan and claiming he administration is "a well oiled machine".

I love that Trump eats at you and everyone knows it. Your band of misfits and trash on the alt left progressive sht pile known as the modern day Global Democratic Party have been rejected in numbers so large you have to go back to your great grandfather to see an ass kicking of this magnitude.

And you've got the nerve to even speak about Russia.

Tell me big bad ass liberal hawk, what do you want to do about Russia with the information you have? You want to send troops to their border? You want to provoke a major war, as suggested by Rachel Madcow?Because last time I checked your beta types didn't have the balls in your sack to even utter the words.

Forgive everyone for laughing in your face at the words "Russian interference" when your president and God Hussein Obama allowed Russia to own him like a punk, hacked him over and over, and according to moron leftist everywhere stole an American election on his way out! All while you smug idiots made joke after joke about Romney saying they were the biggest geopolitical foe.


You idiots have spent more time talking about Russia than you ever did on terrorism.

The 80's are calling, they want their foreign policy back.
AP source: Trump's revised travel ban targets same countries

WASHINGTON (AP) — A draft of President Donald Trump's revised immigration ban targets the same seven countries listed in his original executive order and exempts travelers who already have a visa to travel to the U.S., even if they haven't used it yet.

A senior administration official said the order, which Trump revised after federal courts held up his original immigration and refugee ban, will target only those same seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.

The official said that green-card holders and dual citizens of the U.S. and any of those countries are exempt. The new draft also no longer directs authorities to single out — and reject — Syrian refugees when processing new visa
I will give Wallace credit for being willing to ask tougher questions of both parties than any other "independent journalist" out there, minus a small few. Obviously his debate performance this year was far tougher for Hillary than any other.

I also think that's an extremely low bar to achieve and doesn't say much. It's like the 4th least aggressive member of the BLM movement. You're still nuts.

Trump isn't talking about Fox News and Wallace knows that. So as a great example I'll digress, the media doesn't get to define "fake news" as CNN and others are trying to do. It's not defined by just "intentionally misleading" on facts. It's also manufacturing scandals that you know are complete bullshit but but the effort is made for elitist self indignation or ratings.

Wallace will pick fights with certain conservatives because he's fox and fox isn't anywhere near the extreme opposite ideological equivalence of CNN or MSNBC.

Btw, I believe he's also a registered democrat.
His dad was a pretty big commie IIRC. He probably is a democrat.
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I get so irritated when I hear the idiots on the left talk about Russia. Do you hear yourself? These are the same smug douchebags that were calling us outdated warhawks because ONE person in our party said they were the largest geopolitical threat.

Now they've got guys like Richard Madcow and Keith Oberman basically calling for all out war. Literally in fact.

It's a prime example of how ridiculous these people are, and it's the reason traditional liberals like Ruben and Even extreme 90's liberals like Mauer are starting to distance the "liberals" from the "alt left progressives".

The untold story of the civil war ongoing in the Democratic Party. You'd never know if it were up to the MM
I love that Trump eats at you and everyone knows it. Your band of misfits and trash on the alt left progressive sht pile known as the modern day Global Democratic Party have been rejected in numbers so large you have to go back to your great grandfather to see an ass kicking of this magnitude.

And you've got the nerve to even speak about Russia.

Tell me big bad ass liberal hawk, what do you want to do about Russia with the information you have? You want to send troops to their border? You want to provoke a major war? Because last time I checked your beta types didn't have the balls in your sack to even utter the words.

Forgive everyone for laughing in your face at the words "Russian interference" when your president and God Hussein Obama allowed Russia to own him like a punk, hacked him over and over, and according to moron leftist everywhere stole an American election on his way out! All while you smug idiots made joke after joke about Romney saying they were the biggest geopolitical foe.


You idiots have spent more time talking about Russia than you ever did on terrorism.

The 80's are calling, they want their foreign policy back.
You seem to forget that "the left" received 3 million more votes than did the other side. That many of the states won were won with razor thin margins.

It sure sounds like you're trembling in your boots about Russia and don't care that it took their manipulation to get a victory. Why would Russia rather deal with Trump? Because they own his ass.
Be proud.
You seem to forget that "the left" received 3 million more votes than did the other side. That many of the states won were won with razor thin margins.

It sure sounds like you're trembling in your boots about Russia and don't care that it took their manipulation to get a victory. Why would Russia rather deal with Trump? Because they own his ass.
Be proud.

Electoral college.

Plus. Hillary had 3 million illegal voters. Thankfully New York and California don't speak the minds for the rest of America
Tell a lie big enough and echo it through the masses then maybe some idiots will forget about your foundation accepting donations from foreign governments. Forget that the Russians, China, Saudis, Qatar, Iran, own your ass because they had access to your illegal server. You wanted that oil line in Syria so bad but Putin and Asaad stopped your plans. You want your war with Russia so hype up the sanctions after your numerous failed attempts at the reset button.
You seem to forget that "the left" received 3 million more votes than did the other side. That many of the states won were won with razor thin margins.

It sure sounds like you're trembling in your boots about Russia and don't care that it took their manipulation to get a victory. Why would Russia rather deal with Trump? Because they own his ass.
Be proud.

Thanks for admitting what a POS you are and openly advocating against the principles of a democratic republic. You want what the alt left fringe misfits always wanted, anarchy. Straight mob rule.

Do you also get upset when your team scores more runs in the World Series and loses the best of 7?

You got more votes because your band of soft and silent bigots scared the hell out of the California cesspool and turned them out (for the second time).

Russia is contained because of REPUBLICANS. Nothing you or your type thinkers did. Don't forget it.

And Russia couldn't own anyone the way they owned the last administration. Or should we discuss that?
CNN has become yellow journalism, they can't mask their Trump hate. All negative, all the time. I realize that Trump has antagonized the network, but instead of taking the criticism to heart, they have revealed themselves and no longer hide their bias and agenda.

CNN is in all the airports. It comes up on the apple news app feed. Constant propaganda. Very Fake News feed for the CIA disinformation campaign.
Hey remember when Obama also used the espionage act more than any president in history to track down leaks and all the dems talked about how those ppl were traitors. Was that not an attack on the media?

I also watched the milo stuff on bill maher, I'm not really a milo fan, but he continously proves a point:
Milo attacked the panel, the panel got completely triggered and basically had an aneurysm on set. Then the panel attacked milo, and he just laughed.

I wish he would have pointed out that Maher himself made the mistake of what's wrong with media. He made a completely historically illiterate statement saying the Flynn ordeal was the biggest scandal in history. Not even close, is it of concern...yes. But it's not the biggest scandal, not even close, not to mention we don't know everything. Also funny talking about Flynn and the FBI, yet they had no problem with hillary lying to the FBI. That they can't see this is why they will continue to bury themselves.
Heres a video of it. Almost every question from Wallace was fake news garbage. I thought I was watching CNN for a minute.
Damn, would've been a little more informative if Wallace had allowed him to answer each question before speaking over him. Priebus showed a lot of restraint, which I suppose is the way he has been instructed to handle these adversarial interviews.
CNN is in all the airports. It comes up on the apple news app feed. Constant propaganda. Very Fake News feed for the CIA disinformation campaign.

This is why CNN is so dangerous. They pump more pro liberal propaganda and are seen as the balance between Fox and NBC. The issue which everyone understands is how BOGUS that BS is. CNN is downright pitiful and a PROVEN fraud.

People should watch that Chris Wallace interview. Fox is the only reputable news network on cable. Period.
You seem to forget that "the left" received 3 million more votes than did the other side. That many of the states won were won with razor thin margins.

It sure sounds like you're trembling in your boots about Russia and don't care that it took their manipulation to get a victory. Why would Russia rather deal with Trump? Because they own his ass.
Be proud.
Actually you're wrong..look I get it, every outlet had panels after panels on why hilary lost. Of course the typical identity politics. But you know why hillary won the popular vote....because of the libertarian ticket. I can pull the study, but almost 75% of respondents said if they had to only choose between trump or hillary, it would have been trump, instead of libertarian...especially if the popular vote is what decided elections. No liberal is going to vote libertarian bc libertarians care about small government, liberals think it's daddy. It's known democrats just fall in line and do what they're could have literally put anyone in as the democrat nominee and you would have pulled a lever for them. Prime example, a large portion of Democrats liked socialist bernie, she rigged it against him, and the majority of you fell in line without skipping a beat. Granted some voted for whomever that psycho from the green party was but not a noticeable amount.

You also left out the number of conservatives who voted only down ballot and left the top blank bc many thought Trump isn't conservative enough....again bc popular votes don't win elections. There aren't more of, there are just more of you who don't think for themselves...when it's obvious Republicans will think for themselves, choose different routes, and make their own choices.
Actually you're wrong..look I get it, every outlet had panels after panels on why hilary lost. Of course the typical identity politics. But you know why hillary won the popular vote....because of the libertarian ticket. I can pull the study, but almost 75% of respondents said if they had to only choose between trump or hillary, it would have been trump, instead of libertarian...especially if the popular vote is what decided elections. No liberal is going to vote libertarian bc libertarians care about small government, liberals think it's daddy. It's known democrats just fall in line and do what they're could have literally put anyone in as the democrat nominee and you would have pulled a lever for them. Prime example, a large portion of Democrats liked socialist bernie, she rigged it against him, and the majority of you fell in line without skipping a beat. Granted some voted for whomever that psycho from the green party was but not a noticeable amount.

You also left out the number of conservatives who voted only down ballot and left the top blank bc many thought Trump isn't conservative enough....again bc popular votes don't win elections. There aren't more of, there are just more of you who don't think for themselves...when it's obvious Republicans will think for themselves, choose different routes, and make their own choices.

Yup. Libertarians did in this cycle what I've been wanting them to do for a long time, "come home". I think the massive governmental expansion programs and threats of the abolishment of capitalism is what drove it. I actually don't think it was necessarily all about Hillary to most sensible Libertarians. I think it was about core values being threatened. It was easier to play 3rd and 4th party politics when the democrats wouldn't actually destroy the republic. But I'm not libertarian so it's my guess talking with them. I'm far too hawkish to be a "good" lib.

I think this is also true for independents and cross party members. The election had a simple choice, it broke down two ways, regardless of media driven narratives.

You either like the basic fundamentals of American culture and values, or you don't. Everyone could be divided in half with this election.

If a new age democrat ever gets into office again, with the alt left progressives in charge, it could destroy the republic for good.
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Hes not. Its a dumb article. Articles like that could make people want to kill Trump. Propaganda aimed at riling people up.

loads of stupidity in that article. My favorite snip:

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 847,000 deaths annually in the Americas from "unhealthy environments." That's far more people killed by ISIS.

So we're good, right?

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