Ugggh, Peacefully protested? Billions in damage, burned out and looted businesses, hundreds of cops attacked, injured or worse, Innocent people attacked, vandalism galore. Yeah, that was a really "peaceful" summer Joe.
Ugggh, Peacefully protested? Billions in damage, burned out and looted businesses, hundreds of cops attacked, injured or worse, Innocent people attacked, vandalism galore. Yeah, that was a really "peaceful" summer Joe.
Yea, because religions are known for their concrete, physical, repeatable experiments...
Would you rather have your head blown off or be cornholed by a rural American?The problem with Biden's logic (and it's obvious he was told to say this) is that NOBODY IS SHOOTING AT BIDEN!
Some teams were scared off as he has had a history of hamstring problems.On a more important note, the Cardinals just might have picked the steal of the MLB draft, in JJ Wetherholt...
Physical, repeatable (why don't you know the word "falsifiable?") experiments? You mean like the James Webb Space Telescope? The one that SHOCKED the cosmological establishment in 2022? The JWST is designed to see deeper into the infrared than other telescopes in order to find those ‘proto-galaxies’ that supposedly were forming just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. But what they’re finding is what creationists have predicted they would find: Fully formed galaxies at the greatest distances. Big Bang doctrine is dogmatic against fully formed galaxies at the greatest observed distances.Yea, because religions are known for their concrete, physical, repeatable experiments...
It's more about Texas vs. California. I'm sure he did sufficient research. It's an expensive move, after all.Moving X to Austin is an improvement by a few degrees. Austin is also WAAAAAYYYY left of center. Not Silicon Valley/Seattle left but very much a liberal city. A lot cheaper to live/conduct business there than CA, of course, but it's not like X is moving to Birmingham. Still, a nice F-You to Newsom, the pretty boy Marxist who wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him in the face.
Are they just now coming to the realization that the propaganda they've been forced to spew is just that and spewing it in turn caused themselves to fall victim to the propaganda?CNN hosts look like they have been crying. Dana Bash is dangerously close to a redpill?
Wallace concerned about "media bashing" lolol.
Axelrod just said something about the " officers killed on January 6th". That would be ... no one.
lol hilarious that’s your response after the article was posted. Crazy how you guys obsess over Musk because he supports Trump. As if he can do no wrong. So you love electric cars too since his Teslas are so nice?“No honey really, it’s Elon Musks fault!”
Moving X to Austin is an improvement by a few degrees. Austin is also WAAAAAYYYY left of center. Not Silicon Valley/Seattle left but very much a liberal city. A lot cheaper to live/conduct business there than CA, of course, but it's not like X is moving to Birmingham. Still, a nice F-You to Newsom, the pretty boy Marxist who wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him in the face.
Is it true the shooter was stopped by security and they found a range finder on him?
Move those straw man goalposts, little guy. LOLlol hilarious that’s your response after the article was posted. Crazy how you guys obsess over Musk because he supports Trump. As if he can do no wrong. So you love electric cars too since his Teslas are so nice?
Pure faith, in anything, is evil.
Divine Intervention is all I can think.
Siap but its just insane how close that is. Had he not turned to look at the prompter...
That’s a much easier choice for libs than it is for conservativesWould you rather have your head blown off or be cornholed by a rural American?
Roger Penrose calculated the odds against our well-balanced universe of solar systems and galaxies, whereas the by-far-most-likely result from a Big Bang would have been just one giant ball of mass which would collapse into one giant black hole, or at best a number of big black holes. The odds he calculated are 1 in 10 raised to the 10^123 power. Yes, the exponent is 10 raised to the power of 123. The number is inconceivable. There are “only” about 10^80 particles in the entire universe. You literally can't even WRITE the number.One belief admits it takes faith while your belief is in denial.
RCP has had 312-226 for several weeks.
Had that worst case happened, he still be better than Biden.
Siap but its just insane how close that is. Had he not turned to look at the prompter...
Wait, what? I thought Republicans were nothing but angry boomers?They’re abusing the asylum system. Isn’t this the exact type of immigrant you usually say you hate? Wonder what’s different about this family? Hmmm…
Evil is rebellion against God.Evil is the lack of faith in anything.
Issue is agnostic implies you’re questioning. I’m not. I have a pretty good idea about things based on the realms of scientific knowledge. There would have to be some obvious proof to counteract the current preponderance. Which is absolutely possible, but not likely. So “agnostic” seems lame. If you tell someone you’re agnostic in America they generally assume you’re a lapsed Christian. While technically correct it isn’t usually more practically correct in terms of quickly conveying concepts.
Question narratives? You’re being fed the ultimate narrative. God is not real. He does not care for you. There is no reward when you die. All these things have been made up to keep you in line. The most successful made up narrative in the history of mankind.
How are high tariffs not high taxes? They really hit the lower classes.If this isn't a cause to be optimistic, I don't know what is!
Trump Reveals Key Pillars Of "Trumponomics": Low Taxes, Sky High Tariffs, Powell Not Fired, Treasury Secretary Dimon And Much More | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
This is just as crazy as those who say the thing was staged. Social media permits this nutty influence on both sides of the political spectrum. If this had any merit, someone within the system would blow the whistle. The government is filled with people of all political persuasions. This is a nutty theory.
Agree, First i don't think there were any windows on that side of the building that I could see and if there were they were too low and likely not operable (generally the case on a building like that) Can't see how someone inside the building would have had a clear shot without poking holes in the building.This is just as crazy as those who say the thing was staged. Social media permits this nutty influence on both sides of the political spectrum. If this had any merit, someone within the system would blow the whistle. The government is filled with people of all political persuasions. This is a nutty theory.
You have an equation or something to prove that, Karl?God is not real.
On the other hand, you have stuff coming in with cheap labor, no OSHA, etc which means a loss of manufacturing jobs. Unions also play a role. Companies also. It's complicated.How are high tariffs not high taxes? They really hit the lower classes.
It's not pending anymore dumbass, they ruled on it today. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both ruled in favor of allowing companies to censor speech. Halleck lost the case.
Well, classmates aside, I think he made his preference fairly clear, when he tried to blow Trump's head off. I mean, there is THAT.
It doesn't seem that we have a very clear picture of where his head was at, in the two years since HS and when he climbed up on that roof. We know that the extreme left/Democrats have historically been more prone to start shooting political opponents.
You have to admit, that a staunch right wing conservative or libertarian would be acting against their own interests by killing Trump. (Unless you think the sole motivation was to martyr him, which seems superfluous, since Trump was already the favorite to be elected)
This times a million. It's a waste of time engaging with him. Nobody with any sense should have interest in talking to a marxist. This thread would be so much better if him and sam were left alone. The days of finding common ground are long gone.Here’s an idea, why don’t you guys stop engaging with Dion and he’ll go away. His only joy in life is irritating you and baiting you into responding to him, ignore him so the rest of us don’t have to scroll through all the responses to his idiotic takes. You aren’t going to change his mind so do yourself a favor and ignore him.
If you see a good chance to flame him, by all means proceed, but try and cut down on responding to every post he makes.