Don't think he was stopped. He was spotted repeatedly then they lost him. They took a picture and called him in but got no response. They half-assed their job.Is it true the shooter was stopped by security and they found a range finder on him?
Don't think he was stopped. He was spotted repeatedly then they lost him. They took a picture and called him in but got no response. They half-assed their job.Is it true the shooter was stopped by security and they found a range finder on him?
Had my eye on that.
He's an American hero.Thomas Sowell has lived an incredible life...and still going. Would love to see him reach 100.
I can see them on expensive things like electric cars. And high end electronics, Apple whatever items. But even those allow domestic producers raise prices & those trickle down to raising stuff like used car prices.On the other hand, you have stuff coming in with cheap labor, no OSHA, etc which means a loss of manufacturing jobs. Unions also play a role. Companies also. It's complicated.
Short of a top knot from the Japanese and the Samurai, a man bun has a 100% universal rating of being a leftist douche.Man bun - check
Long face - check
Earring - check
Floppy wrist - check
Interaction with children - creepy check
Mental illness - likely check
It’s always there.
Nevermind those others in the crowd who took bullets and gave up their life for the "staged" event.Bro, Donald Trump was in WWE. He learned the art of blading there. No shots were even fired. He ducked and bladed his ear when he was in the ground. Then pretended to be hurt to get a big pop.
It makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it
How does someone carry a latter through any type of check point?
Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican is the person who shot Trump.
Oof. Can't wait to hear the excuses.
Trump addressed it in the article, which you did not read.How are high tariffs not high taxes? They really hit the lower classes.
But, if you do these, & perhaps higher sales & gas taxes, and then refund those receipts equally to all citizens, it's OK as the lower income folks get more back than they spend.
That Soros money. They have been doing this for soooo long. Even the leaked emails years ago showed it. Remember when they would have to resort to using interns as protesters if they didn't deliver the "bodies" in time? Should come as no surprise as they also like to interview their own cameramen as regular citizens.
Hey kid, where you going with that AR, ladder and range-finder?
Proof by assertion is a logical fallacy. Epic fail.Question narratives? You’re being fed the ultimate narrative. God is not real. He does not care for you. There is no reward when you die. All these things have been made up to keep you in line. The most successful made up narrative in the history of mankind.
This is a joke, right?Bro, Donald Trump was in WWE. He learned the art of blading there. No shots were even fired. He ducked and bladed his ear when he was in the ground. Then pretended to be hurt to get a big pop.
It makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it
Universities were sending out "We stand with our Muslim community" after Muslims were murdering people across the globe and in the U.S.Cause all the people at the top of those universities wish the attempt to end Trump's life had been successful.
Yes he's joking. Read his last line more carefully.This is a joke, right?
Atheists axiomatically believe in abiogenesis.
Creationists believe that an external force "created life"
There is as much proof for one, as there is for the other; which is to say NONE.
Atheism, therefore, is just as much based on faith as Creationism. (As it stands now)
So, atheism is a religion. In that it is a belief system that has no proof to support it.
How much more proof do you need?This is a joke, right?
Ah… ok. For a moment, I was certain we had found someone even further off the rails than Dion/Sambo/Plat/Night.Yes he's joking. Read his last line more carefully.
Evil is rebellion against God.
The sin of 'self' is the worst sin.
Which illustrates that every single idiot here (they know who they are) who has used the word “fascist” in relation to Trump has no earthly idea what the word actually means.
Not to mention the masses of people between the building and the stage.Agree, First i don't think there were any windows on that side of the building that I could see and if there were they were too low and likely not operable (generally the case on a building like that) Can't see how someone inside the building would have had a clear shot without poking holes in the building.
Yep.Which illustrates that every single idiot here (they know who they are) who has used the word “fascist” in relation to Trump has no earthly idea what the word actually means.
It seems to have worked. Republican unity...nonstop positive Trump coverage day after day...people who wouldn't vote for him now sayitn they will.Bro, Donald Trump was in WWE. He learned the art of blading there. No shots were even fired. He ducked and bladed his ear when he was in the ground. Then pretended to be hurt to get a big pop.
It makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it
No one:“We will no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals, or events,”
Oh they will. It's a given. These people will stop at nothing. They were absolutely involved with orchestrating the COVID BS.It seems to have worked. Republican unity...nonstop positive Trump coverage day after day...people who wouldn't vote for him now sayitn they will.
How long before the Dem/libs 'stage' something similar? Maybe bigger. More people killed? Biden LEAPING off the stage to cover people in the front row?
(Could Biden even hit the ground like Trump did? LOL)
Yeah, it's blatantly obvious. The only ones this stuff works on is the left's base. We all know how evil our media and intel agencies are.If Iran was plotting an attempt on Trump, why are they now bringing it to the attention of the American people? It would have been headlining news, amirite? No, we are hearing about this now to distract what the US government tried to do and failed. Way too many " how comes" and "why not's" for it to be anything different, and let's not forget the lies being told.
Nicky Cruz, from the book "Run Baby, Run" said when he first encountered evangelist David Wilkerson, he told his fellow gang members "This guy's a communist." He then said "I didn't know what a communist was, but I knew everybody was against it."I've been on that crusade for years. But it never seems to take.
But, I'll try again.
If the political spectrum lies on the X axis. Everything left of zero is liberalism, everything right of zero is conservatism. If you follow the line out, left of zero, the extreme endpoint of liberalism is fascism. Go the other way, and the extreme endpoint of conservatism is anarchy.
It seems to have worked. Republican unity...nonstop positive Trump coverage day after day...people who wouldn't vote for him now sayitn they will.
How long before the Dem/libs 'stage' something similar? Maybe bigger. More people killed? Biden LEAPING off the stage to cover people in the front row?
(Could Biden even hit the ground like Trump did? LOL)