It’s a little more complicated than that when you’re focusing on a shot through a scope. That flag allowed the shooter to get a great judgement call while remaining in position. He’s right on this, that’s another failure in security. No way it should have been there if the proximity is accurate.
As I gather more information I am having more and more trouble seeing how this was simply a failure and not accompanied by some sort of intent. Even trying to remain objective and aware of confirmation bias, this an extremely strange situation. From the location, to the crowd alerts, to the rejection of security, to the unsecured buildings, to DHS reports, there’s just a lot here that doesn’t add up. The timing from the debate to now, the weekend it happened, all of it. We never get the full scope but there’s more here than just some random screwup. I’m not saying it’s totally concentrated and calculated however when accompanied by statements from top officials the last 2 weeks I’m not having any trouble seeing the formation of conspiracies upcoming. There’s a lot here and Trump needs to do a scope investigation when he comes into the White House. Eventually mistakes are made and we need to finally get information. The military industrial complex wants to run full steam ahead and he’s in their way again. The most dangerous thing in politics that’s ever happened was the formation of the military industrial complex aligning with the leftist party.