How will they rule ??!

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Trying to remember all of the big incidents over the last 7-9 years. What else am I forgetting here?

Bernie Bro doing the Congressional baseball game shooting of Scalise while targeting the entire GOP

Psycho neighbor breaking Rand Paul’s ribs

Antifa member killing a Trump supporter in Portland

North Dakota Psycho running over a teenage Trump supporter

Assassination plot to kill SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh over Roe v Wade

Killed a Trump supporter at Saturday’s rally

Shot and tried to kill Trump

Countless assaults since 2015 outside of Trump rally’s or conservative speeches on campus
The security for a television station in Denver killed a right-winger who had basically done very little to him that hadn't been done to himself. The security was antifa associated.
I'm plenty of things Mike, but dumb is not one of them. The reason I said that I had read 20 pages is to let everyone know what I had read and then gave my thoughts on those 20 pages. Your acknowledgement that talking about principles and concepts is a waste of time here confirms my thoughts that I'm not coming back. Until people are willind to discuss those things instead of just name calling and rallying for their team, nothing will change. I'm glad I actually live in the real world and not on this board. In the real world, I can hang out, have breakfast or spend time with someone that I disagree with on political issues, and we can discuss something other than what we disagree about and have a good time. Some people, on the other hand, ruin every get together by insisting on telling everyone what they disagree with them about politically. Those people are assholes and are not worth spending time with, in real life or an here. Have a nice, unhappy life my friend.
Don't sprain your arm patting yourself on the back. You're just as obtuse on RR as you claim everyone is on here. So get lost.
Discount covid. otherwise bullshit.

Does congress control the purse? I'm really not having your BS right now. You almost got exactly what you wanted.
I was not going to respond in this thread till after I'd read thru if from last evening till now. I didn't find out about Trump till 7:15 last night as I left home for a euchre game right after the post you quoted. I got back just before midnight & went to bed. I'd heard a few updates along thru the evening.

Short & to the point: What happened is awful & wish Trump well & feel for the families of those shot. It's bad for the country.

But when I got to this post, I couldn't let "You almost got exactly what you wanted." pass without telling you that YOU'RE A BOLDFACE LIAR. If I don't get an apology here, we're done & would presume that suits you.
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So you know he was Republican? Or are you going off some reddit post? I'm taking your post at faith and asking to explain why a Republican would shoot Trump.... You seem to think just saying..."Republican shooter... nothing to see here" is enough to just stop talking about the absoulute insane rhetoric on the left that has consistently led to acts of violence.

This is the 4th Republican politician in 7 years to be targeted for assassination. I'm sure it was Republicans who tried to kill all those Republicans. I'm sure when the Supreme Court Judges were targeted it was actually Republicans targeting them.

That's an awesome defense you got there.
Please stop responding to this fool. He's nothing but a stupid troll and he's wasting your time.
I can't find it in myself to believe that sam and Dion actually wish that that bullet had buried itself in Trump's brain. Some of you may feel differently, but I don't care. I'm more than willing to battle them on political matters, but I won't cross that line. I just don't believe that for one second.
Denial. These aren't serious people. They aren't normal. If somebody was willing to TAKE a shot at Trump, how can you refuse to believe someone ELSE would be happy about it? How stupid are you?
Was it those guys who blew his head off? Looks like the one cowers and hides when the shooting starts, and the one with the tripod gets startled and has to reset.

Ya the one guy was definitely not set well. I havent shot guns in a while but it seemed he was either jumping from fright or more likely he was surprised the kick of his weapon and wasnt ready for it.

The hesitation and then weird reaction is just more reason to really look into exactly who was on that detail and why. Definitely did not seem like people ready for the challenge.
Denial. These aren't serious people. They aren't normal. If somebody was willing to TAKE a shot at Trump, how can you refuse to believe someone ELSE would be happy about it? How stupid are you?
Well, in your estimation, pretty stupid I guess.

BTW, I thought you blocked me. Are you too stupid to figure out how to do it? If so, I will gladly help you.
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I can't find it in myself to believe that sam and Dion actually wish that that bullet had buried itself in Trump's brain. Some of you may feel differently, but I don't care. I'm more than willing to battle them on political matters, but I won't cross that line. I just don't believe that for one second.
I texted with a leftist last night who is mad that Trump wasn't hit. So I certainly believe they want him dead. 100%
Well, in your estimation, pretty stupid I guess.

BTW, I thought you blocked me. Are you too stupid to figure out how to do it? If so, I will gladly help you.
If you're too stupid to envision that somebody might be happy about seeing Trump harmed, I definitely don't need your help with anything. I'm surprised you can walk to the bathroom without falling down.
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Some of the comments by these people following Trump being shot shows TDS. The youth in this country are beyond help

You can tell media has their orders in not saying “assassination.” These are the same people who couldn’t stop saying “insurrection” and how Capitol protesters were going to overthrow the government and were “targeting” politicians who were nowhere near any conservative.

But oddly, they downplay and minimize the shooting of a president. These shameless pigs are so blatantly mouthpieces for Democrat propaganda.
Yeah. Can't believe people would downplay the attempted murder of a prominent political figure...🤡

Well Mike, the evidence suggests otherwise (with respect to your intelligence)

If my cynicism isn't up to your acceptable level, well honestly, that makes me feel better.
Well Mike, the evidence suggests otherwise (with respect to your intelligence)

If my cynicism isn't up to your acceptable level, well honestly, that makes me feel better.
LOL you misspelled "stupidity" when you wrote "cynicism."

And your "clever" reply is lame. If you have to use parentheses to clarify your own sentence, you're doing it wrong. Back to your solo circle jerk now, son.
Yeah. Can't believe people would downplay the attempted murder of a prominent political figure...🤡

Sam. I know you desperately want to make this about you and the wrongs committed against your ilk. But give it a rest.
The political leanings of the man the FBI identified as the shooter were not immediately clear
Records show Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was registered as a Republican voter in Pennsylvania, but federal campaign finance reports also show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on Jan. 20, 2021, the day President Joe Biden was sworn in to office.

It’s probably far more likely he changed registrations to vote and screw with Republican primaries. People who donate to ActBlue would be those who would do that. But you go ahead and move on to the next phase where you claim Trump set it all up to gain popularity.
It's more likely that he fell down a right wing rabbit hole and became a radical Republican. I've seen it happen to people I know.
DEI is pure cancer.

No way would you have these women protect even Taylor Swift let alone Donald Trump.

Yeah. Couple of those chicks had no idea what to do. In fairness, a couple of the men looked lost too. I’m sure Biden’s Secret Service head put the best and the brightest on Trumps detail. Hunter probably has more experienced security.
Yeah. Couple of those chicks had no idea what to do. In fairness, a couple of the men looked lost too. I’m sure Biden’s Secret Service head put the best and the brightest on Trumps detail. Hunter probably has more experienced security.
If you watch the video, one of the women tries multiple times to re-holster her gun, and fails completely. Finally gives up.