How will they rule ??!

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As of right now, per the press conference, the identity isn't ready to be released. I'm not doubting you, btw. Where the hell did this Violets character come from earlier?
The Left is insane. I'm sure we all have family members and friends of different beliefs and as much as possible try to focus on what we have in common rather than what separates us but my mom is a Mother Jones reading, MSNBC watching lefty and she is always wanting to talk politics with me because she thinks she's enlightened. She told me back in April she is so frightened by the "division in the country" she really "just wishes something or somebody would do something to that man". She thinks that is the answer to the division and you see it all over with these people. She's my mom but she's f-king nuts and she thinks she's an intellectual but she has filled her head with so much of this garbage that she thinks it's ok to kill a man who's only crime (not kangaroo court, politically motivated BS) is that he may upset the gravy train the political elites gorge themselves on.
She was all in on Russian collusion, argued that Covid came from a Chinese wet market and that was a right wing lie to say it didn't, that Hilary didn't do anything wrong when she destroyed evidence. They're the Nazis/Communists who want to destroy, who want to " re-educate", who want to shut down any free speech or public discourse.
Your mom comes from a generation that trusted the media and had no reason not to. One of the first things that happened after the merger of the dem party with corporate elite was an immediate control of the media.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

Malcolm X
I know this topic is basically an echo chamber, but the insane hypocrisy on here tonight about some of this is mind-numbing.

So for years most on the other side of the aisle have denied, fought, and railed against any insinuation that Trump had anything to do with the folks that stormed the Capital on January 6th.

And now today those same people are talking about how a zombie cadaver in Joe Biden, who looks like he might fall dead at any moment, and his Dark Brandon liberal filth are responsible for pulling the trigger on Trump.

Please, I beg of you all, do better. Have decency.
This word salad broken down. I beg of you, don’t engage in the rhetoric we employ on a weekly basis. Just lay back and enjoy it.
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This is the reality. For how divisive liberals see Trump, that's how the racists see the fact that Obama got elected. Most liberals never saw that vitriol, let alone understood it, so when Trump hit them it was like an out of the blue shock to the system. But we've truly been divided for a while.

I actually get this stance, however saying republicans are racist is the type of rhetoric BS that has caused us to get here.

Also, the fact that John McCain and Mitt Romney would t fight against those claims like Trump does added the backing to Trump as well.

Your side and their media cronies have been at it since 08, and still you think it’s republicans fault.

Old white man is racist and rich! Good lord!
Clarification is you doubled down and stated Clinton, did, in fact win every state that gave him votes over 50% of said states votes.

Flat, dead wrong.

Shall I re-post your double down?
I already said you were right, I just meant the majority in a particular district and didn't say that exactly. You are right, I was wrong. It happens, I'm man enough to admit it. Now, does that technicality matter at all to the substance of my point?
I actually get this stance, however saying republicans are racist is the type of rhetoric BS that has caused us to get here.

Also, the fact that John McCain and Mitt Romney would t fight against those claims like Trump does added the backing to Trump as well.

Your side and their media cronies have been at it since 08, and still you think it’s republicans fault.

Old white man is racist and rich! Good lord!
And your side and their media cronies have been at it our whole history. This is what always happens in America, the left is held down by the capitalist moneyed interests until it eventually breaks out, at which point that's used as justification for more crackdowns. The cycle continues.
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IOW - There might be more at play here than just partisan politics.

(I'll admit, that would make such a good shot a little implausible)
I actually get this stance, however saying republicans are racist is the type of rhetoric BS that has caused us to get here.

Also, the fact that John McCain and Mitt Romney would t fight against those claims like Trump does added the backing to Trump as well.

Your side and their media cronies have been at it since 08, and still you think it’s republicans fault.

Old white man is racist and rich! Good lord!
There are endless examples of Biden making blatantly racist comments but he’s on their side so they don’t count. Just like they loved Trump until he ran as a Republican. Liberals are dweebs.
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And your side and their media cronies have been at it our whole history. This is what always happens in America, the left is held down by the capitalist moneyed interests until it eventually breaks out, at which point that's used as justification for more crackdowns. The cycle continues.
Leftists held down by capitalists. GTFOH and move to Venezuela or any other communist shithole. Live out your dream society bro. Put the walk where the talk is. And no. I don't owe you any money for a fictitious place.
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Zero surprise they tried to kill him but still hits hard when it actually happens. We knew the next 5 months would be something but today is a gamechanger.
If by "They" you mean Biden and the Democratic Party... That is nuts.
There is no "They". Only politically motivated but jobs acting on their own.
If this was organized by a higher power then the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi was too right?
And your side and their media cronies have been at it our whole history. This is what always happens in America, the left is held down by the capitalist moneyed interests until it eventually breaks out, at which point that's used as justification for more crackdowns. The cycle continues.

Capitalist moneyed interests?

I thought the economy was at its best ever state in history?
If by "They" you mean Biden and the Democratic Party... That is nuts.
There is no "They". Only politically motivated but jobs acting on their own.
If this was organized by a higher power then the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi was too right?
You bring up Paul Pelosi a lot. What is your fascination with that POS?
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Libertarian, my ass. You want a nuclear war. How is that Libertarian? I honestly don't want you are, because you certainly do dislike the Left sometimes, but, you're certainly not a Libertarian.
Must suck to live in such black and white thought process. Not every libertarian is against the war. Most of us agree taxing to pay for aid is wrong. But we support the aid nonetheless.
There are endless examples of Biden making blatantly racist comments but he’s in their side so they don’t count. Just like they loved Trump until he ran as a Republican. Liberals are dweebs.
Biden is an old racist too. Not everything is blue team vs red team, some things are just true.
You bring up Paul Pelosi a lot. What is your fascination with that POS?
Plus.... Paul Pelosi was attacked by an illegal immigrant leftist. How the hell does democrats keep blaming that attack on us? Dude was pissed at Pelosi for not being far left enough. He was a gay nudist that also gave blow jobs for money. He was a socialist and lived in a nudist commune.

We just laffed about it because their policies led to the attack. Dude should have been sent back to Canada years ago but San Fran refused to let NIS deport him.
There are nutjobs on both sides of the political extremists aisle.
Does Paul Pelosi's attacker represent you and everyone in the Republican Party?
Don't fall for the extremist hyperbole.
This is true, there ARE extremists on both sides. But, historically, the extreme left (to be specific, Democrats) has demonstrated that they are much more prone to take violent action.
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You bring up Paul Pelosi a lot. What is your fascination with that POS?
My point is that when Pelosi was attacked and sent to a was turned into a national joke by Don Jr and many on the right.
Trump has an attempt on his life and it's no laughing matter.
Not that either case is funny.... Because they aren't.
Just calling out the hypocrisy.