How will they rule ??!

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Eye witnesses said that equipment was collapsing on stage and a fluid was spraying out from the teleprompter.

Obviously can't conclude if that is the source of injury, but that is what they are saying
I just saw the video again, and looking at teleprompter, right when Trump is down and swarmed, and the camera pulls out a little. It looks like the teleprompter 'bounces' twice. Maybe those were from follow up shots. IDK. Have only noticed it once.
I think both parties are disgusting. Some of the most vile, despicable and manipulative people I know are Republicans. Why can't we have good morals in both parties?

Im not gonna disagree with you. Both parties are not in it for the right reasons. Trust me I’m not a fan of Mitch and the like.

But I do believe that’s why we should all support Trump. If nothing else, he’s in it for his legacy (even if not the American people) and that’s better than thee other corrupt and horrible men in power. The issues I have with the left, and sometimes my emotions take over, is equal rights do need to be extended to all, but that doesn’t mean our culture needs to normalize abnormal and potentially immoral behavior. We cannot continue to promote abnormal behavior to our kids which the left pushes routinely. I believe the left is rampant on that issue. Allow, but don’t promote.

I also believe we all better stop playing around with the border crisis because the left is making it a power play and once they’re able to tell Americans we don’t need you, it’s game over. They’re rushing in poor masses and history shows when that happens the poor overtake the system and collapse our form of government. If you study the history of democracy, it’s the poor masses that usually tear it down. The left will have full power and will tear down the institution which is their play here. Don’t let them fool you, left wing idelology and promoters have always been anti western liberal values and firmly against republic democracy. This isn’t a game, my kids, your kids, your future family, are all threatened by this. We cannot vote for politicians that are creating the problem. Immigration to the left is about future amnesty and they can then go unchecked.

I would urge you to consider. I would urge everyone to consider. If we don’t stop the immigration play by the left they will have one party rule and we will all lose, and this is the REAL threat to democracy, not the made up political “Hitler” nonsense. This is real.
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All you limp noodle libs go on...wrap yourselves up in a tarp, some bubble wrap, and roll under the bed...I think I heard someone cough today...

Trump is a billionaire. He could be chasing playmates, porn stars, playing golf, buying businesses, creating another mega TV show...instead he's in ass end of nowhere Pennsylvania getting shot at because he cares about this country and its people.

Anyone else would have gone ghost white and beat secret service to the Suburban...this crazy MFer stands up and fists bumps...he wanted to stay up there!

That's the mark of a real the midst of chaos his first thought was with the people
Great post!
If it turns out that the teleprompter cut Trumps ear, then I might owe NOCI... an apology, because it DOES draw the distinction between being shot, and being shot AT pretty clearly. LOL
Still attempted murder and one case of murder. Not sure how he's wanting to split hairs on that. I can only imagine how he'd feel if a Trump supporter even showed up to a Biden event with a gun....
CNN reporting

In fact, CNN even had the temerity to include the gaslighting of one CNN reporter who spun the shots as possible fireworks: “‘We heard a bunch of … loud cracking noises. At first I thought: Is that fireworks? All of a sudden everyone started screaming,’ said CNN’s Alayna Treene, who was reporting from the rally.”

What’s even worse was that CNN even noted that there was “blood” on Trump’s face in its "What we're covering" section, but still couldn’t bring itself to concede that a probable assassination attempt just occurred and instead downplayed it: “[D]etails on what exactly happened remain sparse.”
I can guarantee you this: there is nobody/group that is more dismayed this evening, by this attempt to kill Trump than the Democrats.

They know what the fallout is going to be.

As I said earlier the poll gap is going to widen even further. The democrats should probably just forfeit at this point and prep for 2028.
I can't think of any but there also isn't the gaslighting and Hitler talk. Thats why scalise and now trump had assassination attempts. Libs literally get their people extremely worked up then turn them loose

Theyre right. No good explanation how this was even possible. Of course they did try to pull his protection so who knows what caliber of detail he has.

Don't forget Kavanaugh.
I put the guy on ignore he must have gotten on mom's puter

The guy talking about being on a moms computer put me on ignore and talks shit… acting like he’s not going to read the response. I 100% guarantee he will read this. Hi Dallas. I hope you get some sleep.

Jesus loves you.
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One of the top 5 weirdest brand of political pundits are the pundits who want to tell other people what their political beliefs are. That's because pundits want to put everyone into a box where if you don't follow party-line thinking then you must be against the party and therefore part of the opposing party.

What is true is that I think Trump is a bad & divisive President (who will also probably be re-elected).

I am not sure what Trump-Russia collusion has to do with anything. I can get into my opinion on that, but that too won't follow the cookie cutter opinions you're looking for.

I can tell you every belief you have with out you even typing them. That's because you're just a pundit,. No individuality. I loathe that mentality. It's why we are where we are.

"But @KAB Cats you criticize Donald Trump".

Yep. And I don't give a shit where that puts me. That's the difference. I'd actually recommend a book to all poltical pundits. It's by a libertarian named Harry Browne.

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