How will they rule ??!

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Remember, leaking Clinton's child human trafficking is bad, but leaking Trump is okay

For democrats. Child molestion is good. Trump bad.

It is deeper than that. Pun intended. DJT exposed the deep state for what it is. We have a police state watching our every move. The emails were hacked by Russia narrative is blowing up in their face. The deep state is spying on us. The useful idiots on here are cheering on the invasion of their privacy by their own government. Unbelievable.
It is deeper than that. Pun intended. DJT exposed the deep state for what it is. We have a police state watching our every move. The emails were hacked by Russia narrative is blowing up in their face. The deep state is spying on us. The useful idiots on here are cheering on the invasion of their privacy by their own government. Unbelievable.

They are cheering because they hate Trump.
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The people have a right to know the truth. You call them traitors, I call them patriots.

What truth? There hasn't been anything earth shattering released, only things to put Trump in a bad light.

The point is that any President could be made to look bad if his private calls were leaked, this isn't something unique to Trump.

Imagine the outrage by the media if Obama's calls had been leaked in his early days.
We should not be surprised by all of the Trump and country hate from the left. They have not hidden the fact that they want socialism/communism as their ruling government. Even the ones on here in earlier post basically eluded to this by saying that they did not have a problem with the NSA spying on the president and others. IMO, we are at a crossroads in this country for which direction we will go in the next few years. Obama set in motion the "fundamental change" with his divisive administration and Hillary was supposed to continue the agenda until we were under the boot of an oppressive government. This is why we are seeing all of the push back from the people on the left with money who wanted and needed this change. They are the ones behind the demonstrations and the undermining of the Trump presidency. The sad part is, all of the lemmings joining in will be crying there eyes out if they would ever succeed. Never again would they be able to open there mouths against the government because of the boot they would be under.

Now that I have that out of the way, you SJW's can rest at ease because there are people in this country who have the common sense and intelligence to see what is happening and have the courage to fight it and will save you from yourselves. No, really, your thank you's are not necessary. Trump and people like me are just doing our job as patriotic Americans. But, you are welcome.
Now that I have that out of the way, you SJW's can rest at ease because there are people in this country who have the common sense and intelligence to see what is happening and have the courage to fight it and will save you from yourselves. No, really, your thank you's are not necessary. Trump and people like me are just doing our job as patriotic Americans. But, you are welcome.

Yeah, these internet leftists actually think the American people are buying this shit.

They are doubling down on thinking that the MSM will somehow prevail. It's not working.

America is trending upwards in everything that Trump touches.
Yeah, these internet leftists actually think the American people are buying this shit.

They are doubling down on thinking that the MSM will somehow prevail. It's not working.

America is trending upwards in everything that Trump touches.
That and, many of us would ensure that an aggressive/oppressive government would not/could not get a foot hold here. It is that pesky second amendment (as the left thinks) that keeps getting in their way.
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That and, many of us would ensure that an aggressive/oppressive government would not/could not get a foot hold here. It is that pesky second amendment (as the left thinks) that keeps getting in their way.

Thankfully Generation Z hates the current millennial Democrat mindset.
Wow you guys are delusional and enabling. And obviously only watch Fox News.

You guys basically elected OJ Simpson. They have equivalent moral compasses.

Trump already doing a distraction tour down in Florida. Charging tax payers millions of dollars a month to enable his trips to Florida and New York. I bet we'll spend more in 1 year on his trips to Mar lago and Trump Tower than 8 years of Obama's 'vacations'. But there won't be a peep from the apologists on here.

Only the racists and bigots will be left defending him in 4 years. If he makes it that long.

And sorry, but there is very little intelligence among his voting base.
This is absolute goddam lunacy.

The previous administration changed the laws on its way out the door so the NSA would distribute information on US citizens gathered in its surveillance programs to other politically appointed departments who would leak the information in an effort to undermine the peaceful transition of power to the new duly elected President.

^That should have people rioting in the streets.

I can't even imagine what would have happened if Bush was running spy programs on the Obama campaign and had his cronies leak all of that information to the press in his first months of office.

Actually I can imagine. The press wouldn't have been complicit in it, and someone would have taken a step back to say, "this really undermines the whole idea of democracy and the peaceful transition of power."
You guys basically elected OJ Simpson. They have equivalent moral compasses.
You know the funniest part about this? Not even 24 hours ago the NYT released a story making this very comparison. As soon as you read it this morning you immediately ran here to post it, thinking it was some major burn. Didn't you? Don't lie.
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Judd apatow asked adam carolla if he was worried what would happen to the earth in 5-10 years because of the pollution that Trump will be responsible for.
Danish Parliament adopts declaration barring Muslim immigrant and refugee majority neighborhoods.

Probably tired of their communities being reduced to third world slums that are no go zones for Danish citizens and police.
Banon knows he can't make the media like trump. I'm glad he gets that. It doesn't concern me for trump because he will do what he thinks is right now matter .

The part that concerns me is the GOP senators and possible appointees. There are cracks here starting to show because they can't stand the heat.

This could prove to be a huge problem moving forward if either media relations aren't improved (very unlikely) or the politicians supporting trump don't stand strong. Because there are alot of tough controversial decisions ahead.
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Liberal media outraged this morning, whining because Trump had the audacity to call on an conservative media during the press conference with Netanyahu yesterday. The horror! Impeachment definitely coming.
Nothing more American and time-honored than calling our fighting men and women PsOS.

Enjoy that freedom for everything it's worth.(which is a lot)
Nothing more American and time-honored than calling our fighting men and women PsOS.

Enjoy that freedom for everything it's worth.(which is a lot)
See, you're missing what's happened here, which is understandable. He is able to discern individual qualities apart from marginalized labels and identity politics. This is a skill that is very confusing to the left... you know, the whole individual basis thing? Keep your head down, sweety.
True story. Friedmam from the NYT compared the Flynn/Russia situation to atrocities such as Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Absolutely zero respect for the lives lost and magnitude of those moments in history.

Such a shame what has happened to that paper. Far left liberals have hijacked it and turned it into the National Enquirer.
Used to really enjoy and appreciate Friedman's work, especially on the Middle East. Very informative and good perspective.

Used to......
The big advantage the left has is that it pretty much controls the media. Most of the anti Trump people would not be anti Trump if the media just covered the news and not made the news. They've been brainwashed to believe a lie.

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcom X