How will they rule ??!

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If you are serious about the illegal immigration problem then you should be outraged by anyone who hires one. By doing so it simply encouraged more to come.
I can feel seriously about illegal immigration and still laugh at the raging hypocrisy from the eccentrics on the left. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Nice strawman, though.
Man you're dumb.

You have no idea what was said in the calls. And if the intelligence community had evidence that elected officials were using enemies of the nation for personal gain, do you think leaking shit to the media would be the correct course of action? Or how bout, I don't know, using the legal process? Selectively leaking classified info to harm elected officials is not working for the United States. Donald Trump "works for the United States" because the electorate asked him to. America didn't ask Obama to change the law on his way out of office so he could undermine the incoming POTUS.

Furthermore, as was explained yesterday, there is a HUGE difference in a DNC staffer leaking emails to Wikileaks, and Wikileaks publishing the source data as opposed to "anonymous intelligence officials" telling stories to the media who has been more than willing to publish anything perceived as detrimental to Trump, regardless of accuracy.

Your last sentence, excuse me question, is just moronic bullshit. Your made up hypotheticals are entirely irrelevant.
And you're a dishonest POS.

If they took it to the current POTUS...what do you think he would do with that information? Please try to be honest. And why am I 1000% confident that if HRC was in Trump's position that you and your ilk would be on full blast mode and sure in your own minds that it was all true and calling for impeachment proceedings to begin yesterday??

No, I don't know what was said and neither do you. But it scares the hell out of you that it all may be true and eventually exposed. And if so it will be a sad, sad day for the US. But I prefer to know the truth regardless of the consequences.
Why do you not?
I care about both issues. And Flynn resigned for his transgression. Now, the leakers of the information should step forward and resign as well, if not be prosecuted. It's a two way street.
So if the NSA has this info, who should they take it to?
Report out that the WH is on the cusp of opening up an independent review of the intelligence community. Said it hasn't yet gotten approval, but is only a few small steps away. Might be why Trump announced a spur of the moment press conference a little bit ago.
I was thinking he must be going to announce something at this presser.
I can feel seriously about illegal immigration and still laugh at the raging hypocrisy from the eccentrics on the left. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Nice strawman, though.
He left out his support of the policy that if you sign a form promising to vote Democrat you get a work visa. Boom, problem solved.
If this confuses you, you're pretty stupid.

We don't have the actual phone calls or transcripts. We have stories told to the media about what exists.

So yes, it is critically important who is telling the stories and what their motives may be.

If the calls or transcripts are leaked and can be reviewed by everyone, just like the DNC emails were leaked, the content becomes much more important.
The whole transcript should be leaked IMO. If Flynn did it, show it to us.
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And you're a dishonest POS.

If they took it to the current POTUS...what do you think he would do with that information? Please try to be honest. And why am I 1000% confident that if HRC was in Trump's position that you and your ilk would be on full blast mode and sure in your own minds that it was all true and calling for impeachment proceedings to begin yesterday??

No, I don't know what was said and neither do you. But it scares the hell out of you that it all may be true and eventually exposed. And if so it will be a sad, sad day for the US. But I prefer to know the truth regardless of the consequences.
Why do you not?

Um, if they took the information to the current POTUS, I think he'd probably investigate and force Flynn to resign once he had the facts. But I'm just going off of what happened, not some made up bullshit hypothetical. If you think something different would happen than what actually happened, let us know.

I honestly don't know what the hell you're even talking about with the second part. You're literally making shit up and saying it scares you.
If this confuses you, you're pretty stupid.

We don't have the actual phone calls or transcripts. We have stories told to the media about what exists.

So yes, it is critically important who is telling the stories and what their motives may be.

If the calls or transcripts are leaked and can be reviewed by everyone, just like the DNC emails were leaked, the content becomes much more important.
I'm pretty and stupid.
So we were a better society when we had segregated schools, segregated water fountains and bathrooms, separate entrances into many businesses that would serve Negros and it was perfectly ok to discriminate against anyone simply because the color of their skin?

That aspect of society wasn't better, but society as a whole was better than today.
Um, if they took the information to the current POTUS, I think he'd probably investigate and force Flynn to resign once he had the facts. But I'm just going off of what happened, not some made up bullshit hypothetical. If you think something different would happen than what actually happened, let us know.

I honestly don't know what the hell you're even talking about with the second part. You're literally making shit up and saying it scares you.

The info on Flynn was taken to the POTUS weeks ago and the WH continued to defend him. It wasn't until it was public that the heat was turned up and he was forced to resign.

Flynn appears to be only the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned.

Calling a relevant question given current reports as "some made up bullshit hypothetical" screams...I don't want to answer that question because I won't like my own answer.

Lastly, we know Trump is a liar and usually by middle school most of us have learned that people that go around calling everyone else liars, is usually the biggest liar of them all.
If you're attempting to compare the Flynn/NSA situation with the DNC/Wikileaks situation you either have a monumental misunderstanding of the two situations or you're pushing agenda, deflecting from the truth and facts.
NSA been recording everything for at least the last 16 years. Probably got all kinds of interesting phone calls from Trump going back over a decade.

Just sitting there waiting to be listened to. Little ones and zeros on a mainframe somewhere. There for the taking.
Kind of like Benghazi...stay tuned? Right?

Whatever. If that lying bitch got off from that debacle in which several Americans, including a diplomat, were murdered, and ran for President, then nothing should happen with this incident.
Evidently the MSM is complaining of being 'shut out' during some of the press conferences: they're not getting called on in favor of 'right wing' reporters, etc.

I guess elections really do have consequences, especially if you report fake news.
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You honestly think the NSA should be monitoring calls to inform the POTUS that a cabinet member lied to him?

I mean, Dems were totally fine with Obama using them to spy on the press & other politicians so of course he does.

He's also for the IRS to target conservatives too.
Evidently the MSM is complaining of being 'shut out' during some of the press conferences: they're not getting called on in favor of 'right wing' reporters, etc.

I guess elections really do have consequences, especially if you report fake news.

This is my favorite part of these jerks.

These are the same people who like to act like they're for the "little people" and "under represented folks" but then, they're such elitists that they can't handle smaller outlets being given a shot.

You see, they're good at virtue signaling but not so much if it affects their lives. That's why they're all for illegals. Illegals aren't taking media jobs or driving their wages down so they don't give a damn.

I hate the media.
Evidently the MSM is complaining of being 'shut out' during some of the press conferences: they're not getting called on in favor of 'right wing' reporters, etc.

I guess elections really do have consequences, especially if you report fake news.
Or report REAL news that the administration doesn't like.
Thanks for confirming that you aren't interested in truth, only right wing spin.
The info on Flynn was taken to the POTUS weeks ago and the WH continued to defend him. It wasn't until it was public that the heat was turned up and he was forced to resign.
You already tried make the point a few days. You keep repeating the same CNN talking points. That's all you do. The answer to this is simple and it's been explained to you numerous times already.

If you actually paid attention to anything other than liberal propaganda, then you'd get answers to all the mundane questions you ask.

During those three weeks he was being investigated by the WH and FBI to get to the bottom of if he really lied or not, and to make sure he didn't break any laws.

It's moronic to even think the WH and FBI should have just depended on, reacted to, made a decision, and publicly spoke about it based on the leaks and what the media was reporting, without doing their own official investigation first. It's called due process, you might have heard of it.
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Very well known that all calls from US to any country hostile to the US are recorded. All of them since at the very least 2001... but we all know they really have every phone call and every email. How do you think Spitzer got caught with his mistress? Karl Rove must have worn his ear off listening to all those calls.
We can all assume that many overseas calls are monitored. The concern is why did they show up in the media and in politically expedient hands?

But before we all jump to conclusions, let's go ask our mommies what they think first.....
Very well known that all calls from US to any country hostile to the US are recorded.
Exactly. Which is proof that the NSA had to specifically target and tap Trump's phone calls to Mexico and Australia because they are not on the list, and it's not a conversation that could have randomly get caught up in the net.

Or... OMG! Lipreaders!
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You already tried make the point a few days. That's al you do. You keep repeating the same CNN talking points. The answer to this is simple and it's been explained to already, even by me.

If you actually paid attention to anything other than liberal propaganda, then you'd get answers to all the mundane questions you ask.
The next straight truthful answer we get from this WH will be the first. Sorry that I don't buy their alternative facts.
The POTUS didn't get their info from the media, it got it from the source. Transcripts and recordings are pretty damning evidence...not sure how much due process is required. The POTUS probably knew because he had ordered the contact. Probably thought Flynn was smart enough to be able and make the contact without it being monitored.

The intelligence community is a non-partisan community and that's the way it should be. Add the fact that Trump has attacked that same intelligence community.

But still, I'm waiting for one of you Trumpers to give an honest answer about what the intelligence community should do if they have information that points to subversive activity by a POTUS candidate that later gets elected?
The fact that none of you want to take on that question says it all.
Evidently the MSM is complaining of being 'shut out' during some of the press conferences: they're not getting called on in favor of 'right wing' reporters, etc.

I guess elections really do have consequences, especially if you report fake news.
Yep. Posted about this earlier. Such whiny bitches. Obama went months without calling on conservative media and no one from the liberal MSM said a word. Trump goes two press conferences without calling on them and "the fix in."
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You'd have to be an utter fool to not believe that Obama's contacts in the IC aren't helping to shovel him information.