How will they rule ??!

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I bet the investigation will lead to at least two people. Barack Obama and George Soros. No doubt in my mind they both have a hand in this.

Zero doubt soros is behind it. Obama is just one of his many puppets.

Even so, basically zero chance the investigation ever makes it all the way to them. If nothing else, alot of convenient suicides will ensure that.
Zero doubt soros is behind it. Obama is just one of his many puppets.

Even so, basically zero chance the investigation ever makes it all the way to them. If nothing else, alot of convenient suicides will ensure that.

I think George Soros ultimate goal before he dies is bring the United States down. It's an ego trip to him to think that he could bring down the most powerful nation in humanity's history.
I think George Soros ultimate goal before he dies is bring the United States down. It's an ego trip to him to think that he could bring down the most powerful nation in humanity's history.

It's absolutely his goal. He's invested tens of billions and spent the last few decades trying to make sure it happens.

Like I've said before, closest thing to an actual James Bond supervillain there is.
WSJ is reporting that current officials are telling them some in the Intelligence community (probably same ones behind the leaks) are purposely withholding intelligence from Trump.

Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

Intelligence community denied the report, and said any reports to the contrary are not true.

Intel Community Denies Withholding Info From Trump

So, more fake news from WSJ, taking advantage of the Flynn fallout, and fanning the flames; or, have the partisan obstructionists in the intelligence community been outed by their own and are now scrambling, lying?
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I will repeat myself now, the White House needs to ignore the press. Completely and 100% go about their work and have nothing to do with these people. You want to win the war with the media, be quiet! It's really that simple.

Their plan is to cause so much chaos that this White House can't possibly do anything. The more BS they can confer up the more the program the idiots to buy in that they are right.

Completely and totally ignore them.

Spiced should speak his speech and any question he deems not relevant just say no comment. Boom done.

As a matter of fact just announce no questions today for about 2 weeks and see what happens then.
See, you're missing what's happened here, which is understandable. He is able to discern individual qualities apart from marginalized labels and identity politics. This is a skill that is very confusing to the left... you know, the whole individual basis thing? Keep your head down, sweety.
I am sweet. My momma says so.

I was pointing out his sweeping generalizations of all Democrats being PsOS.
So, no. In this case he apparently isn't "able to discern individual qualities apart from marginalized labels and identity politics."
Zero doubt soros is behind it. Obama is just one of his many puppets.

Even so, basically zero chance the investigation ever makes it all the way to them. If nothing else, alot of convenient suicides will ensure that.
When I say Obama, I'm talking about the shadow government he set up. No doubt in my mind that his shadow government is playing a part and probably a huge role in it. Every time Trump hits a speed bump, you can bet Obama and Soros have their hands in it. They are out to sabotage Trump. We are living a movie that Hollywood couldn't have dreamed of writing.
Meme magic is real. Straight up modern day sorcery at its best.

When I say Obama, I'm talking about the shadow government he set up. No doubt in my mind that his shadow government is playing a part and probably a huge role in it. Every time Trump hits a speed bump, you can bet Obama and Soros have their hands in it. They are out to sabotage Trump. We are living a movie that Hollywood couldn't have dreamed of writing.

Obama flat out on GD film was caught conspiring with Russia because he now had "flexibility"

No outrage from the left. At all. That's why i can't take them serious. Just a bunch of ankle biting morons.
Your point is proof that progressive ideas don't work. We have gotten worse as a society and the American dream is getting harder and harder to come by. 2 parents must now work to make ends meet. Thank you Fuzz for helping our cause.
Worse as a society?
So give me a date in time when society was better?
i'm just waiting for the left to really ratchet up their actions. I am just waiting biding my time until it's time to go.
Worse as a society?
So give me a date in time when society was better?

I have never seen so much anarchy in my life time. Cops being targeted, drug dealers being hailed as victims (Freddie Gray) and bogusly trying to throw 4 innocent cops in jail. Forcing the police to retreat as objects are hurled at them. Police assasinations all by black lives matter sympathizers. Our president inviting an organizer of blm to the white house numerolus times. clockboy mohammad invite(cool clock mohammad). He invites a traitors' family who sympathizes with Islam to the rose garden to speak on behalf of their traitor son IN ARABIC. Obama wants total anarchy. He is the biggest piece of effing shit I have ever seen in my life. He's scum, he deserves to burn in hell.
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Obama flat out on GD film was caught conspiring with Russia because he now had "flexibility"

No outrage from the left. At all. That's why i can't take them serious. Just a bunch of ankle biting morons.

The left is always projecting, playing the victim. They're supposedly so concerned about Russia, but with all the fake news from the media, classified intelligence leaks to sabotage political opponents, etc... they're the ones guilty of approaching politics using Russia's playbook.
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You want to live in a country where intelligence agencies work to undermine elected officials?
Yes, if those elected officials are trying to use enemies of the nation that elected them for their own personal gain.
More specifically, I want an intelligence community that works for the United States and not for any political party or elected official.

Y'all thought it was wonderful when someone hacked the DNC and leaked their dirty laundry. Don't think you were too concerned with who was doing the hacking.
So, if our intelligence community has evidence of a candidate running for POTUS using Russian or any foreign intelligence services to find and expose dirt on their think it should all be swept under the rug because it worked and they got elected?
Yes, if those elected officials are trying to use enemies of the nation that elected them for their own personal gain.
More specifically, I want an intelligence community that works for the United States and not for any political party or elected official.

Y'all thought it was wonderful when someone hacked the DNC and leaked their dirty laundry. Don't think you were too concerned with who was doing the hacking.
So, if our intelligence community has evidence of a candidate running for POTUS using Russian or any foreign intelligence services to find and expose dirt on their think it should all be swept under the rug because it worked and they got elected?

Man you're dumb.

You have no idea what was said in the calls. And if the intelligence community had evidence that elected officials were using enemies of the nation for personal gain, do you think leaking shit to the media would be the correct course of action? Or how bout, I don't know, using the legal process? Selectively leaking classified info to harm elected officials is not working for the United States. Donald Trump "works for the United States" because the electorate asked him to. America didn't ask Obama to change the law on his way out of office so he could undermine the incoming POTUS.

Furthermore, as was explained yesterday, there is a HUGE difference in a DNC staffer leaking emails to Wikileaks, and Wikileaks publishing the source data as opposed to "anonymous intelligence officials" telling stories to the media who has been more than willing to publish anything perceived as detrimental to Trump, regardless of accuracy.

Your last sentence, excuse me question, is just moronic bullshit. Your made up hypotheticals are entirely irrelevant.
Gotta love how the left all of a sudden loves the intelligence agencies. How many times did we hear them bash the FBI and James Comey over the years?
[laughing] Just heard Puzder withdrew because of attacks from the left of him once hiring an illegal. So, just so I'm hearing this right, Democrats will fight with everything they have to allow and keep illegals in this country, but if a Republican gives one of them s job... outrage!
September 2, 1945.
So we were a better society when we had segregated schools, segregated water fountains and bathrooms, separate entrances into many businesses that would serve Negros and it was perfectly ok to discriminate against anyone simply because the color of their skin?
Man you're dumb.

You have no idea what was said in the calls. And if the intelligence community had evidence that elected officials were using enemies of the nation for personal gain, do you think leaking shit to the media would be the correct course of action? Or how bout, I don't know, using the legal process? Selectively leaking classified info to harm elected officials is not working for the United States. Donald Trump "works for the United States" because the electorate asked him to. America didn't ask Obama to change the law on his way out of office so he could undermine the incoming POTUS.

Furthermore, as was explained yesterday, there is a HUGE difference in a DNC staffer leaking emails to Wikileaks, and Wikileaks publishing the source data as opposed to "anonymous intelligence officials" telling stories to the media who has been more than willing to publish anything perceived as detrimental to Trump, regardless of accuracy.

Your last sentence, excuse me question, is just moronic bullshit. Your made up hypotheticals are entirely irrelevant.

Can Trump undo what Obama did on the way out?
Yes, if those elected officials are trying to use enemies of the nation that elected them for their own personal gain.
More specifically, I want an intelligence community that works for the United States and not for any political party or elected official.

Y'all thought it was wonderful when someone hacked the DNC and leaked their dirty laundry. Don't think you were too concerned with who was doing the hacking.
So, if our intelligence community has evidence of a candidate running for POTUS using Russian or any foreign intelligence services to find and expose dirt on their think it should all be swept under the rug because it worked and they got elected?
I agree with you. Whoever is proved to be the leaker while breaking the law in each case should be prosecuted.
Report out that the WH is on the cusp of opening up an independent review of the intelligence community. Said it hasn't yet gotten approval, but is only a few small steps away. Might be why Trump announced a spur of the moment press conference a little bit ago.
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So we were a better society when we had segregated schools, segregated water fountains and bathrooms, separate entrances into many businesses that would serve Negros and it was perfectly ok to discriminate against anyone simply because the color of their skin?

Pretty sure the end of World War 2 is perceived as one of the greatest moments in modern history. Could be wrong though.
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[laughing] Just heard Puzder withdrew because of attacks from the left of him once hiring an illegal. So, just so I'm hearing this right, Democrats will fight with everything they have to allow and keep illegals in this country, but if a Republican gives one of them s job... outrage!
If you are serious about the illegal immigration problem then you should be outraged by anyone who hires one. By doing so it simply encouraged more to come.
But he also failed to pay required Soc Security taxes that employers must pay for their employees.
I care about both issues. And Flynn resigned for his transgression. Now, the leakers of the information should step forward and resign as well, if not be prosecuted. It's a two way street.
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If you are serious about the illegal immigration problem then you should be outraged by anyone who hires one. By doing so it simply encouraged more to come.
But he also failed to pay required Soc Security taxes that employers must pay for their employees.
I agree again with Fuzz! Prosecute those who hire illegals and make illegals GTFO.
It's not important whether the leaks are true or fake. What is important is who leaked them. Or is it the other way around? I'm confused.

If this confuses you, you're pretty stupid.

We don't have the actual phone calls or transcripts. We have stories told to the media about what exists.

So yes, it is critically important who is telling the stories and what their motives may be.

If the calls or transcripts are leaked and can be reviewed by everyone, just like the DNC emails were leaked, the content becomes much more important.
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