How will they rule ??!

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The officials emphasized that they know of no instance in which crucial information about security threats or potential plotting has been omitted.

In some of these cases of withheld information, officials have decided not to show Mr Trump the sources and methods that the intelligence agencies use to collect information.

Intelligence officials have in the past not told a president or members of Congress about the ins and outs of how they ply their trade. At times, they have decided that secrecy is essential for protecting a source, and that all a president needs to know is what that source revealed and what the intelligence community thinks is important about it.
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I like that Trump thinks the NSA is tapping him because substance of his phone calls to Australia and Mexico leaked out. Here's a tip, don't talk on the phone while the media is filming you as anyone with $20 can hire a lip reader to tell them exactly what you said you moron.
His calls are not supposed to be getting tapped you moron. Its illegal.
Catapult To Launch Marijuana Over Border From Mexico Found By Border Patrol


A Mexican catapult will basically just be a spoon glued to a 2x4.
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Trump was not sworn in as President and thus did not have executive privilege and plus it was his campaign staff that were recorded is what I understand from watching things develop today. "Constant" Trump campaign contact with Russian foreign intelligence operatives. All recorded, of course. Going to be fun watching that stuff trickle out like Wikileaks on Hillary that Trump was so proud of that he openly asked Putin to ramp it up on Hillary.

You're okay with the government spying on private citizens for political purposes?
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I like that Trump thinks the way to silence the intelligence folks is to try to threaten and intimidate them like he and the Republicans are doing. They have ALL the skeletons in all the closets at their fingertips so that is just a brilliant idea to keep escalating the fight with them.
What is going on is pretty clear. Trump called the intelligence community Nazi's and insulted the shit out of them, so now transcribed calls from Trump's campaign to the Russians are leaking out. What comes around goes around. You called down the thunder, Trump... and now you've got it.

Well except for the fact there is national security issues by doing all of this publicly like a bunch of idiots.

Ever heard of the saying cutting off your nose despite your face?
Other countries know that our president is weak and incompetent, and they are going to take advantage of that fact every chance they get, as Iran and N. Korea have already done.

I hope the impeachment hearings go quickly before any real damage can be done. Not that I like bible-thumping pence, but at least he wouldn't imperil our country like this clown is.

Haha. Weak and take advantage of us? Where the eff have you been the last eight years?

You people are effing insane.
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How GD crazy is it that we have allowed the Obama cancer to run our nation and is trying to run things behind the scenes and spying on people again?

You can't be a Democrat and not be a POS. It's impossible.
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This is going to get very ugly for several folks very soon. Ben Rhodes and others better get ready to lawyer up bigly because I have zero doubts he has a huge hand in these leaks. This goes from Hillary all the way up to Obama (shocker).

The Dems and MSM are playing war games with someone who has no problem firing back (Trump).
Exactly, he was prepared to let Hiliary drift off into the sunset. F that! Go get these losers and release everything there is. Clean house and if Trump has been involved so what......sink their battleship too!
The people have a right to know the truth. You call them traitors, I call them patriots.

Just another example that the left in this country are fascists. You want a shadow government that's not accountable to the public to rule over the country. You want secret police to take out your political enemies because you can't defeat them with your arguments.
This is going to get very ugly for several folks very soon. Ben Rhodes and others better get ready to lawyer up bigly because I have zero doubts he has a huge hand in these leaks. This goes from Hillary all the way up to Obama (shocker).

The Dems and MSM are playing war games with someone who has no problem firing back (Trump).
Acts of sedition.
Being a veteran doesn't make you not a POS. John McCain is a POS.
I want to vomit every time I hear McCain and hero in the same sentence. He might have been back in the day, but hes certainly not a hero in the year 2017. McCain is a traitor to America, plain and simple. I don't care what he went through a long time ago, we see what hes doing as a politician and its just awful.

McCains hero card is worn out. I know folks who have served who hate the SOB. They hate how he and his family constantly throw the hero card out like it makes him above criticism. He is Benedict Arnold 2.0, maybe even worse. If this makes me a bad person, so be it. I can not stomach the bastard anymore so sue me. It drives me crazy how horrible this guy is, and STILL keeps getting re elected. Come the f*** on Arizona...
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McCains hero card is worn out. I know folks who have served who hate the SOB. They hate how he and his family constantly throw the hero card out like it makes him above criticism. He is Benedict Arnold 2.0, maybe even worse.

Benedict Arnold

He decided to change sides and opened secret negotiations with the British. In July 1780, he was awarded command of West Point. His scheme was to surrender the fort to the British, but it was exposed when American forces captured British Major John André carrying papers which revealed the plot.
You want to live in a country where intelligence agencies work to undermine elected officials?

This is the key. If theyre legit actual concerns, I'm 100% ok with it. But we know that's not the case. Why? Because it was leaked. The leak proves it's politics. That makes it despicable.

People should be fired and prosecuted.
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I personally can't wait. Crap will hit the fan.

The SJW snowflakes will cry and rage.

The even bigger snowflakes from the "alt-right" will try to spin things as usual.

Neither side honest in any way.

It'll be glorious.
Remember, leaking Clinton's child human trafficking is bad, but leaking Trump is okay

For democrats. Child molestion is good. Trump bad.

I remember cnn telling people not to read Wikileaks because it was illegal. To just listen to what they said was in there.

Now it's full speed ahead, even though there's nothing improper at all in these leaks
Nothing more American and time-honored than calling our fighting men and women PsOS.

Enjoy that freedom for everything it's worth.(which is a lot)

So you think that it is impossible for someone to be in the military and not be a bad person? Is this the logic being displayed?

I support our troops and I admire a lot of veterans but I'm not delusional enough to think that serving somehow blankets you from any criticism and that all bad things someone does are forever ignored. So don't try to conflate this as an attack on the military.

But hey, look at this guy. It's John Allen Muhammad. He served in the U.S. Army so he was definitely not a POS.


Oh, wait. He was also the D.C. Sniper and killed 10 people. Never mind. He was a POS.

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So you think that it is impossible for someone to be in the military and not be a bad person? Is this the logic being displayed?

I support our troops and I admire a lot of veterans but I'm not delusional enough to think that serving somehow blankets you from any criticism and that all bad things someone does are forever ignored. So don't try to conflate this as an attack on the military.

The logical fallacy is that:

'So you think that it is impossible for someone to be (Democrat) in the military and not be a bad person?'

You can't be a Democrat and not be a POS. It's impossible.

Broad brush and whatnot.
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I like that Trump thinks the NSA is tapping him because substance of his phone calls to Australia and Mexico leaked out. Here's a tip, don't talk on the phone while the media is filming you as anyone with $20 can hire a lip reader to tell them exactly what you said you moron.

Except transcripts of said classified calls were illegally leaked to the media. You get dumber by the post.

[laughing]Lip readers? What a f*cking grade A idiot. That's absolutely embarrassing.
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Other countries know that our president is weak and incompetent, and they are going to take advantage of that fact every chance they get, as Iran and N. Korea have already done.

You're living in the past. That's exactly what happened on Obama's watch, and in reality, not your TDS delusions.

I see you've found a buddy in Z. [laughing] You two dockers are perfect for each other.
Evening, retards!

Just wanted to stop by and say hi to my favorite internet racists. I see ya'll are still regurgitating Tucker's jizz like good little soldiers. When are you ****in dweebs going to accept reality? Trump is a failure and an embarrassment, and it's only been 3 weeks.

This is going to be so fun to watch... :popcorn:
Thank you. As long as you and the other SWJ's continue to view The View and the other liberal talking outlets, we will continue to win. I wonder if you guys remember posting about how if the right would quit harping on abortions, and other social issues we would start winning elections? Well, many conservatives listened and went with a winner and now....Winning! You guys are the ones now pushing the social agenda and are losing big, once again thank you. Your butt hurt whining's have only made our numbers stronger. I guess that education in sensitivity training has really paid off. Your parents must be proud and show it giving you hugs in their basement every night. Their favorite bedtime quote to you is " Sleep tight my little C.H.U.D."