How will they rule ??!

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Fully agree .... That the current democratic platform is alt left extreme and there's a difference between them, and "liberals". Conservatives should start explaining the differences and put it out there for people on the left to decide who they are.

and that was the initial thrust for the writing I'm doing on 50 Amp Fuse Blog

George Orwell has some GREAT points about the use of the English language and how informs and influences our thoughts....especially when it comes to political

Speaking clearly and having clearly defined "Stuff" is in the best interests of the general public regards less of our political leanings

When it comes down to it - don't we all want a govt that's accountable to US?

Also - to your last point --- there are people within the Left and within other specific populations that have essentially been abandoned by the new Marxist Left

They don't have to become Republicans
They don't even have to become conservatives

But they SHOULD apply their knowledge and energy -- even if in some small way here or there -- to join other "Logically Thinking" politically minded people and slow this thing down before we have a "real" revolution in this nation

I was up until about 7 am writing on that article about the Marxist nature of Black Lives Matter -- thought it'd be done by now but have to try and wrap up it tonight -- lots of threads to that one

PS: You have a nice boobies
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This is all just the start of it. Obama and the Democrats have set a new precedent.

Don't think for one second all of this will just be forgotten. I guarantee right now there are Conservative and Trump supporting intelligence agents fuming over this, swearing retribution this very moment, plotting, and chomping at the bit at their turn at payback to undermine and sabotage a Democrat president.

Looks like Obama did succeed and leave behind a legacy after all. America's government is officially ran banana republic, third world style.
It could happen before a dem President is elected. Lets not forget there are still MANY Obama and Hillary emails out there that were not leaked. Somebody has these emails, and they'll be given to Wikileaks (if they don't already have them) and be leaked. I wouldn't be surprised if theres an effort to get these emails right now by somebody. This is not over by a longshot. This Flynn bullshit is a walk in the park compared to what will come out about Obama and Hillary. The dems want to start a leak war, ha, bring it the f*** on.
Not a damn dime should be given to California. There is ZERO benefit to do so.
- California refuses to enforce immigration laws
- They're a leftist utopia of garbage that wastes money like crazy and are broke
- They wanted to secede
- And they haven't voted Republican since 1988. No benefit in doing so. Eff them and if they do want money, they have to get rid of sanctuary cities to even be considered to be given money.

Hell, ask Hollywood for the loan, Jerry Brown.
did not some of the lefties on here say California was one of the richest states and could support themselves? Why do they need federal aid?
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FYI the "American culture and way of life" has changed and will continue to change over time. It has changed quite substantially over the past 100 years and is likely to change over the next 100. The idea that we are going to "rehapolster the culture" to less sophisticated origins is nothing but fear mongering and ignores 1000's of years of history and understanding of how cultures change. Of course your arguments aren't new. They are as predicable as old men sitting around complaining about youngsters and how they will never amount to anything. Each and every wave of immigrants into this country faced opposition from people like yourself saying the same things.
Your point is proof that progressive ideas don't work. We have gotten worse as a society and the American dream is getting harder and harder to come by. 2 parents must now work to make ends meet. Thank you Fuzz for helping our cause.
Good God. Trump up there saying Flynn was mistreated by a fake media. Unreal. The man is delusional. I mean clinically legally delusional. Insane. Listen to this guy.
Please, go sit in your own dung because the crap you spout here is not wanted or needed.
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Turn on the TV and take a gander at Trump humiliating the United States in front of the entire world in the Netanyahu meeting.
Do you remember Obama bowing or drawing a line in the sand only to do nothing? Perhaps you remember the hot mike moment promising Russia he would kiss their asses once he was re-elected.Maybe his cowering to the Iranians will jog your memory. Embarrassment? Obama wrote the book Z. Read it sometime and educate yourself.
CNN broke the story you moron. Seriously, can't you idiots even make a serious effort at living in the real world instead of this fake delusional anti-world you and Fox News have created for yourselves?

Trump just got up there on TV and called it fake news that caused Flynn to have to resign. We know that is a complete lie. Flynn did talk to the Russians about sanctions and then he misled the VP about it. He SAID IT IN HIS RESIGNATION letter. How is that fake news? It just boggles the mind at how dangerous of a situation we find ourselves in with this completely disturbed nut leading our country.
[roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll]CNN broke the story you guys. Only God is higher in the truth. What a tool. Had a hard day but, Z's comic review is a good relief from reality.
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The media is crying Cuz trump is rolling out too much too fast this is code for "slow down so we can create ways to make u look bad "
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I see some posters are still pushing open borders and trying to guilt trip anyone against it.

Come here legally or don't come. Come here legally, you'll be welcomed with open arms. Come here illegally, and I hope you're deported the first second it's possible
All this bs with Nordstrom, Starbucks, and other companies politicizing products and services makes me appreciate Jordan. I never liked MJ because I couldn't afford his shoes growing up. I never owned a pair. However he took heat for not making any political statements from the left. The only political statement I know of is "Republicans buy shoes too." Keep your politics out of my sports, entertainment, and products. The community activist ex president continues to destroy america from within.
All this bs with Nordstrom, Starbucks, and other companies politicizing products and services makes me appreciate Jordan. I never liked MJ because I couldn't afford his shoes growing up. I never owned a pair. However he took heat for not making any political statements from the left. The only political statement I know of is "Republicans buy shoes too." Keep your politics out of my sports, entertainment, and products. The community activist ex president continues to destroy america from within.


And how many of us are pining to find out how these companies feel? "Oh, I must know how General Mills feels about this" or "I wonder how Macy's feels?"

You speak out and you're going to piss off half of the nation.
Well, this seems a bit huge.

In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.

The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.
The NSA especially likes to eavesdrop on calls originating inside the United States to countries that are hostile to the US... like for example, Russia.
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Ah, a joke that was relevant 3 weeks ago. Typical.

psst, the rest of the world has moved on.

You have ran the full gambit in 3 months.
In November you were the independent only harping on Trump because he was in the news the most, even claimed you weren't voting Hillary. Constantly bringing up the odds in Britain on Trump, believe you got in at 450-1. Claimed you worked in telecommunications, and Americans were just too hard to deal with, so you were all for offshoring jobs.

Then you were the casino worker, you were still reasonable then, frustrated, starting to crack.
Then you went full retard, you're like a child that can't deal with emotion. You're just embarrassing yourself, you think any of the adults on here give a shit if you're upset or angry? Life is hard, so is the Paddock.
Windy has posters of Shia Ledouche in his bedroom. i picture a fat pimply face version of Shia when i think of Windy. life has been hard for you hasn't it. living this long and never seeing an actual vagina in person let alone knowing a girl who let you touch hers.
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You want to live in a country where intelligence agencies work to undermine elected officials?
Trump was not sworn in as President and thus did not have executive privilege and plus it was his campaign staff that were recorded is what I understand from watching things develop today. "Constant" Trump campaign contact with Russian foreign intelligence operatives. All recorded, of course. Going to be fun watching that stuff trickle out like Wikileaks on Hillary that Trump was so proud of that he openly asked Putin to ramp it up on Hillary.
What is going on is pretty clear. Trump called the intelligence community Nazi's and insulted the shit out of them, so now transcribed calls from Trump's campaign to the Russians are leaking out. What comes around goes around. You called down the thunder, Trump... and now you've got it.
Hopefully Trump puts together a hit list like Obama did. Love to see Trump ******** democrats.
I like that Trump thinks the NSA is tapping him because substance of his phone calls to Australia and Mexico leaked out. Here's a tip, don't talk on the phone while the media is filming you as anyone with $20 can hire a lip reader to tell them exactly what you said you moron.