How will they rule ??!

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Just for you idiots future reference in this thread, there are numerous calls from Trump's staff during the campaign and leading up to his inauguration to Russia that were intercepted by the NSA. Many of them involving Russian intelligence officers. The NSA knows exactly what was said. It is recorded. Only a matter of it worming its way to light one day at a time. All of them transcribed. Drip, drip, drip... until Trump's fat ass is buried up to his fat lying mouth in it.

There, write an Executive Order on that. Hold a few laughable meetings that mean jackshit. Big League. Huge. Keep feeding the rubes the horseshit they voted for.

Here is the problem, while maybe this is true, and maybe there is bad shit on in the world is it that you think this only pertains to Trump? Why do you not realize how much bad stuff from the democrats isn't ever spoken of?

Luck of the draw? I know it isn't because you think they are clean as a whistle with no corruption? Please tell me you do not think democrats are above corruption?

So why?
Texas is really on the Trump train. From straight macking sanctuary cities to now filing papers in support of Trump’s travel ban. MTGA!


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday asked a federal appeals court for permission to file legal papers in support of President Donald Trump’s travel ban, making Texas the first state to back Trump in closely watched litigation over the ban.
When will Americans learn. You won't negotiate with 3rd world degenerates and terrorist. They are barely above apes in human intellect. We are going to F around with them, trying to be diplomatic, and it's going to kill many of our future generations.

we try to contain ants by pouring soda all of the kitchen floor. Wake up America. If you don't have the stomach for war, you don't have the stomach for life as a human.

- morgousky.
Steve f****** Bannon, my man!

They WANT this fight with the media, but the media won't stop for two reasons.

1. The media is full retard left, they couldnt stop if they realized they needed to.

2. It's actually helping their ratings.

What do they do? Give Trump 8 years and have better ratings, or try and adjust, stop making independents tone def to the media rants, and maybe help the liberals take it back.

One thing is certain, the media fighting trump, only helps trump.
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How does the left not see that what makes a country great, isn't the's the people? If you take third world people who are incapable of making their own country great, why would you think it would make your country better by bringing in tons of those types?

It's like a dog welcoming fleas. Imagine you're a homeowner and had multiple clean and domesticated dogs. How would your home benefit by bringing in flea-infested strays that destroy everything?

What would happen if you replaced Japan with the people of Haiti or Syria? What would happen to that place?

Not all cultures are equal because if they were, then why would we have such different results? So bringing in the third world does nothing but make our place worse and it does nothing to fix the place they just left.
How does the left not see that what makes a country great, isn't the's the people? If you take third world people who are incapable of making their own country great, why would you think it would make your country better by bringing in tons of those types?

It's like a dog welcoming fleas. Imagine you're a homeowner and had multiple clean and domesticated dogs. How would your home benefit by bringing in flea-infested strays that destroy everything?

What would happen if you replaced Japan with the people of Haiti or Syria? What would happen to that place?

Not all cultures are equal because if they were, then why would we have such different results? So bringing in the third world does nothing but make our place worse and it does nothing to fix the place they just left.

Or imagine if you replaced the Middle East with those evil white Americans and Americans as a whole. Wonder if it would improve?

Amazon purchases instead of the sex slave trade? A little Steak N shake instead of genital mutilation?
Texas is really on the Trump train. From straight macking sanctuary cities to now filing papers in support of Trump’s travel ban. MTGA!


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday asked a federal appeals court for permission to file legal papers in support of President Donald Trump’s travel ban, making Texas the first state to back Trump in closely watched litigation over the ban.
2 state solution died today. Gone in a whimsical mouthing of a complete neanderthal that has absolutely no idea of what he is doing. I wonder how many billions of dollars the United States has invested in treasure and sweat in trying to make a 2 state solution work?
I don't know why either side would care. I mean, they're all Asians.

Right, rqarnold?
Z is Z, he's probably got different positions based on who's posting.

Owning Fuzz is like my balls owning pubes. So easy any ole ballsack can do it. Not bright enough at this point tbh.

Need some new progressive blood in here. What about nostraDeeeefus? I asked the other day but he's awol. Maybe a liberal prophet could defend the position a little better.

Copkilla is fun, but he's unwilling to call a spade a spade.

Maybe teachable moe will crawl out of his hole sometime soon.
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Some good comedy in here today lol.

In the meantime... things that really matter... another record Dow- MAGA!
How does the left not see that what makes a country great, isn't the's the people? If you take third world people who are incapable of making their own country great, why would you think it would make your country better by bringing in tons of those types?

It's like a dog welcoming fleas. Imagine you're a homeowner and had multiple clean and domesticated dogs. How would your home benefit by bringing in flea-infested strays that destroy everything?

What would happen if you replaced Japan with the people of Haiti or Syria? What would happen to that place?

Not all cultures are equal because if they were, then why would we have such different results? So bringing in the third world does nothing but make our place worse and it does nothing to fix the place they just left.
Yeah, how have people come from all over the world to settle in the US and not result in the US looking like the rest of the world?
So you don't think that the political systems, few which are democratic, or the income distribution and lack of opportunities both educationally and socioeconomically have anything to do with third world conditions? The exploitation of peoples and the natural resources of those lands?
Enlighten us on the difference between the people of Syria and those of Jordan? The people of Dubai and those of Iraq? The people of Haiti and those of the Dominican Republic?
The people of Russia and US citizens of Russian decent?

Your home and your soul may well benefit by bringing in a flea-infested stray if you take the time and make the effort to care for it. To treat the stray for fleas and offer it the same love and security you show your other dogs. Dogs and people often misbehave because of their environment, not because they are somehow genetically defective.
Owning Fuzz is like my balls owning pubes. So easy any ole ballsack can do it.
I would have thought by now you'd grown beyond a middle school mentality. Thinking because you respond in some half-witted way that it somehow bestows ownership over someone.

You're a regular legend in your own mind![roll][banana]
Yeah, how have people come from all over the world to settle in the US and not result in the US looking like the rest of the world?
So you don't think that the political systems, few which are democratic, or the income distribution and lack of opportunities both educationally and socioeconomically have anything to do with third world conditions? The exploitation of peoples and the natural resources of those lands?
Enlighten us on the difference between the people of Syria and those of Jordan? The people of Dubai and those of Iraq? The people of Haiti and those of the Dominican Republic?
The people of Russia and US citizens of Russian decent?

Your home and your soul may well benefit by bringing in a flea-infested stray if you take the time and make the effort to care for it. To treat the stray for fleas and offer it the same love and security you show your other dogs. Dogs and people often misbehave because of their environment, not because they are somehow genetically defective.
How can someone that asks so many questions be such an insufferable dumbass????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Perhaps a listening or intelligence problem. Spitballing.
How can someone that asks so many questions be such an insufferable dumbass????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Perhaps a listening or intelligence problem. Spitballing.

Maybe its his pledge pin...

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Thanks Trump for destroying my 401k....
The Dow will need to hit over 45,000 to equal its growth during Obama's years. It was below 8000 when he took office. It's good to cheer and enjoy run-ups while they are happening but at some point history tells us there will be a correction.

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Damn cable bundles are what's keeping CNN & MSNBC alive. Low ratings in the past dictated how the news was covered but Time Warner & Comcast are hell bent on leaning left and with cable bundles they can force cable providers to pickup ever channel they offer or no channels. Word is that both companies have substantial influence with the democratic party. Sort of a I'll scratch your back if you scratch my back situation. I hope one day cable bundles will end so I can cancel both shows and never have to look at or hear Rachael Maddow again.
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Well, this seems a bit huge.

In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.

The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.
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EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency ‘Absolutely’ Tapping Trump’s Calls

Binney was an architect of the NSA’s surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001 after spending more than 30 years with the agency.

Asked whether he believes the NSA is tapping Trump, Binney replied: “Absolutely. How did they get the phone call between the president and the president of Australia? Or the one that he made with Mexico? Those are not targeted foreigners.”

He offered recommendations for how he says Trump can reign in the agency:

He can order that they put a filter on the front end of all their collection that eliminates any U.S. citizens anywhere in the world unless they have a warrant for it. If they don’t, then he has to put people in jail if they violated.

So, I mean, that’s the way to do it. The other way is to cut their budget. I mean they are given too much money anyway. When they are given too much money, they get to do wild and crazy things. And this is wild and crazy. Violations of the Constitution’s 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments.
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This is all just the start of it. Obama and the Democrats have set a new precedent.

Don't think for one second all of this will just be forgotten. I guarantee right now there are Conservative and Trump supporting intelligence agents fuming over this, swearing retribution this very moment, plotting, and chomping at the bit at their turn at payback to undermine and sabotage a Democrat president.

Looks like Obama did succeed and leave behind a legacy after all. America's government is officially ran banana republic, third world style.
All the work done in thousands of hours of both Republican and Democratic administrations gone in the wink of a mouth in Trump saying he doesn't care if it is a 1 or 2 State solution to the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

The United States invented the 2 State solution and Trump discards it like so much paperwads in a thoughtless idiotic gesture. Nice touch to what is the most foolishly embarrassing spectacle the world has ever seen in this pretend fraud lunatic representing our country.

Remember when you thought it was funny to pretend he was your guy?
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Student who filmed California professor's insane rant about Trump's election being an "act of terrorism," gets suspended for over a semester.

Additionally, O’Neil must write an apology letter to professor as well as a three-page, double spaced essay discussing why he videotaped the professor despite “knowing that it was a violation of the course syllabus;” his “thoughts and analysis” on why he shared the video with others; what he thought would happen to Stable-Cox; the video’s impact “and ensuing damage to Orange Coast College students, faculty, and staff;” “other choices [he] could have made to resolve the situation;” and “[how he] will prevent this from happening again in the future.”

If O’Neil, who is not a member of the OCC College Republicans, fails to satisfy any of the requirements laid out by OCC, he could be expelled from the Coast Community College District for good.


Academia is like a cult.
FYI the "American culture and way of life" has changed and will continue to change over time. It has changed quite substantially over the past 100 years and is likely to change over the next 100. The idea that we are going to "rehapolster the culture" to less sophisticated origins is nothing but fear mongering and ignores 1000's of years of history and understanding of how cultures change. Of course your arguments aren't new. They are as predicable as old men sitting around complaining about youngsters and how they will never amount to anything. Each and every wave of immigrants into this country faced opposition from people like yourself saying the same things.

There is not one immigrant group in our history that posed the same threats to our values that Muslims do. The evidence is all over Western Europe every day.

It is incomprehensible that a person with eyes would fail to acknowledge this.
EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency ‘Absolutely’ Tapping Trump’s Calls

Binney was an architect of the NSA’s surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001 after spending more than 30 years with the agency.

Asked whether he believes the NSA is tapping Trump, Binney replied: “Absolutely. How did they get the phone call between the president and the president of Australia? Or the one that he made with Mexico? Those are not targeted foreigners.”

He offered recommendations for how he says Trump can reign in the agency:

He can order that they put a filter on the front end of all their collection that eliminates any U.S. citizens anywhere in the world unless they have a warrant for it. If they don’t, then he has to put people in jail if they violated.

So, I mean, that’s the way to do it. The other way is to cut their budget. I mean they are given too much money anyway. When they are given too much money, they get to do wild and crazy things. And this is wild and crazy. Violations of the Constitution’s 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments.
This is treason. Plain and simple.