How will they rule ??!

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Again, how are they going to bury Trump when people who have literally read the transcripts have said Flynn did nothing out of the ordinary, and will not face any charges himself? Please, enlighten me.
You're referring to the December 29th phone calls to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Five of them. Where he spoke about the Obama sanctions and then lied about it... but why? If what he did was legal then why did he feel as though he needed to lie about it?

Well beyond that idiocy are the numerous, sustained, long-term "constant" contacts between the Trump campaign and what at times were Russian intelligence officers. All recorded. NSA is all over phone calls to hostile nations from the US courtesy of the Patriot Act.

Was there collusion? What were all those phone calls about? What do you think it means if Russian intelligence operatives were feeding information to the Trump campaign in say exchange for a lessoning of sanctions if Trump wins... maybe the Dec 29th phone calls were to assure/console the Russians that the deal was still in place and to not react to the Obama sanctions as Putin promptly did that and Trump promptly tweeted his acknowledgement of Putin not responding.

What exactly accounts for Trump's continued sustained infatuation with Putin and Russia? It's the only country (including our own) that he has steadfastly refused to criticize in any way. Often times carrying water for Russia in suggesting the Ukraine welcomed the Russian invaders, that the Crimea annexation was okay, and even equating the moral standing of Russia to being equal to the United States?

Something rotten in Bismark and it will be coming out as it's all recorded just waiting to be revealed to the American people in the form of NSA recorded phone calls and... Trump's tax returns.
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The globalist socialist bastards have nothing more to lose. With the help of their rats in the intelligence community and their corrupt MSM, they are now trying to throw our country into chaos. The truth is lost in the daily mountain of fake news and exaggerations. Putin must be laughing his ass off.
Good God. Trump up there saying Flynn was mistreated by a fake media. Unreal. The man is delusional. I mean clinically legally delusional. Insane. Listen to this guy.
"I can live with either a 1 or 2 state solution" is the dumbest thing a US president has ever said. In one fell swoop of Trump's giant mouth he undermine's a hundred years of US diplomacy.
Just for you idiots future reference in this thread, there are numerous calls from Trump's staff during the campaign and leading up to his inauguration to Russia that were intercepted by the NSA. Many of them involving Russian intelligence officers. The NSA knows exactly what was said. It is recorded. Only a matter of it worming its way to light one day at a time. All of them transcribed. Drip, drip, drip... until Trump's fat ass is buried up to his fat lying mouth in it.

There, write an Executive Order on that. Hold a few laughable meetings that mean jackshit. Big League. Huge. Keep feeding the rubes the horseshit they voted for.
You mean the same NYTs article that also says theres no evidence showing it happened?

You're referring to the December 29th phone calls to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Five of them. Where he spoke about the Obama sanctions and then lied about it... but why? If what he did was legal then why did he feel as though he needed to lie about it?

Not sure why he lied, not a mind reader. You'd have to ask him that. What I do know, and have already provided the quote and link for you once, is the same people who have read these transcripts and are leaking this info to the media, also told CNN nothing of what he said was out of the ordinary and will not lead to criminal charges.

Is CNN all of the sudden not good enough for you? So you'll believe all the anonymous, unnamed sourced quotes when they same something negative towards Trump, but not when those same sources say something positive?

I get it all the yapping, though. You have four, potentially eight more years of Trump. Anything negative is a victory for you, even if you have to stretch it to fit to your delusionals.

BTW, just throwing this out there as a hypothetical. Say Flynn did commit a crime, then what? How will they prove it in a court of law? Where's there evidence? They've blown their load by illegally revealing his highly classified identity (in this situation) and have committed very serious felonies themselves.

Do you honestly think the people behind this are willing to go to prison themselves? Do you honesty think that evidence will be allowed to be submitted into any Constitution abiding courtroom? That mess is so tainted even the 9th Circuit would turn it down.
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You mean the same NYTs article that also says theres no evidence showing it happened?

Here is the actual story:

High-level advisers close to then-presidential nominee Donald Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence, multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN.

President-elect Trump and then-President Barack Obama were both briefed on details of the extensive communications between suspected Russian operatives and people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump business, according to US officials familiar with the matter.

Both the frequency of the communications during early summer and the proximity to Trump of those involved "raised a red flag" with US intelligence and law enforcement, according to these officials. The communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russian officials and other Russian nationals known to US intelligence.
All the work done in thousands of hours of both Republican and Democratic administrations gone in the wink of a mouth in Trump saying he doesn't care if it is a 1 or 2 State solution to the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

The United States invented the 2 State solution and Trump discards it like so much paperwads in a thoughtless idiotic gesture. Nice touch to what is the most foolishly embarrassing spectacle the world has ever seen in this pretend fraud lunatic representing our country.
Here is the actual story:

High-level advisers close to then-presidential nominee Donald Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence, multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN.

President-elect Trump and then-President Barack Obama were both briefed on details of the extensive communications between suspected Russian operatives and people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump business, according to US officials familiar with the matter.

Both the frequency of the communications during early summer and the proximity to Trump of those involved "raised a red flag" with US intelligence and law enforcement, according to these officials. The communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russian officials and other Russian nationals known to US intelligence.
CNN, lol.

You're referring to the December 29th phone calls to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Five of them. Where he spoke about the Obama sanctions and then lied about it... but why? If what he did was legal then why did he feel as though he needed to lie about it?

Well beyond that idiocy are the numerous, sustained, long-term "constant" contacts between the Trump campaign and what at times were Russian intelligence officers. All recorded. NSA is all over phone calls to hostile nations from the US courtesy of the Patriot Act.

Was there collusion? What were all those phone calls about? What do you think it means if Russian intelligence operatives were feeding information to the Trump campaign in say exchange for a lessoning of sanctions if Trump wins... maybe the Dec 29th phone calls were to assure/console the Russians that the deal was still in place and to not react to the Obama sanctions as Putin promptly did that and Trump promptly tweeted his acknowledgement of Putin not responding.

What exactly accounts for Trump's continued sustained infatuation with Putin and Russia? It's the only country (including our own) that he has steadfastly refused to criticize in any way. Often times carrying water for Russia in suggesting the Urkrain welcomed the Russia invaders, that the Crimea annexation was okay, and even equating the moral standing of Russia to being equal to the United States?

Something rotten in Bismark and it will be coming out as it's all recorded just waiting to be revealed to the American people in the form of NSA recorded phone calls and... Trump's tax returns.
Here is the actual story:

High-level advisers close to then-presidential nominee Donald Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence, multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN.

President-elect Trump and then-President Barack Obama were both briefed on details of the extensive communications between suspected Russian operatives and people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump business, according to US officials familiar with the matter.

Both the frequency of the communications during early summer and the proximity to Trump of those involved "raised a red flag" with US intelligence and law enforcement, according to these officials. The communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russian officials and other Russian nationals known to US intelligence.
Z , only liberals take MSM seriously anymore. MSM has become irrelevant, why? They have a major credibility problem and they have become nothing more than another political wing of liberals. MSM and liberals in a greater context have already lost, they just haven't figured it out yet or maybe they have and that is why liberals have resorted to violence. As I have said before liberals have more in common today with ISIS than with conservatives or independents in this country.
CNN, lol.
CNN broke the story you moron. Seriously, can't you idiots even make a serious effort at living in the real world instead of this fake delusional anti-world you and Fox News have created for yourselves?

Trump just got up there on TV and called it fake news that caused Flynn to have to resign. We know that is a complete lie. Flynn did talk to the Russians about sanctions and then he misled the VP about it. He SAID IT IN HIS RESIGNATION letter. How is that fake news? It just boggles the mind at how dangerous of a situation we find ourselves in with this completely disturbed nut leading our country.
Z , only liberals take MSM seriously anymore. MSM has become irrelevant, why? They have a major credibility problem and they have become nothing more than another political wing of liberals. MSM and liberals in a greater context have already lost, they just haven't figured it out yet or maybe they have and that is why liberals have resorted to violence. As I have said before liberals have more in common today with ISIS than with conservatives or independents in this country.
Great, you nuts have completely divorced yourselves from reality. It's all fake news. Even when the people involved openly admit it then it is still fake to you people.
CNN broke the story you moron. Seriously, can't you idiots even make a serious effort at living in the real world instead of this fake delusional anti-world you and Fox News have created for yourselves?

Trump just got up there on TV and called it fake news that caused Flynn to have to resign. We know that is a complete lie. Flynn did talk to the Russians about sanctions and then he misled the VP about it. He SAID IT IN HIS RESIGNATION letter. How is that fake news? It just boggles the mind at how dangerous of a situation we find ourselves in with this completely disturbed nut leading our country.
Z, CNN is fake news! They are nothing more than liberal propaganda. Liberals care what they say because CNN, MSM is just regurgitating what they want to hear. CNN/MSM is not trustworthy any long, which means their opinion no longer carries any weight.
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Z, CNN is fake news! They are nothing more than liberal propaganda. Liberals care what they say because CNN, MSM is just regurgitating what they want to hear. CNN/MSM is not trustworthy any long, which means their opinion no longer carries any weight.
Facts are not "opinions" you blithering hopeless imbecile.
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The United States invented the 2 State solution and Trump discards it like so much paperwads
Sort of like the left discards the US Constitution because it was written by white men 200+ years ago, claiming it's outdated and not mainstream enough?

Maybe Trump thinks the same thing about the 2-state solution.
Great, you nuts have completely divorced yourselves from reality. It's all fake news. Even when the people involved openly admit it then it is still fake to you people.
No liberals lost their mind and divorced themselves from reality when they started comparing Trump to Hitler, when liberals openly called for cops to be murdered, for not allowing people of different view points to speak in a public area, for openly hoping for Trump to be assassinated not even 1 day into his presidency. Liberals divorced themselves from reality when they decided to burn down private owned businesses of people that worked extremely hard and put every dollar they had into trying to make a better life for themselves and communities. Don't preach to me about reality when you have no GD idea what reality even is!
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2 state solution died today. Gone in a whimsical mouthing of a complete neanderthal that has absolutely no idea of what he is doing. I wonder how many billions of dollars the United States has invested in treasure and sweat in trying to make a 2 state solution work?
No liberals lost their mind and divorced themselves from reality when they started comparing Trump to Hitler, when liberals openly called for cops to be murdered, for not allowing people of different view points to speak in a public area, for openly hoping for Trump to be assassinated not even 1 day into his presidency. Liberals divorced themselves from reality when they decided to burn down private owned businesses of people that worked extremely hard and put every dollar they had into trying to make a better life for themselves and communities. Don't preach to me about reality when you have no GD idea what reality even is!
Here's a hint: facts. Try basing your reality on facts. Try it for like 20 minutes and see how you like it.
Sort of like the left discards the US Constitution because it was written by white men 200+ years ago, claiming it's outdated and not mainstream enough?
Yes, because that's exactly the same thing I was talking about. Good one. You really outdid yourself with that gem.
M'Gousky -- do you agree with the next two statements?

I believe both to be true (not trying to play "gotcha" with you - just taking the conversation to a logical and clear conclusion + one prediction type statement)

1) We are witnessing a Marxist revolution in the USA right now - the revolution has been gaining momentum since the 1960's and is becoming increasingly intolerant of opposing views - to the point of legitimizing their own violent actions on occasion.

2) The goal is to economically destroy the US Dollar which will, in turn, trigger a worldwide economic response that requires a new arrangement no longer based on the US Dollar....this is being carried out by a 'network of networks' as opposed to a single nation or entity

Fully agree on both parts. Globalist have been trying to crash the US dollar for a long time. The Bush family, Clintons, and obamas all pushed the collapse of the US dollar. How else can they force all of us to a one world currency.

The Marxist revolution is a great way to look at it. These same types were all but destroyed after the Vietnam war (Marxist revolutionist) when people saw just how insane the left treated our soldiers. It took the Western European progressive party of America to their knees, and about 30 years to recover. They're back, all of a sudden they "love" the vets, and they've learned from past mistakes. These are vicious ideologues, and I wish the real traditional liberals would start to seperate themselves, but so far they're still joined. The media has no trouble discussing the republican split ( tea party) but they won't touch the alt left platform and tell the truth. That the current democratic platform is alt left extreme and there's a difference between them, and "liberals". Conservatives should start explaining the differences and put it out there for people on the left to decide who they are.
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Yes, because that's exactly the same thing I was talking about. Good one. You really outdid yourself with that gem.
Sure it is. Exactly the same. Just like you guys piss on the Constitution and say it's outdated, Trump pisses on the 2- state solution and says it's is outdated. Easy peasy.

And since you're so fired up today, making sure to keep us all in check, mind linking the CNN story titled - Why Michael Flynn likely won't face charges under the Logan Act?

Or the Daily News story titled - FBI: No, Flynn won't face prosecution?

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I just cringe when people talk about the constitution being out dated. Ooooh yea, so outdated. The greatest system in the history of all governments is outdated. The consitution is an INFANT compared to other forms of government that have been around FAR longer, and works better than any system created by man.

The party that wants tag black minorities as victims of racial oppression, due to slavery, dares to call something old and out dated. Yea, sure.
Could you imagine if the left's logic was challenged on a consistent basis and their insanity was exposed as double think and pure ignorance?

I'd love to know how Trump and his supporters are considered white supremacists despite their support of Israel. How does that make sense? White supremacists certainly don't back Jews. [laughing]

I'd like for them to see how calling someone fascist while you advocate for violence against these people for disagreeing with you is the epitome of fascism.
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I just cringe when people talk about the constitution being out dated. Ooooh yea, so outdated. The greatest system in the history of all governments is outdated. The consitution is an INFANT compared to other forms of government that have been around FAR longer, and works better than any system created by man.

The party that wants tag black minorities as victims of racist oppression, due to slavery, want to dare to call something old and it dated. Yea, sure.

What do you expect from idiots that pine for communism and socialism? Don't expect any of their stances to be consistent either. They just move the goal post.
Could you imagine if the left's logic was challenged on a consistent basis and their insanity was exposed as double think and pure ignorance?

I'd love to know how Trump and his supporters are considered white supremacists despite their support of Israel. How does that make sense? White supremacists certainly don't back Jews. [laughing]

I'd like for them to see how calling someone fascist while you advocate for violence against these people for disagreeing with you is the epitome of fascism.

Because they know their supporters are nuts, and they'll be easy to manipulate.

"Look lefties!! They support the "whiter" race in the Middle East". Proving again how racist they really are."

No policy, no knowledge dealing in fact, just pure identity politics.

- 2017 alt left progressives ( today's traditional democrat.)
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Senior Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday sought to stave off town hall protests from their own party, asking Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to reach out and urge activists to redirect their anger at Republicans instead of at moderate Democratic lawmakers.

WaPo, lol
Senior Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday sought to stave off town hall protests from their own party, asking Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to reach out and urge activists to redirect their anger at Republicans instead of at moderate Democratic lawmakers.

WaPo, lol

This is why I totally back secession. Give them the west and the northeast and be done with it.