How will they rule ??!

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Judges don't make arguments. That's for the lawyers. If a judge asks a lawyer for evidence of terrorists coming from the 7 countries listed and the lawyer does not enter into evidence terrorists coming from the 7 countries then as far as the court is concerned it never happened.
What if that evidence is classified? Not to mention, that question is irrelevant. The Constitution doesn't say the President has to have evidence, only that he deem it a threat.
Don't want to get deported? Don't come into a country illegally and set up shop.

BTW, automatic birthright citizenship has to end. Even Harry Reid argued for that to happen in 1993. It makes no sense that a Mexican woman can come across the border being nine months pregnant and then have a kid here the very next day and that kid is considered "American." BS!
What if that evidence is classified? Not to mention, that question is irrelevant. The Constitution doesn't say the President has to have evidence, only that he deem it a threat.
The President has broad sweeping powers to protect the country as he should but they are not limitless nor is the cloak of secrecy by declaring something "classified" a catch-all to get away with anything you want to.

"Co-equal" means something. The genius of our system are the checks and balances each of the 3 branches has over the other. There are no avenues with which the President can declare himself a supreme ruler over the other two no matter how far he's willing to go in engaging in scare tactics be they real or imagined.
No, you are simply ignorant and have no idea of what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the opinions stated in this thread are just brimming with stupidity, intolerance, thinly disguised racism, and ignorant stereotypes. All of you, collectively, are the very worst of what this country has to offer and your standard bearer, Donald Trump, is a perfect reflection of your fat, stupid, lazy, spoiled asses.
You should know, you are the king of BS. You seem very tolerant with your personal attacks, we know your kind. Thanks for showing your hand though.
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The President has broad sweeping powers to protect the country as he should but they are not limitless nor is the cloak of secrecy by declaring something "classified" a catch-all to get away with anything you want to.

"Co-equal" means something. The genius of our system are the checks and balances each of the 3 branches has over the other. There are no avenues with which the President can declare himself a supreme ruler over the other two no matter how far he's willing to go in engaging in scare tactics be they real or imagined.

I read that Z. Reminded me of Obama's presidency
The President has broad sweeping powers to protect the country as he should but they are not limitless nor is the cloak of secrecy by declaring something "classified" a catch-all to get away with anything you want to.

"Co-equal" means something. The genius of our system are the checks and balances each of the 3 branches has over the other. There are no avenues with which the President can declare himself a supreme ruler over the other two no matter how far he's willing to go in engaging in scare tactics be they real or imagined.

Still, under the statute that gives the President this power, it specifically says any class of immigrants the President deems a threat. He doesn't have to provide evidence to some judge. The judge has one job, and that's not to ask for evidence. It's simple - does the President have constitutional power to implement such a ban? That's it.

Besides, the evidence has already been provided and debated in 2015 when Congress passed this bill and enacted into law. If said evidence was good for Congress, Democrats and Republicans, in 2015, then it must be good enough for the judge as well. The judge's job in this case isn't to argue the evidence and merits of a two year old law passed by Congress, only enforce it.
Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

"That undocumented immigrants with no criminal records were arrested and could potentially be deported sent a shock through immigrant communities nationwide amid concerns that the U.S. government could start going after law-abiding people."

It is criminal to enter this country illegally just like it is to enter my house without my permission. No illegal invader is law abiding. I hope these raids ramp up from here because this was a drop in the bucket.
[laughing] Law abiding[laughing]. If they are illegal, how are they law abiding.
Judges don't make arguments. That's for the lawyers. If a judge asks a lawyer for evidence of terrorists coming from the 7 countries listed and the lawyer does not enter into evidence terrorists coming from the 7 countries then as far as the court is concerned it never happened.
Well then the judge was wrong because he did say that no one coming from those countries committed acts of terrorism in this country. Pick and choose your talking points to fit your narrative all you want, it still comes out wrong.
Judges don't make arguments. That's for the lawyers. If a judge asks a lawyer for evidence of terrorists coming from the 7 countries listed and the lawyer does not enter into evidence terrorists coming from the 7 countries then as far as the court is concerned it never happened.

Red herring. Should've never been part of the analysis. It's a total non sequitur argument and embarrassing for a federal judge, let alone multiple federal judges
The President has broad sweeping powers to protect the country as he should....There are no avenues with which the President can declare himself a supreme ruler over the other two no matter how far he's willing to go in engaging in scare tactics be they real or imagined.

That last bit isn't entirely true

The Military Commissions Act (Bush Jr Admin / 2006 I believe) allows the executive branch to label anyone (citizen/non) an "enemy combatant" and immediately deny all due process - they can also then be tried before a military tribal without recourse

As I recall (and it's been a while since I looked into this one) - they can also perform "rendering" activities and send you to a cooperative nation where the rules on torture are less specific than ours.

This is one of the Bush era instruments that I'd like to see this admin overturn

I need to do a little more fact checking to see what the latest status is with the Act itself - I'm assuming it's still in effect etc (surely would have heard of its demise....)
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Well then the judge was wrong because he did say that no one coming from those countries committed acts of terrorism in this country. Pick and choose your talking points to fit your narrative all you want, it still comes out wrong.
Z is just being an idiot per usual.
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No, you are simply ignorant and have no idea of what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the opinions stated in this thread are just brimming with stupidity, intolerance, thinly disguised racism, and ignorant stereotypes. All of you, collectively, are the very worst of what this country has to offer and your standard bearer, Donald Trump, is a perfect reflection of your fat, stupid, lazy, spoiled asses.

Tolerance...Oops this guy's not on your "team", so it doesn't count
Fourth Muslim group rejects federal grant to fight extremism
BY TAMI ABDOLLAHAssociated Press

A California Islamic school wanted to keep an open mind before Donald Trump took office. But less than a month into Trump's presidency, the school rejected $800,000 in federal funds aimed at combatting violent extremism.

The decision made late Friday night by the Bayan Claremont graduate school's board to turn down the money — an amount that would cover more than half its yearly budget — capped weeks of sleepless nights and debate. Many there felt Trump's rhetoric singling out Islamic extremism and his travel ban affecting predominantly Muslim countries had gone too far.

Read more here:
No, you are simply ignorant and have no idea of what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the opinions stated in this thread are just brimming with stupidity, intolerance, thinly disguised racism, and ignorant stereotypes. All of you, collectively, are the very worst of what this country has to offer and your standard bearer, Donald Trump, is a perfect reflection of your fat, stupid, lazy, spoiled asses.

You mad bro?
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The President has broad sweeping powers to protect the country as he should but they are not limitless nor is the cloak of secrecy by declaring something "classified" a catch-all to get away with anything you want to.

"Co-equal" means something. The genius of our system are the checks and balances each of the 3 branches has over the other. There are no avenues with which the President can declare himself a supreme ruler over the other two no matter how far he's willing to go in engaging in scare tactics be they real or imagined.
Here is the justification for the travel ban. He doesn't require the permission of the judicial branch. They are tasked with determining the constitutionality of Trumps EO, not deciding if they agree with it on moral or political grounds.

f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

Read all about it right here
Willy I bet we could make some extra cash selling knockoff designer burkas. Oooo Cheryl have you seen the Louis Vitton spring burkas???? I'm not even muslim, but as you know I support all walks of life, and I just absolutely must have one in every color to help so spread awareness and also hide my ugly hair!!!!! LOL GURLLLLL
Been thinking. Since Europe is basically bent over to islam. I won't be surprised to see US and Russia with an all out war with Eurostan within 50 years.

Islam was never gonna win within a 3rd world hellhole. But get access to first world resources and they will have a better chance. Which is exactly what this mass migration is about