How will they rule ??!

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Someday you may realize how ignorant you are...or perhaps you will die ignorant.

Yeah, all the immigrant groups came here and immediately assimilated. That is why we don't have Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Havana and dozens more ethnic neighborhoods not just in NYC but in about every major city. Oh wait a minute...we do.
Birds of a feather flock together as they say. .

Good point but did we go get them and bring them here? Or did they come to become American?

And how many of those people came from countries shouting "death to America "?
Mike pence "far right"

Is that what we're calling common sense now? Far right?

The guy doesn't want near fully developed babies murdered by doctors. He wants legal immigration that benifits Americans by being selective. He wants small government that protects and stays out of your life. Oh man he believes marriage should be defined as man and woman.

OMG totally radical right wing alt conservative KKK nazi holy shit someone save us!!!!!

Someone get both Clintons, obama, and the 2001 democrats on line 1!!!!! They don't realize half of their positions are ALR RIGHT PROPOGANDA!!!

Not sure why you took that as an insult. I was just pointing out to our resident piñata that getting Trump impeached wouldn't make his leftist life any better.
Trump is killing it right now and if you only watched leftist networks, you'd have no idea.

The left are basically that bitch from high school that is as childish as possible. They will mock you misspeaking, mock your appearance, try to tell others not to like you, threaten you and do the most childish garbage like block you from entering from somewhere. Think about that.

I just watched some leftist talking head mock Trump's hands in a discussion about him going after gangs and crime, which is something Obama sure never attempted to fix.
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Not sure why you took that as an insult. I was just pointing out to our resident piñata that getting Trump impeached wouldn't make his leftist life any better.

That's what amazes me. Trump hasn't been against gay marriage or anything. Pence has. Pence is a Christian, which the left hates.
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The left are basically that bitch from high school that is as childish as possible. They will mock you misspeaking, mock your appearance, try to tell others not to like you, threaten you and do the most childish garbage like block you from enterting from somewhere. Think about that.

Very accurate.
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I am for physically removing them if they impede your progress. Peaceful demonstrations OK, but, when you infringe on the rights of other Americans then, you should lose your right to protest and be removed.

They shouldn't be removed. But they definitely should've been moved to allow her entry. No 1st amendment violation in that.

I've always been major fan of The Rock and I was glad he was one of the few celebs to not run his mouth with leftist BS. But like most, he became a total pussy and bowed down to the leftist mob regarding Under Armor's CEO praising Trump for being pro business.

The Rock said he disagreed with the CEO's statements and beliefs and thought it was "divisive." WTF?

It's divisive to be pro jobs and businesses?

Yep he should've just stayed silent.

Funny thing about celebs and companies caving to people - they're getting distorted info.

On the surface it SEEMS like a vast majority of consumers are anti trump, so celebs do this thinking it's a good business decision. But the noise is amplified by phony accounts and those pushing this agenda typically don't even make purchases. So they're appeasing fake profiles and people with no money.

Remember when libs thought they'd just shut down chick fila? That shows how distorted their influence really is. You can't even go in Chick-fil-A unless there's a line out the door.

Ya, libs really killed em huh
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Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

"That undocumented immigrants with no criminal records were arrested and could potentially be deported sent a shock through immigrant communities nationwide amid concerns that the U.S. government could start going after law-abiding people."

It is criminal to enter this country illegally just like it is to enter my house without my permission. No illegal invader is law abiding. I hope these raids ramp up from here because this was a drop in the bucket.

It is long past time to be in the regular habit of disallowing the use of the word "immigrant" during conditions of "undocumented" and/or "illegal", as with such an immigrant NO CAN BE. An immigrant IS legal. An immigrant IS documented. there is NO SUCH THING . . . undocumented immigrant. there is NO SUCH THING . . . illegal immigrant. Know it . . . Live it . . . kiss my white azz.
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but Bannon, Flynn, and Giuliani are pure poison and are all frankly, bad for the country.

Agree about Giuliani. Not a fan. He definitely had some episode that changed him. He's like a deranged lunatic.

Not sure about Flynn. Undecided about Bannon, but I definitely don't think he's the devil like the msm would have us believe.
And one more thing, at what point did the left become so crazy? Were they just empowered under Obama and came out or is the indoctrination so much more prevelant now with media/universities?

When soros started seeing his death imminent, and saw his lifetime goal of destroying America in real jeopardy

Great vid. Also the guy said the locals would snatch him up and kill him. I'd hate to be one of the crew trying to snatch that guy up. He looks like he'd take down about 10 before he went down.

My guess. Lohan is broke. Flat broke. Needed to whore herself out for money. Now on the Soros payroll.

Yep. Easy to get pub if you're a lib.
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^ Kasich looking to make another cash grab and get in for '20.....not sure if he'd even carry OH this time around. Oh and I'm sure his upcoming book may crack 1000 copies sold to non family members. What a loser.

Man is the worst. Hope he never gets another vote. What a weasel.


Clinton may be one of the people least surprised she lost, says top strategist

"Contrary to this view that she had held onto this dream of being the first woman president, I think she came close to not running,”

“She went in with a lot of reluctance because she knew what would happen with the press coverage of her,”

No way. Not buying it. Her running and having a fixed election was the deal way back to get her to withdraw and not damage Obama more than she had.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

"That undocumented immigrants with no criminal records were arrested and could potentially be deported sent a shock through immigrant communities nationwide amid concerns that the U.S. government could start going after law-abiding people."

It is criminal to enter this country illegally just like it is to enter my house without my permission. No illegal invader is law abiding. I hope these raids ramp up from here because this was a drop in the bucket.

A shock. That's how far we've fallen in 8 years. That it's a shock that we may actually deport illegals. THE HORROR

Mixed feelings. Funny to a point. But illustrative of my biggest frustration with many illegals. Many come here willing to work hard and make their way. Why not just do it legally? Come here legally, work hard, be productive, and 99% of Americans would welcome them with open arms.
Mixed feelings. Funny to a point. But illustrative of my biggest frustration with many illegals. Many come here willing to work hard and make their way. Why not just do it legally? Come here legally, work hard, be productive, and 99% of Americans would welcome them with open arms.

Same, but I have zero idea how our immigration process works.i just assume like everything else the govt does, the process is BS, full of red tape/confusion, and nobody really knows what's up.

Why/how would you live here for 20+ years and not be a citizen? People that pay fn taxes, that work hard. Why/how are they illegal? What incentives do they have to not be legal?

And those people have to feel weird. They're like permanent visitors/outsiders. Why? One thibg we've seen this election is the left can play the OMG THE RIGHT GONNA ROUND YOU UP AND SEND YOU HOME!!! VOTE HILLARY YOU ILLEGAL MFERS!!!! Now that's demoralizing. You left mf'ers didn't make these people legal. You didn't firm up our immigration process. You didn't do jack shit. Why? You basically said, hey illegal mf'ers, come and live here BUT WATCH OUT DA BOOGEYMAN GONNA SEND YOU BACK. Look, here's some assistance money, BUT WATCH YOUR BACK YOU ILLEGAL MFERS!!!!
Same, but I have zero idea how our immigration process works.i just assume like everything else the govt does, the process is BS, full of red tape/confusion, and nobody really knows what's up.

Why/how would you live here for 20+ years and not be a citizen? People that pay fn taxes, that work hard. Why/how are they illegal? What incentives do they have to not be legal?

And those people have to feel weird. They're like permanent visitors/outsiders. Why? One thibg we've seen this election is the left can play the OMG THE RIGHT GONNA ROUND YOU UP AND SEND YOU HOME!!! VOTE HILLARY YOU ILLEGAL MFERS!!!! Now that's demoralizing. You left mf'ers didn't make these people legal. You didn't firm up our immigration process. You didn't do jack shit. Why? You basically said, hey illegal mf'ers, come and live here BUT WATCH OUT DA BOOGEYMAN GONNA SEND YOU BACK. Look, here's some assistance money, BUT WATCH YOUR BACK YOU ILLEGAL MFERS!!!!

I don't know either. I think it's fairly simple to request coming here. But very difficult to actually become a citizen.

If you're a law abiding productive person, I see no reason why they shouldn't be here. Hell I'd trade them for lazy Americans.

But we absolutely must know who is here, have all information necessary to decide if they're safe, and know there whereabouts in case they need removed.
I've got to see firsthand what being around illegals is like and what they do to their neighborhoods. Graffiti is constant, they use the outside as their giant trash can, they have no decency or civility. They will blast mariachi music at all hours. And the amount of them who can't speak English is staggering. That should be an automatic deportation.

There was a nearby taco truck around the block and we had to build a fence just to get them to stop sitting in my yard and by my door. Thank God I moved away.

One of the biggest myths about illegals is that they're hard workers. That's such a BS myth. Yes, SOME Mexicans work hard but a lot of them are lazy as hell, drink like crazy, scam the government.

They simply get this reputation as hard workers because they do shit jobs and you know why they do shit jobs? Because they're uneducated and have no other skills. It would be like our wefare queens and fast food workers being sent over to Mexico.
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The guy ymmot posted a video of rounding up Mexicans has made a ton of KKK "joke" videos where he wears the white hooded outfit in black neighborhoods.
I've got to see firsthand what being around illegals is like and what they do to their neighborhoods. Graffiti is constant, they use the outside as their giant trash can, they have no decency or civility. They will blast mariachi music at all hours. And the amount of them who can't speak English is staggering. That should be an automatic deportation.

There was a nearby taco truck around the block and we had to build a fence just to get them to stop sitting in my yard and by my door. Thank God I moved away.

One of the biggest myths about illegals is that they're hard workers. That's such a BS myth. Yes, SOME Mexicans work hard but a lot of them are lazy as hell, drink like crazy, scam the government.

They simply get this reputation as hard workers because they do shit jobs and you know why they do shit jobs? Because they're uneducated and have no other skills. It would be like our wefare queens and fast food workers being sent over to Mexico.
You really are a stone cold racist. I mean a real one. You seriously are disturbed.
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One of the biggest myths about illegals is that they're hard workers. That's such a BS myth. Yes, SOME Mexicans work hard but a lot of them are lazy as hell, drink like crazy, scam the government.

Anyone who thinks the behaviors of a few equate to an entire group is wrong. That's why I made sure to point out my post described many. Not all.

Are there drunk lazy illegals? Yep. Drunk lazy Americans too, both black and white.

The issue is hard working productive people not taking the steps required to come here legally. Very frustrating
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Not sure why you took that as an insult. I was just pointing out to our resident piñata that getting Trump impeached wouldn't make his leftist life any better.

Naw man you're good. I had seen some call him "far right" a few times, I know what you meant. Just thought I'd be a smart ass about it.
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Anyone who thinks the behaviors of a few equate to an entire group is wrong. That's why I made sure to point out my post described many. Not all.

Are there drunk lazy illegals? Yep. Drunk lazy Americans too, both black and white.

The issue is hard working productive people not taking the steps required to come here legally. Very frustrating

Dealing with Drunk Americans is one thing. Dealing with drunk illegals is another. One we must deal with, one we don't.
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Lazy drunks are infuriating period. No matter the race/immigration status

Well race certainly doesn't matter. Got nothing to do with it. We have no choice but to deal with drunk Americans. Illegal immigrants have no right to be here in the first place, and thus it's something we shouldn't tolerate period.

But drunks in the road scare me since I've had kids more than any time in my life. Won't even let them in cars on weekends. Terrifies me.
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Wasn't judge Robarts main argument that no terrorists have came from the 7 countries that were part of Trumps travel ban? Well, apparently the facts disagree with Robart.

Irrelevant. Was a red herring the entire time. It's within the presidents authority. The constitution doesn't apply to those who were never granted travel status. For those that had, they are entitled to due process.

That's the proper analysis. The NY court got it right.
Why/how would you live here for 20+ years and not be a citizen? People that pay fn taxes, that work hard. Why/how are they illegal? What incentives do they have to not be legal?
Because of inconvenience, time and money. Say they came here illegaly, got a job, worked hard, made a living, next thing they know they've been here a decade, and decide they want to be a legal citizen.

The only way to become legal, since they came illegaly in the first place, is to give up their entire life, turn themselves in and get deported; or give up their entire life, leave America and return home on their own. Then once in their own country they can start the path to legal citizenship; applying, identification, background check, paperwork, etc...

Trump had a decent idea for illegals here who are hard working, don't live off the government and have been here more than five years without committing a crime like those you mentioned. Not sure if he still plans to do it because he said it would be after the criminals are deported and the wall is built, but he talked about setting up registration centers as part of his immigration reform.

That way instead of them having to go through the hassle explained above, they could report to one of these centers, let themselves be known, get documented and be monitored while staying right here in the country, living their everyday life and going through the legalization process.
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Wasn't judge Robarts main argument that no terrorists have came from the 7 countries that were part of Trumps travel ban? Well, apparently the facts disagree with Robart.
Judges don't make arguments. That's for the lawyers. If a judge asks a lawyer for evidence of terrorists coming from the 7 countries listed and the lawyer does not enter into evidence terrorists coming from the 7 countries then as far as the court is concerned it never happened.
I love reading these stories about ICE raids. I know ICE claims it has nothing technically to do with Trump, but they are finally being allowed to do their jobs. These people gotta go.

And of course, as always, liberals have to lie, make up fake news and play the victim.

Immigration arrests heighten fears in Southern California as hoaxes, false rumors swirl

After initially declining to release details, ICE officials on Friday announced that the agency had, in fact, concluded a weeklong operation throughout Southern California that resulted in the arrest of more than 150 people. The agency insisted, however, that the sweep targeted people with criminal records and was no different in size or scope from operations carried out in years past under previous administrations.

Meanwhile, local law enforcement scrambled to tamp down the hysteria, with some blaming the immigration rights advocates for crying wolf and heightening fears.

“Stop scaring my community,” said Santa Paula Police Chief Steven McLean, who described activist claims of a raid in his city as false. “Now I’ve got to go ahead and calm people’s fears.”

Fake news: Social media reports of deportation checkpoints false, designed to cause panic, authorities say
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As we know, facts are conveniently optional for Liberals.
No, you are simply ignorant and have no idea of what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the opinions stated in this thread are just brimming with stupidity, intolerance, thinly disguised racism, and ignorant stereotypes. All of you, collectively, are the very worst of what this country has to offer and your standard bearer, Donald Trump, is a perfect reflection of your fat, stupid, lazy, spoiled asses.
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