How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Been thinking. Since Europe is basically bent over to islam. I won't be surprised to see US and Russia with an all out war with Eurostan within 50 years.

Islam was never gonna win within a 3rd world hellhole. But get access to first world resources and they will have a better chance. Which is exactly what this mass migration is about
Spot on. They sure af don't mind playing the long game either. Boiling the frog in the water slowly. That would never happen here because redneck but not for the lack of trying on Obama's part.

I agree that there are much better odds of the US and our Russian overlords pairing together vs Islam than fighting each other in fiction of the Left's Cold War wet dream.

Tangent.....Same deal with CHJINA.....odds are infinitely higher they help us knock NK off then ever going to war with each other, way too intertwined economically.
Ready for some Sunday morning news.

Podesta email from Wikileaks mentioning Japanese Island. (An island puported to be a part of the Clinton Foundation human trafficking chain)


Welp. They just saved 168 kids from human trafficking on that same Japanese Island. Trying to get the twitter on it.

Hillary and her goons rape kids
Didn't Obama say that it was seal team 6 on the news?

Not sure but there were several reports about the mission being compromised by leaks from Obama administration hold overs. Michael Savage said as much the day after on his radio show.

Then you have this opinion piece from Paul Sperry.

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
"In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda."
Yes, and it is Republicans who are enforcing the laws, sentencing her to eight years in prison, and then deporting her ass.

Democrats, on the other, encourage illegals to vote and even go out of their way to make it easier for them. So what's your point?

This is just another example of why we need stricter voting laws that Democrats fight so hard against. So don't come here complaining about people who voted illegally to the people who would love nothing more than to have very strict voting laws.
Pretty crazy to think about but if Hillary won, we might seriously have went to war with Russia by now. Know those troops Obama put in Poland? Hillarys psycho ass probably would've sent them right into Russia. What a nightmare that would have been.
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Not sure but there were several reports about the mission being compromised by leaks from Obama administration hold overs. Michael Savage said as much the day after on his radio show.

Then you have this opinion piece from Paul Sperry.

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
"In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda."
Obamas going to do what he does best, try to cause riots every time he speaks out.
Really interesting survey regarding views on Muslim immigration in Europe. I've always felt that they were about 10 years ahead of the US with regards to the impact of Muslim immigration and we are now seeing the results.
"Overall, across all 10 of the European countries an average of 55% agreed that all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped, 25% neither agreed nor disagreed and 20% disagreed."

How many of that 20% are Muslims who are already there?
Matter of fact, take your anger and use it as an opportunity to do something constructive and make a difference.

Start a petition, organize marches and protests, write to your Democrat Senators, demand they stop fighting the Republicans on stricter voting laws.
Pelosi: Flynn should be suspended

"The President and his National Security Advisor have given the Russians the impression that whatever they do, they are not to worry, because the Trump White House will not stand against their aggression," Pelosi said in a statement on Saturday.

But Nancy, what impression have YOU given the radical Islamists?

"General Flynn should be suspended and have his intelligence clearance revoked until the facts are known about his secret contacts with the Russians," she said.

But Nancy, what about the district court judges who have usurped the President's legal authority regarding the admission of aliens into this country?

"President Trump's kowtowing to Vladimir Putin is endangering our national security and emboldening a dangerous tyrant," Pelosi said.

But Nancy, ad infinitum...
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"Islam does need reform. This is critical to our national security for two reasons that bear directly on the question of which aliens should, and which should not, be allowed into our country. First, reform is essential because the broader Islamic religion includes a significant subset of Muslims who adhere to an anti-American totalitarian political ideology that demands implementation of sharia — Islamic law. This ideology and the repressive legal code on which it rests are not religion. We are not talking about the undeniably theological tenets of Islam (e.g., the oneness of Allah, the acceptance of Mohammed as the final prophet, and the Koran as Allah’s revelation). We are talking about a framework for the political organization of the state, and about the implementation of a legal corpus that is blatantly discriminatory, hostile to liberty, and — in its prescriptions of crime and punishment — cruel."

True but highly unlikely given the power sharia justifies & instills. And it's why anyone who sinks to calling Islam a religion is just fooling themselves.
hey dumbass you & your dumbass side say vote fraud never ever ever happens so should never be discussed much less investigated

now you are a believer? Welcome to the party, pal.